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    Krazzee's Avatar Banned
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    Ultimate Reputation Guide

    Here is a pretty lengthy, but informative Reputation guide.

    What is Reputation used for?

    B l i z z Q u o t e:
    Reputation determines whether certain NPCs react kindly to you or try to kill you on sight, among other things. A number of quests are only available if you have reached a certain level with a particular faction, while some quests will alter your faction when you finish them.

    Reputation is, for a large number of players, their end-game. After getting all the gear, and countless raids against the Horde/Alliance, this is the only avenue for further progress in the game.

    What is a Faction?
    A Faction is a race, group, or organization that exists in the World of Warcraft. Some Factions are against other Factions, so you can't be liked by both. Examples of a Faction are Stormwind (Humans) and Ogrimmar (Orcs).

    What is a Team?
    A Team is a group of Factions tied together, both in the story and on the Reputation tab. Alliance, Horde, and Steamwheedle Cartel are the only Teams currently in the game. "Other" is not a Team.

    What is Reputation Spillover?
    This is the term given to the effect seen when a Reputation gain in one of the Teams will raise your Reputation in all or some of the other Factions in the Team. Not all quests have give Spillover, and not all quests with Spillover are confined to Teams. Spillover is related entirely to the quest or mob giving the Reputation. Blizzard calls this effect "rippling".

    What is Reputation Reduction?
    This is the term given to the effect seen when a Reputation from a mob or quest is lower because of the level difference. Once the mob goes Grey, or a quest is six levels below you, you lose 20% of the total Reputation possible for the kill/completion for each level. This goes this way for four levels, until you reach the minimum Reputation gain of 20%. Example:

    Morrowgrain to Darnassus/Feathermoon Stronghold is a level 50 quest. At level 56 it becomes Grey. The level rewards look like this.
    Level 47 - 55: 25 points (100%)
    Level 56: 20 points (80%)
    Level 57: 15 points (60%)
    Level 58: 10 points (40%)
    Level 59: 5 points (20%)
    Level 60: 5 points (20%)

    What is an RRQ?
    RRQ stands for Repeatable Reputation Quest. These quests, unlike normal quests, can be done multiple times, with each completion giving Reputation as a reward. Some RRQs also give items, money, or exp when completed as well.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How do I gain Reputation?
    You gain reputation by completing quests and killing enemies applicable to a given faction. You have to damage the enemy in order to get reputation, you can't just be in a group and soak it up. You also get a bonus to your race's reputation when you create your character.

    What Reputations Levels exist?
    Exalted - Allows Highest level of accolade attainable with a faction
    Revered - Special reputation level reserved for special heroes
    Honored - 10% discount on bought items from vendors
    Friendly - Standard reputation level for factions on a players team
    Neutral - Standard reputation level for factions not on a players team that are not KOS
    Unfriendly - Cannot buy, sell, or interact
    Hostile - KOS
    Hated - KOS; all opposing team factions are set permanently to the lowest level here
    Additional Info

    How can I see if/how much my Reputation Changes?
    If you are using the default UI, move your pointer over the chat window. After a second, the tabs above the window will become visible. Click on Combat Log, or click and drag it to separate the windows to show your combat information, which includes reputation gains and losses. Some reputations will not show up in the combat log without a mod, since the updates to reputation are sometimes not notified to the player.

    Is there any way to see a more detailed Reputation Change information?
    Yes, there are currently a few mods that add information to the Reputation page. The best one is by Karmond and Egris.

    How many Reputation Points are there for each level?
    Exalted: 1000 points
    Revered: 21000 points
    Honored: 12000 points
    Friendly: 6000 points
    Neutral: 3000 points
    Unfriendly: 3000 points
    Hostile: 3000 points
    Hated: 36000 points

    Does the state of the quest (Color) effect the Reputation gain from the quest?
    Yes, in that the level difference between your level and the level of the quest determines how much Reputation you receive of the total reward. Red, Orange, Yellow and Green quests give all of the total Reputation award for the quest, while Grey quests give a diminishing return based on your level compared to the quest level. See Reputation Reduction.

