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    Corosive720's Avatar Member
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    [Guide]Create a Server with Ascent, Latest Rev.

    Hey everyone, i am writing my first guide of Anti-Hamachi Server, all others i posted are Hamachi, on differnt websites.Remember this Guide is Written by me, i dont mind if anyone copy/pastes on other sites, but i do mind when he/she says its his .

    Download all this First:-
    K, these are the Files you need to download first.

    1. A Brain afcourse (sorry i dont have a download link for that, but google is your best friend ) Jk.
    2. The Ac-web repack 7.3 download here
    3. the heidisql Database, download here
    4. Download an Antrix Website, I like this simple one, Download here: Filebeam - Free Fast File Hosting
    5. Download the Wamp server here: Download WampServer 2 - Download PHP, apache, MySQL

    I will recommend you to make a folder and put all 4 things inside, dont put your brain there, or you will never be able to make a server.

    First Step :- (Installing the Server)

    1. Launch the Ac-web repack and Install it in C:/ hard drive.
    2. After that go in your Ac-web folder, which you just installed and Copy the Folder Mapextract EnUs if you live in U.sA, or the EnGb if you live in europe.
    3. Then Go to your Main WOW Folder and Paste it there.
    4. Right Click on it and Click Extract here.
    5. When it has Extracted, from the same WOW folder Run Ad.exe.
    6. This will take around 15-20 Minutes, to finish.
    7. After it is Done, from the same WoW folder Copy the "Maps" folder.
    8. Then go in the Ac-web Folder/Ascent Folder and Paste it there.

    Step 2:- (Creating a Host)

    1. Open DynDNS -- Dynamic DNS, E-Mail Delivery and Other Services
    2. Sign up an Account.
    3. When you signed in, click on "Add Hosts Services".
    4. Put the Host name you want.
    5. Then check "Wildcard".
    6. Service type:- Host with "Ip address".
    7. In Ip address below it click "Auto Detect".
    8. Make Sure Mail Routing is "Uncheked".
    9. Then Click on Create Host.
    10. Then Close that Website.

    STEP 3:-(Updating the Host)

    1. Go in your C:// Hardrive.
    2. Then Open "Windows" Folder
    3. Click on "System 32".
    4. Click on Drivers,
    5. And then Open E.t.c.
    6. Inside you might find 4-5 files.
    7. You have to Open "Hosts" with notepad or wordpad.
    8. Now Minimize it.
    9. Open Start Menu, and Click on "Run"
    10. As you open "Run" type "Cmd"
    11. Now, as the Black Window Appears, type "Ipconfig"
    12. Now scroll Up, and look at your Internel Ip.
    13. It is Usually written after Ipv4 Address-------
    14. Once you get it, Minimize your cmd.
    15. Open your "Hosts" file again.
    16. In the Bottom End it will be written:
    Code: localhost
    17. Now go to Lines Below and Type this:-
    Code: (The Host Name)
          (Put the Internel Ip here which you found from cmd) (The Host Name)
          (Put externel Ip here.) (The Host name)
    18. Now you Might be wondering what externel Ip is.
    19. Well go on and you will get it.
    20. save the Hosts File and Close it.

    STEP 4:-(Releasing the Ports)

    1. Maximize the CMD, which you minimized in Step 4.
    2. Now as i told the Internel Ip, is at top written in front of IPv4 address.
    3. Instead of that, find Default gateway, and copy the address written in front of it.
    4. Open your Browser, and paste it there, example my deafault gateway is, so i will type that in my internet explorer.
    5. Now as the page comes, go in Port Forwarding and forward these ports.

