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    Warlock PvP Guide

    Here is a Warlock PvP Guide. Please Give REP

    1. Basics
    1.1 Being prepared all the time
    I can't stress this enough! As a warlock, you ARE GOING TO LOSE if you don't have enough
    shards and your Soul-, Health-, and Spellstones are not ready. Just get some addon which helps to
    keep your shards inventoried, and makes sure that you don't forget to make those.
    ( For example,?ShardStatus?, from http://www.curse-gaming.com , is excellent tool for keeping 'em
    organized )
    Also knowing what the stones do is pretty useful.
    You need lots of these. I always carry at least two full bags with me. And note that I play
    demonology-build, ?SM-Ruin? ones are going to need even more. Managing shards is one of the
    hardest things while playing with the warlock. Without shards warlock is capable get only half of
    its power out. So be careful with the amount of shards you are carrying. When ever you got less
    than ten shards left its time to go farm more shards.
    Sometimes opponent manages to backstab with critical and warlock will die instantly. Thanks for
    the Soulstones, Warlocks have chance for the revenge. Note that it's not always the best smartest
    move to use the stone immediately.
    Here is example: If you know that you are going to lose, just apply all the instant DOTs you got
    (Corrupt, Curse of Agony) to opponent and then when the opponent nails you they are happy that
    they won skilled Warlock. Sometimes they even start to dance on your body, and I love to watch
    how they are perishing slowly, and how they are unaware about the upcoming surprise... I usually
    just wait until the DOTs have done all the damage they can, THEN use the stone, Unload instants
    and surprisingly to opponent, he is down, and I'm not.
    Additional Potion. Use every time when you got less than ? of your life bar left.
    Remove all the magical Effects; prevent next (400-900) magical damage. Add 1% for your critical
    Removing magical effects is incredibly good against other warlocks and priests. Against those
    targets, among against mages, that absorb is really neat as well. Use these stones, and you can
    1.2 Why Warlock is so hard to play in PVP?
    First of all, warlock-player needs to realize what kind of character s/he is playing.
    PVP and specially PVPing with Warlock are all about the CONTROL. Warlock is the character,
    which is telling to opponent, what is happening not vice versa. We don't have as many defensive
    spells/skills as some other classes, but the thing what makes our defensive talents better than the
    opponent's, is that we can get total control about the situation with those. Good example is to
    compare ?Seduction? to ?Sheep?.
    While playing Warlock, you cannot assume that you beat the opponent FAST, as it's not going to
    happen. Warlock will want the fight last longer as the time is on warlock's side. My fights usually
    last from 45 seconds to 90 seconds. Might sound a lot, but patience is the key for the victory. If you
    want to win fast, play Rogue. When you have PVPed bit more, you'll realize that you are
    dominating the situation even if you are going to lose. In cases like that, you'll most likely know
    WHY you are going to lose. And, no, the reason is not? I lagged?.
    Here is an example: Back when I was playing with my RP-server?s warlock who was at the 45th
    level, I saw a 49th level paladin fighting with the 49th level mob. What did I do? I feared. Not the
    Paladin but the mob. Paladin turned around, saw tagged undead warlock, four levels lower than he
    was. Of course he attacked. I did my routine maneuvers (seduced, started to bolt). Paladin charged
    towards me and I seduced again and took lots of distance.
    Remember that Mob I feared earlier? Good.
    It came back now, now with the 3 adds. And as the mob had earlier targeted the paladin, the fearing
    hadn't changed the target, so the mob plus three adds now attacked the Paladin. I continued bolting
    the paladin from the distance. He shielded up, healed, but it wasn't enough against four mobs, me
    and my succubus.
    I nailed him with the Shadow burn. And Mobs weren't aggroing towards me, as I was that long on
    the distance, and didn't damage 'em at all.
    So in short: Warlock, who masters the controlling, is pretty much unbeatable.
    2. Professions
    There are technically only two skills that affect player's pvp: First Aid, and Engineering.
    2.1 First Aid
    First of all, if you don't have?First Aid?-skill, you can forget about winning anyone in pvp.
    Someone might ask why that is, but here is the explanation. Warlock does now have two defensive
    spells (fear and seduction), both give you up to 15 seconds free time to do what ever you want. And
    I'll really suggest that you'll spend one of those moments by healing yourself with a bandage. So
    having Maxed First Aid for your level really helps to survive, and as a warlock, clock is ticking for
    you, not to them.
    First bandages (Linen & Wool) are not helping too much, but after getting silk-ones, they just keep
    getting exponentially better and better. So when you hit level 40, use your saved mount money to
    get enough mageweave, and go to your local Master First Aid to solve the quest for Artisan First
    Aid. After you get rid of the 225-skill cap, create Heavy Mageweave bandages (at least for the
    Horde the same person who teaches the 225 teaches the heavy mageweave bandages when you got
    skill up to 230), to get your skill up to 260, and the person who gave you the Artisan-skill, now
    teaches you the Runecloth bandage, for free. And when you got skill for 290, learn Heavy
    Runecloth, again for free. Those are the things you should be using in PVP after level 40. Getting
    2000 hit points in 8 seconds, while your target is running in fear or is seduced, is nice. Believe me.
