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    janzi9's Avatar Contributor
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    Guide: Gold

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    You should be level 20 or above to do this by yourself.

    You want to go to north Darkshore (not Darkshire), in the Ruins of Mathyra. Follow the road towards to the Ruins, when you see the entrance, make a right turn hugging the boundaries of the tower. Pass by the Myrms and keep on going to the southeast until you are on the outskirts of the Ruins of Mathrya zone, where no monsters spawn.

    To the north of this location, you'll see a few lingering Myrm well spread apart. Go towards them. You are looking for Cat Figurines in this area. These Cat Figurines are worth 1s each, and spawn just as you pick one up. In this area just outside the tower there are 4 Cat Figurine respawn locations. If you search around the area between the tower and the Mine-Dungeon entrance (be sure you search in the areas where they are lined up perfectly ) you'll find the Cat Figurines.

    There is one spawn location by a crooked pillar next to the Mini-Dungeon entrance. The next is due west of that location laying behind a pillar laying on the ground. Just south of that point is a curved, semi-circle ruin (that should help as a land mark). Not too far west of that location is another spawn point for the Figurine at the corner of a broken wall. Just west of that is another spawn point, well hidden between a pillar laying on the ground and a broken wall. All of the spawn points are in visual range of one another, so you know they aren't far apart.

    Kill the Mryms, they drop about 50c a pop, and clear the way for you to pick up as many Cat Figurines as you want. Now for the last and best part of this exploit:

    Picking up a Cat Figurine sometimes spawns a level 19 or level 20 Ghost Saber. These cats often don't drop anything, but they do occasionally drop awesome weapons and armor. In addition, they also drop Glowing Cat Figurines, which summon up a Ghost Saber pet for you for 30 Minutes. If you kill another Ghost Saber cat within that time, and it happens to drop another Glowing Figurine, you can use it also...the pets stack! Instead of one pet helping you, you'll have two. Continue as you like, sometimes you'll have up to 4 Ghost Sabers fighting for you, clearing out Myrms like nothing. Meanwhile, you'll score hundreds of Cat Figurines (which stack into piles of 20) to later sell for as much gold as you like.
    Last edited by amrican93; 10-29-2006 at 01:21 PM.

    Guide: Gold
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    janzi9's Avatar Contributor
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    Guide: Gold (Icy Cloak)

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    The simple formula is Icy Cloak -> disenchant to Large Glowing Shard.

    Icy Cloak

    The recipe for this is sold by the trade goods merchant in Southshore for the alliance, I do not know for the horde.

    My costs were simple.

    Frost Oil - 1 per 1gp - 1.3gp
    Mageweave - 20 stack for 80 - 90sp
    Thick Spider Silk - 2 for 80 sp
    Thread - 4.25sp each

    So, approximate costs were 1.3 + .70 + .8 + .085 = 2.9gp rounded up on the high end, 1 + .6 + .8 + .085 = 2.5gp on the low end.

    The Large Glowing Shard sells on Deathwing for 4gp a pop. Or as an enchanter, you can enchant +3 1h striking for 5 using this.

    For those individuals who like to do this on a self-sufficient basis, the Frost Oil formula is sold by a goblin on the north wall of where the Alterac Crushridge Elite ogres are. Also, if you don't have a herbalist, Khadgar's Whisker and Wintersbite are moderately affordable on Deathwing, dropping the production cost of frost oil down to about 70 sp. If you have a alchemist or an alchemist buddy, that's another 30-60sp of end item profit. Frost oil requires a 200 skill in alchemy.

    Thick spider silk can be easily farmed by those 38+ in dustwallow marsh, in the Darkmist cave. They also drop decent vendor loot (3-5sp each) as well as Shadow Silk, which can be used in tailoring to produce 38+ Shadow Priest gear that sells moderately well.

    In 15 mins Saturday, I bought, tailored, disenchanted, and put 8 shards up on auction. Remember, shards have no value, hence the AH does not charge you a fee for putting them up for auction. I logged in the next day, all had been bought out at 4gp.

    This is a simple method to constantly auction with no loss. It's a proven formula, at least in terms of large servers where enchanting is in moderate to high demand.

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    janzi9's Avatar Contributor
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    Guide: Gold (Stranglekelp Farming)

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    Stranglekelp sells on the AH at 4 to 4.5 g for a stack of 20, and it sells FAST! The reason for this is that it's used in a ton of potions that people use to level their alchemy skills. For some reason, there is a perception that it is difficult to find and collect, but I've been collecting it on a daily basis in huge quanitites with relative ease.

