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    WarriorPwner's Avatar Active Member
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    Guide to Molten Core

    As the title says, this is a guide to MC that I found when i was googling MC well here u go!

    Welcome to the Molten Core! MC is one of the more challenging instances a guild can face in World of Warcraft . Those that enter unprepared will leave frustrated; those that know what to expect and can learn to work together will leave with a sense of accomplishment, pride, and phat lootz! This guide is intended to help our guild and fellow alliance members fall into the latter category. I encourage everyone to read this guide in its entirety; you never know when you'll learn something new and it will help weed out any mistakes that make their way in.
    Leadership and Following
    The key to success in MC is good leadership. The key to good leadership is having a group of players that are willing to listen. I can not stress this enough, there can only be one leader in a raid. The raid leader is the only one to give orders throughout the raid. In an instance with 35 to 40 players, there can not be 5 or 6 people trying to call out directions. Doing so will only confuse the remainder of the raid and usually cause a wipe. The safest way to behave is if you are not the leader, just follow. If you have a suggestion for the raid leader, make it privately with a whisper.

    Occasionally a player will miss instructions. When this happens the proper course of action is not to start spamming ventrilo or raid chat. Whenever during the course of a raid you notice someone doing the wrong thing, send them a private tell in a respectful manner.

    Also keep in mind there are often more ways than one to accomplish a task. If the raid leader is doing something different than you are used to, go along with it. If you are sure it is the wrong thing to do, warn them privately that you've tried it before. Do not start an arguement in raid chat with a raid leader. Doing so will upset the raid as a whole as well as undermine the authority of the person leading.

    Class Roles
    MC was designed by blizzard to be a 40 man instance. This means the designers of the game intended a good mix of classes to enter the instance together. This also means that all classes have a specific role within MC.

    Healers -- All classes that can heal (priests, druids, & paladins) should be watching at the very least the main tank's health. Usually there are 2 or 3 healers solely dedicated to the MT. It is important to remember that if the MT goes down, more of the raid will follow. If you have to choose between healing the MT and another player, you should almost always pick the MT.

    Cleansers -- All classes that can remove harmful effects should be ready and willing to do so. Many of the bosses in MC are defeated solely on the basis of removing harmful effects from members of the raid.

    DPS -- Anybody who isn't healing or tanking is DPS. DPS classes need to watch their aggro . It is advisable to let the MT apply 2 sunders before doing any damage yourself. This allows the MT to maintain control of the mob, which in turn means less deaths for the raid due to mobs running rampant in the caster lines.

    Work Together -- I understand that some people have a preferred way of playing their class. I know how boring it is when you're told to only do one thing during a fight. However, everyone must understand that the entire raid's success is dependent on people following directions. Everyone must also understand that the raid leader didn't design the instance, Blizzard did. If you have complaints about your class's role in MC complain to Blizzard or reroll.

    Roles Change -- Lastly, your class's role might change depending on which part of the instance the raid is currently working through. It is vital that you watch raid chat for instructions from the raid leader that will warn you of a change in your class's function.

    Communication is vital to a raid's success in MC. As a general guideline, raid chat and ventrilo should be kept as clear as possible. Raid chat is the most useful method for explaining a boss fight to the raid. Ventrilo is the most useful method for recovering from a sticky situation in which you don't have time to type. For these reasons, they should be reserved for only a few raid members to avoid miscommunication and confusion by too many people using them.

    If you want to communicate with members of the raid, create a chat channel, use your party chat, or use a whisper. If the raid is taking a break, use raid and ventrilo until the raid is back in full swing. If the raid leader requests all communication to stop on a certain channel, please comply immediately.

    Ancient Core Hound
    Core Hound Pack
    Lava Annihilator
    Lava Imps
    Lava Pack
    Lava Surger
    Molten Destroyer
    Molten Giant

    Ancient Core Hound

    Respawn: 18m

    Special Abilities:
    Frontal AE Fire - AE fire damage in a cone in front of the Core Hound.
    Stomp - Seems to stun everyone nearby.
    Detect Stealth - Yup.

    Strategy: The MT should establish aggro and turn the Hound to face away from the raid group. This is so only the MT gets hit with the Hound's frontal AE fire. Everyone else just DPS behind the hound.

    Special Note: After killing a Hound always try loot it. We can not skin the Hound for Core Leather, a component in making Fire Resist gear, if there is loot left on the Hound.

    Core Hound Pack

    Respawn: uk

    Special Abilities:
    Revive - The Core Hounds will revive each other if not killed within a 10 second span.