    2.2 Engineering
    This is very, very expensive skill to learn, and if you are not willing to sacrifice hours and hours for
    developing single skill, then this part is not for you. However, having Engineering really helps.
    This far I've realized that there are only a few really good devices for PVP purposes here, the good
    tricks are mainly in the Gnomish School. Although the Goblin-school got the better end game tricks
    (Deathray is awesome in the midlevels, 35-50 but not as dominating at the late game). Note that
    even you can create items in only one tree; you can USE items from both schools. Best items are:
    Bombs & Grenades
    Bombs are usually cheaper to make, and got bigger blast radius than the grenades, but for the
    balancing the bombs must be placed on the ground (user can?t move while putting the bomb down),
    while grenades can be thrown while moving.
    The reason why players are using these is not only limited to a extra damage, but the warlocks
    especially are looking for the disorient effect. In my opinion, the longer disorient the better bomb.
    The Big Ones are the best for this purpose. Thanks for the 5 second disorient.
    If you choose gnomish school and do not have access for The Big One, Big Iron Bombs and
    Thorium Grenades are probably the best bet.
    For those who didn?t knew : Disorient is one of a kind stun effect, which keeps the target helpless
    for X-amount seconds. You can Summon the Infernal on that period, or load the Shadowbolt?
    Cooldown : 2 mins. (Bomb timer)
    Gnomish Net-O-Matic
    Way to root the target. Net-O-Matic is really good, as you really want 'em to stay still.
    In the case of Malfunction: Net-O-Matic roots the user.
    Cooldown : 10 mins (Activates the snare timer)
    Gnomish Shrinkray
    After using this, the melee oriented characters are not doing anything in 12 seconds. Way much
    better than it looks to be on the paper http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=5256
    In the case of Malfunction: Shrinks the user (smaller targets are harder to pick with mouse! And
    who cares about the 250 melee attack power anyway? ) OR gives giant growth to the target, giving
    8 str to him. In really rare cases this device goes really wild and shrinks everyone in the area of
    effect, sometimes let's the user outside of the AoE.
    I used this on raid, and it was fun to see that everyone else except me were smalls. So were the foes
    as allies. Everyone, except myself.
    Cooldown : 5 mins
    Gnomish Deathray
    Deathray damages you, and your opponent. I've single hit killed opponents with this, by dealing
    over 2900 damage http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=12822
    In the case of Malfunction: Does not do damage to opponent. Only to yourself.
    Cooldown : 5 mins. (Activates the Bomb timer)
    Discombulator ray
    Slowing the target is always nice, does not eat your trinket's place, but got charges instead. Cheap
    to make, awesome in use. Too bad, that the recipe quite hard to get..
    This item is the best way to unmount your prey. Instant usage, slows the target... What else can you
    wait for an item? I really love these!
    In the case of Malfunction: Never Malfunctioned, when I've used. This does not mean that this
    device does not malfunction but means that I've been lucky.
    Cooldown : 3 mins. (Activates the snare timer)
    Goblin Rocket Helm
    Just another?Seduction? for 30 sec http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=11272
    Goblin Rocket Helm is useful when fighting with more than single enemy at the time. Shines
    specially at the Gurubashi arena.
    In the case of Malfunction: I have no experiences with malfunctioning Rocket helms, but most
    likely, like all Goblin Devices, it will explode and damage the user.
    Cooldown : 30 mins
    Goblin Rocket Boots
    You can outrace (non epic) mount in speed with these. As they give +70% speed, and Mount gives
    only +60%. Not that useful, but got it's uses. Gnomish version are not as good as Goblin ones. So
    avoid the Gnomish boots. They are just waste of resources.
    In the case of Malfunction: Boots explode, deal minor damage to user and need to be fixed.
    Cooldown : 5 mins (Activates the speed-timer, like nifty stopwatch)
    Note that the Devices got 30-40% malfunction chance, so they might kickback. Warlocks are pretty
    lucky, because we are not suffering those kickbacks too much, as you can read from
    the?malfunction? parts.
    As you can see, those will give the advantage as most of those are combinative with the way how
    Warlock works. Having Engineering is HIGHLY recommended.
    3. Items
    I bet that there are just as many opinions about what kind of items to use as there are players, but
    here's my opinion.
    If you are Affliction
    Go for Stats ( Stamina -> Intelligence -> Spirit ), as your way to play is most likely drain tanking
    the opponent.
    If you are Destruction
    Go for the kill. Just try to get as much + (shadow) damage as possible. And for stats, take balanced
    amount of intelligence and stamina, as you are going to run out of mana if the situation lasts longer
    than it should. You are just way more fragile than affliction ones and that kind of build require
    more skill to survive in a field. Some people are swearing in the name of?+ to critical chance with
    spells? but I'm not too comfort about it. I want to see some crushed numbers before I believe that
    critical chance really helps more than damage boost for your EVERY spell. After all, in the late
    game that added 5% will eat room from +70 damage/spell you cast.
    However, if you are going for the "Fire-Destruction", "+crit chance with spells" is better than the
    +fire damage because of the dimishing returns on the listed +damage while casting spells with
    casting speed less than 3s. Read Mosh's FAQ for more detailed explanation.