    Does the state of the Reputation-raising mob (Color) effect the reputation gain from the mob?
    Yes, just like quests. The level of the quest corresponds to how much Reputation you receive of the total reward. Red, Orange, Yellow and Green quests give all of the reputation award for the quest, while Grey quests give a diminishing return based on your level compared to the quest level. See Reputation Reduction.

    How do I get a cross-faction mount?
    The only way to get a cross-faction mount is to gain Exalted status with the particular faction whose mount you want to attain. Horde and Alliance cannot access each other's mounts at this time. Other restrictions are that Mechostriders are rideable only by Gnomes and Dwarves, and Taurens can only ride Kodos and Baron Rivendare's Mount.
    Currently there are only 4 factions with mounts that you can get Exalted with: Stormwind, Darnassus, Ogrimmar, and Thunderbluff. Only Stormwind and Ogrimmar are feasible at this time though.

    How do I get an Alliance Mount as a member of the Horde, or a Horde mount as a member of the Alliance?
    You cannot. There is no way to gain reputation with the Horde as a member of the Alliance, or vice versa, so you cannot gain training to ride the mounts.

    Does/Will Honor effect Reputation?
    At this stage, no. However, there may be an indication that you can get an additional 10% off vendors, or perhaps in place of getting Honored. Time will tell on this one.

    Why aren't Alliance/Horde quests listed in the FAQ?
    There are currently a large number of quests that involve the main Teams, with incorrect reputation gains, i.e. wrong faction gain or no faction at all. Often whole lines of quests do not have any reputation gains despite interacting with major NPCs. Also, 80% (rough guess) of the people interested in the Reputation Issue, have already completed the earlier quests prior to the existence of this thread, and a mod that shows what the gains are. Hopefully this info will be added at a future point though.

    What are the Repeatable Reputation Quests (RRQs)?
    For Darnassus reputation: "Morrowgrain to Darnassus" and "Morrowgrain to Feathermoon"
    For Stormwind reputation: "Lost Supplies"
    For Ogrimmar reputation: "Chen's Empty Keg"
    For Thunderbluff reputation: "Morrowgrain to Thunderbluff"
    For Gadgetzan reputation : "Water Pouch Bounty"
    For Argent Dawn reputation: Cauldron and Scourgestone quests.
    For Timbermaw Furbolgs: "Timbermaw Ally", "Deadwood of the North", and "Winterfall Activity"
    For Thorium Order reputation: Molten Core item requisitions.
    For Wildhammer Clan reputation: "Troll Necklace Bounty"
    For Wintersaber Trainers reputation: "Frostsaber Provisions", "Winterfall Intrusion" , "Rampaging Giant"

    What Factions are out there?

    Gnomeregan Exiles
    Darkspear Trolls
    Thunder Bluff
    Steamwheedle Cartel:
    Booty Bay
    Azshara Alliance
    Azshara Horde
    Frostwolf Clan
    Stormpike Guard
    Argent Dawn
    Bloodsail Buccaneers
    Cenarion Circle
    Gelkis Clan Centaur
    Hydraxian Waterlords
    Magram Clan Centaur
    Thorium Brotherhood
    Timbermaw Furbolgs
    Wildhammer Clan
    Wintersaber Trainers

    Which Factions can you gain Exalted with?

    Thunder Bluff
    Steamwheedle Cartel:
    Argent Dawn
    Thorium Brotherhood
    Timbermaw Furbolgs
    Wildhammer Clan
    Wintersaber Trainers

    Alliance Factions
    The Alliance is composed of Darnassus, Gnomeregan Exiles, Ironforge, and Stormwind.