    Strategy: This is actually a group of five Core Hounds. They have to be killed within 10 seconds of each other or they start to revive with full health. The general strategy is to have five warriors tank them in a tight group. AE damage spells are used and all other DPS focuses on the one with the most health.

    Class Roles:
    Warriors will be tanking so come with a sword and shield.


    Respawn: 2h

    Special Abilities:
    Incinerate - Increases fire damage taken.
    Soul Burn (Magic) - 4000 Fire damage inflicted over 16 seconds. Physical damage dealt is decreased by 50%. Silenced.
    Spawn - Firelords occasionally spawn a fire offspring that will multiply if not killed soon.

    Strategy: Once the MT establishes aggro, DPS the firelord until it dies. Should an offspring be spawned, kill that before returning DPS to the firelord.

    Lava Annihilator

    Respawn: 2h

    Special Abilities:
    Charge - Randomly charges people in the raid.

    Strategy: These are earth elementals that are in fixed locations. They are impossible to maintain aggro on because they randomly charge people in the raid group. The best method to kill them is for everyone to form a tight group so that DPS can still hit it when it charges. Note they are exactly like the Lava Surgers except they do not patrol and they have no knockback.

    Lava Imps

    Respawn: 7m

    Strategy: Warriors AE taunt and everyone elses does AE damage. Just kill them fast.

    Class Roles:
    Warriors should be ready to AE taunt.
    All classes with AE should be ready to do so.
    Warlocks should be ready to banish any Lava Surgers or Lava Annihilators that aggro during a Lava Imp pull.

    Lava Pack

    Respawn: uk

    Special Abilities:
    Firewalker - Has a fire resist debuff and 3K Damage fireballs.
    Flameguard - Small damage AE that also debuffs armor. Also a more powerful frontal AE.
    Lava Elemental - Frontal stun AE that also causes damage over time.
    Lava Reaver - Strong melee attacks and cleave.

    Strategy: Lava Packs are actually groups of mobs; there are four different mobs that can appear in a Lava Pack. There will always be a Firewalker and Flameguard, they have fire elemental models. In addition there will be one or two Lava Reavers and / or Lava Elementals.
    Two MTs are designated to hold the fire elementals facing away from the raid and facing away from each other. The Lava Reavers and Lava Elementals are to be banished. The kill order is always: Firewalker, Flameguard, and then the banished earth elementals.

    Lava Surger

    Respawn: 28m

    Special Abilities:
    Charge - Randomly charges people in the raid.
    AE Knockback - Knocks everyone in the raid back.

    Strategy: These are earth elementals that patrol the instance. They are impossible to maintain aggro on because they randomly charge people in the raid group. The best method to kill them is for everyone to form a tight group so that DPS can still hit it when it charges. It is also important to fight them away from clefts and drops because they perform an AE knockback.

    Molten Destroyer

    Respawn: uk

    Special Abilities:
    AE - 1K Damage AE.
    AE Knockdown - They repeatedly knockdown their target.

    Strategy: These are toughter versions of Molten Giants and will always come paired with a Giant or another Destroyer. Similarly to the Molten Giants, they should be separated. In the case of a Giant and Destroyer, the Giant will always be killed first. In a double Destroyer pull, attack the designated tank's target first.
    It is generally best to attack these with range; rogues can go in for some hits but when you get hit with the AE you should back out of the fight before you die.

    Molten Giant

    Respawn: uk

    Strategy: Giants will always come paired with another Giant or a Molten Destroyer. The strategy is to have each tanked separately, killing one and then the other. Always start with the Giant in the case of a Giant - Destroyer pair.

    Baron Geddon
    Sulfuron Harbinger
    Golemagg the Incinerator
    Majordomo Executus

    Boss Name
    Special Abilities:
    Ability 3
    Ability 2
    Ability 1

    General: General Notes

    Class Roles:
    Class Role 2
    Class Role 1

    Details: Paragraph 3
    Paragraph 2
    Paragraph 1


    Special Abilities:
    Mind Control – Lucifron’s adds have the ability to mind control. Typically they mind control the MT or an OT who will then use their intimidating shout if it’s up. It is very important not to let anyone in the raid group remain mind controlled.
    AE Curse – Causes all spells and abilities to cost double. Must be dispelled by mages and druids.
    AE Magic – Causes 2K damage after 10 seconds. Must be dispelled by priests and paladins.

