<RAW> [Zandalar Tribe][EU] - A hardcore PvP and PvE guild. Dedicated players welcome menu


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    <RAW> [Zandalar Tribe][EU] - A hardcore PvP and PvE guild. Dedicated players welcome

    <RAW> Alliance, Zandalar Tribe EU – A hardcore PvP and PvE guild. Recruiting dedicated players for raiding, ranking and world pvp dominance.

    About RAW: RAW is a hardcore PvP and PvE guild. The guild was created by a core of experienced players with 7 years of experience from projects such as Feenix, Nostalrius, Elysium, Lightshope and Northdale. We've also managed a mythic progress guild in retail WoW in WoD & Legion, as well as a HC raiding guild in WOTLK.

    We will establish our guild as a prominent PvE guild and a leading PvP guild on Zandalar Tribe.

    Raid Information: Raiding will start as soon as possible and all the way up to AQ40 we will clear MC, Ony, BWL and ZG on our main raid day. There will also be a second shorter raid day in order to kill Onyxia and clear ZG on every reset. This enables people with busy schedules but who are willing to do the necessary preliminary work to raid in a hardcore setting, without dedicating more than two of their evenings every week.

    PvP: PvP is a central part of vanilla and the main focus of many of our players. As many of you already know, PvP and PvE goes hand in hand in vanilla. Not only is PvE gear required to min max you PvP gear, raid vs. Raid PvP is a fact of life for guilds entering BRM with worldbuffs, heading to their raid. Our guild will be a pest upon Horde raids and their buffs. We will ensure that Blackrock Mountain is a graveyard on right nights, so bring your sapper charges!

    PvP premades will be formed as soon as battlegrounds are released. Prior to battlegrounds the open world will be the main stage for our PvP needs and will provide us with honor for the ranking requirements.

    - Be able to learn from your mistakes, no one is perfect.
    - Come well prepared when attending raids: Have the required consumeables, knowledge and world buffs. If you're unsure or don't know about something, ask your guldies/raid leader!
    - Be on Discord and listen to your raid leader/premade leader.
    - Have a microphone and be willing to use it to convey important information. We don't care about your english skills as long as you can communicate the necessary information.
    - Use your basic social skills. We expect people to be able to behave appropriately, even in a competitive environment.

    Recruitment: We're currently operating on an open door policy, where we're quite lenient on inviting people. In the future when the game is released and people have start hitting 60, the raid composition, loot distribution etc. will be based on merit. We find ingame interaction and observation to be our best tool in creating a great raiding core and good PvP premades. Everyone can easily fabricate some story of how experience, skilled and dedicated they are, we're more interested in seeing how they actually perform and how they are as a person in a social, competitive environment. The wheat will be separated from the chaff in regards to our primary raid.

    Casual players and people who want to PvP or play very casually are welcomed to join as socials.

    Interested? Join our discord and leave a message: <RAW>

    &lt;RAW&gt; [Zandalar Tribe][EU] - A hardcore PvP and PvE guild. Dedicated players welcome

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