    All you need to do is go to Zoram Strand in Ashenvale (west side of Ashenvale) and swim out into the ocean a little. Start from Zoram Strand in the south and swim north, collecting Stranglekelp as you swim. See the map below:

    Stranglekelp is all over the place, it respawns quickly, and it usually drops 2-3 herbs per plant. Once you reach the island to the north (at the north edge of Ashenvale), swim around it, and head back south again. By the time you reach the north side of Ashenvale, most of the Stranglekelp has respawned and is ready to be picked again. I run this loop over and over again and I collect at least 2 full stacks of 20 Stranglekelp in an hour.

    The best part about this method is that all of the mobs here are pretty low level (18-21) and the mobs are all far apart (you won't get multiple aggros), so this is a great strategy for anyone lvl 18 and up. Stranglekelp only requires an herbalism skill of 85 too.

    Once you collect the herbs, sell each stack on the AH for 4 to 4.5g and believe me, it will sell. This is EASY MONEY.


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    janzi9's Avatar Contributor
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    Guide: Gold (Un'Goro Farming)

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    I know this place has been mentioned before, but I thought I would go into it with a bit more detail.

    The place I’ am talking about is Fungal Rock in Un'Goro Crater, the Gorilla cave. The Mob's here are level 51 – 53. I think with the exception of the boss who is 55.
    I ground here yesterday for exactly an hour to see how much I could make, with a 60 warrior. The loot here is pretty good, the mobs drop hair, whiskers
    and things which sell for a fair bit, this is what I made in an hour:

    19 x Tuft of Gorilla Hair which sold @ 2.2g
    18 x Gorilla Fang @ 13s
    2 x Empty Barrel @ 30s
    3 x Coarse Gorilla Hair @ 18s
    1 x Green Item (Leather Pants) which were 1.1g at vendor, but i sold for 4.2g on AH
    12 x Ungoro Soil @ 15s

    So out of this hour I made - 10.1g or so, which isn’t bad for 1 hour =) then again drops will vary, u might get more you might get less but its usually good.

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    janzi9's Avatar Contributor
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    Guide: Gold (Icy Chill Enchant Farming)

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    Its nothing too "secret," but if you don't know this, it may prove to be helpful to gain a quick daily 10-15 gold. The reccomended level would be 55-60. At 55-58, this is even a good grind spot, as the mobs are easy to kill.

    Ok now to the information. Its simple! Just go to Winterspring, and kil these:
    (Scroll down to the bottom to see where the mob is!)

    for an Icy Chill enchant formula. They sell generally about for 10-15 gold on servers, and I just sell them for about 13 gold every day. I can get one of these anywhere from 5-25 minutes of killing them, even when there are 4 other people killing them. Although there arent many mobs to go around, they respawn very fast, and have proven to be a great spot to grind. I have found that after I get the formula, I have a much harder time finding another one, so just do it daily / once every 10 hours or so, and I think you will like the outcome!

    Thats all I have to say, and if this has been posted before, or I am dumb and everyone does this, sorry!

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    janzi9's Avatar Contributor
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    Guide: Gold (Most Popular Farming Spot)

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    Go to Azshara.

    Go to the north mid part. It starts with massive timbermaws, then more east is blood elfs, than even further is legashi demons. I havent killed any of the timbermaw's seeing as im friendly with them. I kill blood elves for nice runecloth drops. But the Legashi demons are the best. Blues, Greens, Epic (On the occasion), and Runecloth and Felcloth. Insane money if you just mass on them.

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    janzi9's Avatar Contributor
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    Guide: Gold (Making 1000 Gold In One Week)

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    Getting your epic mount can seem a very hard task when you figure you have to spend 800 gold just for one item, unless you're a warlock or paladin of course , but it's really not.

    It's actually much easier than you think, and something that you may actually never have thought of.

    I don't remember where I heard this, but it WORKS VERY WELL.

    What you want to do is first head to felwood which is east of Darkshore.

    Here you will find Withered Protectors:
    and Warpwood Shredders:

    The protectors have, according to thottbot, a 3% chance of dropping major healing potions, but I found it to be more in the range of 10%.
    On my server (Skullcrusher) one major healing potion sells on the AH for 1g.

    In addition to dropping potions, they also drop high-level herbs that can sell on the AH for ~ 10g for a stack of 20.

    Another way to make good money......ENGINEERING.

    This is actually pretty simple:
    High lvl explosives.

    People actually buy things such as:
    Small Bronze Bomb for a good amount of money, way more than the mats cost on the AH.
    Also: Heavy Dynamite

    The mats for these are relatively inexpensive, and the bombs and dynamite sell fast! (On my server anyways). People buy the dynamite for extra dps, and the bombs for stunning people.

