How to level from 10-56 doing every level under 2hours (Most a lot faster than that) menu

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    Eseleme's Avatar Active Member
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    How to level from 10-56 doing every level under 2hours (Most a lot faster than that)

    Edit Note: I might be wrong about lowest level to enter to SFK being level 10 but im 100% sure it works at level 11.

    Intro about Group Bonus

    Since a lot of the levels takes place inside dungeons I just wanted to go over some basic info

    So the exp system in Classic is really retarded which means that the more you are (up to 4) of people in the level range of the dungeon your are doing, the more exp everyone in the party gets
    On top of this there is a second mechanism aswell, the lower the levels the others in the group are the more exp the highest one will get

    If we take for example a SFK run you boost, There is a 60 in the group boosting and the primary one you are there to boost is lets say level 20
    If you bring 2 more players to the group the level 20 will get more exp.
    If the 2 others players are level 15, the group bonus effect will give you as a level 20 more exp than it would give if the 2 others were level 20 or up

    Which means, If u want a perfect group you will want the other 2s to be the absoulute lowest they can be

    So in SFK u want a grp of
    a Level 60 Booster
    The one you are boosting
    2 others that are as close to level 10 as they can be

    Note: Ive never noticed any big changes in being a grp of 5 instead of 4.

    Also in Classic dungeon runs are capped at 5 per hour but Im sure everyone knows this already

    What You Will Need

    Note: This guide is written around using a level 60 Mage as a booster. I have no idea how good any other classes are but they might work aswell
    2nd Note: I guess if you are insanely geared you can probably skip some of the steps in this guide

    A Level 60 Mage booster with Basic How to AOE knowledge and preferbly Frost Spec with at least some blue level 60 items and 5/5 in the Magic Absorption Talent and 5/5 Arcane Concentration in the Arcane Talent tree
    (These 2 special talents are only required starting from SM and up but its really good in SFK aswell)

    I think other specs can work but Ice Barrier, 3/3 in Blizzard Slow and Iceblock makes it a lot easier
    I dont see this working without the 2 fundamental talents mentioned above tho unless you are insanely geared

    Starting from Scarlet Monastery and up, Someone in the group you are boosting needs to be a healer and heal the 60 mage boosting. Any Healer Class works
    Note: It cant be a high leveled Healer. There can only be a 1 High leveled player in the group for the exp to be good and that needs to be the mage

    At level 39 in SM Cath there are a few struggles but they are talked about lower down in this post.

    At level 47 the one getting boosted needs to have some kind of AOE Spell/Ability that you can easily get the tag with on multiple mobs and also need to be able to heal
    Having a third player who is a lvl 60 healer might work aswell
    Edit: Grenades/Bombs from Engineering might work as a way to get AoE tag but I have not tested it, just an idea

    Where to level

    Level 10 to level 26/27

    Shadowfang Keep

    This is straight up just run and kill shit there is nothing notable to discuss
    Since you will be doing this so much you will figure out how big of pulls u can do
    Myself I clear up to the room before the stairs leading to Fenrus.
    IMO its not worth to reach higher unless you are doing the quest as there are no good AOE packs after
    Skip some of the annoying Magic Shield casters and the non stop Stun Horses if your starting to feel like you wanna smash your keyboard

    Whats really good about this instance is that the ones you are boosting can just wait near the grid at the start and they will get exp from there thru out the entire instance
    This makes this viable to do if you are playing 2 accounts yourself as its easy to have your other character AFK while you clear on the level 60.

    If you are good at this you will be able to make 5 runs in under an hour and get locked but that doesnt matter. The exp here is great anyway

    Every level you do here will be about 35 minutes
    Exp per Hour wise this peaks at about 30k per hour when u are around level 20

    Remember to read about the Group Bonus mentioned in the start of this post

    Level 26/27 to level 39

    From here on and forward the 60 mage needs to have the 2 fundamental talents mentioned above, the reason behind this is that you will not be able to kill the mobs with your entire mana pool otherwise unless you have very good gear.
    Someone in the group needs to be a healer aswell and go with the Mage and heal him/her.

