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  1. #31
    starkos08's Avatar Private
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    5/28/2014 10:10:15 PM Set Quest
    5/28/2014 10:10:18 PM Creating Game
    5/28/2014 10:10:29 PM Check Inventory
    5/28/2014 10:10:33 PM Goto Keep Depths Level 3
    5/28/2014 10:10:36 PM Goto Larder
    5/28/2014 10:10:38 PM Larder Corridor
    5/28/2014 10:10:49 PM Move To Position
    5/28/2014 10:10:50 PM Fight
    5/28/2014 10:10:59 PM Where is Ghom?
    5/28/2014 10:11:01 PM Where is Ghom?
    5/28/2014 10:11:02 PM Where is Ghom?
    5/28/2014 10:11:02 PM Where is Ghom?
    5/28/2014 10:11:02 PM Where is Ghom?
    5/28/2014 10:11:02 PM Where is Ghom?
    5/28/2014 10:11:03 PM Ghom #15 is Dead (1479,197)
    5/28/2014 10:11:04 PM Looting
    5/28/2014 10:11:10 PM Leave Game
    5/28/2014 10:11:12 PM Leaving Game
    5/28/2014 10:11:25 PM Set Quest
    5/28/2014 10:11:28 PM Creating Game
    5/28/2014 10:11:39 PM Check Inventory
    5/28/2014 10:11:42 PM Goto Keep Depths Level 3
    5/28/2014 10:11:52 PM Error: Could not go to Keep Depths Level 3
    5/28/2014 10:11:56 PM Leaving Game
    5/28/2014 10:11:59 PM Set Quest
    5/28/2014 10:12:14 PM Set Quest
    5/28/2014 10:12:27 PM Set Quest
    5/28/2014 10:12:39 PM Set Quest
    5/28/2014 10:12:52 PM Set Quest
    5/28/2014 10:13:04 PM Set Quest
    5/28/2014 10:13:17 PM Set Quest
    5/28/2014 10:13:30 PM Set Quest
    5/28/2014 10:13:42 PM Set Quest
    5/28/2014 10:13:55 PM Set Quest
    5/28/2014 10:14:07 PM Set Quest
    5/28/2014 10:14:20 PM Set Quest
    5/28/2014 10:14:33 PM Set Quest
    5/28/2014 10:14:45 PM Set Quest
    5/28/2014 10:14:58 PM Set Quest
    5/28/2014 10:15:11 PM Set Quest
    5/28/2014 10:15:23 PM Set Quest

    It is stuck on "Tremors in the Stone" and won't select correct quest. And I redid the png files.

    BK Ghom Bot (fully customize-able skills)
  2. #32
    Vasortflam88's Avatar Member
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    Thank you for the explanation I thought that was how it worked I was just unaware of the 30 minute minimum.

    I have it going into "rest" mode now however it isn't closing diablo during this period. I assume it is intended to do so looking at the source. I have tried running it compiled as an admin and still the same result. I am on windows 8 64bit. It has no trouble launching another copy when it exits rest mode.

  3. #33
    burgaud's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by starkos08 View Post
    5/28/2014 10:11:03 PM Ghom #15 is Dead (1479,197)
    5/28/2014 10:11:04 PM Looting
    5/28/2014 10:11:10 PM Leave Game
    5/28/2014 10:11:12 PM Leaving Game
    5/28/2014 10:11:25 PM Set Quest
    5/28/2014 10:11:28 PM Creating Game
    5/28/2014 10:11:39 PM Check Inventory
    5/28/2014 10:11:42 PM Goto Keep Depths Level 3
    5/28/2014 10:11:52 PM Error: Could not go to Keep Depths Level 3
    5/28/2014 10:11:56 PM Leaving Game
    5/28/2014 10:11:59 PM Set Quest
    5/28/2014 10:12:14 PM Set Quest

    It is stuck on "Tremors in the Stone" and won't select correct quest. And I redid the png files.

    Do you have the new BKBOT version?
    therein is a file PNGTest.au3 that will continuously scan the whole screen for matching PNG image stored in the PNG folder for testing purposes.

