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  1. #76
    bastiflew's Avatar Active Member
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    hi raler,

    IsVisible = field & 4 == 4;

    hi enigma,

    I was looking for your enum MonsterState, but it seems not related to anything.
    Do you know where I can find this enum ? Actor or ACD ?


    [C#] Enigma.D3
  2. #77
    enigma32's Avatar Legendary
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    Originally Posted by bastiflew View Post
    I was looking for your enum MonsterState, but it seems not related to anything.
    Do you know where I can find this enum ? Actor or ACD ?
    No idea, could not find it in Actor nor ACD where I expected it to be. I only added it because I thought it was in one or both or those.

    public enum x01809408{
        "" = -1,
        "Door" = 0,
        "Breakable Door" = 56,
        "Chest" = 1,
        "Sign" = 8,
        "Portal" = 2,
        "Portal Destination" = 20,
        "Waypoint" = 4,
        "HealingWell" = 9,
        "PowerUp" = 10,
        "TownPortal" = 11,
        "HearthPortal" = 12,
        "Headstone" = 18,
        "Breakable Chest" = 23,
        "Shared Stash" = 25,
        "Spawner" = 28,
        "Trigger" = 44,
        "Secret Portal" = 47,
        "Destroyable Object" = 48,
        "Checkpoint" = 7,
        "Switch" = 57,
        "LootRun Switch" = 78,
        "Pressure Plate" = 58,
        "Gate" = 59,
        "Destroy Self When Near" = 60,
        "Act Transition Object" = 62,
        "Reforming Destroyable Object" = 63,
        "Banner" = 64,
        "Lore Chest" = 65,
        "Boss Portal" = 66,
        "Placed Loot" = 67,
        "Save Point" = 68,
        "Return Point Portal" = 69,
        "Dungeon Portal" = 70,
        "Return Portal" = 75,
        "Page Of Fate Portal" = 33,
        "Identify All" = 71,
        "Recreate Game With Party" = 76,
        "Mailbox" = 77,
        "PoolOfReflection" = 79
    public enum x01809550
        "32 bit (ARGB)" = 0,
        "16 bit (ARGB)" = 3,
        "16 bit (1 bit alpha)" = 4,
        "16 bit (RGB)" = 6,
        "15 bit (RGB)" = 5,
        "8 bit alpha" = 23,
        "8 bit grayscale" = 7,
        "Compressed (no alpha)" = 9,
        "Compressed (1 bit alpha)" = 10,
        "Compressed (4 bit alpha)" = 11,
        "Compressed (8 bit interp. alpha)" = 12,
        "Compressed Normal Map" = 43
    public enum x018095B8
        "32 bit (ARGB)" = 0,
        "32 bit (RGBA)" = 1,
        "32 bit (RGB)" = 2,
        "16 bit (ARGB)" = 3,
        "16 bit (1 bit alpha)" = 4,
        "16 bit (RGB)" = 6,
        "15 bit (RGB)" = 5,
        "8 bit alpha" = 23,
        "8 bit grayscale" = 7,
        "Compressed (no alpha)" = 9,
        "Compressed (1 bit alpha)" = 10,
        "Compressed (4 bit alpha)" = 11,
        "Compressed (8 bit interp. alpha)" = 12,
        "Compressed Normal Map" = 43,
        "32 bit linear (ARGB)" = 13,
        "32 bit linear (RGBA)" = 14,
        "32 bit linear (RGB)" = 15,
        "16 bit linear (ARGB)" = 16,
        "16 bit linear (1 bit alpha)" = 17,
        "15 bit linear (RGB)" = 18,
        "16 bit linear (RGB)" = 19,
        "8 bit linear grayscale" = 20,
        "32 bit (ABGR)" = 21,
        "24 bit (RGB)" = 22,
        "32 bit floating point (R32F)" = 24,
        "16 bit floating point" = 25,
        "32 bit floating point" = 26,
        "16 bit grayscale" = 27,
        "R16G16B16" = 28,
        "A16R16G16B16" = 29,
        "24 bit depth buffer" = 30,
        "16 bit depth buffer" = 31,
        "24 bit integer depth (ATI only)" = 32,
        "16 bit integer depth (ATI only)" = 33,
        "24 bit depth buffer" = 34,
        "Raw Z" = 35,
        "Int Z" = 36,
        "Depth Opaque" = 37,
        "16 bit floating point (R16F)" = 38,
        "G32FR32F" = 39,
        "G16FR16F" = 40,
        "A16B16G16R16" = 41
    public enum x01809710
        "Projected ShadowMap" = 9,
        "Floors" = 12,
        "Opaque" = 5,
        "Sky" = 0,
        "Transparent Ground" = 2,
        "Ground FX" = 14,
        "Auras" = 13,
        "Projected Additive" = 15,
        "Reflection" = 11,
        "Transparent" = 6,
        "Bloom" = 7,
        "Motion Blur" = 26,
        "PostFX Distortion" = 3,
        "Water Simulation" = 4,
        "Interactive Fog" = 16,
        "Highlights" = 17,
        "PostFX" = 8,
        "Domino Debug" = 20,
        "UI" = 10,
        "UI Overlay" = 19,
        "BattleNet UI" = 18,
        "Depth Prepass" = 21,
        "Occlusion Query" = 22,
        "Transparent Masked" = 23,
        "ShadowMap Stencil Bounds" = 24,
        "Highlight Stencil Bounds" = 25
    public enum x018097E8
        "Directional" = 0,
        "Point" = 1,
        "Point (linear falloff)" = 4,
        "Spotlight" = 2,
        "Cylindrical" = 3
    public enum x01809818
        "- None -" = 0,
        "Light A" = 1,
        "Light B" = 2,
        "Light C" = 7,
        "Medium A" = 3,
        "Medium B" = 4,
        "Medium C" = 8,
        "Heavy A" = 5,
        "Heavy B" = 6,
        "Heavy C" = 9,
        "Class Light A" = 10,
        "Class Light B" = 11,
        "Class Light C" = 12,
        "Class Medium A" = 13,
        "Class Medium B" = 14,
        "Class Medium C" = 15,
        "Class Heavy A" = 16,
        "Class Heavy B" = 17,
        "Class Heavy C" = 18
    public enum x018098B8
        "None" = 0,
        "Dye_01" = 1,
        "Dye_02" = 2,
        "Dye_03" = 3,
        "Dye_04" = 4,
        "Dye_05" = 5,
        "Dye_06" = 6,
        "Dye_07" = 7,
        "Dye_08" = 8,
        "Dye_09" = 9,
        "Dye_10" = 10,
        "Dye_11" = 11,
        "Dye_12" = 12,
        "Dye_13" = 13,
        "Dye_14" = 14,
        "Dye_15" = 15,
        "Dye_16" = 16,
        "Dye_17" = 17,
