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    Sithe's Avatar Member
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    Sithe's Big List of Macros!

    Most of these macros were made by me, some were made by others that I thought are useful. Insert requested information in the brackets [ ] that is bolded.

    [General/Misc Macros]

    Bandage Yourself/Another Player:
    /target [YourName/Player Name]
    /use Heavy Runecloth Bandage
    Cast Spells in a Row! Yes you can cast MULTIPLE SPELLS IN ONE MACRO!:
    /castsequence [Spell], [Spell], [Spell] etc...
    Equipping Items:
    /equip [ItemNameHere]
    Quick Quest Accepting:
    /script AcceptQuest();
    Opens the first item in your mailbox takes contents, and deletes it:
    /script GetInboxText(1); TakeInboxItem(1); TakeInboxMoney(1); DeleteInboxItem(1);
    Activating a trinket:
    /use 13
    /use 14

    (13 = top trinket, 14 = bottom)

    [Druid Macros]

    Shift to Dire Bear From and Feral Charge from any form(Even when your mounted):
    /cancelaura [stance:2] Aquatic Form; [stance:3] Cat Form; [stance:4] Travel Form; [stance:5] Moonkin Form
    /cancelaura [mounted] [Mount Name]
    /cast [nostance] Dire Bear Form; [stance:1] Feral Charge
    Shift to Cat Form and stealth from any form:
    # show Prowl
    /cancelaura [stance:1] Dire Bear Form; [stance:2] Aquatic Form; [stance:4] Travel Form; [stance:5] Moonkin Form
    /cancelaura [mounted] Frostwolf Howler
    /cast [nostance] Cat Form; [stance:3, nostealth] Prowl

    Totem Killer:
    /target totem
    /cast [harm] Moonfire(Rank 1)
    War Stomp and Self-Heal (Tauren Only):
    # show War Stomp
    /cancelaura [stance:1] Dire Bear Form; [stance:2] Aquatic Form; [stance:3] Cat Form; [stance:4] Travel Form; [stance:5] Moonkin Form
    /castsequence [target=player] reset=120/combat War Stomp, Regrowth, Rejuvenation
    Stun and Self-Heal (Dire Bear Form):
    # show Bash
    /cancelaura [stance:2] Aquatic Form; [stance:3] Cat Form; [stance:4] Travel Form; [stance:5] Moonkin Form
    /castsequence [stance:1] reset=50/combat Bash, Dire Bear Form, Regrowth, Rejuvenation
    /castsequence [nostance] reset=50/combat Dire Bear Form, Bash, Dire Bear Form, Regrowth, Rejuvenation

    Nature's Swiftness and Healing Touch:
    /cast Nature's Swiftness
    /target player
    /cast Healing Touch

    [Hunter Macros]

    Revive, Call, or Mend Pet:
    /cast [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet; [modifier:ctrl] Revive Pet; [nopet] Call Pet; Mend Pet
    The modifier key (ctrl) allows you to hold down Control so this macro will ALWAYS cast Revive Pet. This is to make up for situations where your pet is dead, but not visible.

    Cast Aspects Based On Modifier Keys:

    /cast [nomodifier] Aspect of the Hawk

    /cast [modifier:ctrl] Aspect of the Monkey
    /cast [modifier:alt] Aspect of the Cheetah

    Hold down the modifier key ([modifier:KEY] To select what Aspect to use.

    Solo Farming:
    #show Auto Shot

    /targetenemy [noharm]
    /stopmacro [noharm]
    /cast Hunter’s Mark

    With one button press, this will target a nearby enemy if one isn’t already selected, send your pet on it, cast Hunter’s Mark, and then turn on auto attack / auto shot.

    Rentaki's Charm Macro:
    /castsequence reset=3 Arcane Shot, Multi-Shot, Renataki’s Charm of Beasts
    This macro will cycle through Arcane Shot, then Multi-Shot, and then use the trinket. If the trinket is on cooldown, the macro will halt. Simply wait 3 seconds and it will go back to Auto Shot.

    [Mage Macros]
    Dismount and Polymorph:
    /cancelaura [Mount Name]
    /cast [harm,nomounted] Polymorph(Rank 4)
    You may need to click this macro twice due to lag.