    Step 1: run that PNGtest.Au3
    Step 2: ALT-TAB to diablo3, and bring out the "Game Setting" screen. PNGTest should identify that image and tells you about it.
    Step 3: Go to the quest selection screen, scroll to and bring The Breached Keep to the center (or almost center),
    Step 3a, Check if it can identify the Dark and Light versions
    if you have both of them up, then it is good, BKBOT should not be getting stuck due to PNG problem.

    Let me know.

    It is stuck on "Tremors in the Stone" and won't select correct quest. And I redid the png files.
    When Tremors in the Stone is highlighted, it implies The Breached Keep is dark/not highlighted.
    Therefore, GhomQuestDark.PNG is the possible problem.
    To verify, use the PNGTest.AU3 to check if it can recognize GhomQuestDark.PNG.
    If you have a working ghomquestdark.png from another bot, you can use that with BKBOT (just rename).
    Last edited by burgaud; 05-28-2014 at 11:44 PM.

  4. #34
    burgaud's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by Vasortflam88 View Post
    Thank you for the explanation I thought that was how it worked I was just unaware of the 30 minute minimum.

    I have it going into "rest" mode now however it isn't closing diablo during this period. I assume it is intended to do so looking at the source. I have tried running it compiled as an admin and still the same result. I am on windows 8 64bit. It has no trouble launching another copy when it exits rest mode.
    Hmmm... I actually havent encountered it during Rest to know if D3 client is closed to be honest. But you can see that the code wants it closed and continuously tries closing it every loop:
    	elseif $STATUS = "Rest" then
    		if ProcessExists("Diablo III.exe")=1 then
    			ProcessClose("Diablo III.exe")
    Perhaps, the code ProcessClose("Diablo III.exe") isnt working or you have a different D3.exe game name?

    However, I do have seen BKBOT closing D3 when it sees the LOGIN screen.
    I am using W8.1 64bit too.
    Last edited by burgaud; 05-28-2014 at 11:29 PM.

  5. #35
    burgaud's Avatar Active Member
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    5/28/2014 10:11:01 PM Where is Ghom?
    5/28/2014 10:11:02 PM Where is Ghom?
    5/28/2014 10:11:02 PM Where is Ghom?
    5/28/2014 10:11:02 PM Where is Ghom?
    You will find this alot in the log.txt file.
    Q: Is this a cause for alarm?
    A: No, unless you died

    However, if you die and you see these before dying:
    5/28/2014 10:11:02 PM Where is Ghom?
    5/28/2014 10:11:02 PM Where is Ghom?
    5/28/2014 10:11:02 PM BOT IS DEAD!

    it means, there is something wrong BOT did not find where GHOM is (offscreen) and therefore, could not attack properly.
    GHOM going offscreen (usually above) WILL occurs to range characters (DH, WD), But if you can kill GHOM within 15~20 seconds (duration of Vengeance or wrathful Gargantuar), then you would not worry much. WHERE IS GHOM will pop up when Ghom is almost dead = ie, no Red bar on his health bar. A single Red Pixel on his Red Bar may be worth 50M of HP and might take 2 seconds more to kill.

    Considering that LMB, once pressed on a target will "auto-target" until released, it is best that you assign a skill that you can spam with LMB. As a matter of fact, it is best to have LMB skill set with Zero Timeout so it will NOT LOOSE target.

    Cases BOT dies:
    case 1: could not find GHOM, attacking at empty space = dead
    case 2: not enough DPS = dead
    I inserted :WHERE IS GHOM for debugging purposes to know HOW Bot died:

    Do understand, AutoIT based Bots are PIXEL based bots. BKBOT scans the displayed screen for those little pixels to check where it is, where is ghom, where is the vendor and so on. We do not access D3 client memory - none whatsoever. D3 client does not know we exists unless it scans the whole PC's memory for any bot-like names (this is against privacy however). Being Pixel based bots, it does not know exactly where GHOM is. It looks for Ghom's health bar (above his toon and not the Boss-health bar) to know his actual location.
    Last edited by burgaud; 05-28-2014 at 11:43 PM.

