[Release] Custom GM/Donor Ranks! (Command_Overrides) menu

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  1. #1
    MisterEMU's Avatar Banned
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    [Release] Custom GM/Donor Ranks! (Command_Overrides)

    This is how ranking works. Each new rank will have all the previous commands of the other ranks. So if donors have .save and .recall then gm1 will have it too and gm2 will have all that donors and gm1 have.

    Download: RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

    Just excecute the SQL and you are done!

    if you want to make a donor account do .account level g
    for GMs it's
    .account level gm
    .account level gm2
    .account level gm3

    Donor Commands:
    recall port
    recall list
    mod displayid
    Game Master Level 1
    The first level will be gm1. This level will be for GM ticketing only; you will be able to have the abilities to debug everyone

    appear: Teleports to x's position.
    summon: Summons x to your position
    worldport: No description entered.
    Commands: Shows Commands
    help: Shows help for command
    announce: Sends Msg To All
    wannounce: Sends Widescreen Msg To All
    gmoff: Sets GM tag off
    gmon: Sets GM tag on
    banchar: Bans character x with or without reason
    kick: Kicks player from server, with or without reason
    addipban: Bans an ip address <address/mask> <duration, 0=perm>
    banaccounts: Bans accounts <name> <duration, 0=perm>
    renamechar: Renames character x to y.
    forcerenamechar: Forces character x to rename his char next login
    getstanding: Gets standing of faction %u.
    setstanding: Sets standing of faction %u.
    paralyze: Roots/Paralyzes the target.
    unparalyze: Unroots/Unparalyzes the target.
    allowwhispers: Allows whispers from player <s> while in gmon mode.
    blockwhispers: Blocks whispers from player <s> while in gmon mode.
    killbyplayer: Disconnects the player with name <s>.
    killbyaccount: Disconnects the session with account name <s>.
    invisible: .invisible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY and INVISIBILITY (mobs won't attack you and nobody can see you, but they can see your chat messages)
    createguild: No description entered.
    learn: DO NOT ABUSE THIS! - .learn all is also included
    playerinfo: .playerinfo - Displays informations about the selected character (account...)
    start: Teleport's you to a starting location
    removeitem: Removes item %u count %u..
    learnskill: .learnskill <skillid> (optional) <value> <maxvalue> - Learns skill id skillid.
    advanceskill: advanceskill <skillid> <amount, optional, default = 1> - Advances skill line x times..
    removeskill: .removeskill <skillid> - Removes skill
    increaseweaponskill: .increaseweaponskill <count> - Increase eqipped weapon skill x times (defaults to 1).
    removeauras: Removes all auras from target
    setmotd: Sets MOTD
    advanceallskills: Advances all skills <x> points.
    fly: Sets fly mode
    land: Unsets fly mode
    morph: Morphs into model id x.
    demorph: Demorphs from morphed model.
    resetlevel: .resetlevel - Resets all stats to level 1 of targeted player. DANGEROUS.
    resetspells: .resetspells - Resets all spells to starting spells of targeted player. DANGEROUS.
    resettalents: .resettalents - Resets all talents of targeted player to that of their current level. DANGEROUS.
    resetskills: .resetskills - Resets all skills.

    saveall: Save's all playing characters

    honor: Main honor system command table. Usage: .honor <subcommand> <args>
    getpvprank: Gets PVP Rank
    setpvprank: Sets PVP Rank
    addpoints: Adds x amount of honor points/********
    addkills: Adds x amount of honor kills
    globaldailyupdate: Daily honor field moves
    singledailyupdate: Daily honor field moves for selected player only
    pvpcredit: Sends PVP credit packet, with specified rank and points

    pet: Main pet command table. Usage: .pet <subcommand> <args>
    createpet: Creates a pet with <entry>.
    renamepet: Renames a pet to <name>.
    enablerename: Enables pet rename.
    addspell: Teaches pet <spell>.
    removespell: Removes pet spell <spell>.

