This is pretty useless xD but its fun
1> Everytime somone askes you about something, always end your answer with: thats what i think.
2> Let everyone know in the trade or the lf channel what you are doing, Example. im whispering (name),.. il go to the toilet for a few min,.. i am thinkin about maby making a group for an instance....
3> Everytime players ask you to do something, always first reply: Why do you want me to do that?
4> End all sentences with: Leroy Jenkins told me that.
6> Only write consonants, Example: wnna cme nstnce!
7> Always write the same sentence two times, Example: hey whats up, hey whats up
8> Write Small, and Big letters all the time, Example: yO hOw aRe yOu DoINg MAtE, WoNnA CoME tO aN iNsTAncE
9> Write in one sentence, Example: heyhowareyoudoingmate
10> Talk in this special way, Example: y0 whaddup ma 1337 G-St4r M8, Y0u W0na C0m3 T0 Da !nstanc3
11> Never use dots when writing, Example: hey i just wonna know how it is going with jamie miranda mikkel and all your other freinds im looking forward to see you again.
12 MY FAVORITE (did it 6 times)> make a level 1 and whisper some guy in karazhan (or any other raid) tell him this: im quiting wow im just whispering a random guy cuss i dont care who gets it., here it goes (fake account name) (fake account password), tell him if he dont log off now and takes it, you will give it to another, the idiot just logged off from hes karazhan raid and might not be invited back again when he comes online.
Ok that was the WoW ones, here real life one goes xD
Real LIfe :O!
1> When somone is counting or doing some math, you interrupt with your own numbers: Example: 1, 8, 38, 281, 28421.21, 284, (pissing people off)
2> When somone askes you to do something, always ask: you want fries with that?
3> When you are having a conversation with someone, in the middle of it begin talking about something else: Example:
You: you like the movie ''saving private ryan''
Nubcakelady: yea i love that movie, steaven spielberg made it right?
You: i dont like cookies so dont ask me about it.
nubcakelady: WTF?
4> In your breaks from work, bring a hairdryer and go to a road where many cars are passing by, point at them and see if they slow down.
5> Wave to people you dont know.
6> When someone is calling you, pick up the phone but dont say anything.
7> When somone askes you about something, always reply: You decide, im not good at it.
8> If you are invited to a party, Call the host 5 days before and tell him/her you cant come, cuss you have headache.
9> Ask your freinds wierd questions, and when they answer, write it on a notepad, and say something about psychopathic syndromes.
10> Ask people wich Sex they are.
11> If you have a glass eye, tap on it occasionally with a pencil, while having a conversation with others.
12> Speak with a "robot" voice.
13> Leave the copy machine set to reduce 150%, 17 inch paper, 50 copies.
14> Pay for everything with pennies.
15> Select the same song on the jukebox 20 times.
15> Practice making modem noises.
16> send this test to people i h i m l e n . d k ask them what their results where. (note i did not make the test)
17> Call someone and use one of these soundboards to screw them xD (i once did it with skype always using arnold soundboard) (i did not make the soundboards, idont take credits for it.)
THats it, feel free to add your own !!