  6. #36
    reliv's Avatar Member
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    I use these settings for the fight:
    I get in the correct position that I want, and the bot detects Ghom, but the mouse cursor moves to a position below and away from Ghom. This causes my WD to cast Piranhas and Firebats away from Ghom. It used to work perfectly fine, then I'm not sure what happened exactly.

    I tried downloading the new update with similar results. Also, the new update seems to have some run-time error after killing Ghom.

  7. #37
    burgaud's Avatar Active Member
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    I believe this should bring you a somewhere near the lower-left Post with Ghom to the right side.
    If so, good choice of position.

    and the bot detects Ghom, but the mouse cursor moves to a position below and away from Ghom.
    How did you know bot detected Ghom?
    And then bot still manages to move mouse away from Ghom?

    If it detected Ghom, it will not move mouse away from Ghom.
    Unless you used a skill targeted at "SELF" But this will move the mouse to your current position instead of below and away from Ghom

    From what you said, it is either:
    a) did not detect Ghom at all and Ghom moved far and away somewhere else such that his red health bar is off screen
    b) you have something colored RED from where it moved the mouse to and targetted that. I doubt this is possible unless you have an overlayed program.
    c) you used a skill targeted at Self which I doubt too because it will move mouse to center of screen and not below and away from Ghom
    Are you using some sort of Overlay?

    It is of paramount importance that you bring out your pets or follower to damage Ghom as fast as possible, to make the Red Health Bar (not the Boss health bar) appear so BKBOT can know where is GHOM, Can you post your Log.txt file before and after this fight?

    Also, the new update seems to have some run-time error after killing Ghom.
    can you do a screen shot of this error?
    Last edited by burgaud; 05-29-2014 at 12:26 AM.

  8. #38
    reliv's Avatar Member
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    Thanks for the quick reply!

    I realized that I turned off Display Monster Healthbars (V) accidentally at some point. So, that fixed the error.

    elseif $STATUS = "Fight" then
    if Fight($FightMaxDuration) then
    Loot ($LootSet,$LootLeg,$LootGem,$LootRare,$LootBlue)
    $TimeOut = SetTimeOut(-1)
    $STATUS = "Leave Game"
    $TimeOut = SetTimeOut(2500)
    $STATUS = "Error: Could not Kill Ghom"
    I changed a part of your coding to add a TP to home before leaving the game, since the leave game timer adds like 4-5 seconds to each fight. I realized that in the update, you got rid of the function wait(), and I simply modified it to sleep(), which solved the error.

    Thanks for the great update!

    Is it possible to add a pickup for white items? I've been running this bot for a long time and I'm lacking reusable parts more than veld crystals.

  9. #39
    burgaud's Avatar Active Member
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    I got rid of the Wait routine because I realized AutoIt already have a HOTKEY for such a purpose. Much much better too.

    TP to home before leaving the game, since the leave game timer adds like 4-5 seconds to each fight
    Umm it does?
    Did not know it is taking that much longer a time!

    You might want to instead of Sleeping immediately after Teleporting back to Town, add the sleep timer to the SetTimeOut as shown. This way, the whole script will not wait for 4.3 seconds but still continuously loop. This may not be as responsive, but the total delay should not be more than half a second and sometimes, at par with just plain Sleep(4300) on it.
    		if Fight($FightMaxDuration) then
    			$TimeOut = SetTimeOut(4300)
    			$STATUS = ""

    Is it possible to add a pickup for white items? I've been running this bot for a long time and I'm lacking reusable parts more than veld crystals.
    I knew someone will want it.
    I will add it.
    Last edited by burgaud; 05-29-2014 at 04:37 PM.

