I was a noob and blew up my WoW :'( menu

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    kanezfan's Avatar Active Member
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    I was a noob and blew up my WoW :'(

    Yeah so I like playing around with model edits, I make my own, especially fun with Glitchy's new tool.

    Anyhow... As of a few days ago, I haven't been able to launch WoW unless I go through Chazwazza's MEfix. I figured w/e, I can't play WoW with my model edits without the MEfix anyways so I don't care.

    Well today we get the 2.4 patch on live. I already had it, had been playing on the PTR. I click the launcher to get the game to patch to 2.4 and it checks the 2.4 patch (remember I already had it all downloaded) and starts to patch. A couple minutes later I notice an error. I cancel, try again, and again the same error. The third time, I ran the repair tool, but once more, no love. Every time I try to get the game patched to 2.4, I crashes at the same point, 24%, and the error it gives me is:

    The patch "basesignaturefile" could not be applied. (CRC mismatch: expected 0x8d24bd82, actual 0xf2b8f002.) If this problem persists, you may be able to solve it by uninstalling and then reinstalling the game. If you are unable to correct this problem, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (BNUpdate::PTCApply)
    When I open MWCS, above the folder furthest to the bottom (which is textures btw) there are two entries, one that says dummy_file_name_.txt and one called signaturefile. I don't remember these being here when I last played around with model edits (around patch 2.0 or 2.2 maybe?) so let me know if they're even supposed to be there.

    I have a screenshot to show you. This is what I see when I open wowmodelviewer. I'm positive that the druidcat.m2 model shouldn't be where it is. I can click creatures/etc... and get to the actual druidcat model file and it displays normally.

    I guess what I want to know is am I looking at a complete re-install? I really really hope not... I tried opening patch.mpw with MWCS to edit but it crashed right away.

    EDIT: I know I just posted this but thought I'd update with my newest idea hahhaha. I have renamed the patch.mpq to patchtest.mpq and then ended up with an error telling me my wow install was corrupted and i need to revert to a previous version... Funny thing is the patcher said I was on wow 2.1 lol
    Last edited by kanezfan; 03-25-2008 at 04:07 PM.

    I was a noob and blew up my WoW :'(
  2. #2
    *ChAoS*'s Avatar Contributor
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    Did you remove your custom edits before installing the new patch?

    If not thats your problem, you will probably have to reinstall wow.

  3. #3
    kanezfan's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by theblackmage View Post
    Did you remove your custom edits before installing the new patch?

    If not thats your problem, you will probably have to reinstall wow.
    I know at some point I didn't. But I'm talking like 5 or 6 months ago.

    there's no way to fix other than re-install?

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    kanezfan's Avatar Active Member
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    screw it I'm re-installing. it's gonna take me longer to try to fix this and get nowhere than to install and patch... i owned myself.

  5. #5
    *ChAoS*'s Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by kanezfan View Post
    I know at some point I didn't. But I'm talking like 5 or 6 months ago.

    there's no way to fix other than re-install?
    When did the problem start?

    Was it around a patch day. It depends what .MPQs you have in your folder when the patch comes. I'm guessing you modified one of the patches. You could try deleting it and hope it installs from 2.0. However, you might have to reinstall World of Warcraft if this does not work.

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