AHK script for the ZK exploit (runs in background on VM's!) menu

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  1. #1
    seafunk's Avatar Knight
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    AHK script for the ZK exploit (runs in background on VM's!)

    Ok guys, I'm doing this on 2 separate VM's, so I can still use my pc while the scripts are running. It currently only does 10 cycles per 4 minutes (exactly!). You can tweak all the delays and easily get it below 10seconds (with or without the HS on your high level toon, see main thread about that), BUT below 10 cycles per 4min the process got unstable for me and resulted in frequent disconnects. This script on the other hand can run 24/7, only experienced glitches like twice with it.


    -Create a VM, (I'm using VMWare Workstation on Win7x64 to emulate a Win7x64 machine)
    -Install Diablo on the VM
    -Install AutoHotkey on the VM
    -Set the screen resolution of the VM to 1280x720
    -Create a link to Diablo on the desktop of the VM
    -Set Diablo to "Windowed Fullscreen" in the internal D3 settings on the VM
    -Create a file ending on *.ahk on the VM Desktop next to the D3 shortcut
    -Shutdown the VM (just like you'd shut down a real box)
    -Clone the VM (just right click the tab name and then Manage-->Clone...-->Full Clone)

    Now there are 2 scripts attached. One of them is for the high level toon who first does the quest (Boss.txt), the other one is for all the twinks you are boosting to 60 with it (Twink.txt).
    Copy the contents of the respective script into the AHK - files on the desktops of the two virtual machines. Which machine is your twinks and which is the other does not matter. Just make sure either one of the two scripts is on both machines' desktops.

    Now to get started with the levelling:
    -Start up your main account (with "Boss.txt"'s content in the desktop ahk file)
    -Change Quest to ACT II 8. Soulstone Chamber
    -Teleport to the last waypoint
    -Run down the hallway, teleport into the soulstone chamber, defeat ZK
    -Collect the Soulstone and run back out of the chamber through the teleporter
    -Switch to the Desktop on that VM with Alt+Tab
    -Over to VM2 (with "Twink.txt"'s content in the desktop ahk file)
    -Start up that client as well and login
    -Just remain in the main menu
    -Switch to the Desktop on that VM with Alt+Tab

    Now since these two scripts need to be synched and are located on separate machines, you've got 30 seconds (starting at each full and half minute) to start both scripts and switch over to the respective D3 account. After that the script will try to synch the two processes every 10 runs which works perfectly fine. e.g.:
    -Wait till the second hand on your computer clock shows 0 or 30 and after that you have 30 seconds to:
    -VM1: launch script, alt+tab to D3
    -VM2: launch script, alt+tab to D3

    30 seconds is plenty if you know what to do. If you should take longer than 30 seconds, you should abort the script execution and re-do these last steps.

    For boosting more than 1 account at a time, you just create however many clones of the Twink VM you need and run the very same procedure on each one within 30secs total.

    Hope I was precise and coherent with my explanations, people say I have a tendency to become an incoherent scatterbrain when I'm explaining stuff. The 30 seconds deal is pretty lame, but it
    A runs smoothly and
    B is free,
    so I don't wanna hear no bitching!



    AHK script for the ZK exploit (runs in background on VM's!)
  2. #2
    08449's Avatar Contributor

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    Didn't you post this yesterday already?
    Edit: NVM, was in a different section, my bad!

    I red your post complaining that you didn't get any rep on the other thread you made about this, but the cold truth is: DeadlyDragon put out a script, exactly like this, which is at laest 10 seconds faster then yours. It uses pixel/imagesearch (Don't remember which of the 2) to determine what state the bot is in and takes action accordingly. It really is more effective then your way of scripting (Hard timers).

    Also, if you are going to run in 2 VM's (Which is more memory consuming than 2 clients in 1 VM) it would be better to do this on 800x600 since you want to dedicate as little power/memory to this as possible.

    tl;dnr: you are late to the party!
    Last edited by 08449; 06-25-2012 at 07:51 AM.

  3. #3
    DivineWizard's Avatar Active Member
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    I like his way of doing this, because you can still use your desktop.

    I don't like that I don't have enough space on my SSD to do this. :P

  4. #4
    seafunk's Avatar Knight
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    Originally Posted by 08449 View Post
    Didn't you post this yesterday already?
    Edit: NVM, was in a different section, my bad!