    Polymoprh Notice:
    /raid Sheeping %t! Please do not attack!
    /party Sheeping %t! Please do not attack!
    /say Sheeping %t! Please do not attack!
    Notifies players in your Raid, Party, and Say range, that you are sheeping your target, and to not attack it.

    Eat and Drink Macro:
    /use Conjured Crystal Water

    /use Conjured Cinnamon Roll

    This can really be used for any class, I just put it in the Mage Macros because not EVERY player uses mage water and food, when grinding/questing/raiding.

    ZHC + AP + POM + Pyroblast:
    /cast Presence of Mind

    /cast Arcane Power
    /use Zandalarian Hero Charm


    /cast Pyroblast

    ZHC can also be replaced with TOEP.

    [Paladin Macros]

    Easy Seal and Judgement:
    /cast Judgement

    /cast Seal of [Name of Seal]

    Bubble Hearth:
    /cast Divine Shield
    /use Hearthstone

    Bubble Heal:
    /cast Divine Shield
    /target Player
    /castsequence Holy Light, Holy Light
    Bubbles then casts Holy Light twice, remove one "Holy Light" if you only wish to cast one.

    [Priest Macros]

    Shackle Undead (Focused):

    Macro 1:

    Macro 2:
    /cast [target=focus] Shackle Undead
    /raid Shackling %t! PLEASE DO NOT ATTACK!
    /party Shackling %t! PLEASE DO NOT ATTACK!
    /say Shackling %t! PLEASE DO NOT ATTACK!
    This Macros allows you to set your focus and bind a spell directly to that focus. You should be able to cast the second spell without ever losing your current target. If used with a heal spell instead of shackle, this should also be very helpful for MT/Raid healing.

    Hover Dispel:
    /cast [target=mouseover] Dispel Magic
    This macro will cast dispel magic on whatever target your mouse is presently hovering over. So if you bind it to a mouse button and hit that button while hovering over a character.

    [Rogue Macros]

    /castrandom Sinister Strike, Riposte
    A very ghetto way to bypass the restrictions. You have to mash this non-stop and it works fine.

    Expose Armor without breaking gouge/sap/blind:
    /equip [Bow/CrossBow/Gun]

    /cast Expose Armor

    Cheap Shot without breaking gouge/sap/blind:
    /equip [Bow/CrossBow/Gun]

    /cast Cheap Shot

    One Button Press: Cold Blood + Eviscerate:
    /cast Cold Blood

    /cast Eviscerate

    Premed/CS in One Button Press Without Global Cooldown:
    /cast Premeditation

    /cast Cheap Shot

    Ghost Strike/Hemo:

    /castsequence reset=6 ghostly strike, hemorrhage, hemorrhage, hemorrhage, hemorrhage, hemorrhage
    Casts5 hemos for every ghost strike is plenty. This for me works better than /castrandom Ghost Strike, Hemorrhage, you can try both versions and see which one you prefer.

    Mashable Stealth:
    /cast [nostealth] Stealth

    This macro allows you to "mash" this macro to stealth without accidently un-stealthing.

    Stealth if not in combat, else Vanish (mashable):
    /cast [combat] Vanish; [nostealth] Stealth
    This is a "mashable" macro, that Vanishes if you are incombat or Stealths if you are not.

    Cast Shadowmend if Stealth is on Cooldown:
    /cast Stealth()

    /script CastShapeshiftForm(1);
    /script if not(string.find(GetShapeshiftFormInfo(1), “Invis” )) then CastSpellByName(”Shadowmeld(Racial)”); end

    [Shaman Macros]

    NS + Healing Wave:
    /target Player
    /cast Nature’s Swiftness
    /cast Healing Wave

    NS + ZHC + Healing Wave:
    /target Player
    /cast Nature's Swiftness
    /use Zandalarian Hero Charm
    /cast Healing Wave

    NS healing wave with Blood fury + ZHC:
    /cast Blood Fury
    /use Zandalarian Hero Charm
    /cast Nature’s Swiftness

    /cast Healing Wave
    NS + ZHC + blood fury + Chain lightning:
    /cast Blood Fury
    /use Zandalarian Hero Charm
    /cast Nature’s Swiftness
    /cast Chain Lightning

