

  • Battlefield 4 Beta is coming!

    Battlefield 4 Beta is coming!

    One of the best FPS shooters out there since Battlefield 1942 released in 2002! Battlefield 4 will be the 13th game in the Battlefield series, and from what I have seen, it's going to be the best one as well!

    The beta has officially been announced to be released on the first of October for everyone that pre-ordered the Battlefield 4 Deluxe Edition, to those who were
    Battlefield 3 Premium members and for those who own Medal of Honor Warfighter Limited Edition or Deluxe Version. Those who don't qualify for the closed beta will be able to play on the open beta instead, which is released 3 days later, on the forth of October.

    In the beta, which will be ongoing until the release of the game on the 29th of October, you will be able to play on the new map, Siege of Shanghai!
    There will not only be game mode as in the Battlefield 3 beta but two; Conquest and Domination. No rush this time, sorry boys! But Domination is a fast phased close quarters game mode. So if you don't like Conquest, which is what Battlefield is all about, you can always play Call of Duty, oops, I mean Domination instead!

    Will your machine handle it?

    Dice recently also revealed the system requirements to run the game.

    If we compare this to Battlefield 3 system requirements we can see that the recommended graphics memory has increased from 2GB to 3GB, also it has become more CPU intensive. The graphics haven't changed very much from Battlefield 3, so no, that's not the reason. The main reason that it has higher requirements than Battlefield 3, is because of the brand new Frostbite 4 engine!

    With Frostbite 4 DICE are able to add dynamic weather and their new main feature of the game and "Levolution" which you can learn more about here. For example, you will be able to take down a massive skyscraper in the Siege of Shanghai!

    What do you think of the game? Will you buy it? Do you think the game is rushed? Will you take a day off when the beta launches destroy skyscrapers for 24 sweet hours? Let us know in the comments below!

    100% love goes to maclone
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    This article was originally published in forum thread: Battlefield 4 Beta is coming! started by Dante View original post
    Comments 9 Comments
    1. Wilbo007's Avatar
      Wilbo007 -
      //I'll play the open beta, if I like it then i'll buy it.
    1. k4ligul4's Avatar
      k4ligul4 -
      Right now, BF4 beta is a real cpu/memory hogger, while the gpu barely sweats.

      Just read the official forums: people with high/highest end PCs + sli GPUs complaining about microstutters and low fps.

      Shortly: the beta isn't optimized atm.

      I'm still playing it though...
    1. Dante's Avatar
      Dante -
      Quote Originally Posted by k4ligul4 View Post
      Right now, BF4 beta is a real cpu/memory hogger, while the gpu barely sweats.

      Just read the official forums: people with high/highest end PCs + sli GPUs complaining about microstutters and low fps.

      Shortly: the beta isn't optimized atm.

      I'm still playing it though...
      I hear ya...
      Got a 670 and a I5 3570k 3.4 GHZ and I'm getting huge stuttering issues
    1. tkoreaper's Avatar
      tkoreaper -
      I'll stick to Planetside 2... Battlefield's luster always wears off too fast. I need something more worthwhile and less static.
    1. nazgul111's Avatar
      nazgul111 -
      Same as battlefield 3, bf3 was and is a great game, bf4 is a good game, but i dont think i want more of the same, so yeah if you guys have bf3 dont buy bf4, not really worth it as its EXACTLY the same, a bit more detail here and there but feels and plays just like bf3, its real shame it follows in the steps of call of duty...
    1. tkoreaper's Avatar
      tkoreaper -
      Quote Originally Posted by nazgul111 View Post
      Same as battlefield 3, bf3 was and is a great game, bf4 is a good game, but i dont think i want more of the same, so yeah if you guys have bf3 dont buy bf4, not really worth it as its EXACTLY the same, a bit more detail here and there but feels and plays just like bf3, its real shame it follows in the steps of call of duty...
      That's what I keep hearing too, much like people saying "BF4 is a BF3 map pack". but honestly what do we expect? It's a FPS and nothing more. I mean, what else could they add while staying true to FPS? Planetside 2 is an FPS with a RPG-type twist, but if BF did anything similar then you'd be better off playing Planetside.
    1. MastaRage's Avatar
      MastaRage -
      Out now in North America!
    1. HI5's Avatar
      HI5 -
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