    All you do is buy a stack of 20 wool cloth, which seems to have skyrocketed to about 1g the past couple of months and a stack of 20 stones. Make that blasting powder and enjoy!

    You can usually make about a 5-6g profit on the dynamite/bombs after being sold on the AH.

    I made ~ 1000g in a week

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    janzi9's Avatar Contributor
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    Guide: Gold (Mage Gold Guide)

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    This is probably the best way to get money for your epic mount. I spent roughly 5 days of 11am-11pm. I started on Monday, and by the next Monday I bought my epic mount. There are, however some requirements for this, which the details follow on below. I have tested both frost and fire specs with this strategy and they both seem fine, however the fire spec tends to increase the efficiency.

    A level 60 Mage with
    Frost Spec with Ice Barrier and improved Arcane Explosion
    Fire Spec with combustion and blast wave

    Step 1
    Head over to Scarlet Monastery and pop your self in the graveyard instance.
    Step 2
    Kill all the NPCs in the hallway and room as normal APART FROM THE GROUP OF 4, which I will show you how to kill below. What's below should be enough, if you feel under threat, use mana shield.

    Fire Spec:
    Enable Combustion -> Blast Wave -> Arcane Explosion (repeat until they are all about 15% health) -> Frost Nova (then move back) -> Flamestrike -> Cone of Cold.

    Frost Spec:
    Ice Barrier -> Arcane Explosion (repeat until they are all about 15% health) -> Frost Nova (then move back) -> Blizzard -> Cone of Cold.

    Step 3
    OK, now that room is over. Carry on through the next corridor, killing as normal. When you get into the graveyard, stop. This is where your income comes from. Make sure you have full health, mana and plenty of spirits to pull. Then do the following:

    Fire Spec:
    Mana Shield -> Combustion
    Mana Potion (if required) -> Blast Wave -> Frost Nova -> Walk away so they cant hit u before they die

    Frost Spec:
    Ice Barrier
    Mana Potion (if required) -> Arcane Explosion (repeat until all are dead, this is usually around 4 explosions)

    Step 4
    Now you have killed loads and loads of spirits, loot them... you will get plenty of money along with green items, which you can choose to sell at AH or Vendor when you're done. You can carry on into the building at the end and kill the NPC's and boss in there, then come out and reset instance, and go straight back in and do it all again (until your bags are full).

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    janzi9's Avatar Contributor
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    Guide: Gold (BRD Stealth Run)

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    The best run I have had I got the Fiery Enchant (35g), and the Ace of Elementals (300g+) for about 10 minutes time in the instance. Those prices are on my server.

    My main is a rogue so this is written from a rogue point of view, but maybe you could do it with a druid?

    Follow the steps to solo Plugger for the Barman Shanker.

    The only variation on a Plugger (barman shanker) run is right after the Shadowforge lock. Go up the ramp and then go straight up the second ramp and cross the Ring of Law. You can pickpocket these guys for about 3-4s each if you feel like it. Free money. After crossing, go immediately to your right and see if Pyromancer Loregrain is there.

    If he is, kill him. You need to kill him first, if you kill his adds and vanish, they spawn right back. I sap one, then ambush Pyromancer. I eviscerate immediately so that I don’t waste combo points. Then I blind the second add. It will depend on your set up, but I can blade flurry to do them both if I need to. I generally have to use evasion for this fight. I use Instant poison and Mind Numbing. I vanish after the boss and then the two adds are simple by themselves with a sap. I often need a single heal potion for this one.

    He has been spawning pretty frequently for me (1 in 3?), and he drops the Fiery Enchant about 30% of the time. Thottbot probably says different, but those are my estimates based on my running it.

    Go back through the Ring of Law and continue with the Plugger run. May as well kill him since he is easy, and then the door will open for you to get to Lord Incendius. I recommend killing the little gnomes in the room with the golems too (can't recall name of the room, manufactory?). The gnomes have been known to drop Black Diamonds.

    After killing plugger, go out the door and drop down to Incendius’ level. Avoid the elementals with him.

    Poisons don’t work so I use Dense Sharpening stones. I have to drink a greater fire resist potion and put on all of my fire resist gear (I am at 127fr). I am far from “epic’d out”. He kicks you, and the lava is death so line up well and go for it. I open with distract and ambush. I have to use my prep for this fight, and both evasions. I have not had to use thistle tea (I trashed the recipe, just got it back) but I am going to start using it. I also end up using my lifestone, whipper root tubers, and a heal potion. I recently added crystal restores, and night dragon’s breath so I am hoping it gets easier.