    For Demonology based builds
    At least according my current tests, demonology is not as ?shadow based?, as regular ?SM-Ruin?
    build, so I recommended person to take ?+magical damage? over the ?+shadow damage?, as you
    are going to use more variety of spells than just the standard shadowbolt nuking. As a demonology
    player, I?ll say ?screw the intelligence; give me damage and Stamina as much as possible?. Having
    lots of +Stamina-items are getting nice boost from your ?Demonic Embrace?-talent. And while you
    (most likely) are not going for the RUIN-talent, you need additional damage to nail your targets as
    soon as possible.
    4. Talents
    Which Talents are the best for PVP?
    I don't believe that any of the trees is totally worthless, but I think that the best to get all the instant
    damaging spells, which are available. So this technically forces player to get at least 11 points from
    the Destruction (to get Shadowburn). Instants are the key for the successful pvp.
    Talents just tell you how to do your things.
    4.1 Affliction
    Generally Afflition Builds should be using more DOTs than the Destruction Builds, because they
    most likely want to Drain Tank the opponent, while the Destruction-builds want to stay away from
    the heat. These builds are trusting for the triggering ?Nightfall?, which triggers whenever the
    corrupt or the Drain Life deals damage (so that?s not only ?on the cast?, but whenever it deals the
    Key Talents for PVP: Nightfall, Grim Reach, Shadow Mastery, Siphon Soul, Curse of Exhaustion.
    4.1.1 Affliction wants to ?Drain Tank?, what does that mean?
    It means, that the Affliction player uses all the possible DOTs to it's prey (excluding the curse, I'll
    tell you later why), and then just tries to keep alive, by Draining Life from the opponent, and uses
    the Shadowbolt from the Nightfall instantly when it triggers. Just remember to use Fear and Curse
    of Exhaustion when they are approaching, and you'll be fine.
    4.2 Destruction
    Destruction build should have?Ruin?-talent. Without it, there is no idea to pick Destruction for
    PVP. In addition Destruction should not let the target close. Ever. Because Destrulocks are
    FRAGILE if compared to Affliction or Demonology ones. Especially if Destrulock is using
    Shadow damage-items, instead of +stamina items. Destruction wants to kill the prey as fast as
    possible, by using the Shadowbolt. Note for the Destruction players: DO NOT put any DOTs on
    your targets, as you don't want them to break your fear/seduction. Just immolate and Confi the
    target, when you are sure that you can nail it for sure.
    Key Talents for PVP : Shadowburn, Ruin, Destructive Reach (Conflagrate when patch 1.7 comes
    4.3 Demonology
    Most Demonology players are trusting for the 0.5 sec pet so they usually go with the Voidwalker,
    sac it, and summon the proper pet for the situation (Felhunter against casters, Succubus against the
    melee, or sometimes even Imp if it seems to fit the situation). Patch 1.6 gave the Demonology
    players awesome talent which buffs both, the warlock and the demon by certain bonuses, which are
    demon specified. For PVP, the Felhunter?s +1 to all resistances / character level, and Succubus? +10
    for ALL the damage are probably the best ones.
    Soul Link gives the awesome boost for the survivability against the every class (excluding the priest
    and the Shaman, as they can dispel the link). And while soul link lasts, half of the damage taken has
    been dealt for your demon.. It IS good, as most likely your dots are ticking on the background all the
    Key Talents for PVP: Master Summoning, Soul Link, Master Demonologist
    4.5Most Common talent builds
    People have asked those most common builds over and over again, so I thought I can list those here
    as well. Note that every player got their own variations for ?That build?, so the ones I?m listing here
    are not the only right ones. Infact, I really hope that players would be more creative and would
    create more builds of their own. I?m not listing what the specific talents are doing, as you can check
    those talent descriptions elsewhere. If you are not sure, please go into the game and check there.
    So even I?m listing these here, I beg you: Please be creative and create your own builds.
    SM/Ruin (Shadow Mastery/Ruin) is probably the most played build, which got plenty of tricks, such
    as HUGE shadowbolts, access to instant shadowbolts, and slowing curse?
    However, this is probably the easiest build to use as it?s really much trusting to ?Seduction-
    Shadowbolt? - combination. Output damage is incredibly high, but I, personally, found this very
    fragile build. (90% time when I got ambushed rogue, I ended up to the graveyard).
    Here is quote which describes this build really well :
    ?If you can?t kill with 3 shadowbolts, you are dead anyway? ? Mosh.
    Affliction Talents: 30
    5 improved Corruption
    2 improved Life Tap
    3 either for Suppression (or Improved Drain Life)
    5 for Fel Concentration
    1 Amplify Curse
    2 Nightfall
    2 Grim Reach
    1 Amplify Curse
    1 Siphon Soul
    1 Curse of Exhaustion
    3 Improved Curse of Exhaustion
    5 Shadow Mastery
    Demonology talents: 0
    Destruction Talents: 21
    5 Improved Shadowbolt
    5 Bane
    1 Shadowburn
    5 Devastation
    2 Intency
    2 Destructive Reach
    1 Ruin
    4.4.2 MD/Ruin
    MD (Master Demonologist/Ruin) is aiming to huge shadowbolts and other crits as well, but its bit
    more flexible once you understand what the great things are, you could actually do with your
    demons. However, losing instant cast DoT (which actually ?works as intended?) hurts vs. rogues,
    but the loss is easily replaced by instant cast demon. If you?ve been playing only with your
    ?SM/Ruin?, I really recommend trying this one. Output dps is not that high, but the increased
    survivability is worth of small sacrifices.