    Tcp ---- UdP

    80 ---- 80

    6. Once you have Done that, close it.
    STEP 5:-(Making your Server, Public)

    1. Close everything, and open the Ac-web Folder in your C" Drive and Open Ascent Folder.
    2. Now you will see realms.conf, you have to open that with Notepad.
    3. Now erase everything inside, and copy paste this thing:- The Things marked in Red is what you have to edit.
          # Ascent Realms Configuration File
          # Last updated at revision 446 by Burlex
           * How to use this config file:                                                 *
           * Config files are in a block->variable->setting format.                       *
           * A < signifies the opening of a block, the block name is expected after that. *
           * After the block name, a space and then the settings sperated by = / ' '.     *
           *                                                                              *
           * e.g.                                                                         *
           * <block setting="0" someval = "1">                                            *
           *                                                                              *
           * Comments can be in C format, e.g. /* some stuff */, with a // at the start   *
           * of the line, or in shell format (#).                                         *
          # LogonServer Section
          #    Address:
          #        The address (no port) of the server.
          #    Port:
          #        The port on which the logon server listens. (*** NOT 3724 ***)
          #    Name:
          #        Not really relavant, but name the logon.
          #    RealmCount:
          #        The number of realms in the next section.
          <LogonServer Address = ""
                       Port = "8093"
                       Name = "logon"
                       RealmCount = "2">
          # Realm Section
          #    Name:
          #        The name of the realm.
          #    Address:
          #        The address (and port) of that realm.
          #    Icon:
          #        The type of realm (PVP, Normal, RPPVP, RP)
          #    Colour:
          #        Realm colour in realm list display.
          #    TimeZone:
          #        Time zone the realm is in.
          #    Population:
          #        (0 = low, 1 = medium, 2 = high)
          <Realm1 Name = "YOUR REALM NAME"
          Address = "YOUR EXTERNAL IP:8129"
          Icon = "PVP"
          Colour = "1"
          Population = "1.0"
          TimeZone = "1">
          <Realm2 Name = "YOUR server name NAME - Local"
          Address = ""
          Icon = "PVP"
          Colour = "1"
          Population = "1.0"
          TimeZone = "1">
    4. Now once again, your Externel ip is what you can find from
    5. Now to Update your Server to the lastest rev and Patch, open logonserver.conf with notepad and erase everything inside, and copy paste the following stuff.
          # Ascent Realms Configuration File
          # Last updated at revision 446 by Burlex
           * How to use this config file:                                                 *
           * Config files are in a block->variable->setting format.                       *
           * A < signifies the opening of a block, the block name is expected after that. *
           * After the block name, a space and then the settings sperated by = / ' '.     *
           *                                                                              *
           * e.g.                                                                         *
           * <block setting="0" someval = "1">                                            *
           *                                                                              *
           * Comments can be in C format, e.g. /* some stuff */, with a // at the start   *
           * of the line, or in shell format (#).                                         *
          # LogonDatabase Section
          #    These directives are the location of the `realms` and `accounts`
          #    tables.
          #    LogonDatabase.Host      - The hostname that the database is located on
          #    LogonDatabase.Username  - The username used for the mysql connection
          #    LogonDatabase.Password  - The password used for the mysql connection
          #    LogonDatabase.Name      - The database name
          #    LogonDatabase.Port      - Port that MySQL listens on. Usually 3306.
          #    LogonDatabase.Type      - Client to use. 1 = MySQL, 2 = PostgreSQL, 3 = Oracle 10g
          <LogonDatabase Hostname = "localhost"
                         Username = "root"
                         Password = "ascent"
                         Name     = "logon"
                         Port     = "3306"
                         Type     = "1">
          # Host Directive
          #    This is the address that the realmlist will listen on.
          #    To listen on all addresses, set it to
          #    Default: (localhost)
          #    Note: ISHost is the interserver communication listener.
          <Listen Host = ""
                  ISHost = ""
                  RealmListPort = "3724"
                  ServerPort = "8093">
          # Server console logging level
          #    This directive controls how much output the server will
          #    display in it's console. Set to 0 for none.
          #    0 = Minimum; 1 = Error; 2 = Detail; 3 = Full/Debug
          #    Default: 3
          <LogLevel Screen = "0"
                    File = "-1">
          # Account Refresh Time
          #    This controls on which time interval accounts gets
          #    refreshed. (In seconds)
          #    Default = 600
          <Rates AccountRefresh = "600">
          # Accepted Build Range Setup
          #    These two directives set up which clients will be
          #    allowed to authenticate with the realm list.
          #    Set these to the same builds that the server was
          #    compiled for.
          #    As of the last update, version 2.3.0 was build 7561.
          <Client MinBuild = "6739"
                  MaxBuild = "7561">
          # WorldServer Setup
          #    This directive controls the password used to authenticate with the worldserver.
          #    It must be the same between the two configs. If it is not, your server will
          #    not register.
          #    Default: "change_me_logon"
          <LogonServer RemotePassword = "ascent">
    6. Now save this and Close it.
    7. Go in your Main WOw Folder, and open your realmlist.
    8. Erase everything inside and instead copy paste the following thing.
         Set realmlist
    STEP 6:- (Installing a Website)