    You wanna head to Scarlet Monastery

    What you wanna do here is you wanna do a rotation of 4 SM Armorys (Skip Herod unless you care about the loot more than exp) and 1 SM Cath and keep track of it to not get Instance Locked
    You dont have to take the Cath run very serious, all you need to do there is run around and kill as much as possible until you know the locked system has reseted
    When you get good at this you will do 1 SM Armory run in about 10mins. 4x10 = 40mins.
    Which will leave you 20 mins to run around inside SM Cath and just go nuts
    Or do 1 more SM Armory and then afk for 10mins and do some IRL choirs if u prefer that, the exp is still good

    (You can probably skip this part below if you have a mage with insane gear)
    The Magic Absorption Arcane Talent is vital here and you will need to play around it as a Mage in order to do this efficently
    What you wanna do is having at least 1-2 casters to always freely cast on you on every big pull you make. Dont focus on em let them cast on you. Them casting fireball on you is good.
    The reason why SM Armory is the choice for this is because the layout is absoutely perfect to acheive this and Armory does not have any Mana Burners.
    There are always around 2 fireball casters mixed in with like 15 non casters

    Due to RNG it can be possible that the first room with the Scarlet Soldiers does not contain a single caster, to counter this you will need to have a Mana Ruby/Mana Potion/Evocation ready
    Depending how big you pull aswell it can be possible that the last pull before Herod does not contain a caster either, to counter this you will need to have a Mana Ruby/Mana Potion/Evocation ready

    Each level takes about 1hour 20min here
    Exp Per Hour wise this peaks at 50-55k around level 36.

    Remember to read about the Group Bonus mentioned in the start of this post

    Level 39 to 43

    Skip Armory and only focus on SM Caths because the exp in Armory starts to fade here
    The 2 fundamental talents required for mage is still neededand a healer is also needed

    (You can probably skip this part below if you have a mage with insane gear)
    In this instance, when you get to the inside the boss room part you will also need 1 Out of these 4 Options

    a Priest at least level 38 who needs to Mind Control the Wizards and use their AE Ability to help deal damage
    It can also work with having like a 38 AOE Dpser doing some AOE Damage aswell
    It can also work with having very good gear, I dont know how good is required.
    It can also work with trying to pull 2 casters from the outer parts with you when you are doing the inside part to frostbolt you for free mana

    The reason behind this is that the boss room part does not have any good caster mobs that will give you any free mana thru the Arcane Absorption Talent which will cause you to not have enough mana to be able to kill them.

    Exp Per hour wise this peak at around 50k at level 40

    Note: If youre an insane geared Mage you can prorably do more exp per hour here by going huge inside the boss room

    Remember to read about the Group Bonus mentioned in the start of this post

    Level 43 to 47

    Head to Zul Farak

    Im not gonna go into details to much on this as there is plenty of videos on Mage farming ZF
    The 2 fundamental talents required for mage is still needed and a healer is also needed here

    With the Arcane Absorption Talent you can easily AoE the 3 first "rooms" in this instance with the shadow bolt casters using a LOS tactic if you try and skip as many Witch Doctors as possible
    This will help you with the skip to Graves part later on if the people you are boosting are low level

    (You can probably skip this part below if you have a mage with insane gear)
    Google the "only use Cone of Cold on graves" tactic if you dont know what that is in order to have mana to solo them
    Something that would work here also is that you try to pull 1-2 Shadow Bolt Casters with you to the graves but the problem is that there arent many of em close to the graves area

    This is the toughest part of the guide since this instance can really be non forgiving and the corpse run is rather long

    I dont have a EXP per hour number for this but it was about 2 hour per level with me not doing a perfect boost.
    If you are a pro in ZF you can probably do this a lot faster than me

    Remember to read about the Group Bonus mentioned in the start of this post

    Level 47 to 56

    There is a place in WPL called Sorrow hill which is just east of Chillwind Camp.
    Head there

    What you wanna do here that you didnt have to do inside the dungeon runs is to not be grouped up and you dont need any other players for a extra group bonus
    What you gonna do is let the player getting boosted get the tag on the mobs alone and then let the level 60 mage kill them for you

    At Sorrow hill there is a crypt in the eastern part which is absoutely packed with mobs.