        "Dye_18" = 18,
        "Dye_19" = 19,
        "Dye_20" = 20,
        "Dye_Vanishing" = 21
    public enum x01809970
        "None" = 0,
        "Dye_20" = 1,
        "Dye_18" = 2,
        "Dye_19" = 3,
        "Dye_10" = 4,
        "Dye_17" = 5,
        "Dye_13" = 6,
        "Dye_11" = 7,
        "Dye_16" = 8,
        "Dye_09" = 9,
        "Dye_15" = 10,
        "Dye_04" = 11,
        "Dye_03" = 12,
        "Dye_CE_02" = 13,
        "Dye_14" = 14,
        "Dye_05" = 15,
        "Dye_12" = 16,
        "Dye_06" = 17,
        "Dye_01" = 18,
        "Dye_08" = 19,
        "Dye_CE_01" = 20,
        "Dye_Vanishing" = 21
    public enum x01809A28
        "- None -" = 0,
        "Lightning" = 1,
        "Cold" = 2,
        "Fire" = 3,
        "Poison" = 4,
        "Arcane" = 5,
        "WitchdoctorDamage" = 6,
        "LifeSteal" = 7,
        "ManaSteal" = 8,
        "MagicFind" = 9,
        "GoldFind" = 10,
        "AttackSpeedBonus" = 11,
        "CastSpeedBonus" = 12,
        "Holy" = 13,
        "WizardDamage" = 14
    public enum x01809AA8
        "" = -1,
        "ESCAPE" = 0,
        "1" = 1,
        "2" = 2,
        "3" = 3,
        "4" = 4,
        "5" = 5,
        "6" = 6,
        "7" = 7,
        "8" = 8,
        "9" = 9,
        "0" = 10,
        "MINUS" = 11,
        "EQUALS" = 12,
        "BACK" = 13,
        "TAB" = 14,
        "Q" = 15,
        "W" = 16,
        "E" = 17,
        "R" = 18,
        "T" = 19,
        "Y" = 20,
        "U" = 21,
        "I" = 22,
        "O" = 23,
        "P" = 24,
        "LBRACKET" = 25,
        "RBRACKET" = 26,
        "RETURN" = 27,
        "LCONTROL" = 28,
        "A" = 29,
        "S" = 30,
        "D" = 31,
        "F" = 32,
        "G" = 33,
        "H" = 34,
        "J" = 35,
        "K" = 36,
        "L" = 37,
        "SEMICOLON" = 38,
        "APOSTROPHE" = 39,
        "GRAVE" = 40,
        "LSHIFT" = 41,
        "BACKSLASH" = 42,
        "Z" = 43,
        "X" = 44,
        "C" = 45,
        "V" = 46,
        "B" = 47,
        "N" = 48,
        "M" = 49,
        "COMMA" = 50,
        "PERIOD" = 51,
        "SLASH" = 52,
        "RSHIFT" = 53,
        "MULTIPLY" = 54,
        "LMENU" = 55,
        "SPACE" = 56,
        "CAPITAL" = 57,
        "F1" = 58,
        "F2" = 59,
        "F3" = 60,
        "F4" = 61,
        "F5" = 62,
        "F6" = 63,
        "F7" = 64,
        "F8" = 65,
        "F9" = 66,
        "F10" = 67,
        "NUMLOCK" = 68,
        "SCROLL" = 69,
        "NUMPAD7" = 70,
        "NUMPAD8" = 71,
        "NUMPAD9" = 72,
        "SUBTRACT" = 73,
        "NUMPAD4" = 74,
        "NUMPAD5" = 75,
        "NUMPAD6" = 76,
        "ADD" = 77,
        "NUMPAD1" = 78,
        "NUMPAD2" = 79,
        "NUMPAD3" = 80,
        "NUMPAD0" = 81,
        "DECIMAL" = 82,
        "OEM_102" = 83,
        "F11" = 84,
        "F12" = 85,
        "F13" = 86,
        "F14" = 87,
        "F15" = 88,
        "KANA" = 89,
        "ABNT_C1" = 90,
        "CONVERT" = 91,
        "NOCONVERT" = 92,
        "YEN" = 93,
        "ABNT_C2" = 94,
        "NUMPADEQUALS" = 95,
        "PREVTRACK" = 96,
        "AT" = 97,
        "COLON" = 98,
        "UNDERLINE" = 99,
        "KANJI" = 100,
        "STOP" = 101,
        "AX" = 102,
        "UNLABELED" = 103,
        "NEXTTRACK" = 104,
        "NUMPADENTER" = 105,
        "RCONTROL" = 106,
        "MUTE" = 107,
        "CALCULATOR" = 108,
        "PLAYPAUSE" = 109,
        "MEDIASTOP" = 110,
        "VOLUMEDOWN" = 111,
        "VOLUMEUP" = 112,
        "WEBHOME" = 113,
        "NUMPADCOMMA" = 114,
        "DIVIDE" = 115,
        "SYSRQ" = 116,
        "RMENU" = 117,
        "PAUSE" = 118,
        "HOME" = 119,
        "UP" = 120,
        "PRIOR" = 121,
        "LEFT" = 122,
        "RIGHT" = 123,
        "END" = 124,
        "DOWN" = 125,
        "NEXT" = 126,
        "INSERT" = 127,
        "DELETE" = 128,
        "LWIN" = 129,
        "RWIN" = 130,
        "APPS" = 131,
        "Power" = 132,
        "SLEEP" = 133,
        "WAKE" = 134,
        "WEBSEARCH" = 135,
        "WEBFAVORITES" = 136,
        "WEBREFRESH" = 137,
        "WEBSTOP" = 138,
        "WEBFORWARD" = 139,
        "WEBBACK" = 140,
        "MYCOMPUTER" = 141,
        "MAIL" = 142,
        "MEDIASELECT" = 143,
        "Mouse1" = 144,
        "Mouse2" = 145,
        "Mouse3" = 146,
        "Mouse4" = 147,
        "Mouse5" = 148,
        "MWheelUp" = 149,
        "MWheelDown" = 150,
        "OEM_8" = 155
    public enum x01809F78
        "" = 0,
        "Champion" = 1,
        "Rare" = 2,
        "Minion" = 3,
        "Unique" = 4,
        "Hireling" = 5,
        "Boss" = 7
    public enum x01809FB8
        "Normal" = 0,
        "Champion" = 1,
        "Rare" = 2,
        "Minion" = 3,
        "Unique" = 4,
        "Hireling" = 5,
        "Boss" = 7
    public enum x01809FF8
        "None" = -1,
        "Hand-to-hand" = 0,
        "1H Swing" = 1,
        "1H Thrust" = 2,
        "1H Fist" = 15,
        "2H Swing" = 3,
        "2H Axe/Mace" = 16,
        "2H Flail" = 25,
        "2H Thrust" = 4,
        "Staff" = 5,
        "Bow" = 6,
        "Crossbow" = 7,
        "Wand" = 8,
        "Dual Wield" = 9,
        "Dual Wield SF" = 13,
        "Dual Wield FF" = 14,
        "HtH w/ Orb" = 10,
        "1HS w/ Orb" = 11,
        "1HT w/ Orb" = 12,
        "Wand w/ Orb" = 18,
        "HandXBow" = 17,
        "1H Swing w/ Shield" = 19,
        "1H Thrust w/ Shield" = 20,
        "Hth w/ Shield" = 21,
        "2H Swing w/ Shield" = 22,
        "2H Thrust w/ Shield" = 23,
        "2H Flail w/ Shield" = 26,
        "Staff w/ Shield" = 24,
        "On Horse" = 27
    public enum x0180A0E8
        "Item Types" = 1,
        "Items" = 2,
        "Experience Table" = 3,
        "Help Codes" = 24,
        "Monster Levels" = 5,
        "Heros" = 7,
