Since the original thread explaining the exploit (Get the rare quality from UNID'd item before ID'd) is very crowded, I decided to open a new one for my small tool "D3UnidPredict".
The program processes an exploited unid input string and resolves the affix codes using this neat list. It then requests the specific items stats belonging to the affixes from Diablo 3 Lexicon - Items, Classes, Skills, Quests, and NPCs and displays them in the UI. The whole process also works with identified items for testing purposes.
As of now, you cannot identify the items of another person but only your own ones. You also have to get the exploited input string from the auction house and NOT ingame.
The C# source code is included in the download but since I programmed this in about an hour or so, the code smells. Feel free to modify it!
€: The project has recently been moved to GoogleCode:
Project Site: diablounidpredict @ Google Project Hosting
Download: Latest version from GoogleCode
- v1.5
* executable and source are now combined into one package
patched by Deathsnacks:
** D3UnidPredict now works offline, no longer depending on d3lexicon
** added some input validation
- v1.4
* implemented UnidHurl => IdHurl conversion found by Kagaamine
* updated in-app instructions since a shipload of people seem to fail hard using this (they might just be unable to read though)
* small refactorings
- v1.3
* Added version number to program title
* If the program can't receive answer from d3lexicon (firewall, broken internet connection, server unavailable...) or just can't process it, it now tells you in an error message
- 07/16.2
* Legendaries can now be identified (experimental) and no longer crash the program
* The UI now shows a warning if you pasted a link taken ingame instead of the AH
- 07/16.1
* Using a new CodeToAffix list for improved identification. Thank you, Wewel & Nestario!