    General: Lucifron is a Naga with two guards. The general idea in taking him down is for the MT to tank Lucifron away from the raid. The guards are killed one at a time and then everyone jumps on Lucifron .

    Class Roles:
    Mages should not DPS during this fight but instead should only remove Lucifron’s curse from all healers and then melee.
    Paladins should focus on cleansing Lucifron’s magic from all raid members with second priority being back up heals.

    Details: Using the image below, when the raid first enters Lucifron’s chamber everyone should move to position 4, the back of the cave. There is a pack of 5 dogs that need to be killed near position 2. During the fight with those dogs, all warriors should use their intimidating shout. After those dogs are killed, everyone moves into the following positions: The main tank and his group move to position 2, this is where Lucifron will be tanked. All range, casters, and other healers move to position 3. All melee need to remain at the back of the cave in position 4.
    We pull Lucifron in the following manner. A hunter pulls Lucifron to the MT at position 2. Two more hunters are used to pull the guards to position 4 for the off-tanks. The guards are killed one by one and then everyone kills Lucifron . Lucifron has an AE curse and an AE magic effect. It is very important that mages, druids, paladins, and priests remove Lucifron’s magic and curse. Anyone who gets hit by the shadow damage effect should back out of the fight until it is dispelled or you are healed up to avoid dying.
    Also, position 1 in the image is the door used to enter Lucifron’s chamber. Do not go near this door or you WILL agro mobs in the adjacent room and wipe the raid.


    Special Abilities:
    AE Fear – Every 30 seconds Magmadar will cast an AE fear.
    Frenzy – Magmadar occasionally becomes frenzied meaning that he’s larger in size and hits harder.
    Fire Spouts – Magmadar occasionally emits fire that lands on the ground and causes damage to anyone standing in it.

    General: Magmadar is a big corehound . The tricks to Magmadar are using the tranquilizing shots gained from killing Lucifron and avoiding his fear. Every 30 seconds Magmadar will cause an AE fear. Occasionally balls of flame fall off of him and land on the ground; anyone standing in one of those flames will take massive damage. If you find yourself standing in a flame, just move.

    Class Roles:
    Hunters should set up a rotation for dispelling Magmadar’s frenzy with their tranq shots, learned from a tome dropped by Lucifron.
    Dwarf priests should have a fear ward up on the MT at all times.

    Details: The typical Magmadar fight goes like this. The MT runs in and tanks Magmadar in position 1; this will leave Magmadar's butt facing the wall at position 2. Everyone waits at position 3, which is max range from Magmadar's AE fear. After the first fear goes off, all of the melee DPS are free to get into position 2 and hit Magmadar in the butt. Every 30 seconds Magmadar will AE fear again, non-tanking warriors can switch to berserker stance and use beserker rage to avoid it. Rogues should back out of the fight before the fear goes off. All mages and priests should be at max range; just before the fear goes off, the MT should be shielded and receive healing over time spells. Then everyone at position 3 runs back towards position 4 until after the fear goes off. Then you can return to position 3 and continue with ranged DPS and healing without ever getting hit by the fear.


    Special Abilities:
    AE Curse - Reduces effectiveness of healing by 75%.
    Shadowbolt - Randomly casts a shadowbolt at a player.
    Rain of Fire - Heavy damage AE that is always up and changes locations.

    General: Gehennas is set up exactly like Lucifron meaning that he's accompanied by two guards. Once again, Gehennas is tanked by the MT and the adds are broughtto the side to be killed one at a time.

    Class Roles:
    Mages should be constantly removing Gehennas's curse from players.



    Special Abilities:
    AE Dispel - Garr will remove any buffs on the raid.
    Explode Add - Garr will occasionally explode one of his adds, causingAE damage to those players nearby.

    General: Garr is a big earth elemental with 8 earth elemental adds. With each add that dies, Garr becomes stronger. The key to Garr is banishing 3 or 4 of his adds and killing the rest. Then Garr is killed and lastly the banished adds are destroyed.

    Class Roles:
    Warlocks only use banish during this fight. No DPS. Voidwalker helps also.
    Warriors will be used as offtanks on the adds. When your add dies, you should protect a warlock from theirs.

    Details: All of the warlocks and offtanks start in position X in the image below. A paladin starts at X, runs into Garr and uses his shield, he then pulls Garr and his adds back to X. A hunter will pull Garr over to the MT. All of the warriors should use their range to pull the adds out of the big pile on the paladin. Then DPS moves down the line killing all of the warriors adds until all that is left are the banished mobs. Then Garr is killed. Then the remaining adds.
    When an add is about to die, all melee DPS should move away from it except the OT as it will explode when it dies. For this reason, adds should not be killed near soft targets such as healers and casters.