        "Affix List" = 8,
        "Movement Styles" = 10,
        "Labels" = 11,
        "Loot Distribution" = 12,
        "Rare Item Names" = 16,
        "Monster Affixes" = 18,
        "Monster Names" = 19,
        "Socketed Effects" = 21,
        "Item Enchantments" = 23,
        "Item Drop Table" = 25,
        "Item Level Modifiers" = 26,
        "Quality Classes" = 27,
        "Handicaps" = 28,
        "Item Salvage Levels" = 29,
        "Scenery" = 17,
        "Hirelings" = 4,
        "Set Item Bonuses" = 33,
        "Elite Modifiers" = 34,
        "Item Tiers" = 35,
        "Power Formula Tables" = 36,
        "Recipes" = 32,
        "Scripted Achievement Events" = 37,
        "Item Durability Cost Scalars" = 38,
        "LootRun Quest Tiers" = 39,
        "Paragon Bonuses" = 40,
        "Made To Order Types" = 42,
        "Made To Order Affix Folders" = 43,
        "Devil's Hand Redeemable Sets" = 44,
        "Legacy Item Conversions" = 45,
        "Enchant Item Affix Use Count Cost Scalars" = 46
    public enum x0180A210
        "None" = -1,
        "Default Actor" = 0,
        "Target Actor" = 1,
        "Game" = 2
    public enum x0180A238
        "None" = -1,
        "Total" = 0,
        "Agg" = 1,
        "Base" = 2
    public enum x0180A260
        "Unknown" = 0,
        "Melee" = 1,
        "Ranged" = 2,
        "Magic" = 3,
        "DOT" = 4,
        "Thorns" = 5
    public enum x0180A298
        "Invalid" = -1,
        "A1" = 0,
        "A2" = 100,
        "A3" = 200,
        "A4" = 300,
        "A5" = 400,
        "OpenWorld" = 3000,
        "Test" = 1000
    public enum x0180A2E0
        "Player:Backpack" = 0,
        "Player:Head" = 1,
        "Player:Torso" = 2,
        "Player:RightHand" = 3,
        "Player:LeftHand" = 4,
        "Player:Hands" = 5,
        "Player:Waist" = 6,
        "Player:Feet" = 7,
        "Player:Shoulders" = 8,
        "Player:Legs" = 9,
        "Player:Bracers" = 10,
        "Player:LeftFinger" = 12,
        "Player:RightFinger" = 11,
        "Player:Neck" = 13,
        "Merchant" = 18,
        "Pet:RightHand" = 21,
        "Pet:LeftHand" = 22,
        "Pet:Special" = 23,
        "Pet:LeftFinger" = 26,
        "Pet:RightFinger" = 25,
        "Pet:Neck" = 24
    public enum x0180A390
        "None" = 0,
        "Health Potion" = 1,
        "Town Portal Stone" = 3,
        "Town Portal Unlock" = 54,
        "Hearth Portal Scroll" = 24,
        "Calldown Grenade" = 6,
        "Page of Fate" = 21,
        "Health Glyph" = 25,
        "Scroll" = 28,
        "Mana Glyph" = 31,
        "Arcane Glyph" = 50,
        "Dye" = 32,
        "Dye (Reusable)" = 57,
        "Learn Enchant" = 38,
        "Learn Recipe" = 39,
        "Summon Monster" = 46,
        "Summon Companion" = 48,
        "Page of Training" = 53,
        "Power Up Glyph" = 55,
        "Collector's Edition Buff" = 56,
        "Portal Scroll" = 19,
        "Power Scroll" = 20,
        "Enchant Scroll" = 58,
        "Shrine Glyph" = 59,
        "Unlock Transmogs" = 60,
        "Treasure Bag" = 61,
        "Player Gift" = 62
    public enum x0180A470
        "Invalid" = -1,
        "Inferior" = 0,
        "Normal" = 1,
        "Superior" = 2,
        "Magic1" = 3,
        "Magic2" = 4,
        "Magic3" = 5,
        "Rare4" = 6,
        "Rare5" = 7,
        "Rare6" = 8,
        "Legendary" = 9,
        "Special" = 10,
        "Set" = 11
    public enum x0180A4E0
        "Amethyst" = 1,
        "Emerald" = 2,
        "Ruby" = 3,
        "Topaz" = 4,
        "Diamond" = 5
    public enum x0180A510
        "A" = 1,
        "B" = 2,
        "C" = 3,
        "D" = 4
    public enum x0180A538
        "Prefix" = 0,
        "Suffix" = 1,
        "Inherent" = 2,
        "Title" = 5,
        "Quality" = 6,
        "Immunity" = 7,
        "Random" = 9,
        "Enchantment" = 10,
        "Socket Enhancement" = 11
    public enum x0180A588
        "Major" = 0,
        "Minor" = 1
    public enum x0180A5A0
        "All" = 0,
        "Rares" = 1,
        "Shooters" = 2,
        "Champions" = 3
    public enum x0180A5C8
        "" = -1,
        "Undead" = 0,
        "Demon" = 1,
        "Beast" = 2,
        "Human" = 3,
        "Breakable" = 4,
        "Scenery" = 5,
        "Ally" = 6,
        "Team" = 7,
        "Helper" = 8,
        "CorruptedAngel" = 9,
        "Pandemonium" = 10,
        "Adria" = 11,
        "Blood Golem" = 12
    public enum x0180A640
        "" = 0,
        "Fallen" = 1,
        "GoatMen" = 2,
        "Rogue" = 3,
        "Skeleton" = 4,
        "Zombie" = 5,
        "Spider" = 6,
        "Triune" = 7,
        "WoodWraith" = 8,
        "Human" = 9,
        "Animal" = 10,
        "TreasureGoblin" = 11,
        "CrazedAngel" = 12
    public enum x0180A6B0
        "" = -1,
        "Big" = 3,
        "Standard" = 4,
        "Ranged" = 5,
        "Swarm" = 6,
        "Boss" = 7
    public enum x0180A6E8
        "None" = -1,
        "Physical" = 0,
        "Fire" = 1,
        "Lightning" = 2,
        "Cold" = 3,
        "Poison" = 4,
        "Arcane" = 5,
        "Holy" = 6
    public enum x0180A730
        "Direct" = 0,
        "Direct Over Time" = 1,
        "Life Steal" = 2,
        "Health Globe" = 3,
        "Potion" = 4,
        "Shrine" = 5,
        "Resurrection" = 6,
        "Absorb" = 7,
        "Regen" = 8,
        "On Kill" = 9,
        "On Hit" = 10
    public enum x0180A790
        "Items" = 0,
        "Minimap" = 1,
        "UI" = 2
    public enum x0180A7B0
        "Other" = 5,
        "Background" = 0,
        "UI" = 1,
        "PostFX" = 2,
        "Actors" = 3,
        "Particles" = 4
    public enum x0180A7E8
        "TwoHanded" = 0,
        "OneHanded" = 1,
        "Wand" = 2,
        "Ranged" = 3,
        "Shield" = 4,
        "Legs" = 6,
        "Wrists" = 7,
