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    ( Tutorial - Guide ) - World of Warcraft Dictionary


    Have you ever struggled with understanding the many abbreviations and words used by WoW players, and people in the WoW community? I know I have. And I bet you have as well! In the urge of understanding words and abbreviations in WoW, this wiki-page is put up so that you can easily look up whichever word you need to understand.
    I have added a lot of words and abbreviations already, but I can't possibly cover the many abbreviations and words used by the WoW-community on my own.
    Please support this dictionary by adding words and abbreviations as you see them. However, if you are not completely sure about the explanation of words or abbreviations, rather add a comment asking others to add that word, and an explanation. Please add words in alphabetically order.



    AB - Arathi Basin, a PvP Battleground in the Arathi Highlands. AKA - Also known as. Add - Refers to an unexpected mob attacking a player or a group Addon - A small program which uses the WoW scripting language that modifies, changes and/or enhances the user interface. AoE - Area of effect spell, ability or item AE - Another abbreviations for Area of Effect (AoE), can also refer to Arcane Explosion. AFK - Away from keyboard Aggro - See Threat. Unless you are a tank, you typically do not want to have aggro on a mob. