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  1. #1
    Tenni-T's Avatar Contributor
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    [Question] Solo queue role

    Hey guys...

    Is it just me or does this part of the forums seem pretty dead? Do we only have closet-LoL players around here? Lets breathe some life back in this session people Lets discuss some League of Legends !

    Anyway here is my question: Im gonna hit level 30 on my main account this week, and I'm pretty damn hyped about ranked solo Q being within ranged, I look forward to get into the games that matters

    Anyway I would like to avoid being caught in elo hell and therefore I would like to ask you guys (with experience in kinda high elo atleast) which roles would give me the best chances of succeeding in ranked in the beginning.??

    I like playing AD carries and support classes either solo top/mid or dou bot.. I feel too inexperienced to master jungling and I know I need good positioning and map awareness as support, but I feel like I AD carry and support the best so I'd rather play one of these roles

    Fav. champs would be

    Anyway looking forward to hear you guys' points of view

    Tenni-T (Tenned) - Contrib!

    MMOwned - My favorite website of all times.

    [Question] Solo queue role
  2. #2
    Remus3's Avatar Hobby 3D Character Artist Ex-Super Mod CoreCoins Purchaser
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    okay :P time to burst the bubble, and show you some insight. remember that i mean nothing against you as a person and you should take this as a discussionairy piece and see why i think of these things as they are written.

    Don't play ranked the second you hit level 30; You are still a young pup in a cage and level 30 is your gate becoming unlocked. Once you step outside there is going to be a lot of stupid, scary, WTF, and sick shit out there that wishes to **** you over and you won't know how to respond to the situations.

    Play normals to get used to playing with other level 30's- this is where full mastery tree's come into play, full proper rune sets are built up, and frankly learning the strengths and weaknesses of other champions. The more you know about the enemy champion (in terms of their range, what combo's they must land, the travel speeds of attacks, and their positioning) the better you will be against someone playing that champ. Otherwise if you don't know vladimir, for instance, you will think that his skillset is bullshit and not understand WHY he just pushed you all the way back to your tower chased your ass down and killed you. or why he backs off for 3 seconds after using a specific skill, and why his health drops so much when doing another, these are things you need to understand and know as an enemy to that champion- PUSH your advantaged of knowing when the other champs are most vulnerable. Is his flash down, did he use ghost or ignite already. is he acting funny because maybe a jungler is there for a gank, what is the enemy champions overall zoning power compared to mine, so many things. etc.

    It takes time and most of all experience to understand your opposing champion because you will meet up against dumb and good players, the best choice is to play each champion for 10 games, win or loss doesn't matter... you should now understand how the champion works.

    The next thing i can tell you is, don't play ranked until you can play 2 champions of each role, top solo laner(generally ad)/ mid ap/ jungle ad or ap/ ranged ad/ support.

    These are my personal favorites in the order above listed:

    (Top) Vladimir, Udyr, Pantheon, Morde
    (Mid) Vladimir, Ahri, Morgana, Ziggs, Annie
    (Jungle) Nocturne, Lee Sin, Rammus, Mundo, (shaco is cool(cough** the best when you play godlike) but im not a shaco fan-- hate clown -.-)
    (R AD) Graves, Caitlyn, Vayne... I don't play ranged ad a lot but i still know a few.
    (Support) Soraka, Sona, Janna

    Now this is setup in the fashion of a meta game for todays gameplay- you won't always see this happen but you will in ranked. I have a buddy who hates summoners rift because it's so strict on what roles go into the game... he doesn't fully realize that it is this way because of the amazingly powerful setup this creates and whole heartily believe in messing up the meta... because it works every now and then in normals.

    I can discuss with you the insides of some of these roles and choices for each and how you should build, counter build, and fully learn the limits of your champions you ENJOY (remember it is indeed just a game just don't troll other players.)