  10. #40
    burgaud's Avatar Active Member
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    To Loot Whites

    if you can't wait for an update to loot Whites:

    Insert these line somewhere in Line 70~75
    Global $LootWhite,$ColorWhite
    insert these lines somewhere in Line 110~120
    	$LootWhite		= int(IniRead($ConfigFile, "Loot", "White",	0))
    	$ColorWhite		= IniRead($ConfigFile, "LootColor", "White",	0xFFFFF)

    Add the $LootWhite parameter
    	elseif $STATUS = "Fight" then
    		if Fight($FightMaxDuration) then
    			Loot ($LootSet,$LootLeg,$LootGem,$LootRare,$LootBlue,$LootWhite)
    Add the $white parameter and the elseif statement as shown.
    func Loot ($set,$leg,$gem,$rare,$blue,$white)
    	local $loot = 0
    	local $timeout = SetTimeOut($LootTime)
    	while NOT IsTimeOut($timeout)
    		if $set>0  and ScanPick($ColorSet) then
    			$loot += 1
    		elseif $leg>0  and ScanPick($ColorLeg) then
    			$loot += 1
    		elseif $gem>0  and ScanPick($ColorGem) then
    			$loot += 1
    		elseif $rare>0 and ScanPick($ColorRare) then
    			$loot += 1
    		elseif $blue>0 and ScanPick($ColorBlue) then
    			$loot += 1
    		elseif $white>0 and ScanPick($ColorWhite) then
    			$loot += 1
    		Print( StringFormat("Looting #%d [%0.1f]", $loot, GetTimeOut($timeout)/1000) )
    I have not tested this: I am on site job atm with no access to my D3 PC.

    By Default it will pick up anything WHITE (ie colored 0xFFFFFF)
    I do not know if 0xFFFFFF is the color of WHITE items.
    You can check/verify the actual color by doing a screenshot, and examine it with MSPAINT to see the actual color.
    0xFFFFFF is a very common color that might screw the pickup code.
    FYI: my follower's Hollowed Defender's Shield's yellow/gold glow has a $ColorRare color that bot tries to go to that location to pickup. I have since transmog it to dull shield instead. These things can screw bot.

    The loot routine will always try to pick up Highest Priority items to Least Priority items (as shown in the if then else statements).
    Try this:
    Put a lot of Sets, Legs, Yellows, Blue, White on your toon. Run bot, wait till it kills ghom then PAUSE. Drop those Sets, Legs, Yellows, Blue and UNPAUSE.
    Observe which one Bot will pick up first and last. It will always be Sets to Whites

    However, be quick about it as bot might not have enough time to pick up; Make sure you manually PAUSE to pick up any left items.
    Last edited by burgaud; 05-29-2014 at 12:52 AM.

  11. #41
    starkos08's Avatar Private
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    Turns out that ghomquestdark.png might be the problem. Redid it, now the pngtest recognizes it. Will test tonight and see if that fixes the problem. Thanks for the help.

  12. #42
    benschi's Avatar Private
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    sell + salvage is not working for me.

    if inventory is full and he wants to go salvage/sell he clicks on the flag and doesnt do anything anymore.

  13. #43
    eric632's Avatar Private
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    super noob question but is there like a guide on how to setup/use autoit?

  14. #44
    burgaud's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by benschi View Post
    sell + salvage is not working for me.

    if inventory is full and he wants to go salvage/sell he clicks on the flag and doesnt do anything anymore.
    A screen shot and copypaste of log.txt would be appreciated.
    Otherwise, i am staring at a blank.

    Originally Posted by eric632 View Post
    super noob question but is there like a guide on how to setup/use autoit?
    1. Download and Install AutoIt from AutoIT
    2. once AutoIT is installed, right click on BKBOT and choices will appear (to compile is the logical choice)
    3. done
    Last edited by burgaud; 05-29-2014 at 04:33 PM.

  15. #45
    benschi's Avatar Private
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    hey, i wanted to let the bot run endless and without brakes so i made ";" before runtime and resttime. is this correct or do i just have to delete the numbers after the "=" and leave it blank?

    because putting ";" before them didnt work it seems as he stopped and it got this message in log file: 30.05.2014 06:09:27 RunTime Reached. Closing Diablo III

    can you tell me what i have to do to get it running without stopping after a certain time and without doing breaks?


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