    Affliction Talents: 0
    Demonology talents: 30
    2 Improved Healthstone
    3 Improved Imp
    5 Demonic Embrace
    3 Improved Succubus
    2 Fel Domination
    3 Fel Stamina (Or improved Voidwalker)
    1 Master Summoner
    5 Unholy Power
    1 Demonic Sacrifice
    5 Master Demonologist
    Destruction Talents: 21
    5 Improved Shadowbolt
    5 Bane
    1 Shadowburn
    5 Devastation
    2 Intency
    2 Destructive Reach
    1 Ruin
    4.4.3 Soul link
    My current build, I love this one. Soul link builds are not capable to do incredibly high amount of
    damage, but they can last longer than any other builds. Soul link build got two variants, this one and
    one which is sported more for Drain Tanking (Its better for PvE, this is better for PvP).
    This got instant DoT, Shadowburn, Master demonologist, 0.5s summon? So according my current
    tests, this is really good for pvping. But it?s just my opinion.
    Bonus is that this does not need ?Seduction-Shadowbolt? for winning.
    Affliction Talents: 7
    5 Improved Corruption
    2 Improved Life Tap
    Demonology talents: 31
    2 Improved Healthstone
    3 Improved Imp
    5 Demonic Embrace
    3 Improved Succubus
    2 Fel Domination
    3 Fel Stamina (Or improved Voidwalker)
    1 Master Summoner
    5 Unholy Power
    1 Demonic Sacrifice
    5 Master Demonologist
    1 Soul Link
    Destruction Talents: 13
    5 Improved Shadowbolt
    5 Bane
    1 Shadowburn
    2 Devastation
    4.4.4 Firemancer (Aka Drakedog?s build)
    This is how one of the world?s best warlock players had put his talents before he quitted.
    Note that this sports more firedamage than the shadowdamage, so this is not optimal for pvper, who
    is going to do Molten Core...
    However, patch notes are telling that the conflagrate is getting buffed up (by making it as instant)
    when patch 1.7 comes in. So after the patch, I think that I have to try this one. Seems to be quite
    Affliction Talents: 7
    5 Improved Corruption
    2 Improved Life Tap
    Demonology talents: 7
    2 Improved Healthstone
    5 Demonic Embrace
    Destruction Talents: 37
    5 Cataclysm
    5 Aftermatch
    5 Bane
    5 Devastation
    1 Shadowburn
    2 Destructive Reach
    2 Imprved Searing Pain
    5 Improved Immolate
    1 Ruin
    5 Inferno
    1 Conflagrate
    5. Spells
    5.1 Curses
    In PVP you want to use:
    Curse of Elements ( If your pet is IMP, or you love to use your fire spells such as Soulfire)
    Curse of Shadow (if you are Destruction build, or just want see HUGE shadowdamage scores with
    your shadowbolt)
    Curse of Exhaustion (apply this after fearing the target, or for successful kiting)
    Curse of Weakness (if you need extra protection while Drain Tanking)
    Curse of Agony (another, more suitable option for Drain Tanking, usually put to the target when the
    warlock is ready to nail the target)
    Curse of Tongues (Against every caster, simple as that)
    5.2 DOTs
    Note about the DOTs.
    If you apply DOTs in PVP, it will ruin your defensive plans, as DOTs are breaking the Seduction
    and the Fear. ( See section 5.4 ?Fear? )
    So think carefully when you apply the DOTs on your target. I, personally, rarely use these as they
    make me powerless to fix the situation if something goes wild. DOTs are fine to apply when your
    opponent has about a quarter left on it's life bar, and you lay your fear on it... Or if you are ?Drain
    Any warlock player should take improved Currupt, because we really need every instant cast we
    can get. Note that Corrupt is triggering the Nightfall?s Shadow trance, which is one of the best
    talents warlocks got.
    Curse of Agony
    Another DOT, just not as good other curses. Believe me. CoA has potential to be really good, but
    it?s not as its bugged. (Bug is in the way how it?s coded, it ?self casts? itself to get more damage /
    tick later on, until the time has expired and it wore off. Too bad that Rogues which are using
    ?vanish? ability are consider as ?illegal targets? and it stops working when rogue is in the
    stealhed. I?m not sure does this same apply for the ?invisible targets? as well.)
    So? Do NOT waste points for improved Curse of Agony.
    Impact damage is the main thing to use this, DOT-effect is nice bonus. Immolate is required for
    great Confi-damage.
    Siphon Soul
    As a instant cast, this is great in PVP, and life regeneration is great bonus for everyone.
    Damage is not too impressive though, but you can?t get everything.
    5.3 Instants
    *sob sob * Only so few spells here. But the few we got are pure gold.
    You should be using ALL the instant Direct Damage at the very end of the fight when the target has
    about 20% (or less) of it's life left. You don't want to give time for 'em to drink or heal. Usually
    players are drinking / healing as late as possible and that's the part where you want to hit! Just
    before they'll do it.