    Personally You may go head first into ranked but its not just your score you tank down if you lose, it's 4 others. Keep it in mind- don't be afraid though but imho don't go in until you understand a fair amount of champions and can keep your head in check at all times for when a situation feels bad.

    also jumping into ranked as soon as you 30; you don't want to lose, no one wants too, but it is likely that your enemy is better equiped. now luck or skill i don't know you may win a few but the higher you go the more disadvantaged you will be if you can't do what ive outlined at a minimum. I tanked all the way from 1200 elo to 900 elo because i didn't understand everything i've written.. this is from personal experience- i then set ranked aside for 6 months and played normals nonstop - 4 games a day on average and figured out what champs i liked most and learned a LOT of the other champs. Being lazy I had eloboosting jump me up to 1500 elo- a healthy range because i played well against my friends who are in that ballpark. after 10 games i'm still sitting in the 1500 bracket and i'm happy because the matches are close games, not as many idiots by far and people understand mechanics overall. there is no such thing as elo hell overall because you can always get out with superior gameplay and duo que,

    The changes since i tanked to 900 elo and now, I own all champions, i've played each at least 5 games each, I have 13 rune pages and still not maximum setup but i have extrememly health choices for roles i want. and i of course understand the game far better than when i started ranked. I still make major mistakes, i'm not saying i'm a pro or anything, but i feel i'm at a healthy spot on ranked and i'm happy where i am due to competent team mates, and i can make better calls now than my idiot self did back in the day.

    (in the answer to your blue font, support- i win 80% of games playing as support soraka because your ranged ad is the biggest poker and damage dealer in starting elo... it helps to have a good playing friend fill that role as well to improve success) i provide so much map awareness it's few and far between that the enemy ganks us while laning and in teamfights the ranged ad gets to lay down the bricks to peoples faces if they get caught out of position. I also love being the healer and lifesaver in other games, it's fun and you get to have the chance to turn games around because of a clutch heal,silence, save your teammates from death at the right moments to demolish the enemy who thought that x person was dead and no longer a threat.
    Last edited by Remus3; 04-08-2012 at 11:48 PM.

    Think before you post. You can only get smarter by playing a smarter opponent.

  3. #3
    Mafta's Avatar Sergeant
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    I totally agree with Remus, don't start ranked as soon as you hit 30, I hit 30 then waited a bit then played with my friend who had lost practically all 10 of the first ranking matches, but I was like "hurr I don't care if I play with lower elo people" but trust me, elo hell is not fun, and a long, LONG grind. Regardless, i'm out of that now.

    To your question, starting off ranked you might want to start off supporting to get a feel for ranked but then imo, you have to start playing champs you can carry with, Jungler/Mid/top.
    Jungler : If you're a good jungler you can assist other lanes in winning and snowballing, provide map awareness and hinder their jungler from doing the same.
    Mid : Simply put, if you can win your lane hard and get fed or deny the enemy mid farm, you're team is going to be ahead due to the amount of raw damage output you will have, as well as the AP carry can assist other lanes by ganking top and bot with or without accompany of the jungler.
    Top : Although generally a 'farm lane' depending on what champion you play, winning will either mean an indestructible force (ie : Irelia, cho'gath, Udyr) or someone that just pumps out the damage (ie : Akali, Kennan)
    Bot lane : While I am aware that an AD carry can carry pretty hard, it relies on tanks being able to peel quite well, and it also means you'll have to lane with a random who may or may not be the most competent person, and if you're playing support, the worst thing you want is getting stuck with a horrid AD.

    BUT, above all, learn different champions, their strengths, their weaknesses, what champions have good synergy with others, learn roles, tanky AP, burst AP, tanky AP jungler, AD jungler, etc, but probably one of the most important things is having good leadership, to be able to lead your team into good fights, but not bad fights, when to baron/dragon, and to lead your team to victory. All of these you will gradually learn as you play more matches.
    Last edited by Mafta; 04-09-2012 at 05:00 AM. Reason: Dat grammar.

  4. #4
    Tenni-T's Avatar Contributor
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    hey guys

    thank you so much for your answers, as im about to travel right now I wont give you a proper answer now, I'll return tonight or tomorrow Just wanted to let you guys know real fast that I appreciate your posts and I wanted to rep you hard remus but I need to spread Also I meant AP*** in my original post the times I wrote AD, musta been high or something

    Anyway just a fast BIG THANK YOU for your guys very informative and helpful posts, cant wait to get back here and reply so I can suck more knowledge outta ya guys

    Tenni-T (Tenned) - Contrib!

    MMOwned - My favorite website of all times.

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