        "Gloves" = 8,
        "Boots" = 9,
        "Helm" = 10,
        "Shoulders" = 11,
        "Waist" = 12,
        "Amulet" = 13,
        "Ring" = 14,
        "Quiver" = 15,
        "Orb" = 16
    public enum x0180A870
        "- None -" = -1,
        "Weapon" = 0,
        "Melee" = 1,
        "Swing" = 2,
        "Axe" = 3,
        "Sword" = 4,
        "Mace" = 5,
        "Thrust" = 6,
        "Dagger" = 7,
        "Polearm" = 8,
        "1-hand" = 9,
        "2-hand" = 10,
        "Ranged" = 11,
        "BowClass" = 12,
        "Bow" = 13,
        "Crossbow" = 14,
        "Wand" = 16,
        "Staff" = 17,
        "Thrown" = 22,
        "ThrowingAxe" = 23,
        "Spear" = 24,
        "Armor" = 25,
        "Shield" = 26,
        "Helm" = 27,
        "Gloves" = 28,
        "Boots" = 29,
        "ChestArmor" = 30,
        "Belt" = 31,
        "Jewelry" = 32,
        "Ring" = 33,
        "Amulet" = 34,
        "Socketable" = 36,
        "Gem" = 37,
        "Utility" = 38,
        "GeneralUtility" = 39,
        "Potion" = 40,
        "HealthPotion" = 41,
        "Quest" = 44,
        "QuestUsable" = 45,
        "Gold" = 46,
        "Quiver" = 47,
        "Shoulders" = 48,
        "Glyph" = 49,
        "Legs" = 50,
        "Offhand" = 51,
        "Orb" = 52,
        "Scroll" = 53,
        "TownPortalStone" = 54,
        "IdentifyScroll" = 56,
        "Junk" = 58,
        "Book" = 73,
        "Ornament" = 76,
        "FistWeapon" = 77,
        "CombatStaff" = 78,
        "Bracers" = 79,
        "CraftingReagent" = 80,
        "Dye" = 81,
        "Calldown" = 82,
        "HealthGlyph" = 83,
        "ShrineGlyph" = 117,
        "KnowledgeUtility" = 84,
        "HandXbow" = 86,
        "Tome" = 87,
        "FollowerSpecial" = 88,
        "TemplarSpecial" = 89,
        "ScoundrelSpecial" = 90,
        "EnchantressSpecial" = 91,
        "Mojo" = 92,
        "MightyWeapon" = 93,
        "CeremonialDagger" = 94,
        "WizardHat" = 95,
        "VoodooMask" = 96,
        "Cloak" = 97,
        "BarbBelt" = 98,
        "SpiritStone" = 99,
        "GenericSwingWeapon" = 100,
        "GenericThrustWeapon" = 101,
        "GenericBowWeapon" = 102,
        "GenericRangedWeapon" = 103,
        "GenericHelm" = 104,
        "GenericChestArmor" = 105,
        "GenericBelt" = 106,
        "GenericOffHand" = 107,
        "UseOnPickup" = 113,
        "CraftingPlan" = 114,
        "CraftingPlanLegendary" = 115,
        "CraftingPlanGeneric" = 116,
        "Flail" = 118,
        "CrusaderShield" = 119,
        "Jewel" = 120,
        "Collectible" = 121,
        "Collectible_DevilsHand" = 122,
        "Shard" = 123,
        "GreaterShard" = 124
    public enum x0180AB68
        "None" = -1,
        "Strength" = 0,
        "Dexterity" = 1,
        "Intelligence" = 2
    public enum x0180AB90
        "Hireling" = 0,
        "Wizard Mirror Image" = 1,
        "WD Wickerman" = 2,
        "WD Death Totem" = 3,
        "WD Fire Totem" = 4,
        "WD Zombie" = 5,
        "Helper" = 6,
        "Ranger Dustdevil" = 7,
        "Pet 0" = 8,
        "Pet 1" = 9,
        "Pet 2" = 10,
        "Pet 3" = 11,
        "Pet 4" = 12,
        "Pet 5" = 13,
        "Pet 6" = 14,
        "Pet 0 (Static)" = 15,
        "Pet 1 (Static)" = 16,
        "Pet 2 (Static)" = 17,
        "Pet 3 (Static)" = 18,
        "Pet 4 (Static)" = 19,
        "Pet 5 (Static)" = 20,
        "Pet 6 (Static)" = 21,
        "Follower" = 22,
        "Companion" = 23,
        "Hireling (Proxy)" = 24,
        "Follower (Proxy)" = 25,
        "Item Proc Pet 0" = 26,
        "Item Proc Pet 1" = 27,
        "Item Proc Pet Slot Player Head" = 28,
        "Item Proc Pet Slot Player Torso" = 29,
        "Item Proc Pet Slot Player Right Hand" = 30,
        "Item Proc Pet Slot Player Left Hand" = 31,
        "Item Proc Pet Slot Player Hands" = 32,
        "Item Proc Pet Slot Player Waist" = 33,
        "Item Proc Pet Slot Player Feet" = 34,
        "Item Proc Pet Slot Player Shoulders" = 35,
        "Item Proc Pet Slot Player Legs" = 36,
        "Item Proc Pet Slot Player Bracers" = 37,
        "Item Proc Pet Slot Player Right Finger" = 38,
        "Item Proc Pet Slot Player Left Finger" = 39,
        "Item Proc Pet Slot Player Neck" = 40,
        "Item Proc Pet Slot Player Right Hand" = 41,
        "Item Proc Pet Slot Player Left Hand" = 42,
        "Item Proc Pet Slot Player Special" = 43,
        "Item Proc Pet Slot Player Neck" = 44,
        "Item Proc Pet Slot Player Right Finger" = 45,
        "Item Proc Pet Slot Player Left Finger" = 46,
        "Item Proc Pet Set 00" = 47,
        "Item Proc Pet Set 01" = 48,
        "Item Proc Pet Set 02" = 49,
        "Item Proc Pet Set 03" = 50,
        "Item Proc Pet Set 04" = 51,
        "Item Proc Pet Set 05" = 52,
        "Item Proc Pet Set 06" = 53,
        "Item Proc Pet Set 07" = 54,
        "Item Proc Pet Set 08" = 55,
        "Item Proc Pet Set 09" = 56,
        "Item Proc Pet Set 10" = 57,
        "Item Proc Pet Set 11" = 58,
        "Item Proc Pet Set 12" = 59,
        "Item Proc Pet Set 13" = 60,
        "Item Proc Pet Set 14" = 61,
        "Item Proc Pet Set 15" = 62,
        "Item Proc Pet Set 16" = 63,
        "Item Proc Pet Set 17" = 64,
        "Item Proc Pet Set 18" = 65,
        "Item Proc Pet Set 19" = 66
    public enum x0180ADB0
        "Massacre" = 0,
        "Destruction" = 1,
        "Mighty Blow" = 2,
        "Pulverized" = 3,
        "Nephalem Glory" = 4
    public enum x0180ADE0
        "Line" = 0,
        "Cross" = 1,
        "Circle" = 2
    public enum x0180AE00
        "Mana" = 0,
        "Arcanum" = 1,
        "Fury" = 2,
        "Spirit" = 3,
        "Power" = 4,
        "Hatred" = 5,
        "Discipline" = 6,
        "Faith" = 7
    public enum x0180AE48