    No lie…it is a tough fight. With the new items I added I think it will go easier but it can be done. The Ace is a pretty rare drop, but a damn nice prize

    It is fun as hell and gives a nice feeling of accomplishment…and “it’s a rogue thing” which rocks.


    A short cut to Incendius does not require you to open the shadowforge lock. You jump out the window right before it, drop to the walkway, and can go straight to him.

    You can also solo the rock lord in the first area. Time the dogs as they are death to stealthers. He hasn’t dropped much worthwhile for me though

    The bad news

    Getting out alive is a PAIN, so I usually hearth from there. The damn dogs are just a nightmare on the way out.

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    janzi9's Avatar Contributor
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    Guide: Gold (Dire Maul East Stealth Run)

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    Tired of Tyr's Hand? Want to do something Chinese Farmers can't do? Try solo bosses in DM East. You do need (dis)enchanting to be able to make the most of it, but read on.

    Resetting an instance:

    Invite someone to your party, leave party, log out during the countdown to Iron Forge and log back in, you will not only reset the instance but also be teleported back to the start of the instance.

    How to get to them:

    Lord Incendius you can reach by jumping out of the window right before the door that is activated by the bridge. Land and travel a hall of fire elementals and you will see him next to the anvil.

    Lethendris is the lady with imp. Go DM East side entrance (the main entrance is east of arena, the side entrance is east of the hall way going into arena). Go to the northeast corner of the room, take the tunnel and make the first right, you may have to kill one of the stealthed satyrs but it is very easy. You should see a long stair and she is right above the platform with her imp.

    Can I make money killing them:

    Both are soloable, the amount of consumables you need to spend is completely depend on your gear. The better your gear, less consumables you need, more money you make. While you can grab another Rogue to do this, the amount of money divided in half makes it not as good as Tyr's Hand.


    I use DPS FR gear, which is basically any FR gear that also adds stats along with my regular gear. I have about 100 unbuffed and 4300 health, 660 attack power in this set. I stand next to him and turn on blade flurry to open, SS then AR, SS to 5 combo points, expose armor, slice and dice and SS into evis to finish. This fight is wildly depend on luck. Sometimes I kill him with 3000 health left, sometimes he force me to drink a superior healing potion. Your mileage may vary.

    He drops a lot of valuable stuff. Elemental fire, essence of fire, his greens and blues can be disenchanted into large brilliant shards, greater eternal essences, and illusion dusts. Last but not least, he has a chance to drop Ace of Elementals, drop rate I believe has been upped from 1% (my friend used my character to farm it and got it on third run, I tried it myself tonight and got it on fifth run, he used his warrior to farm it and got it again, that is 3 aces in about 30 runs for us).


    Mind numbing poison is very helpful here. I open with CS on the imp and AR into 5 point KS and basically kill him as fast as I can, he does amazing damage and I try to stunlock him to death. If I am not dotted at this point, vanish. If I am dotted, SS Lethendris a few times and KS, sprint away vanish. Even if I am dotted, it usually allows me to get out of combat and I will be able to restealth and regen. It is best you start the fight behind the bonfire as far away from the stair as possible, so you can run after you kill the imp. Restealth and regen, wait for your cooldowns, it is impossible to kill both in one run without using resistance potions which defeats the purpose of a money run.

    Lethendris herself has a lot of health. I try to AR into 5 CP expose armor and work it from there. She, like the imp, is stunnable but not gouge/blindable. I generally drop her with at most one superior healing potion, sometimes a tea is needed, sometimes I don't need to use anything. My regular gear is used for this fight.

    She has a nice loot table. Other than blues/greens to be disenchanted, you get your big money when a class book drops, or heaven forbid the warrior epic quest book.


    15-25G a hour from disenchanted shards and essences. Class books, essence of fire all significantly enhance your income. And yes, they do drop often enough to be a significant factor.

    Ace of Elemental may be the most expensive blue item in the game. Warrior epic book is worth more than a Krol Blade. Your chance to get those is higher than getting an epic at Tyr's Hand.


    You have to use up maximum instance resets (5 per hour) which means you can't have too many corpse runs. Dying at Incendius and you get a corpse run that is longer than dying at Hearthglen.

    You have to have top notch gear to minimize the use of consumables which eats into your bottomline. And yes, a combat build works best, most of your damage in solo PVE, you have to do it in their face. AR being 6 minute timer is also more accessible than Prep. When I kill Lord Incendius, by the time I get back to him, my AR still has 3-4 min left on the cooldown.