    Death Coil
    Awesome spell, definitely the best instant we got, as it works as a Healing Spell as well. Note that
    the bolt in this spell is relatively slow to reach its target, so don't except that your target loses the
    life and you'll get the life when you press the button. There is ~1 sec delay, unless the target is
    standing right next to you. 10 minutes cooldown is really neat though. Hopefully they?ll reduce the
    cooldown on the upcoming patches.
    Ah.. I love this spell. Even it uses only one shard at the time, it will eat all of your precious
    soulsshards, because you?ll find yourself using this beauty really much. It has quite high instant
    damage, with only 15 sec cooldown is awesome. So if you want to do PVP, get this!
    Hellfire & Rain of Fire
    Hellfire costs really much mana, damages to yourself, 1st tick does not deal damage, but... It's an
    instant! Do I need to say more? I guess not. This is very situanary spell, but when used correctly
    this is awesome. Definetly worth of using in pvp. Rain of fire is slower, channeled spell but it's also
    instant to cast... Not as good as Hellfire.
    Corrupt, Siphon Soul and Curses have already been discussed above.
    5.4 FEAR
    This is the part where I need to ask you just ignore the fact that I'm Horde?s warlock, as it has
    nothing to do with this..
    I've encountered plenty of warlocks on the field, and most of 'em are doing it all wrong!
    They start with the fear and continue with the DOTs.
    First of all, DOTs are breaking the fear (ANY damage taken will break the fear with the ~10%
    chance), therefore negating the effect in it. Most of the time, I just don't bother to use WotF or
    trinket or anything else which removes the Fear, because they had already blown their chances.
    And when you realize this you can play around WotF. Warlock-player shouldn't trust too much to
    his/her fear-spell. Don't get me wrong, it IS game-breaker when used properly, but it's not good plan
    to build your pvp-success around it. For that, it?s not too reliable.
    There are only few occasions when you want to use fear:
    1st when you need room for healing with a bandage.
    2nd When you want to prevent them from healing with potion/spell. Ideally when they got less than
    35% life left.
    3rd You want to save your pet.
    4th You need to some why?kite? your opponent. (Fearing it, and then putting CoEx on it, and
    therefore buying TIME for winning)
    When used like that, the Fear IS game breaker, and winner spell but just using fear over and over
    again, until it has lost it's power is just plain stupid.
    And again, please never, ever use DOTs and Fear / Seduce simultaneously, as it just won?t work.
    I?m not sure about the exact %, but I'm pretty sure that any damage dealt to target triggers about
    10% chance to break the fear. So if you apply all of your DOTs, you are damaging the target every
    second, and therefore breaking your own fear faster. That's why I suggest that the warlock player
    would use only the highest hitting spells when the target is feared. The suggested spells are:
    Soulfire, Shadowbolt or Searing Pain.
    Please, dear readers believe me on this, and your chances to win are going to skyrocket.
    5.5 Basic Damaging Spells
    This is the basic damage dealing spell for Destruction based warlocks, should be used all the time.
    When this spell is being used, Curse of Shadows is the proper pick. I?ve seen screens when players
    have hit bit over 4k with SB.
    Drain Tankers basic spell. Concept of Drain Tanking has been explained above.
    Searing Pain
    In rare occasions a Warlock wants to deal ANY damage as fast as possible. Searing Pain is the pick
    then as it got shorter casting time than the Shadowbolt, it gets through way more often than the
    Shadowbolt, which is superior to Searing Pain othervise (Please read Mosh's calculations
    considering Shadowbolt vs Searing Pain)
    6. Pets
    Successful warlock tactics include that you'll know how to play WITH your pet.
    Of course the Demonology 'locks are specialists with these, but I'll give some guidelines how to use
    your pets effectively in PVP, so even the Destruction- or Affliction-builds could get the full power
    out from their pets.
    Note Warlock's should be protecting its pet, if the opponent chooses to attack the pet instead of the
    'lock itself. Then just fear the opponent, or try to nail the target before it nails the pet. Without a pet,
    Warlock is screwed.
    6.1 Imp
    The ?Basic? pet for the party, but unlike the general opinion, I think that this is one of the best pets
    for pvp. This IS better than the Succubus for the Full Affliction, who is Drain Tanking. Imp with 3
    talent points put to the Improved Imp is dealing awesome damage, and is being ignored most of the
    time by other players, as other players are thinking that it's not a threat. But especially if you lay
    Curse of Elements to target, this little meanie is the best bet you can get. And... Best of all, he does
    not cost you a shard!
    6.2 Voidwalker
    Some of the players seem to love this pet, but I haven't found him usefull at all, perhaps because I
    don't have any talents to put on him. Demonology-players seem to trust the tactic with the sac and
    0.5sec cast for the?right? pet. Hence warning: ?DO NOT ever use this in PVP, unless you need
    absorb against the melee damage.? (Excluding against the Hunter, who?s pet can be taunted by
    6.3 Succubus
    Destruction lock's best friend saves your butt even if the rogue sneaks behind, and starts to stun-lock
    you. After all Seduction IS one of the warlock's best abilities. Just remember to have her invisible
    all the time, because otherwise she IS going to be they 1st target, instead 'lock.