        "Count per 100 sq ft" = 0,
        "Exactly" = 1
    public enum x0180AE60
        "Chorus" = 0,
        "Compressor" = 1,
        "Distortion" = 2,
        "Echo" = 3,
        "Flange" = 4,
        "High Pass Filter" = 5,
        "Low Pass Filter" = 6,
        "Low Pass Filter (Simple)" = 7,
        "Parametric EQ" = 8,
        "SFX Reverb" = 9
    public enum x0180AEB8
        "Volume" = 0,
        "Pitch" = 1
    public enum x0180AED0
        "Linear" = 0,
        "Logarithmic" = 1,
        "S Curve" = 2
    public enum x0180AEF0
        "Path A" = 0,
        "Path B" = 1,
        "Path C" = 2,
        "Path D" = 3,
        "Path E" = 4,
        "Path F" = 5,
        "Path G" = 6,
        "Path H" = 7,
        "Path I" = 8,
        "Path J" = 9,
        "Path K" = 10,
        "Path L" = 11,
        "Path M" = 12,
        "Path N" = 13,
        "Path O" = 14
    public enum x0180AF70
        "None" = 0,
        "HP_cloth_plane_1" = 1,
        "HP_cloth_plane_2" = 2,
        "HP_cloth_plane_3" = 3,
        "HP_cloth_plane_4" = 4,
        "HP_cloth_plane_5" = 5,
        "HP_cloth_plane_6" = 6,
        "HP_cloth_plane_7" = 7,
        "HP_cloth_plane_8" = 8
    public enum x0180AFC0
        "Normal" = 0,
        "Removed" = 1,
        "Mismatching Protocol Version" = 2,
        "Join Failed" = 3,
        "Assert Mismatch" = 4,
        "Account Create Failed" = 5,
        "Using NDB Storage" = 6,
        "Shutdown Game" = 7,
        "Hardcore Death" = 8,
        "Kicked by Players" = 9,
        "Game Completed" = 10,
        "Not Restricted Content Player Legal" = 11
    public enum x0180B028
        "D3 Collectors Edition" = 169,
        "Webpromo Demon Hunter" = 198,
        "Webpromo Barbarian" = 199,
        "Webpromo Monk" = 200,
        "Webpromo Witch Doctor" = 201,
        "Webpromo Wizard" = 202,
        "D3 Beta Participant" = 227,
        "WOW Mists of Pandaria Collectors Edition" = 229,
        "SC2 Heart of the Swarm Collectors Edition" = 233,
        "D3 X1 Beta" = 262,
        "D3 X1 Lifetime" = 263,
        "D3 X1 Collectors Edition" = 264,
        "Blizzcon 2013" = 277
    public enum x0180B098
        "Not Animating" = 0,
        "Idle" = 1,
        "Walking" = 2,
        "Power" = 3,
        "Spawn" = 4,
        "Gizmo" = 5,
        "Stance" = 6,
        "Interruptable Animation" = 7,
        "Preplay Power" = 8,
        "Cutscene" = 9,
        "Preplay Channeled" = 10,
        "Death" = 11,
        "Float Conversation" = 12,
        "Interruptable Animation No Lookswitch" = 13
    public enum x0180B110
        "Animation" = 0,
        "PiecewiseLinearBlend" = 1,
        "BoneWeightedBlend" = 2,
        "SwitchBlend" = 3,
        "Pose" = 4,
        "AdditiveBlend" = 5,
        "BoneWeightsLinearBlend" = 6,
        "BoneWeightsMultiplyBlend" = 7
    public enum x0180B158
        "ForwardSpeed" = 0,
        "TurnSpeed" = 1,
        "IsIdle" = 2,
        "WeaponClass" = 3,
        "WalkSlowSpeed" = 4,
        "WalkSpeed" = 5,
        "RunSpeed" = 6,
        "SprintSpeed" = 7,
        "InTown" = 8,
        "IsSpecialMove" = 9,
        "AbsTurnSpeed" = 10,
        "AimYaw" = 11,
        "AimBlend" = 12,
        "IsAlive" = 13,
        "IsTurning" = 14,
        "None" = 16
    public enum x0180B1E0
        "Continuous" = 0,
        "InactiveReset" = 1
    public enum x0180B1F8
        "Action" = 0,
        "GetHit" = 1,
        "None" = 16
    public enum x0180B218
        "Int" = 0,
        "Float" = 1,
        "SNO" = 2,
        "GBID" = 3,
        "Formula" = 4,
        "Actor Group" = 5,
        "Actor Attribute" = 6,
        "Start Location Name" = 7
    public enum x0180B260
        "Unknown" = 0,
        "Town Portal" = 1,
        "Waypoint" = 2,
        "Changing Acts" = 3,
        "Hearth Portal" = 4,
        "Checkpoint" = 5,
        "Companion" = 6,
        "Boss Fight" = 7,
        "Elevator" = 8,
        "Portal" = 9,
        "Script" = 10,
        "Headstone" = 11,
        "Console Portal" = 12,
        "Challenge" = 13,
        "Cancelled" = 14,
        "Console PVP SS" = 15
    public enum x0180B2E8
        "PowerUnusableInArea" = 0,
        "ItemNotReady" = 1,
        "PowerInvalidTarget" = 2,
        "PowerNotEnoughHealth" = 3,
        "PowerNotEnoughCharges" = 4,
        "PowerNotEnoughMana" = 5,
        "PowerNotEnoughArcanum" = 6,
        "PowerNotEnoughFury" = 7,
        "PowerNotEnoughSpirit" = 8,
        "PowerNotEnoughHatred" = 9,
        "PowerNotEnoughDiscipline" = 10,
        "PowerNotEnoughFaith" = 11,
        "PowerWrongWeapon" = 12,
        "PowerInTown" = 13,
        "PowerTargetTooFar" = 14,
        "PowerInCooldown" = 15,
        "PowerNeedsLineOfSight" = 16,
        "PowerUnusableInCombat" = 17,
        "PowerUnusableGeneric" = 18,
        "PowerUnusableWhileMoving" = 19,
        "PowerMissingItem" = 20,
        "PowerUnusableDuringBossEncounter" = 21,
        "IAR_NotAllowedHere" = 22,
        "IAR_CantTradeQuestItems" = 23,
        "IAR_CantEquipUnidentifiedItem" = 24,
        "IAR_PlayerDoesntMeetItemRequirements" = 25,
        "IAR_PlayerDoesntMeetItemLevel" = 26,
        "IAR_PlayerIsWrongClassForItem" = 27,
        "IAR_TemplarCannotUseWeapon" = 28,
        "IAR_ScoundrelCannotUseWeapon" = 29,
        "IAR_EnchantressCannotUseWeapon" = 30,
        "IAR_TemplarCannotEquipSpecialItem" = 31,
        "IAR_ScoundrelCannotEquipSpecialItem" = 32,
        "IAR_EnchantressCannotEquipSpecialItem" = 33,
        "IAR_HirelingCantUseItem" = 34,
        "IAR_HirelingDoesntMeetItemLevel" = 35,
        "IAR_ItemTypeDoesntMatchSlot" = 36,
        "IAR_NotEnoughRoom" = 37,
        "IAR_ContainerRemoveOnly" = 38,
        "IAR_NoFreeSockets" = 39,
        "IAR_ItemIsSeasonal" = 40,
        "IAR_ItemIsNonSeasonal" = 41,
        "IAR_ItemRequiresSkill" = 42,