    Darnassus is the capital of the Night Elves, located in Kalimdor.
    Mobs killable for Darnassus Reputation are:
    Shadowprey Guardian Limit: Honored 6000/12000
    RRQs that raise Darnassus Reputation are:
    Morrowgrain to Darnassus
    Morrowgrain to Feathermoon
    Known Faction related bonuses:
    At Honored you receive a 10% decrease on vendor purchases.
    At Exalted you can purchase a tiger mount, and learn Tiger Riding.

    Gnomeregan Exiles:
    The Gnomeregan Exiles have been ousted from their capital of Gnomeregan, and now reside in Ironforge.
    Mobs killable for Gnomeregan Exile Reputation are:
    Shadowprey Guardian Limit: Honored 6000/12000
    Known Faction related bonuses:
    At Honored you receive a 10% decrease on vendor purchases.
    At Exalted you can purchase a mechanostrider mount, and learn Mechanostrider Piloting.
    Note: Only Dwarves and Gnomes are small enough to ride a mechanostrider.

    Ironforge, capital of the Dwarves, is the business center of the Alliance, sporting the only Auction House for the Alliance.
    Mobs killable for Ironforge Reputation are:
    Shadowprey Guardian Limit: Honored 6000/12000
    Known Faction related bonuses:
    At Honored you receive a 10% decrease on vendor purchases.
    At Exalted you can purchase a ram mount, and learn Ram Riding.

    Stormwind is the capital of the Humans.
    Mobs killable for Gnomeregan Exile Reputation are:
    Shadowprey Guardian Limit: Honored 6000/12000
    RRQs that raise Stormwind Reputation are:
    Lost Supplies
    Known Faction related bonuses:
    At Honored you receive a 10% decrease on vendor purchases.
    At Exalted you can purchase a horse mount, and learn Horse Riding.

    Horde Factions
    The Horde is composed of Ogrimmar, Darkspear Trolls, Undercity, and Thunder Bluff. No mobs raise Reputation for any of the Horde Factions. The only way to raise Reputation is by completing quests.

    Ogrimmar is capital of the Orcs, located in Northern Durator.
    RRQs that raise Ogrimmar Reputation are:
    Chen's Empty Keg
    Known Faction related bonuses:
    At Honored you receive a 10% decrease on vendor purchases.
    At Exalted you can purchase a wolf mount, and learn Wolf Riding

    Darkspear Trolls:
    The Darkspear Trolls are outcasts from other Trolls, so have allied themselves with the Horde.
    Known Faction related bonuses:
    At Honored you receive a 10% decrease on vendor purchases.
    At Exalted you can purchase a raptor mount, and learn Raptor Riding

    Undead Forsaken players have lower-than-normal starting reputation with their team's Troll, Tauren, and Orc factions. Undercity is located underneath the ruins of Lorderan.
    Known Faction related bonuses:
    At Honored you receive a 10% decrease on vendor purchases.
    At Exalted you can purchase a horse mount, and learn Horse Riding

    Thunder Bluff:
    Thunder Bluff is the capital of the Tauren.
    RRQs that raise Thunder Bluff Reputation are:
    Morrowgrain to Thunderbluff
    Known Faction related bonuses:
    At Honored you receive a 10% decrease on vendor purchases.
    At Exalted you can purchase a Kodo mount, and learn Kodo Riding
    Taurens are too big to ride any mount but a Kodo or Baren Rivendare's Mount.

    Steamwheedle Cartel
    Primarily a goblin run organization, whose capital is the yet unexplorable Undermine.

    Booty Bay:
    Neutral port located in Stranglethorn Vale. Has a boat that runs to Ratchet.
    Mobs killable for Booty Bay reputation are:
    Bloodsail Deckhand Limit: Friendly 3000/6000
    Bloodsail Elder Magus Limit: Friendly 3000/6000
    Bloodsail Mage Limit: Friendly 3000/6000
    Bloodsail Raider Limit: Friendly 3000/6000
    Bloodsail Sea Dog Limit: Friendly 3000/6000
    Bloodsail Swabby Limit: Friendly 3000/6000
    Bloodsail Swashbuckler Limit: Friendly 3000/6000
    Bloodsail Warlock Limit: Friendly 3000/6000
    Captain Keelhaul
    Captain Stillwater
    Fleet Master Firallon
    Foreman Cozzle
    Venture Co. Foreman
    Venture Co. Geologist
    Venture Co. Mechanic
    Venture Co. Miner
    Venture Co. Shredder
    Venture Co. Strip Miner
    Venture Co. Tinkerer
    Venture Co. Workboss
    Known Faction related bonuses:
    At Honored you receive a 10% decrease on vendor purchases.

