• Dealing With the Loss of a Player (R.I.P Caritrina)

    Tribute song for Caritrina by Aphel

    Have you ever lost another member of your guild or group of gamers to an accident or sudden death IRL? Players on Moon Guard (US) said a bitter goodbye to Caritrina of the <Silvermoon Blood Knight> after she was taken in a car accident.

    As a promise to her friends and family, I feature her in this news story and discussion post, and hopefully this will serve as a reminder to all who read this about how fragile our lives really are. Please, tell your friends, family, and others that you appreciate and love them. Death is such an unpredictable thing, and it leaves wounds behind on the hearts of the involved for many years to come.

    If you've ever lost a friend you met on WoW or knew IRL, post your story below. Let us be reminded how much we truly love those near and dear to us, and let them never be forgotten.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Dealing With the Loss of a Player (R.I.P Caritrina) started by Aphel View original post
    Comments 5 Comments
    1. Synrithh's Avatar
      Synrithh -
      About 5-6 years ago I played in a guild called We ran out of good names (WROOGN) on the EU server Bloodfeather, it was the best guild I have ever been in and the spirit, athmosphere and communication with each other was just absolutly brilliant.

      I was in the guild for about 1 year but I left due to other reasons outside of WoW, but I still remained quite active on the guild's homepage and forum following every progress and step they made in-game and outside aswell.

      With that I saw a post on the forum that really felt like someone sticked a blade in me, one of the best player, a priest named Endings had died, I can't remember exactly from what he died from but I only remember that he had some very serious desease, but that he died long before he should have. He was a great player and he was very helpfull, a person that everyone could releiy on and he was just a one of a kind person like no on else.

      I remember writing on the forum several times and got answer from him with hearty hello's just a month before he passed away, it was truly sad.

      All my thoughts to his family and closest. RIP Endings!

      If anyone of you oldies from WROOGN is reading this, then this is a hello from the rogue called Mezz!

      I'll list the players that I can remember! Mutaro, Endings, Sirhara, Psylor, Zetax, Lomendag, Hujle, Hanslock, Mu, Darkblade, Yakkity, Unty (Untouchable), Edgar, Dreamtheathre, Sucz, Cartman!

      Man, this brings back so much nice memories, this is was makes World of Warcraft still such a fantastic game!

      I also found some old movies, such as some promos and even a storyline made by us! Blade of Immortality - Blade of Immortality Wroogn Guild Promo - Guild Promo Wroogn guild promo 2 - Guild Promo 2 Wroogn vs Titanic - Wroogn vs. Titanic
    1. ev1's Avatar
      ev1 -
      I really envy such passion and relationships within the game. I was in a guild at one point that disband, and that alone took a small toll on me with my enjoyment of the game. I have grown to become a casual player and really have so very few real friends in game any more. I can relate on a different playing field, with the loss of a friend who though I never met held them close in respect and loyalty. Thank you for this post, and thank you Synrithh for your inspiration within your comment. Both are very eye-opening and I truly am sorry for your loss(es).
    1. Jeremiah's Avatar
      Jeremiah -
      Thank you both for your posts.
    1. Nazomi's Avatar
      Nazomi -
      During a raid our guild leader said he had to afk for a phonecall... he never came back. A few days later, his RL friend came online and informed us that he had gone to the top of the building and jumped off, killing himself. He apparently owed a very large sum of money to the mafia. I was only in this guild very briefly, as I had just joined on trial status. I did not know the guild leader personally, but the guild soon disbanded after his death.
    1. Bloomkin's Avatar
      Bloomkin -
      As a player who plays on the Moon Guard server, it is confirmed that Caritrina is alive and well. The death has been faked. There was a topic posted about this a day ago under the Moon Guard forums on blizzards forum and it conforms the player is alive, although the topic about this has been deleted from blizzard. There are cases of where people from Moon Guard server fake their death to get attention so faked deaths are not so uncommon.
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