        "ItemCrafting_NoCombineDesign" = 43,
        "ItemCrafting_MissingReagents" = 44,
        "IAR_CannotSalvage" = 45,
        "IAR_CannotSalvageGemmedItems" = 46,
        "IAR_CannotSalvageVendorItems" = 47,
        "Skills_Skillbar_Generic" = 48,
        "Skills_NotAssignableToThatSlot" = 49,
        "Skills_CantChangeWhileInCooldown" = 50,
        "Skills_CantChangeWhileInCombat" = 51,
        "BuffHigherLevelActive" = 52,
        "AlreadyIdentified" = 53,
        "CannotSocket" = 54,
        "AlreadySocketed" = 55,
        "CannotUnSocket" = 56,
        "CannotAcceptTrade" = 57,
        "CannotTrade" = 58,
        "CannotTradeBecauseOfGems" = 59,
        "ItemUse_Unknown" = 60,
        "ItemUse_NotOnUnidentifiedItems" = 61,
        "ItemUse_AlreadyAtMaxHealth" = 62,
        "ItemUse_RecipeAlreadyKnown" = 63,
        "ItemUse_EnchantmentAlreadyKnown" = 64,
        "ItemUse_OnlyAtBlacksmith" = 65,
        "ItemUse_OnlyAtJeweler" = 66,
        "ItemUse_OnlyAtMystic" = 67,
        "ItemUse_DoesntMeetArtisanLevel" = 68,
        "ItemUse_NotEnoughPagesToConvert" = 69,
        "CannotDoWhileDead" = 70,
        "SomeoneDeclined" = 71,
        "Pickup_Failed" = 72,
        "Pickup_NoSuitableSlot" = 73,
        "Pickup_OnlyOneAllowed" = 74,
        "Pickup_BelongsToOther" = 75,
        "InsufficientFunds" = 76,
        "InsufficientFundsSpecialCurrency" = 77,
        "ItemCannotBeRepaired" = 78,
        "ItemCannotBeEnchanted" = 79,
        "ItemCannotBeEnchantedByType" = 80,
        "ItemCannotBeEnchantedBelowItemLevel" = 81,
        "ItemCannotBeEnchantedAboveItemLevel" = 82,
        "ItemCannotBeEnchantedUnidentified" = 83,
        "ItemCannotBeEnchantedSocketable" = 84,
        "ItemCannotBeEnchantedInvalidQuality" = 85,
        "ItemCannotBeEnchantedFilledSockets" = 86,
        "ItemCannotBeEnchantedCrafted" = 87,
        "ItemCannotBeEnchantedNoRandomAffixes" = 88,
        "ItemCannotBeEnchantedLegacy" = 89,
        "ItemCannotBeEnchantedMysticLevelRequired" = 90,
        "ItemCannotBeImproved" = 91,
        "ItemCannotBeDyed" = 92,
        "ItemCannotBeReforged" = 93,
        "ItemCannotBeReforgedUnidentified" = 94,
        "ItemCannotBeReforgedMaxDurability" = 95,
        "ItemCannotBeReforgedHasGems" = 96,
        "ItemCannotBeUsedForTransmog" = 97,
        "ItemCannotBeUsedForTransmogUnidentified" = 98,
        "ItemTransmogAlreadyUnlocked" = 99,
        "TradeOtherBusy" = 100,
        "TradeSplitStacks" = 101,
        "TradeDisabled" = 102,
        "TradeOfGoldDisabled" = 103,
        "NoOtherWaypoints" = 104,
        "Bnet_Party_LeaderCancelLeaveGame" = 105,
        "Bnet_Party_InviteRemoved_LeaveGameCanceled" = 106,
        "Bnet_Multiplayer_GameNotPaused" = 107,
        "CannotDoDuringBossEncounter" = 108,
        "BannerPlayerTooClose" = 109,
        "BannerPlayerIsInBossEncounter" = 110,
        "BannerPlayerIsDead" = 111,
        "PlayerIsDueling" = 112,
        "CannotKickNow" = 113,
        "ItemSoldNonError" = 114,
        "ItemCannotBeSold" = 115,
        "ItemIsUniqueEquipped" = 116,
        "CannotDoThatRightNow" = 117,
        "ItemSocketTypeMismatch" = 118,
        "IdentifyAllNoItems" = 119,
        "ItemCannotBeDropped" = 120,
        "WaypointTooClose" = 121,
        "NephalemRiftWarning_PartyInside" = 122,
        "DifficultyTooLow" = 123
    public enum x0180B6D0
        "- None -" = -1,
        "Player" = 0,
        "Primary NPC" = 1,
        "Alt. NPC 1" = 2,
        "Alt. NPC 2" = 3,
        "Alt. NPC 3" = 4,
        "Alt. NPC 4" = 5,
        "Templar Follower" = 6,
        "Scoundrel Follower" = 7,
        "Enchantress Follower" = 8
    public enum x0180B728
        "- None -" = -1,
        "Equal To" = 0,
        "Less Than" = 1,
        "Greater Than" = 2,
        "Less Than Or Equal To" = 3,
        "Greater Than Or Equal To" = 4,
        "Not Equal To" = 5
    public enum x0180B768
        "- None -" = -1,
        "Incremented By" = 0,
        "Decremented By" = 1,
        "Set To" = 2
    public enum x0180B790
        "- None -" = -1,
        "=" = 0,
        "<" = 1,
        ">" = 2,
        "<=" = 3,
        ">=" = 4,
        "!=" = 5
    public enum x0180B7D0
        "- None -" = -1,
        "+" = 0,
        "-" = 1,
        "=" = 2
    public enum x0180B7F8
        "ALLOW_WALK" = 0,
        "ALLOW_FLIER" = 1,
        "ALLOW_SPIDER" = 2,
        "NO_SPAWN" = 6,
        "ALLOW_PROJECTILE" = 10,
        "ALLOW_GHOST" = 11,
        "LEVELAREA_BIT_0" = 3,
        "LEVELAREA_BIT_1" = 4,
        "SUBSCENE" = 5,
        "SPECIAL_0" = 7,
        "SPECIAL_1" = 8,
        "Rounded Corner 0" = 12,
        "Rounded Corner 1" = 13,
        "Rounded Corner 2" = 14,
        "Rounded Corner 3" = 15
    public enum x0180B878
        "- None -" = -1,
        "DemonHunter" = 0,
        "Barbarian" = 1,
        "Wizard" = 2,
        "Witchdoctor" = 3,
        "Monk" = 4,
        "Crusader" = 5
    public enum x0180B8B8
        "Blacksmith" = 0,
        "Jeweler" = 1,
        "Mystic" = 2,
        "Made To Order" = 3,
        "Devil's Hand" = 4,
        "- None -" = -1
    public enum x0180B8F0
        "Gold" = 0,
        "Special" = 1
    public enum x0180B908
        "Invalid" = -1,
        "X1_Templar" = 0,
        "X1_Scoundrel" = 1,
        "X1_Enchantress" = 2,
        "X1_Dead_King" = 3,
        "X1_Jeweler" = 4,
        "X1_Blacksmith" = 5
    public enum x0180B948
        "Quest Event" = 13,
        "Quest Float" = 12,
        "Quest Standard" = 11,
        "Talk Menu Gossip" = 10,
        "Ambient Gossip" = 9,
        "Lore Book" = 8,
        "Global Float" = 7,
        "Global Chatter" = 6,
        "Player Callout" = 5,
        "Follower Callout" = 4,
        "Follower Banter" = 3,
        "Ambient Float" = 2,
        "Player Emote" = 1,