    Neutral goblin town located in Winterspring. No mobs raise Everlook Reputation.
    Known Faction related bonuses:
    At Honored you receive a 10% decrease on vendor purchases.

    Neutral town located in Tanaris.
    Mobs killable for Gadgetzan reputation are:
    Andre Firebeard
    Caliph Scorpidsting
    Southsea Dock Worker
    Southsea Freebooter
    Southsea Pirate
    Southsea Swashbuckler
    Wastewander Assassin Limit: Friendly 3000/6000
    Wastewander Bandit Limit: Friendly 3000/6000
    Wastewander Rogue Limit: Friendly 3000/6000
    Wastewander Scofflaw Limit: Friendly 3000/6000
    Wastewander Shadow Mage Limit: Friendly 3000/6000
    Wastewander Thief
    RRQs that raise Gadgetzan Reputation are:
    Water Pouch Bounty
    Known Faction related bonuses:
    At Honored you receive a 10% decrease on vendor purchases.

    Neutral city on the east coast of Barrens. Has a boat that runs to Booty Bay.
    Mobs killable for Ratchet reputation are:
    Baron Longshore Limit: Honored 6000/12000
    Southsea Brigand Limit: Honored 6000/12000
    Southsea Cannoneer Limit: Honored 6000/12000
    Southsea Cutthroat Limit: Honored 6000/12000
    Southsea Privateer Limit: Honored 6000/12000
    Quests that raise Ratchet faction are:
    Winds in the Desert
    Securing the Lines
    Bone Collector
    Known Faction related bonuses:
    At Honored you receive a 10% decrease on vendor purchases.

    Battlegrounds Factions
    It is unknown if the Battleground Factions will be part of the Alliance/Horde, have their own category, or become another one of the "Other" factions.

    Azshara Alliance:
    Nothing is known about this Faction.

    Azshara Horde:
    Nothing is known about this Faction.

    Frostwolf Clan:
    Alterac Mountain Battlegrounds Faction that is Horde only.

    Stormpike Guard:
    Alterac Mountain Battlegrounds Faction that is Alliance only.


    Argent Dawn:
    Argent Dawn is a cross-Faction organization that is united to fight the Scourge. Stormwind has an Argent Dawn guildhouse next to the City Hall, but it is empty. Darnassus's guild house has members who give quests that lead you to Blackfathom deeps. When you get to level 50 or so, you can begin to gain faction with them in the Plagulands by collecting Scourgestones and killing undead.
    Quests that raise AD faction are:
    In Search of Thaelrid
    Blackfathom Villainy
    Twilight Falls
    Sceptre of Light
    Book of the Ancients
    RRQs that raise Argent Dawn Reputation
    Dalson's Tears Cauldron
    The Scourgestone quests
    Known Faction related bonuses:
    At Friendly you can purchase Enriched Manna Biscuit,
    At Honored you can purchase Major Healing Potion, Major Mana Potion, Recipe: Transmute Air to Fire.
    At Revered you can purchase Blessed Sunfruit, Blessed Sunfruit Juice, and exchange 10 Valor Tokens and 9g for a Arcane, Flame, Frost, Nature, or Shadow Mantle of the Dawn.
    At Exalted you can exchange 25 Valor Tokens for a Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn.