    [Warlock Macros]
    Blood Fury + ZHC + Shadow Bolt, for Orc warlocks:
    /cast Blood Fury
    /use Zandalarian Hero Charm
    /cast Shadow Bolt

    Felguard Self Dispell:
    /cast [target=player] Devour Magic

    Advanced Succubus Macros:
    /stopmacro [nopet:succubus]
    /cast [target=pettarget,nomodifier:alt] Seduction
    /stopmacro [nomodifier:alt]
    /p Seducing %t - Don’t attack the mob with the hearts! <3 <3
    /cast Seduction
    /cast Curse of Shadow

    For Seduction, here’s a 2.0 version combining 2 of Garguk’s macros. Pressing this while holding down Alt will have your succubus acquire a target and seduce it, while you cast Curse of Shadow. When Seduction breaks, just press the macro again without Alt. This will make your succubus cast Seduction on her current target. She remembers the target separately from your warlock’s target, so you do not need to retarget the mob to get Seduction going back ASAP; just press the button. In order for it to work, you have to avoid accidentally clearing your succubus’ target once you’ve given her one with the Alt cast. (Pulling her back by clicking Passive will clear her target, etc.)

    Sack your Void Walker:
    /cast [pet:voidwalker] Sacrifice
    /stopmacro [pet:voidwalker]
    /cast Fel Domination
    /cast Summon Voidwalker
    Sacrifice your VW. (If your VW isn’t out, it will summon one, using Fel Domination if it’s available. After the summon completes, you push the macro again to Sacrifice.) If you’d like the macro to immedately summon another VW after the Sacrifice, just delete the second line
    [Warrior Macros]

    Simple Overpower:
    /cast [stance:1] Overpower; Battle Stance
    /cast [nocombat,stance:1] Charge; [combat,nostance:3] Berserker Stance; [nocombat,nostance:1] Battle Stance; [combat,stance:3] Intercept
    It either charges/intercepts, or puts you into the correct stance, another click and you charge/intercept

    Shield bash or Pummel:
    /cast [stance:1/2,noequipped:Shields] Berserker Stance; [stance:1/2,equipped:Shields] Shield Bash; [stance:3] Pummel
    Tanking Macro:
    /castsequence reset=5 Shield Block, Revenge(Rank 6), Sunder Armor(Rank 5)
    Might not work to well.

    Sithe's Big List of Macros!
  2. #2
    Alkhara Majere's Avatar Account not activated by Email
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    Re: Sithe's Big List of Macros!

    Sadly, very, very, very few if any of these were made by you...

  3. #3
    Clocky's Avatar Member
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    Re: Sithe's Big List of Macros!

    I tried /castsequence, but it did not work....

    I did this:

    /castsequence Mana Shield, Ice Block

    Mana shield worked, but Ice Block didn't.
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  4. #4
    Alkhara Majere's Avatar Account not activated by Email
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    Re: Sithe's Big List of Macros!

    Originally Posted by Clocky
    I tried /castsequence, but it did not work....

    I did this:

    /castsequence Mana Shield, Ice Block

    Mana shield worked, but Ice Block didn't.
    Mostly because these are mostly outdated macros copied and pasted from a old webpage.

  5. #5
    Liljekvist's Avatar Member
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    Re: Sithe's Big List of Macros!

    Originally Posted by Sithe
    Most of these macros were made by me, some were made by others that I thought are useful. Insert requested information in the brackets [ ] that is bolded.
    stop lying and tell the truth, its c/p from other sites like wowmacros and worldofraids(they can have copied it aswell)

  6. #6
    Clocky's Avatar Member
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    Re: Sithe's Big List of Macros!

    Originally Posted by Alkhara

    Mostly because these are mostly outdated macros copied and pasted from a old webpage.
    I don't get how a macro can be outdated....
    Your skill in Spamming the MMOwned Forums has increased to 5,893.
    Your skill in Not Using the Search Engine has increased to 10,456.
    Your skill in F***ing yourself has increased to 270,534,534.

  7. #7
    Alkhara Majere's Avatar Account not activated by Email
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    Re: Sithe's Big List of Macros!

    Originally Posted by Clocky
    I don't get how a macro can be outdated....
    When Blizzard adds new things to prevent certain uses of them.

    He got a warning for C&Ping.

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