    I read your post complaining that you didn't get any rep on the other thread you made about this, but the cold truth is: DeadlyDragon put out a script, exactly like this, which is at laest 10 seconds faster then yours. It uses pixel/imagesearch (Don't remember which of the 2) to determine what state the bot is in and takes action accordingly. It really is more effective then your way of scripting (Hard timers).

    Also, if you are going to run in 2 VM's (Which is more memory consuming than 2 clients in 1 VM) it would be better to do this on 800x600 since you want to dedicate as little power/memory to this as possible.

    tl;dnr: you are late to the party!
    I wasn't demanding rep. Not my style and I wasn't meaning to sound as if I was. Don't write anything like "give me some rep if you like this" either. I might've put it the wrong way though since I was kinda disappointed seeing there are no replies at all... Some appreciation is very welcome and the sole reason why I post things here at all. But I don't want some relatively meaningless virtual currency lol.
    I hadn't browsed the regular exploit section for a day or two and wasn't aware of the superior script out there. In fact, I will try that one out myself.
    So if there is one that works in the background (my W7x64 VM's cannot run multiple D3 sessions for whatever reason, the 2nd process just closes down without warning), that surely is far superior. I wasn't supplying the ultimate solution, but a very sloppy one instead and I'm well aware of that.

    You can get it down to like 8 seconds (even without GetPixelColor) but the connection becomes unstable. Server just dc's me. Not sure if the other scripts out there run stably for hours on end, but this one does in case anyone is having the same issues that I had (VM fails to launch 2 Diablo sessions, even with the -launch trick and separate directories; Connection becomes unstable on fast reconnects). I actually started to slowly increase the delays until I found it to run stable at a time of 25secs or so.

    Plus, it's extremely fast even at 25 and I was slightly afraid that higher relog frequencies --> higher risk to get banned. I'll totally forget about this once I'm done leveling my ten toons.
    I understand where you're coming from with the 800x600 thing, but first I'm not sure if it is the optimal (re)solution for every user for reasons I will name and second I made this for personal use and uploaded it spontaneously with no changes whatsoever. My res is very high and since I like to peek in every now and then without making my eyes bleed I only went down to 1280, which is already a major reduction in res for me. You can minimize wow windows until you can barely see them, but I doubt many people run their bots like that. In the end, processing power kept me from running more than 12 bots simultaneously after I had upgraded my RAM to 12GB. The graphics card was never challenged to display those sessions ( was running them at 960 if I remember correctly) and workload for the processor didn't really change that much when I lowered the res. I tried doing it for a while with a proper relogger written in c# (which I only learned through wow ), but the windows took a plit second to resize and I was just having a harder time to keep track while the cpu was still exhausted.
    I actually thought about explaining how to change the res for a splitsecond, but decided I could still do that if anyone asks for it. I was considering increasing the res a bit for my own use today, since I'm occasionally logging into the AH from the same session (in vm after stopping the scripts) when I'm home. Browsing through the other thread I also (just now) noticed one person asked how to change the res to 1280. See how your criticism applies to your personal needs, but assumes that everyone has those same preferences? 2 different scripts (mine indeed being lamer) should satisfy a larger number of users, not be cause for complaint or mockery.

    Btw the other version you mentioned does it in 16 seconds. Should probably try to stay objective when comparing different approaches... Whichever way you turn it, it sounds to me as if you are attacking me. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but comments like yours are probably another reason why people aren't very motivated to share their stuff. I stopped posting my addons, profiles and standalone apps in thebuddyforum for that very reason. Then again, my programming just sucks ass. I am after all a physician, not a programmer lol (well 2 yrs to go).
    It's just very demoralizing. The 10th double post of a barely useful exploit can be annoying, but I was really just trying to contribute a little something that helped at least one user. Unlike many I do not believe that e.g. every user here should know which tools to use to figure out pixel coordinates and modify scripts in languages they don't understand.
    No offense but, if you can't figure out how to get X,Y coordinates on your screen .. should you really be trying to exploit?
    Seems like you should tackle a few computing basics first.
    I created a very easy-to-follow guide along with the unmodified script for those folks who are just lacking some experience or who learn a bit slower or who just don't care about the internal workings of computers without even checking out other versions (I figured they're out there and saw one mentioned in the exploit thread).
    Last edited by seafunk; 06-25-2012 at 02:20 PM.

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