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    janzi9's Avatar Contributor
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    Guide: Gold (Uldaman Farming)

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    1. Gotta be enough to kill a lvl 42 elite with 2 lvl 41's attacking you. (lvl 58 Recommendation)
    2. Ok Go in Uldaman, keep going into Dig Three kill the Firehammer guy there, he's pretty easy.
    3. He drops these shoudlers/gun, if ur a disechanter it would be alot of gold . so disenchant them
    4. IF u have 3 bags of those items, go to AH(if ur not a enchanter just vendor them) but if ur a enchanter, DA them and sell it in the AH!
    5. Doign this i made 100g an hour if u need pricing help
    I usually just sap one guard, kill the other guard, then go back and kill the sapped guard, vanish, heal, kill boss. Easy!

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    janzi9's Avatar Contributor
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    Guide: Gold (Dusty Tome Farming)

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    Dire Maul - West (best to use south entrance to the west side).

    In every instance made in all of Dire maul there is a chest spawn & usually a Dusty Tome spawn. In west, there are four spots that the chest spawns, two of which can be gotten very quickly & with few mobs. There are also two Dusty Tome spawn locations (that I know), but only 1 location is easy to get to....just so happens it is about 3 feet from one of the chest locations.
    In each chest there is a lvl50-55 green, some are perdy good, also some change & 1 in about every 25-50 chests have a blue BOE usually worth 60-100g. All the greens dc into Greater eterenal essence & illusion dust, Or you can vendor most items for about 3-5g a piece or sell on the AH. The Dusty Tomes are where the real money is though....90% of the tomes will give you a junk book "nat pagles extreme fishing..." and pocket lint - the rest of the time you will get one of any of the blue class books (each sell in AH from 45g-90g) and an equal chance to get Furor's Compendium of Demonslaying (Warriors epic book) = anywhere from 1500g to 2400g. I have found several now and all sold within a few hours on AH for 2000g

    Now the strat... You enter west on south side. The tome & chest spawn location is in the initial room you come into, before you get to Shen'dralar Ancient. As you are looking at the room from the portal, the chest will be across the room on left side (there is another spawn location on the right side - but after you do this a while, you will see it is more profitable to only look for the left side one).
    If you use an Ornate spyglass you can position yourself on a corner right next to the instance portal (bout 15ft from it) and look down to the south west corner with the chest & tome. (for the first while you will want to run down and make sure nothing spawns till you know exactly where to look). If you dont see the chest or tome, run out the instance and reset it...round trip on an empty instance is about 30seconds or less. IF the chest spawns in that spot(bout 25% of the instances) there will be 3 to 4 tree creeps guarding it. The easiest way to get to them is to have a rogue position behind the chest ready to take it & have another class move up and agro the three trees then turn & run out the instance while the rogue loots. Once you get used to it, you can loot and be back to reset in under 2min.

    Hunters can solo this by using Eyes of the beast & taking the agro to the other side of the instance, then dismiss their pet, grab the loot & move to a safe spot to feign death.

    Screenies for those that have found this confusing...sorry I did not have them up before....

    This is where you should stand to use spyglass...

    Here is what you should see thru spyglass...approx....was in a hurry to get the screenies so I did not wait to find chest...but pasted in a spot where you will see them...

    DM West is easy enough to move around once you learn your agro range and stay close to the south wall.


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    janzi9's Avatar Contributor
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    Guide: Gold (Razorfen Downs Farming)

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    The target is Razorfen Downs located in the southern barrens, this instance is for about levels 35-45.

    To do this run you need to be a rogue level 60 (maybe a bit below) and you also need to have enchanting
    When you enter the instance go into stealth and follow the map outlined (it may be a bit incorrect but u get the idea, just get to the last boss)

    When you get to the part labelled 4 look around for the boss there (he is hard to miss) and kill him
    he should drop a blue item, next go back into stealthed and travel to the top of the spiral and get to the main boss of RFD.
    The way to kill him is to keep your back to the little cave like thing that he stands in front of other wise you will get knocked off the mountain.
    Start out with cheap shot to stun him and just start spamming skills, once he summons he minions use evasion. (you might want to bring some healing pots just incase)
    if done right he should die and drop 2-3 blue items.

    Now comes the money making part you should have 3-4 blue items in your bag now and this is were enchanting comes in. use the skill disenchanting on the blue items
    the should all disenchant into small radiant shards which sell for 10-15g on most severs.
    Once you get at this it should only take about 10 mins to complete which is about 60-90g per hour PLUS sometimes a green will drop along with blues which could also sell on the AH
    I suggest selling the small radiant shards for 10g so that people will chose yours over others and selling them in stacks of 1 or 2 will also increase the buying rate.


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