    1. Alright, now you have to Open the "Wamp" Server i told you to Download in the very first Step.
    2. Install it.
    3. Now if it has been Installed you might see it in your bottom right of the Desktop tray, where you can see your msn and all stuff.
    4. Left Click it and click on Online.
    5. Now make sure it is "Yellow" colored.
    6. If it is then right click again and when you move your mouse up, you might see "www directory"
    7. Open it and delete eveything inside.
    8. Now copy that Ascent Website i told you to download and paste it in the "www directory"
    9. Click on Extract here.
    10. Once all the Contents are outside, in the "www directory" folder, open it and edit the red Stuff.
              SPORA for Antrix v1.32
              Simple Page Of Registration of Accounts for Antrix
              It is made in the form of one page with fields of input of the
              information of an account and the list of players being on a server.
              Original Creation by mirage666 for MaNGOS    Categories
              Modified for Antrix by Kandyman            Burning WoW
          ="en";            // Language ("en" - english, "ru" - russian)
          ="";        // HOST for Antrix database
          ="root";            // USER for Antrix database
          ="ascent";        // PASS for Antrix database
          ="ascent";            // NAME of Antrix database
          ="";        // HOST for Login database
          ="root";            // USER for Login database
          ="ascent";        // PASS for Login database
          ="logon";            // NAME of Login database
           = 'CP1251';     // Set encoding
           = "img/";        // Image dir
           = "";        // Antrix Server Address
           = "8129";            // Antrix Server Port
          ="Your Server name";        // Insert the title of your server here
          =0;            // Lock created account to IP address (1 - on, 0 - off)
          =0;            // Registration only one (or more) account from one IP address
                          // 0 - not limit, 1 - one acc,  2 - two acc, etc...
    Save and Close it.

    STEP 7:-(Checking if everything is working)

    1. Now to check if your website is working, in your browser put the host name you created from DynDNS -- Dynamic DNS, E-Mail Delivery and Other Services.
    2. To check if your Server is working for you, go in the Ac-web folder and click on control panel, and then click Launch Server.
    3. Then login with the Username and Password "admin" without "".
    4. To check if your Server is Working Public tell your friends to set their realmlist to your "Externel Ip", and login with the info they used to make an account on your Website.
    Last edited by Corosive720; 12-28-2007 at 04:24 AM.

    Create a Server with Ascent, Latest Rev.
  2. #2
    Creepfold's Avatar Contributor
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    nice guide !
    RickAstley LUA Boss! (Rickroll)

  3. #3
    Synyster's Avatar Member
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    wheres link for site and wamp? lol
    Credit to Phase for Sig xD

  4. #4
    Haaskis's Avatar Member
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    Error: Unable to connect to MySQL server. MySQL reported: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES).

    What to do? I've done all in order, but maybe i missed something? And what to do with HeidiSQL?

    E: Websites seems working correctly now, but when i launch Ascent, it looks like there is something wrong with realms.conf.
    E: Woot, now i can log-in, but no i cant see my server. :S
    Last edited by Haaskis; 12-27-2007 at 01:45 PM.

  5. #5
    devilat's Avatar Member
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    make sure you have disable your firewall

  6. #6
    Kael'Thas's Avatar Banned
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    nice guide, +rep

  7. #7
    Corosive720's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Unstable View Post
    wheres link for site and wamp? lol
    Added the download links sorry internet went off today :S

    Originally Posted by Haaskis View Post
    Error: Unable to connect to MySQL server. MySQL reported: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES).

    What to do? I've done all in order, but maybe i missed something? And what to do with HeidiSQL?

    E: Websites seems working correctly now, but when i launch Ascent, it looks like there is something wrong with realms.conf.
    E: Woot, now i can log-in, but no i cant see my server. :S
    Ok for the unable to connect to mysql thing what i do is
    1.go to the bottom and right click and go to taskmanager then find the task in process that says mysqld-nt right click that and press end process tree. start and find mysql configuration thingy again and reconfigure it with the same password you used before then press execute.
    3.if that doesnt work make sure you didnt have a previous mysql installed on your computer and forgot to delete the folder it left behind. if you did then you might have to use the previous password you had before.

    And then post your Realms and Logonserver confgi files here and ill take a look at them.

  8. #8
    blondinecarsten's Avatar Member
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    Very nice ^^ like this guide

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