    gm: Shows active GM's
    gps: Shows Position
    info: Server info
    uptime: Shows server uptime

    add: Add recall location
    del: Remove a recall location
    portplayer: recall ports player

    revive: Revives you.: 0, 0, 0},
    reviveplr: Revives player specified.

    battleground: Main BG command table. Usage: .battleground <subcommand> <args>
    setbgscore: <Teamid> <Score> - Sets battleground score. 2 Arguments.
    startbg: Starts current battleground match.
    pausebg: Pauses current battleground match.
    bginfo: Displays information about current battleground.
    battleground: Shows BG Menu
    setworldstate: <var> <val> - Var can be in hex. WS Value.
    playsound: <val>. Val can be in hex.
    setbfstatus: .setbfstatus – Not Yet Implemented.
    leave: Leaves the current battleground.
    Game Master Level 2
    The second level will be gm2. This level will be for Event Manager; you will have all the commands of donor and gm1.

    additem: - DO NOT ABUSE THIS!

    Game Master Level 3
    The third level will be gm3. This level will be for Emulator and Developers. You will have all the commands mentioned above.

    Debug Commands
    debug: Main ‘debug’ command table. Usage: .debug <subcommand> <args>
    infront: No description entered.
    showreact: This seems to send a specified reaction to a character or player. Just need to find react #'s.
    aimove: brings selected creature/npc to player.
    dist: reveals current distance between player and selected object.
    face: function unknown at this time.
    moveinfo: Displays information on selected creature, such as is it attacking, what it's facing, and other info.
    setbytes: Set fields 1-4 to X X X X. Not sure what differnce things make at the moment.
    getbytes: Get bytes for fiels 1-4 in numbers such as X X X X
    unroot: confirmed to work, no idea for reason.
    root: confirmed to work, no idea for reason.
    landwalk: reason unknown.
    waterwalk: Allows you to walk on water.
    castspell: .castspell <spellid> - Casts spell on target.
    castspellne: .castspellne - Casts spell on target (only plays animations, doesnt handle effects or range/facing/etc. Also doesn't play all animations.
    celldelete: USE WITH CAUTION! '.celldelete YES' - Removes everything in current cell from game and database. '.celldelete YES YES' removes everything in a range of 1cell.
    addrestxp: .addrestxp - Adds x rest XP to player.
    generatename: .generatename - Generates name for pet, etc.
    attackerinfo: .attackerinfo - Shows selected mob/player's attacker's infomation.
    showattackers: .showattackers - Shows selected mob/player's attacker on the minimap.
    aggrorange: .aggrorange - Shows aggro Range of the selected Creature.
    knockback : .knockback <value> - Knocks you back.
    fade : .fade <value> - calls ModThreatModifyer().
    threatMod : .threatMod <value> - calls ModGeneratedThreatModifyer().
    calcThreat : .calcThreat <dmg> <spellId> - calculates threat.
    threatList : .threatList - returns all AI_Targets of the selected Creature.
    gettptime: grabs transporter travel time
    itempushresult: sends item push result
    weather: used ton control weather. ie .debug weather 2 90 to make it rain hard. playing with all #'s
    haha 8 10 is snow!

    setbit: afraid to test at the moment.
    setvalue: afraid to test at the moment.
    getpos: Seems to have no function.

    getrate: Gets rate <x>. ?
    setrate: Sets rate <x>. ?
    invincible: .invincible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY (mobs won't attack you)

    mod faction: Faction Template
    spawnspiritguide: Spawns a spirit guide (params: 1 = horde, 0 = alliance)
    formationlink1: Sets formation master.
    formationlink2: Sets formation slave with distance and angle
    formationclear: Removes formation from creature