    6.4 Felhunter
    With the standard SM/RUIN build I've always found the imp or the succubus better, but while my
    current Demonology (SL) build I?ve found this very useful, as it can heal by devouring opponent?s
    buffs itself and has awesome resists. Against casters this IS a killer, as the spell lock gives the
    silence and the casters simply can?t kill this thing. I?ve heard stories where lvl 60 mage has dueled
    against lvl 60 felhunter and lost...
    Also in the PVP-Raids this is the pet, you want to use. Paranoia is quite descent ability on the paper,
    but according my experiences, it's not?automatic spot?, so about ? of the time the rogues and the
    other sneakers are able to do their maneuvers, and without succubus that's pretty much same as
    death penalty.
    I?LOVE this!
    When you summon the infernal (2s summon, dismisses your current pet in the progress), there
    comes huge rock from the sky which stuns the target(s) under the blast radius for 2s and it deals 200
    damage. At the patch 1.6 these are unpreventable, but according the 1.7 notes those can be resisted
    in the future. And Infernal can only be used outdoors.
    Infernal it self is capable to tear almost anything to the pieces (including the caster, if it breaks free).
    60 min cooldown and 50 silver?s summoning stones are not nice either. But nothing can beat the
    feeling when you see the bubbleboy struggling with the great infernal?
    And then there are tactics which allows you to free the infernal, boosting it for the 30 (?) %.
    Few days back I got jumped by 3 allies in the Un?goro crater, I dotted all of ?em, summoned the
    infernal and hellfired myself to the death (I was certain that I wouldn?t survive as I was fighting
    against the mob when I got jumped and got about 50% life left.. And I had Voidwalker out. :P ).
    When I died, the infernal let loose, and killed all the 3 allies. When last of the allies died, I used my
    SS, stood up, enslaved the infernal again and laughed for the fool allies who thought that single
    wounded warlock would be easy target... I didn?t have the HKs for the kills, but I got the great
    feeling instead.
    6.6 Doomknight
    Quest is bugging, and I haven?t played with this almost at all. So can?t say much about it. According
    the posts in the forums, summoning the DK is pretty much same as the death penalty, as the
    ?Enslave Demon? is not lasting long enough. Perhaps with the ?Nemesis? set and faster enslave
    demon-spell this can be playable. *shrugs*
    7. Tactics
    7.1 Using Terrain as a Tool
    Hills are warlock's best friends. Against melee chars, try to move to the top of the hill ( it takes
    forever to get back from down, when you force 'em to run, via Fear and Curse of Exhaustion...
    Especially if the hill is somehow hard to climb up), and against casters, use the hills, or some other
    obstacles to block the line of sight. Warlock's DOTs are dealing the damage all the time, while they
    need to see the ?lock for harming 'em. ( They'll gotta love the red text saying?Target is not in line of
    7.2 Specified Tactics Against Classes
    Here is how I rate them by difficulty for us. It's by average player, of course the opponents build and
    playing skill affect the score by enchanting it one aster (*) lower or higher.
    * Very easy, technically? can?t lose, unless you somehow manage to do some MAJOR mistake.
    You can take these up to 8 levels above you, without fear about the?auto loss?
    ** Easy, You can take these up to 4 levels above you, without fear about the?auto loss?
    *** Challenging do not challenge higher than 2 levels above you
    **** Difficult if you can win char on your own level, you can be satisfied
    ***** Very Difficult, If you win, be happy, as you have done pretty darn well. Even, if the target is
    4 levers lower than you are. And I really mean it.
    7.2.1 Druid
    Rating * - ***, depending their build.
    Shape shifters are *, really easy to beat; just note that succubus is not the right pet here, as
    Seduction does not work to NON-humanoids. Just use all the DOTs and nuke it to the death. When
    the Druid shifts back, stop whatever you were doing, and fear, as it's going to heal. When it is
    feared, (only short period, thanks to dots..) use all the instants you got to finish it off. Bear-Form got
    nice boost during the last patch, so now they can feal with their ?rage?. So if they got plenty of
    Rage, and low on heal, start treating like you'd prevent the healing ( = use your fear! ).
    Note that they have no way to remove the fear while they are in the animal form. So fearing the
    shifted druid is working most of the time.
    Felhunter?s spell lock is pure gold when they are starting to cast the heal. Felhunter?s buff eating
    ability should be used against the druids a lot too, as the druids usually got multiple buffs on them.
    Suggested Pet : Felhunter.
    Suggested Curse: Depends your build.
    Caster Druids are way more harder to beat (***), as they got that instant-cast spell without
    cooldown (moonfire), and some really neat heals.
    Just seduce with your Succubus, and then use the highest hitting spell / item on it (not DOT!). Then
    try to keep it in the fear-lock, as in?fair? damage dealing competition, the Druid is going to win.
    Use the Curse of Tongues for slowing its casting times. Do NOT allow the Druid use Heals. If
    Druid will get two or more heals through, it's going to win by healing faster than you can damage.
    Draining it's mana while it is running in fear, is not bad plan either...
    Suggested Pet : Succubus or Felhunter
    Suggested Curse : Curse of Tongues / CoS / CoA
    7.2.2 Hunter
    Rating ***
    Hunters were my personal Achilles? heel, so I used to rank those for (*****) but now I?ve realized
    how those work and that they can and cannot do? Well, hunters are not too hard.