    The 2 fundamental talents required for mage is still needed and a healer is also needed here.
    The most perfect class to boost here is a Healing Priest (Holy Paladin is prolly good aswell) because they can easily get tag with holy nova and they can also heal the mage
    It can probably work with having a third player here aswell who is only there to heal the mage
    Just make sure that none of the levels 60s are in a group with the one getting boosted and that the one getting boosted is getting the tag on mobs.

    It takes about 8-9 minutes for the crypt to respawn which leaves you about 6-7 minutes to run around on ground level after you cleared it to kill as many other mobs as possible
    Track the time from when you kill the first mobs in the crypt. First mobs dead = 8-9 minutes until you come back
    Its possible to do the entire Crypt in 2 pulls, myself I used a Ice block pull tactic to achieve this

    Exp per hour wise this peak at around 115k at level 49 if you are doing this very good AND IF THERE ARE NO OTHER PLAYERS IN THE ENTIRE SORROW HILL AREA
    Because of how good this is it might be possible to boost 2 people at the same time which will result in something like half of that but I have never tried it.
    This might be doable earlier than at level 47 but I have not tried that. The one getting boosted needs to be able to get tag somehow at least.


    The guide stops here because otherwise I wouldnt be able to use the "under 2 hours" text in the title
    If u want u can continue doing the same thing until u are 60 as its still a lot better than questing but it will not be under 2 hours per level anymore
    Since youre this high leveled you might aswell do some AV or Dungeons to try get some gear etc
    Last edited by Eseleme; 01-15-2020 at 08:51 AM.

    How to level from 10-56 doing every level under 2hours (Most a lot faster than that)
  2. Thanks Krack3n, Winsane, Unknown Temptation, lilsniff, Kenneth, Augury13, ArvindChauhan (7 members gave Thanks to Eseleme for this useful post)
  3. #2
    lilsniff's Avatar Contributor *snort*
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    Nice compilation of boosting-spots! When you're in the ZF bracket, and if you're a mage, you can actually just solo the GY farm for insane XP. Just use the Cone of Cold rotation, might need some mana pots at the lowest levels. Little room for error though, so better bring your A-game!

    PS: the required level to enter SFK should be 14, sure about being able to enter at 11? (I haven't tested, just based on info found online) <─ This is wrong, alot of wrong information to be found online
    Last edited by lilsniff; 01-08-2020 at 06:47 AM.

  4. #3
    Eseleme's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by lilsniff View Post
    Nice compilation of boosting-spots! When you're in the ZF bracket, and if you're a mage, you can actually just solo the GY farm for insane XP. Just use the Cone of Cold rotation, might need some mana pots at the lowest levels. Little room for error though, so better bring your A-game!

    PS: the required level to enter SFK should be 14, sure about being able to enter at 11? (I haven't tested, just based on info found online)
    Yes level 11 works ( I think 10 was the minimum level),

    On websites it says minimum level to enter Ragefire Chasm is 10 but you can acctualy enter it at level 8 in classic

    Dont know if its bugged

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    lilsniff's Avatar Contributor *snort*
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    Originally Posted by Eseleme View Post
    Yes level 11 works ( I think 10 was the minimum level),

    On websites it says minimum level to enter Ragefire Chasm is 10 but you can acctualy enter it at level 8 in classic

    Dont know if its bugged
    I can confirm that RFC is lvl 8 and SFK is lvl 10, checked with an alt

  6. #5
    Kenneth's Avatar ★ Elder ★ WTB XRP Authenticator enabled
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    Can you enter SFK at level 10?

