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  1. #46
    advanta's Avatar ★ Elder ★ CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by TehVoyager View Post
    Even after getting a high enough level to two shot the mobs that spawn, the water belt, underwalter breathing elixers, and no competition on the area for a full hour.. the max my hunter was able to pull out of here was about 12g, plus two fishing poles that sold at auction for 1g each. that also factors in vendoring everything after turning in the shellfish.

    i still don't see how this is a 50g/h farm.

    Even druids with swim form are reporting half that.

    Op, what routing are you using (post a picture with a drawn on map) that allows you to hit 50g/h with this as a druid. TBPH im calling Sensationalized title on this
    Disclaimer: I haven't tested this specific farm.

    However in general, here's how this works. Guy finds interesting farm. The information is kinda useful. He wants to share it.

    Now the problem is this: if you put "Decent, interesting gold farm" in the title, then it will not interest any one. They might be interested if they looked at it, but they won't actually do that.
    You've essentially wasted your time composing a post/article/blog etc.

    So the temptation is to put "Mega-fantastic-awesome gold farm 10000000000 gold per hour". Then tons of people will look at it but a lot of them won't be very happy you exaggerated.
    You will actually get more rep, followers etc following this strategy but you do get a ton of shit thrown at you in the process.

    What a lot of people do is try and find a middling strategy where you technically aren't being deceptive but you know people will misread it, so "100000000 gold per LIV", LIV=looted item
    value, but no one really knows that so it is equivalent to the second strategy.

    I don't really sensationalize gold farms with contrived stupid numbers much any more, but I don't need to - my name gets a reasonable amount of attention by itself. For someone struggling
    to build rep on ownedcore or a channel on youtube or a twitch presence it is much more tempting. What people don't generally consider (perhaps understandably) is that it is the audience
    that feeds the hype-the best way to combat it is by supporting the use of more accurate labeling. To some extent this has happened with gold farms on retail-no one uses clickbait much
    nowadays because it just doesn't work any more.

    For this reason I would basically just ignore the numbers in a post like this and just concentrate on any value in the play (and the farms ARE usually interesting). For gold per hour you should
    only ever use your own results as a guide.

    BTW I've tested like a hundred farms I've seen people post since classic came out and they are ALL sodding 12G per hour or less.
    Last edited by advanta; 10-06-2019 at 06:38 AM.
    Some extremely hot girls I bribed to advertise my youtube channel:


    [Horde] 50g+ Per Hour grind
  2. #47
    Neer's Avatar Trend Rider Authenticator enabled
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    Been doing this for a very long while now and the secret is that there are two types of shellfish cages down there with different IDS.
    One contains a Crab and the other one contains the Shellfish so If you could sort those you would drastically increase the rate at which you get shellfish.
    kB8Ys7M2aW - Streamable (Made this into a bot)
    ygDj3OFIXO - Streamable (Gold is fun)
    For a druid the average was 10-12g per hour during a 100 hour streak.
    I think I got a total of 8k Gold untill I got banned by a huge amount of reports because they saw me on everyday.
    This is a very underwhelming farm and there are so many better things to do out there.
    Last edited by Neer; 10-12-2019 at 05:37 AM.

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