    Target the hunter, put your pet to attack the hunter, lay on all the instant cast DOT?s you got, fear
    the pet, move close enough, so they can't drain your manas with Vipersting. If they try to move to
    the shooting range, PREVENT IT by running after them or if they got too far away, put the CoEx (if
    you got it). If they are able to use their guns, warlock is going to lose. Their shoot range is 41 yrd,
    yours is 36 (if you have put talents for the longer cast range). You can do to the math.
    So just keep Hunter's pet feared, your pet beating the hunter, Hunter DOTted and staying in close
    combat range casting your own spells quite fast castable spells (such as searing pain), you'll do fine.
    One more hint, do not fear the hunter itself, as it will run out of the close combat range, and when
    fear wears off, the Warlock is in trouble.
    Suggested Pet : Felhunter or Succubus, Beating all the time.
    Suggested Curse : Curse of Agony
    7.2.3 Mage
    Rating **
    Mages are one of the easiest targets for the Warlock.
    Just simple Curse of Tongues, Seduction from Succubus or Spell lock from Fellhunter, drop your
    highest hitting thing, unload all the instants you got, and it's pretty much game over for the Mage.
    Of course, if the mage survives, you need to adapt to the situation, as you are going to get sheeped
    and getting hit by Mage's big blasts...
    Then just unload all the DOTs, to disrupt Mage's casting and slowly moving it towards the soon
    becoming death. Just be sure that the mage is not getting rid of the Curse of Tongues. They
    got?Remove Curse?-spell, but most of the time mages forget to use it? :P
    Important note: Mages can counter your spells and they can remove the curses.
    Suggested Pet: Fellhunter (or Succubus)
    Suggested Curse : Curse of Tongues
    7.2.4 Paladin
    Rating * (With Succubus), *** (With some other pet)
    Enough said.
    Paladins do not have any answer to Seduction or Fear, therefore making them as really easy targets
    for the warlocks. I've killed paladin 11 levels above me, so that should tell something about this
    match up. Just do NOT DOT 'em because their shield will remove the DOTs on. You just want to
    see 'em running around, so you could shoot 'em with your Shadowbolts.
    When you see the bubble, use the bandage. His heal cost?s mana, your?s does not. Some have been
    reporting that the paladin without the mana is dead paladin. I?ve never managed to get the match
    last that long though.
    Suggested Pet : Succubus
    Suggested Curse : Curse of Shadows\Elements.
    7.2.5 Priest
    Rating : ****
    Almost all priests I've encountered in the pvp has been shadowpriests, so using the Shadow Ward in
    the mid combat is a good plan. Don?t start with it, as they will just dispel it. Then I've Curse of
    Tongued 'em, and unloaded DOTs. As you can see, the tactic is pretty similar like against mages.
    Remember to use your Spellstones to remove Debuffs, and having bit more protection against their
    neat DOTs. Note that priests got their version from the Shadow Protection; their one just buffs their
    Shadow Resistances instead. So if you can, use fire based spells instead of the shadow spells.
    Just try to prevent their healing, not as easy task to do, but it's doable. Fear and Felhunter are your
    friends here.
    Hint from ?Archy? : Priest like to rush in and aoe fear you and your pet at every opportunity. A way
    to counter this is set your pet to stay at one point away from you at the start, send in to attack and
    when they rush you set pet to passive. It will go back to its stay point out of aoe range.
    Important note: Priests can dispel all magical effects from themselves and from the opponent. But
    they got no way to get rid of the Curses.
    Suggested Pet : Depending your build
    Suggested Curse : Curse of Tongues
    7.2.6 Rogue
    Rating *****
    Rogues... Our nemesis.
    They usually are starting the fight, thanks to the stealth.
    There is technically only one way to survive from GOOD Rogue's attack : Succubus, and Her
    Seduction. Just make Succubus to seduce the rogue, when you are pinned down by stun-attack, get
    up, heal yourself with the bandage, Unload the biggest thing you got, DOT the rogue before it
    vanishes, as when DOTed, it cannot vanish.
    This is the rare occasion, when you want to DOT and Fear simultaneously. So use all the DOTs you
    got, fear it, when rogue is (hopefully) on the distance, use Curse of Exhaustion on it. Unload fast
    casting spells, such as Searing pain and all the instants when ever you can. And pray that the corrupt
    triggers nightfall. And repeat the fear-CoEx-manoveur.
    Suggested Pet: Succubus
    Suggested Curse : Curse of Exhaustion
    7.2.7 Shaman
    Rating **** / *****
    I play on the Horde's side, so I haven't met any of the Shamans on the open, but I've dueled plenty of
    'em. They don't have much life, nor instant heals without putting lots of talents to it ( thanks guys,
    and gals that you pointed this out), so just try to keep it away. That Windfury really hurts, especially
    if they got 2-hand weapon. Their most effective weapon against casters, the Shocks, got really short
    distance to work, so just try to keep them away from you, either by using Fear-CoEx combo or
    Seducing and taking the distance.. Then just DOT, and run, shoots when ever you can with the
    instants you got. Shadowbolting is doomed plan against Shamans, as they'll just interrupt it with the
    shocks. And when they stop and start healing, turn back and Fear, before the Heal resolves.