    Baron Geddon

    Special Abilities:
    AE Pulse - Periodically begins casting a wave of AE pulses. He stands still while casting them and each successive pulse does more damage.
    Bomb - Geddon will occasionally turn a player into a bomb.
    Manaburn DOT - Geddon will cast a mana burn DOT that removes 400 mana per tick and causes 400 damage per tick. Must be removed from all casters as soon as possible.

    General: Baron Geddon is in Garr's chamber after Shazzrah is killed. Everyone stands in a large clump and does ranged damage while the tank holds him a short distance away. When Geddon gets to the 10 to 15% range on his health, it is safe for melee to move in and attack him.

    Class Roles:
    Paladins need to do almost nothing but cleanse casters and healers during this fight.



    Special Abilities:
    Self Buff - Casts a self buff that reduces incoming damage. Detected by Detect Magic and Dispelled by Priests.
    AE Curse - Reduces the arcane resistance of everyone nearby.
    Teleport - Shazzrah will randomly teleport into other players.
    Arcane Explosion - Shazzrah will cast Arcane Explosion, an AE damage spell.

    General: Shazzrah is a large Naga that comes solo and is fought in Garr's chamber. The typical Shazzrah set up is to have all of the groups spread in a large circle around him. He is tanked in the middle and brought down with ranged attacks until 10% or so when it is safe for melee to join the battle and help finish him off.

    Class Roles:
    Mages need to be constantly removing the curse effect or Shazzrah's AE after teleporting will kill lots of people.
    Warriors will need to be watching for Shazzrah to teleport; when he does they need to taunt him and run him back to the center of the groups.


    Sulfuron Harbinger

    Special Abilities:
    Heal - Sulfuron and his adds cast heals on each other.

    General: Sulfuron comes with four adds that can heal each other. The overall strategy is to separate Sulfuron from his adds and then separate each add from the others and kill them one at a time so they can not heal each other. When the adds are all dead, DPS on Sulfuron and he goes down quite easily.

    Class Roles:
    Warriors will need to have shield out for this fight to be effective offtanks.
    Hunters play a vital role in separating the adds on the initial pull.


    Golemagg the Incinerator

    Special Abilities:
    Frenzy - When Golemagg reaches 10% health he goes into a frenzy and does increased DPS.

    General: Golemagg is like a molten giant with two dog adds. This is a straight up tank and DPS fight. The two adds are offtanked away from Golemagg and the rest of the raid DPS on Golemagg. When he dies the two adds disappear.


    Majordomo Executus

    Special Abilities:
    Teleport Player - He occasionally teleports players into a fire pit where they take damage.
    Magic Shield - His adds will occasionally have a magic shield placed on them that causes all spells to be reflected at the caster.
    Damage Shield - His adds will occasionally have a damage shield placed on them that reflects all damage back to the attacker.
    Supermode - When any 4 of his adds die, the Priest adds can no longer be sheeped and the Elite adds hit very hard and very fast.

    General: Majordomo has 8 adds, 4 Elites (warriors) and 4 Priests. Majordomo is not actually killed but instead he submits when all of his adds are destroyed. The typical strategy is to control the adds while you kill them one at a time and then Majordomo surrenders.

    Class Roles:
    Warriors will need to have shield out for this fight to be effective offtanks.
    Mages do not DPS this fight, instead they are assigned an add to sheep and their only duty is to keep it sheeped. They should never even switch targets until AFTER their add is killed.
    Hunters play a vital role in separating the adds on the initial pull.

    Details: There will need to be 4 mages and 5 warriors in order to kill Majordomo effectively. The 4 mages will be assigned targets that they will be in charge of sheeping until it is killed. One of the warriors will MT Majordomo and 3 of the remaining warriors will offtank the adds. The fifth warrior heads up the assist train. Everyone needs to be attacking this person and only this persons target. An /assist macro is very handy for this.
    Since the adds go into supermode once any 4 of them are killed, the order in which you kill them is important. The typical order is to kill an elite, kill a priest, and then another priest. That will leave 5 mobs, 2 priests and 3 elites left to be killed. The next three mobs are NOT killed but instead brought to 15% health, and those mobs are the elites. Once all three are at 15% they are brought together and AE'ed until they die. Then only two priests are left in supermode and they are killed one at a time. It is important to remember that they cast heals so MS on the current target is important.
    The kill order is listed again for clarity:
    15% Elite
    15% Elite
    15% Elite
    Bring together and AE the 3 Elites at 15%
    Supermode Priest
    Supermode Priest


    Special Abilities:
    Knockback - Cast every 30 seconds from initial aggro.
    Fireball - Randomly casts a fireball that does knockback and damage to anyone near the target.
    Melt Weapon - Weapons take a bigger durability hit while fighting Ragnaros.

