• OwnedCore explained!

    Ownedcore and what it means for the future of MMOwned

    Over the years we here at MMOwned have had many changes, from adding new sections to upgrading the forums. Together we as the community have endured many changes, involving the WoT scandal and many DDOS attacks, however now it is time for one of MMOwned's and the Owned network's biggest and most ambitious changes ever.

    Introducing Ownedcore

    Imagine a site where you can go, including hacks, bots, guides, and exploits for all your favorite games of any kind. This is what Ownedcore hopes to achieve. No longer will the owned network be divided into mutiple sites like FPSOwned, RTSOwned, and MMOwned, instead we hope to start one universal site which will better allow access to new content and more discussion within one site, instead of having to go to multiple sites for content which will end up being old and outdated due to the lack of user activity.

    So why now?

    Well that is a good question, the main reason is that now is simply one of the best times for the change considering the array of different style games that are pending release. For example with Battlefield 3 coming out along with other games such as Diablo 3, Star Wars the Old Republic, and Guild Wars 2, it simply makes better since to organize all the new content for these games on one site, instead of trying to maintain multiple sites at once when a new influx of content is very much possible. This change will also make it easier for one person to contribute to multiple games, in a shorter time, and allow that person to get more responses in turn.

    So what does this mean for me?

    Your browsing experience will remain much the same at the new ownedcore, and hopefully get better as we continue to try and enhance your experience. You will also have easier access to multiple genres of content in a much more realistic matter, and we encourage you to take a look at them as well! Also this change will most likely help the owned network grow into an even larger community, and as it does it is important to remember to treat the new people with the same respect you treat the veteran members so we can remain a positive place.

    How will I get used to the new name?

    When anything familiar changes you will almost always dislike it to begin with, but give it some time and hopefully it will grow on you. However if it does not please do not whine about it, because that only makes the jobs of the mods and admins harder when they are trying to deal with more pressing matters.

    Final words

    Overall the change from MMOwned and the other Owned sites into a single unified site, Ownedcore, is part of our plan to put all our sites and content under one url, and hopefully you will agree it is for the better.

    This is one of the biggest changes that we have made to the site in it's lifetime, but we hope you will enjoy the change and that it brings you a better experience while browsing the site in the long run. I know there will be many questions, so feel free to post them and one of us will try to answer them the best as we can.

    Hopefully you understand why we made the change and that you are not upset with it, and if you are we hope that you will give it a chance before making your final decision, in the long run we hope to develop Ownedcore into a more mature site that will offer the best of browsing experiences for all, no matter what type of games you enjoy.

    - Thank you to Confucius who wrote this article.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: OwnedCore explained! started by JD View original post
    Comments 2 Comments
    1. Xel's Avatar
      Xel -
      Thanks Confucius! and welcome to OwnedCore!
    1. Freefall552's Avatar
      Freefall552 -
      Looking forward to this! Good job on the article, Confucius. It was a nice read.