    Bloodsail Buccaneers:
    Enemy of Booty Bay. Some quests that raise reputation with Booty Bay will also lower your reputation with the Bloodsail Buccaneers.
    Mobs killable for BB reputation are:
    Blackwater Deckhand
    Captain Steelgut
    Catelyn the Blade
    Deckhand Moishe
    Dizzy One-Eye
    Doctor Draxlegauge
    Fin Fizracket
    First Mate Crazz
    First Mate Nilzlix
    Fleet Master Seahorn
    Lolo the Lookout
    Professor Phizzlethorpe
    Shakes O'Breen
    Whiskey Slim
    Known Faction related bonuses:
    At Unfriendly you are no longer KOS to them.
    At Friendly you can get the quest "Avast Ye, Scallywag" and "Avast Ye, Admiral!".

    Cenarian Circle:
    A group of Druids located primarily in Moonglade. No known mobs raise Cenarion Circle Reputation.
    Quests that raise Cenarian Circle faction are:
    Corruption of Earth and Seed

    Gelkis and Magram Centaurs:
    Centaur factions in Desolace. It has been reported that you can do both sides of this, by doing first one side, then the other. No quests are known to raise any reputation with these clans, even quests given by the centaurs themselves.

    Hydraxian Waterlords:
    Located in Azshara, any mob kills in Molten Core seem to increase reputation with them.
    Mobs killable for Hydraxian Waterlords Reputation are:
    Desert Rumbler
    Dust Stormer
    Greater Obsidian Elemental

    An assassin guild opposed to the Syndicate. Seems like it might only be possible for a rogue to gain Reputation with them. Their headquarters are located in Arathi Highlands, but to get there you have to come from the northeast corner of Hillsbrad. The only way found (so far) to raise reputation is to turn in pick-pocketed Syndicate Emblems (usually 25 - 35, depending on your level). So far there is no way to get above Friendly, and no reward for obtaining Friendly.

    New Faction related to Dire Maul in some way.

    Syndicate are a shadowy group that doesn't seem to have any friends. Despite having a strong presence in Hillsbrad, Arathi, and Alterac, none of those NPC kills in those zones cause you to lose reputation with them.

    Thorium Brotherhood:
    Located in Winterspring and Blackrock Depths. The quests are turn-in quests to Lokhtos Darkbargainer.
    RRQs that raise Thorium Brotherhood are:
    Dark Iron Ore (10)
    Core Leather (4)
    Blood of the Mountain (1)
    Fiery Cores (4)
    Lava Cores (4)
    Known Faction related bonuses:
    At Friendly you can purchase Pattern: Corehound Boots, Pattern: Flarecore Gloves, Pattern: Molten Helm, and Plans: Dark Iron Bracers.
    At Honored you can purchase Pattern: Black Dragonscale Boots, Pattern: Flarecore Mantle, Plans: Dark Iron Reaver, and Plans: Fiery Chain Girdle.
    At Revered you can purchase Plans: Fiery Chain Shoulders.
    At Exalted you can purchase Plans: Dark Iron Destroyer, Plans: Dark Iron Leggings, and Schematic: Repair Robot.

    Timbermaw Furbolgs:
    Furbolgs in Moonglade, Felwood and Azshara. You originally start out hostile to them.
    Mobs killable for TF reputation are:
    Chieftain Bloodmaw
    Deadwood Avenger
    Deadwood Den Watcher
    Deadwood Gardener
    Deadwood Pathfinder
    Deadwood Shaman
    Deadwood Warrior
    High Chief Winterfall
    Overlord Ror
    Winterfall Den Watcher
    Winterfall Pathfinder When patch goes live
    Winterfall Runner
    Winterfall Shaman
    Winterfall Totemic
    Winterfall Ursa
    RRQs that raise Timberma Furbolg Reputation are:
    Timbermaw Ally
    Deadwood of the North
    Winterfall Activity
    Known Faction related bonuses:
    At Hostile you can get the RRQ "Timbermaw Ally" from Grazle.
    At Unfriendly they are no longer flagged to KOS.
    At Neutral you can get the RRQ "Deadwood of the North" from Grazle.
    At Friendly you can get a quest for the Mooncloth Boots recipe.
    At Honored Gorn One Eye will sell to you.

    Wildhammer Clan:
    The neutral Dwarves of the Hinterlands. They used to be located in Grim Batol, but had to abandon it when the Red Dragonflight and the Horde attacked. This is an Alliance only faction.
    Mobs killable for WH reputation are:
    Vilebranch Aman'zasi Guard
    Vilebranch Ambusher
    Vilebranch Axe Thrower
    Vilebranch Berserker
    Vilebranch Blood Drinker
    Vilebranch Headhunter
    Vilebranch Headhunter
    Vilebranch Hideskinner
    Vilebranch Scalper
    Vilebranch Shadow Hunter
    Vilebranch Shadowcaster
    Vilebranch Soothsayer
    Vilebranch Soul Eater
    Vilebranch Witch Doctor
    Witherbark Axe Thrower
    Witherbark Berserker
    Witherbark Caller
    Witherbark Headhunter
    Witherbark Hideskinner
    Witherbark Sadist
    Witherbark Scalper
    Witherbark Shadow Hunter
    Witherbark Shadowcaster
    Witherbark Troll
    Witherbark Venomblood
    Wihterbark Witch Doctor
    Witherbark Zealot
    Zalas Witherbark
    Zul'arek Hatefowler
    RRQs that raise Wildhammer Clan Reputation are:
    Troll Necklace Bounty
    Known Faction related bonuses:
    At Honored you receive a 10% decrease on vendor purchases.
    Note: Currently the NPC selling PVP gear is marked Wildhammer

    Wintersaber Trainers
    An Alliance only faction, allows you to get the Wintersaber Mount at Exalted faction. For any race besides Night Elf, you will have to have attained Exalted with Darnassus as well, to learn Tiger Riding.
    RRQs that raise Wintersaber Trainers Reputationtion are:
    Frostsaber Provisions
    Winterfall Intrusion
    Rampaging Giant
    Known Faction related bonuses:
    At Exalted you can purchase a Wintersaber Mount.

    Ultimate Reputation Guide
  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar Legendary Authenticator enabled
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    good guide!
    thanks for sharing

  3. #3
    Cypher's Avatar Kynox's Sister's Pimp
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    Great work. Thanks man. I'm undead, I didn't realise they started with lower than normal rep for other factions.
    Last edited by Cypher; 06-10-2006 at 07:53 PM.

  4. #4
    HunterHero's Avatar Legendary
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    great guide

  5. #5
    funkdmonkey's Avatar Active Member
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    Ha this was first posted a million years ago on allakhzam
    Still a good guide tho!

  6. #6
    Tbone's Avatar Banned
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    thats pretty neat

  7. #7
    benrules9's Avatar Member
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    Re: Ultimate Reputation Guide

    nice u always find the best things dude

  8. #8
    amrican93's Avatar

    Re: Ultimate Reputation Guide

    Great! +rep!

  9. #9
    Clixer's Avatar Member
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    Re: Ultimate Reputation Guide

    good guide +REP

  10. #10
    RockTB's Avatar Member
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    Re: Ultimate Reputation Guide

    Very informative! Thank you!

  11. #11
    Knomez's Avatar Contributor

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    Re: Ultimate Reputation Guide

    you forgot brood of Nozdormu and Hydraxian waterlords btw... just so you know :P

  12. #12
    patrickt's Avatar Member
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    Re: Ultimate Reputation Guide

    Ya this is a good guide but some of this information is way out of date. I just want to make sure people know that so they dont try to build their reputation up with something only to find out that the item is no longer there. In my case it says that you need exalted to get repair bot, but now you just have to go to the boss right before the bar in BRD.

  13. #13
    Nozdormu's Avatar Member
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    Re: Ultimate Reputation Guide

    great guide of factions. thanks! it would be nice if there was a gm code to max rep for characters...

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