    General: Ragnaros is a scripted event with two phases. The raid force will be organized into the following categories: 2 groups for MT, 3 groupsfor melee DPS, and 3 groups for range DPS. This is a fire resist fight.

    Class Roles:
    MT - One MT has to always be within melee range of Ragnaros.
    Range and their healers must be spread out on the western passage.
    Melee and their healers need to move and out of Ragnaros AE every 30 seconds.

    Phase 1: After a dialog between Majordomo and Ragnaros, phase 1 begins and lasts for exactly 3 minutes. The following times are counting down from 3 minutes.
    3:00 - MT has initiated combat and establish aggro.
    2:55 - Melee DPS has moved into position and is going balls wild on Ragnaros and counting to 30.
    2:35 - Everyone within melee range backs out as far as possible, immediately stopping any action. Do not wait to back out.
    2:30 - Ragnaros performs his knockback. At this point one of two events will occur. The MT will resist the knockback and everyone can resume melee DPS ~OR~ the MT will be knocked back at which point the other MT will move into position and begin holding aggro. In either case, all other melee DPS should not attack until Ragnaros is focused on one of the two MTs.
    2:25 - All melee DPS is back on Ragnaros.
    The fight continues in this fashion until 0:20 seconds until his submerge.
    0:20 - At this point, all range DPS and range DPS healers need to move into their collapse area.
    0:10 - All melee DPS and melee DPS healers move into their collapse area.
    0:00 - Ragnaros will perform one more knockback before submerging, do not be hit by it.

    Phase 2: This phase lasts for 1:30 or until all of the Sons are destroyed. Ragnaros has now submerged into the lava and released his Sons. These are fire elemental mobs that have a nasty AE mana drain. For this reason, we do not permit the use of AE spells during sons. AE damage spells will cause the sons to rush into all of the casters and drain their mana. Fearing the sons will cause them to run wild into casters and drain their mana. Frost Nova will cause the sons to be locked into place and possibly drain casters' mana. Every tank needs to try and pick up one or two sons and everyone else assists the MT on his target. Warlocks are allowed one and only one banish on a son. As soon as the sons are destroyed, Ragnaros will appear and we begin Phase 1 all over again. The sons are counted as destroyed if they are all incapacitated, not actually dead. This is the reason for only having a single banish; if seven of the sons are destroyed and the last one is banished, Ragnaros will appear.

    Special Notes:
    1) Everyone should try and bring Greater Fire Protection Potions to Ragnaros. The materials for these are 1 Elemental Fire and 1 Dreamfoil as well as a crystal vial. You can always bring those mats on the raid and have an alchemist make them for you. We will always try to provide enough potions for the raid force but it helps ifpeople bring their own as well.
    2) There are some cases where the fight can go poorly. If the DPS is not enough and too many people are dying, it is possible for Ragnaros to submerge for a second time. If there are not many people alive in the raid force and he is close to dying (less than 3%) when he submerges for the second time, crowd control the sons. Frost Nova, AE fear, frost trap, everything you have. If we can juggle the sons with crowd control for 1:30s we can kill Ragnaros when he appears again.
    LFG pure pwnage PST

    Guide to Molten Core
  2. #2
    Innit's Avatar W͈̮̝̉͌̀ͩÅ̻̗̗̼̩̣͉̽Î͙̳ ͚̑ ̌͌ͯ
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    Re: Guide to Molten Core

    Nice guide, would give rep but you didnt write it

    gg fyi

  3. #3
    Squirllz's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Guide to Molten Core

    O_o Nice Guide

  4. #4
    Glikko92's Avatar Contributor
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    Re: Guide to Molten Core

    Thanks for sharing

  5. #5
    Nugma's Avatar Field Marshal
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    Re: Guide to Molten Core

    + Rep!
    I know the whole instance tho, but stil... Thanks for sharing, this could help new guilds and people abit

  6. #6
    Hercules's Avatar Member
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    Re: Guide to Molten Core

    nice guide +rep good for my guild (just started MC)
    Last edited by Hercules; 10-09-2006 at 06:29 PM.

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