    When the target is feared, just nail it with everything you got.
    Important note: Shamans can purge (dispel) your buffs and they can counter your spells. Try to learn
    which totems should be removed, and which are there only for fooling the opponent.
    Suggested Pet: Succubus or the Felhunter
    Suggested Curse: Curse of Exhaustion
    7.2.8 Warlock
    Rating ***
    Mirror match.
    Depends really much how talented your opponent is.
    Basics are here: Banish their pet, seduce the target, protect yourself by using shadowprot, Unload
    the biggest hitting thing you got, Curse of Tongues on it. Unload the DOTs to interrupt opponent's
    spell casting. Use the Shadowbolts to deal damage with the DOTs and let your pet hit it aswell.
    Suggested Pet : Succubus or Felhunter
    Suggested Curse : Curse of Tongues
    7.2.9 Warrior
    Rating * OR *****
    Usually warriors are pretty darn easy to beat, rating them to *, but really skilled warrior is near
    impossible to beat (I've encountered one in duel, 2 levels smaller than I was, and after 5th time
    losing to it, I gave up). Honestly, most of them are really, really easy to kill. But some just know
    how to protect themselves from Fear and Seduction, when to Shiled Bash for Spell interruption and
    so on... If they use the stances properly, we are screwed. Period.
    So basically the tactic is to keep them on the distance. By seducing and fearing them. Never, ever
    lay DOTs, unless you are brave (or stupid?) enough to try Drain Tanking a warrior. I don't
    recommend, but it's possible to beat warrior in that way, especially it is using 1 hand weapon and a
    Suggested Pet: Succubus
    Suggested Curse: Curse of Exhaustion
    7.3 Massive PVP situations (Raids)
    On the PVP raids, just Corrupt, Siphon Soul and Curse of Agony everything, unload possibly
    triggering Shadowbolts (from Nightfall) and if opponents are packed together, use your AOEs.
    Suggested Pet: Felhunter, put to Aggressive mode.
    Suggested Curse: Curse of Agony.
    7.4 Playing around the WotF (Will of the Forsaken)
    WotF used to ruin warlock?s day, now it only disturbs a bit. Thanks Blizzard for balancing the WotF
    and there fore making warlock even better.
    However, if you still find undead to be a problem for you, here I?ve collected some hints for you.
    7.4.1 What is this WotF?
    ?Will of the Forsaken? is undead's racial ability. When they activate the ability, they are 5 seconds
    immune to charm AND fear effects. Activating this ability will remove the fear AND Charm-status.
    As you have read from the above, most of the Warlock tactics are using our defensive spells (Fear
    and Seduce) a lot. Infact those two are the key for successful PVP. As a Horde Player, I don't have
    this problem. However, here are some hints I've collected from the forums (from these, and from
    another ones aswell).
    These hints might help or then not. WotF makes things 10 times harder. Hands down.
    7.4.2 Use your Engineering Devices
    There are some really good engineering devices, which could be used to play around the timer in
    WotF. Just force the opponent to activate the WotF, and then paralyze or slow it in a way or
    another. Goblin Rocket Helm is probably the best for this, as it totally stuns the target for 30
    seconds which is enough to get the get rid of the WotF. Then there are Net-O-Matic, Discombulator
    ray and Shrink ray help against melee oriented characters.
    7.4.3 Survive long enough...with Demonology
    I've heard successful stories about beating the WotF by simply lasting long enough to get the timer
    in it killed. (The following has actually happened to me in game.)
    Soul link and Master summoning had been the keys for this. Sacrificing the Voidwalker for shield,
    then summoning another pet to replace the Sacrificed one, Soullinking it, and then just outracing the
    opponent in damage dealing competition. And in the very late game, the Demonology-lock still got
    their panic buttons left, as the WotF had already been vanished. Time for bandage anyone?
    8. Final Words and Special Thanks
    I highly recommed that you all would read some of the ?Mosh?'s posts in the official Blizzard's
    forums, and learn about those. He is magician while it comes to crushing numbers and creating
    builds. And after all, PVP is 50% about crushing numbers for the maximum effectiveness, and 50%
    playing skills.

    Warlock PvP Guide
  2. #2
    Cypher's Avatar Kynox's Sister's Pimp
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    Good job. Thinking of making a lock.

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    CookieMunster's Avatar Member
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    Amazing...Thanks for sharing! I love warlocks and am just beginning to appreciate the complexity of this character. But as a relative noob to the universe of spellcasters, it does take some effort to understand the different specs, build and effects. I'm just looking for a great PvE build at the momen tto maximise my leveling time. Have gone fully affliction till now (am only at 35 atm) and have lost out on the leveling speed, I feel. Am thinking of re-spec'ing... and still searching for my unique calling. It'll be great if you can give me some advice on the pros and cons of PvE-style builds.

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    Re: Warlock PvP Guide

    +rep hands down. Thanks for sharing.

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    Pthree's Avatar Banned
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    Re: Warlock PvP Guide

    Great guide!

    But one thing, wasnt it like "dont ask for rep" or something, huh?
    Last edited by Pthree; 11-15-2006 at 07:44 AM. Reason: Auto-merged Doublepost

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