    EDIT: Holy shit you can, crazy

  7. Thanks Augury13 (1 members gave Thanks to Kenneth for this useful post)
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    blizzsource's Avatar Member
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    I'm slightly confused by the group requirements. Are you supposed to have a level 10 in the group forever? like from SFK all the way to ZF?

  9. #7
    lilsniff's Avatar Contributor *snort*
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    Originally Posted by blizzsource View Post
    I'm slightly confused by the group requirements. Are you supposed to have a level 10 in the group forever? like from SFK all the way to ZF?
    No, for each level bracket you have a couple that are at the lowest possible level to enter the instance you are currently doing.

    So for SFK that would be two lvl 10's.

    For ZF it would be two lvl ~35's (not sure, but should be around this level).

    So you have two who are the minimum level requirement to enter the instance you are boosting, because this will give the boosted character more experience.

    Give OP's explanation a good read:

    So the exp system in Classic is really retarded which means that the more you are (up to 4) of people in the level range of the dungeon your are doing, the more exp everyone in the party gets
    On top of this there is a second mechanism aswell, the lower the levels the others in the group are the more exp the highest one will get

    If we take for example a SFK run you boost, There is a 60 in the group boosting and the primary one you are there to boost is lets say level 20
    If you bring 2 more players to the group the level 20 will get more exp.
    If the 2 others players are level 15, the group bonus effect will give you as a level 20 more exp than it would give if the 2 others were level 20 or up

    Which means, If u want a perfect group you will want the other 2s to be the absoulute lowest they can be

  10. #8
    Eseleme's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by blizzsource View Post
    I'm slightly confused by the group requirements. Are you supposed to have a level 10 in the group forever? like from SFK all the way to ZF?
    Originally Posted by lilsniff View Post
    No, for each level bracket you have a couple that are at the lowest possible level to enter the instance you are currently doing.

    So for SFK that would be two lvl 10's.

    For ZF it would be two lvl ~35's (not sure, but should be around this level).

    So you have two who are the minimum level requirement to enter the instance you are boosting, because this will give the boosted character more experience.

    Give OP's explanation a good read:
    lilsniffs explanation is correct, with that said since ZF requires a skip to Graves run I do think having lvl 35s is gonna be pretty hard to do this (Mount is 40+)
    I have not tested it tho but the idea is def correct

    if you can find a spot where the low levels get exp without having to run to graves, ZF might probably be better going to earlier than level 43
    Last edited by Eseleme; 01-15-2020 at 08:27 AM.

  11. #9
    lilsniff's Avatar Contributor *snort*
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    Originally Posted by Eseleme View Post
    lilsniffs explanation is correct, with that said since ZF requires a skip to Graves run I do think having lvl 35s is gonna be pretty hard to do this (Mount is 40+)
    I have not tested it tho but the idea is def correct

    if you can find a spot where the low levels get exp without having to run to graves, ZF might probably be better going to earlier than level 43
    I've seen guides where they pull the trash from start to GY in 2-3 pulls to make way for the lowbies, shouldn't hurt XP/hr too much but since I haven't tried myself I don't really know for sure.

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    Eseleme's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by lilsniff View Post
    I've seen guides where they pull the trash from start to GY in 2-3 pulls to make way for the lowbies, shouldn't hurt XP/hr too much but since I haven't tried myself I don't really know for sure.
    Yeah its kinda part of this guide aswell, With 5/5 in the Magic Absorption Talent as a Mage its easily AOE able until u reach the fountain where Shadow Hunters and Soul Eaters starts to be located
    From there on I guess u can clear slowly towards graves but I do think lvl 35s would pull everything here so a stand back and see if you can still get exp from graves tactic would be best if it works

  13. #11
    ArvindChauhan's Avatar Member
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