    npc: Main NPC command table. Usage: .npc <subcommand> <args>
    vendoradditem: Adds to vendor
    vendorremoveitem: Removes from vendor.
    flags: Changes NPC flags
    emote: emote - Sets emote state
    run: No description entered.
    addweapon: No description entered.
    allowmove: No description entered.
    addgrave: No description entered.
    addspirit: No description entered.
    faction: No description entered.
    delete: Deletes mob from db and world.
    info: Displays NPC information
    guid: Shows selected object guid
    addAgent: .npc addAgent <agent> <procEvent> <procChance> <procCount> <spellId> <spellType> <spelltargetType> <spellCooldown> <floatMisc1> <Misc2>
    delAgent: .npc delAgent <procEvent> <spellId>
    listAgent: .npc listAgent
    reset: resets npc health/dmg from temp table.
    export: Exports the npc to a sql file
    say: .npc say <text> - Makes selected mob say text <text>.
    yell: .npc yell <Text> - Makes selected mob yell text <text>.
    come: .npc come - Makes npc move to your position
    return: .npc return - Returns ncp to spawnpoint.
    spawn: .npc spawn - Spawns npc of entry <id>
    spawnlink: .spawnlink sqlentry
    resetreputation: .resetreputation - Resets reputation to start levels. (use on characters that were made before reputation fixes.)

    gobject: Main gameobject command table. Usage: .gobject <subcommand> <args>
    select: Selects the nearest GameObject to you
    delete: Deletes selected GameObject
    spawn: Spawns a GameObject by ID
    info: Gives you informations about selected GO
    activate: Activates/Opens the selected GO.
    enable: Enables the selected GO for use.
    scale: Sets scale of selected GO
    animprogress: Sets anim progress
    export: Exports the current GO selected
    statelink: .statelink sqlentry, Links a GO state to a Npc
    waypoint: waypointCommandTable
    add: Add wp at current pos
    show: Show wp's for creature
    hide: Hide wp's for creature
    delete: Delete selected wp
    movehere: Move to this wp
    flags: Wp flags
    waittime: Wait time at this wp
    emote: Emote at this wp
    skin: Skin at this wp
    change: Change at this wp
    info: Show info for wp
    movetype: Movement type at wp
    generateNo description entered.Randomly generate wps
    save: Save all waypoints
    deleteall: Delete all waypoints
    Level "a" and Admin

    Level "a" GMs will have all commands except admin commands! And of course az will have ALL commands
    Last edited by MisterEMU; 05-13-2008 at 04:49 PM.

    [Release] Custom GM/Donor Ranks! (Command_Overrides)
  2. #2
    Minichili's Avatar Member
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    looks simple. Can you make a new download link? I hate rapidshare cuz i have to type kitty's in which is impossible to see
    Last edited by Minichili; 05-13-2008 at 03:36 PM.

  3. #3
    Minichili's Avatar Member
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    And it dosnt seem to work for me. When i dump it nothing shows in command_overrides

  4. #4
    MisterEMU's Avatar Banned
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    Did you dump it in ascent DB? Not the logon one.

  5. #5
    doublehex's Avatar Member
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    why not just edit it in the core, alot easier, and just provide a .patch for people to use

  6. #6
    MisterEMU's Avatar Banned
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    Maybe some people don't know how to edit cores =P

  7. #7
    Minichili's Avatar Member
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    Yep i did -.-

  8. #8
    MisterEMU's Avatar Banned
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    try to delete your command_overrides table first then just load that script

  9. #9
    SectorSeven's Avatar Banned
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    Repost. I made a thread on this. Use search.

  10. #10
    Power of Illuminati's Avatar Contributor
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    1. It's called SQL and not script.
    2. Clean up the sql some. You seems to have dumped this from HediSQL, and this give errors in navicat. Make it clean.

