• Classic WoW PVP system updated

    Classic Era World of Warcraft's PvP system is seeing a pretty substantial overhaul. The entire post can be seen HERE but the TLDR is this:

    • Honor gained is statis and does not fluctuate based on what other participants on your realm are doing. Meaning no more brackets and the drama that came with breaking them.

    • You no longer decay unless you earn a demotion via Dishonorable Kills. Need to take a break while grinding rank 14? Take a week or two off no sweat off your back.

    • 750k is the most honor per week that matters. For reference this is not no-life level of honor but it would require a good amount of playtime. You just won't have to quit your job.

    • Basically if you want Rank 14 now you can get it without having to politic your way into a bracket and feeling like you can't take breaks or keep your IRL relationships healthy

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Classic WoW PVP system updated started by Kenneth View original post