        "Follower Soundset" = 0
    public enum x0180B9C0
        "Quest Event - Global/Skippable/Dialog" = 13,
        "Quest Float - Global/Skippable" = 12,
        "Quest Standard - Local/Skippable/Dialog" = 11,
        "Talk Menu Gossip - Local/Skippable/Dialog" = 10,
        "Ambient Gossip - Local/Not skippable" = 9,
        "Lore Book" = 8,
        "Global Float - Global/Not skippable" = 7,
        "Global Chatter - Global/Not skippable/Overlaps" = 6,
        "Player Callout - Local/Not skipppable" = 5,
        "Follower Callout - Local/Not skippable" = 4,
        "Follower Banter - Local/Not skippable" = 3,
        "Ambient Float - Local/Not skippable" = 2,
        "Player Emote - Global/Not skippable" = 1,
        "Follower Soundset - Local/Not skippable" = 0
    public enum x0180BA38
        "Backpack Items" = 0,
        "Head" = 1,
        "Torso" = 2,
        "Right Hand" = 3,
        "Left Hand" = 4,
        "Hands" = 5,
        "Waist" = 6,
        "Feet" = 7,
        "Shoulders" = 8,
        "Legs" = 9,
        "Bracers" = 10,
        "Left Finger" = 12,
        "Right Finger" = 11,
        "Neck" = 13,
        "Buyback" = 14,
        "Shared Stash" = 15,
        "Gold" = 16,
        "Hireling Right Hand" = 21,
        "Hireling Left Hand" = 22,
        "Hireling Special" = 23,
        "Hireling Left Finger" = 26,
        "Hireling Right Finger" = 25,
        "Hireling Neck" = 24
    public enum x0180BAF8
        "None" = 0,
        "Walking" = 1,
        "Walking In Place" = 2,
        "Walk Finishing" = 3,
        "Fixed Projectile" = 4,
        "Fixed Projectile Colliding" = 5,
        "Arc" = 6,
        "Client Auth" = 7,
        "Client Auth Facing" = 8,
        "Deterministic Path" = 9,
        "Stopped Projectile" = 10
    public enum x0180BB58
        "Ignore Collision" = 0,
        "No Pathfinding" = 1,
        "No Steering" = 2,
        "Arriving At Destination" = 3,
        "Auto Update Yaw" = 4,
        "Remote Movement" = 5,
        "No Snap To Ground" = 6,
        "Check Vertical" = 7,
        "Snap" = 8,
        "From Power" = 9,
        "Was Stuck" = 10
    public enum x0180BBB8
        "Always" = 0,
        "Label Already Set" = 2,
        "Game Is Open World" = 3
    public enum x0180BBD8
        "Normal" = 0,
        "Nightmare" = 1,
        "Hell" = 2,
        "Inferno" = 3,
        "X1" = 4,
        "Dynamic" = 5
    public enum x0180BC10
        "Difficulty0" = 0,
        "Difficulty1" = 1,
        "Difficulty2" = 2,
        "Difficulty3" = 3,
        "Difficulty4" = 4,
        "Difficulty5" = 5,
        "Difficulty6" = 6,
        "Difficulty7" = 7,
        "Difficulty8" = 8,
        "Difficulty9" = 9
    public enum x0180BC68
        "Had Conversation" = 0,
        "Possess Item" = 1,
        "Kill Monster" = 2,
        "Interact With Actor" = 3,
        "Enter Level Area" = 4,
        "Enter Scene" = 5,
        "Enter World" = 6,
        "Enter Trigger" = 7,
        "Complete Quest" = 8,
        "Player Flag Set" = 9,
        "Timed Event Expired" = 10,
        "Kill Group" = 11,
        "Game Flag Set" = 12,
        "Event Received" = 13,
        "Kill Monster From Group" = 14,
        "Kill Monster From Family" = 15,
        "Kill Elite Pack In Level Area" = 16,
        "Kill Any Monster In Level Area" = 17,
        "Kill All Monsters In World" = 18
    public enum x0180BD08
        "Monster Died" = 0,
        "Player Died" = 1,
        "Actor Died" = 2,
        "Timed Event Expired" = 3,
        "Item Used" = 4,
        "Game Flag Set" = 5,
        "Player Flag Set" = 6,
        "Event Received" = 7
    public enum x0180BD50
        "Main Quest" = 0,
        "Event" = 2,
        "Challenge" = 4,
        "Bounty" = 5
    public enum x0180BD78
        "- None -" = -1,
        "Kill Unique" = 0,
        "Kill Boss" = 1,
        "Complete Event" = 2,
        "Clear Dungeon" = 3
    public enum x0180BDA8
        "- None -" = -1,
        "Timed Dungeon" = 0,
        "Wave Fight" = 1,
        "Horde" = 2,
        "Zapper" = 3,
        "Goblin Hunt" = 4
    public enum x0180BDE0
        "Invalid" = -1,
        "Idle" = 0,
        "Bounty" = 1,
        "DungeonFinder" = 2,
        "DevilsHand" = 3,
        "ResetPending" = 4
    public enum x0180BE18
        "- No Item -" = 0,
        "Shared Recipe" = 1,
        "Class Recipe" = 2,
        "Treasure Class" = 3
    public enum x0180BE40
        "Invalid" = 0,
        "Monster" = 1,
        "Gizmo" = 2,
        "Client Effect" = 3,
        "Server Prop" = 4,
        "Environment" = 5,
        "Critter" = 6,
        "Player" = 7,
        "Item" = 8,
        "Axe Symbol" = 9,
        "Projectile" = 10,
        "Custom Brain" = 11
    public enum x0180BEA8
        "- None -" = 0,
        "Templar" = 1,
        "Scoundrel" = 2,
        "Enchantress" = 3
    public enum x0180BED0
        "Disabled" = 1,
        "Native" = 0,
        "Auto" = 2
    public enum x0180BEF0
        "Normal" = 0,
        "Light" = 1,
        "LCD" = 2,
        "LCD Vertical" = 3
    public enum x0180BF18
        "Invalid" = -1,
        "Rune A" = 0,
        "Rune B" = 1,
        "Rune C" = 2,
        "Rune D" = 3,
        "Rune E" = 4
    public enum x0180BF50
        "Primary_Attributes" = 0,
        "Attack" = 1,
        "Defense" = 2,
        "Utility" = 3
    public enum x0180BF78
        "Idle" = 0,
        "Job" = 1,
        "Wandering" = 2,
        "Attacking" = 3,
        "Circling" = 4,
        "Charging" = 5,
        "Fleeing" = 6,
        "Feared" = 7,
        "Dead" = 8,
        "Walking" = 9,
        "Walking (3 State)" = 10,
        "Animating" = 11,
        "Special Power" = 12,
        "Frozen" = 13,
        "Blinded" = 14,
        "Stunned" = 15,
        "Taunted" = 16
    public enum x0180C008