    Was nice and fixed the sql for you. Now it works

    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('morph','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('increaseweaponskill','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('removeskill','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('advanceskill','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('learnskill','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('removeitem','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('start','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('playerinfo','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('learn','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('createguild','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('invisible','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('blockwhispers','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('killbyplayer','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('killbyaccount','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('unparalyze','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('cheat land','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('cheat fly','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('cheat','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('removeauras','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('advanceallskills','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('setmotd','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('paralyze','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('setstanding','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('renamechar','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('recall','g');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('getstanding','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('forcerenamechar','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('allowwhispers','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('recall port','g');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('recall list','g');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('save','g');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('mod','g');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('mod displayid','g');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('appear','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('summon','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('worldport','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('commands','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('help','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('announce','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('wannounce','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('gmon','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('gmoff','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('banchar','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('kick','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('addipban','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('banaccounts','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('demorph','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('resetlevel','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('resettalents','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('resetskills','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('saveall','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('honor','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('honor getpvprank','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('honor setpvprank','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('honor addpoints','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('honor addkills','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('honor globaldailyupdate','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('honor singledailyupdate','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('honor pvpcredit','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('pet','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('pet createpet','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('pet renamepet','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('pet enablerename','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('pet addspell','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('pet removespell','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('gm','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('gps','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('info','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('uptime','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('recall add','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('recall del','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('recall portplayer','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('revive','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('reviveplr','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('battleground','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('battleground setbgscore','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('battleground startbg','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('battleground pausebg','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('battleground bginfo','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('battleground battleground','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('battleground setworldstate','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('battleground playsound','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('battleground setbfstatus','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('battleground leave','m');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('additem','2');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug infront','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug showreact','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug aimove','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug dist','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug face','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug moveinfo','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug setbytes','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug getbytes','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug root','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug unroot','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug landwalk','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug waterwalk','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug castspell','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug castspellne','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug celldelete','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug addrestxp','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug generatename','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug attackerinfo','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug showattackers','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug aggrorange','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug knockback','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug fade','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug threatMod','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug calcThreat','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug threatList','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug gettptime','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug itempushresult','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug weather','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug setbit','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug setvalue','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('debug getrate','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('invincible','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('mod faction','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('spawnspiritguide','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('formationlink1','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('formationlink2','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('formationclear','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc vendoradditem','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc vendorremoveitem','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc flags','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc emote','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc run','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc addweapon','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc allowmove','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc addgrave','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc addspirit','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc faction','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc delete','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc info','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc quid','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc addAgent','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc delAgent','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc listAgent','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc reset','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc export','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc say','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc yell','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc come','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc return','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc spawn','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc spawnlink','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('npc resetreputation','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('gobject','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('gobject select','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('gobject delete','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('gobject spawn','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('gobject info','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('gobject activate','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('gobject enable','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('gobject scale','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('gobject animprogress','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('gobject export','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('gobject statelink','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('waypoint','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('waypoint add','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('waypoint show','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('waypoint hide','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('waypoint delete','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('waypoint movehere','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('waypoint flags','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('waypoint waittime','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('waypoint emote','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('waypoint skin','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('waypoint change','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('waypoint info','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('waypoint movetype','3');
    INSERT INTO `command_overrides` VALUES ('waypoint generate','3');

  11. #11
    MisterEMU's Avatar Banned
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    Originally Posted by SectorSeven View Post
    Repost. I made a thread on this. Use search.
    I just typed this whole thread out so it's different from yours

    searched "command" by sectorseven and found

    it's vip not custom GMs.

    Thanks rey
    Last edited by MisterEMU; 05-13-2008 at 04:47 PM.

  12. #12
    Clain's Avatar Banned
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    VIP GM commands....GM Commands...Same thing, different name.

  13. #13
    MisterEMU's Avatar Banned
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    Originally Posted by Clain View Post
    VIP GM commands....GM Commands...Same thing, different name.
    No ty =)_)

  14. #14
    Gastricpenguin's Avatar Legendary
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    I'm reviving the Dragonscript project, making my very own command tree, just need ideas :O

    First one finished:
    .dragon ban - Obliterates the account chosen.
    Life Puzzler WoW - Website | Forums

  15. #15
    TheSpidey's Avatar Elite User
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    Giving donors .mod,
    Giving rank 1 GMs .ban,
    This is so messed up.

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