  3. #78
    bastiflew's Avatar Active Member
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    Damn, I'm looking to check if a monster died, or is diying (to break the run if key warden is dead for example.)


  4. #79
    enigma32's Avatar Legendary
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    Well, if you're looking for dead then 0 HP will probably be a good hint :P

  5. #80
    bastiflew's Avatar Active Member
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    yes you're right
    I filter to hp > 1 for monster, but i was thinking that the actor disappear after he died... I gonna check that.

  6. #81
    enigma32's Avatar Legendary
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    Static addresses in Engine updated for Let me know if something broke, thanks!

  7. #82
    john.stalcup's Avatar Member
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    I think this has been broken for a while (at least a week) but ActorHelper.GetLocalActor() only works if you're the first player in the game, because localData.x34_LocalPlayerDataIndex is always 1.

    I'd worked around it by finding the actor whose X and Y coordinates matched localData.x24_WorldPosX, localData.x28_WorldPosY but with this patch that is now broken as well. Oddly, localData.x24_WorldPosX and localData.x28_WorldPosY are only accurate for the game creator. Subsequent players to join the game see wrong but almost correct values.

  8. #83
    axlrose's Avatar Member
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    I have removed this post
    Last edited by axlrose; 06-02-2014 at 10:16 AM.

  9. #84
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    I have removed this post
    Last edited by axlrose; 06-02-2014 at 10:16 AM.

  10. #85
    enigma32's Avatar Legendary
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    Originally Posted by john.stalcup View Post
    I think this has been broken for a while (at least a week) but ActorHelper.GetLocalActor() only works if you're the first player in the game, because localData.x34_LocalPlayerDataIndex is always 1.

    I'd worked around it by finding the actor whose X and Y coordinates matched localData.x24_WorldPosX, localData.x28_WorldPosY but with this patch that is now broken as well. Oddly, localData.x24_WorldPosX and localData.x28_WorldPosY are only accurate for the game creator. Subsequent players to join the game see wrong but almost correct values.
    Thank you! I suspected LocalPlayerDataIndex wasn't quite accurate, but never bothered validating it. After some thought I now suspect it's just an indicator that says if the local PlayerData is created or not.

    LocalData is updated on every "Do" in the main application loop, after processing the message queue, so it shouldn't contain old data. During update, the complete structure is cleared with '-' (0xCD) first, something I'm not taking into consideration in my methods at all. The size of PlayerData grew by 0x10 bytes (I haven't changed yet) which may cause a few problems.

  11. #86
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    Has anybody found any evidence of the camera field-of-view angles or the "zoomed-in-mode" toggle? I would be happy to write some functions without the usual fudge-factors that do accurate 3D to 2D projection and vice versa.

  12. #87
    enigma32's Avatar Legendary
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    Originally Posted by axlrose View Post
    Had the same experience. I just offset the x34_LocalPlayerDataIndex index in ActorHelper.cs line 18 with the n'th player I am in the game. So if I'm No. 3 I end up with "x34_LocalPlayerDataIndex - 1 + 2". All works again.

    Thanks Enigma32 for the GREAT effort!
    I've updated the way local PlayerData is retrieved (ActorId, AcdId comes from that) so it should hopefully work now.

    Addresses updated for EU patch,!

  13. #88
    karnkore's Avatar Member
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    Thanks very much for updates enigma, btw do you know how to tell if an object has collision data? I can make some kind of blacklist with ActorType/GizmoType but ideally I want a list of everything that is collidable so I can make avoid these things in my pathfinding. Also do you know which field holds the most accurate bounds info?

  14. #89
    enigma32's Avatar Legendary
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    Originally Posted by karnkore View Post
    do you know how to tell if an object has collision data?
    Almost, but not interested in disclosing such information considering how closed source the current botting scene is.

  15. #90
    KillerJohn's Avatar TurboHUD HUDmaster CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by enigma32 View Post
    Almost, but not interested in disclosing such information considering how closed source the current botting scene is.
    "scene" <- I laughed my lung out of my body
    Do not send me private messages unless it is absolutely necessary or the content is sensitive or when I ask you to do that...

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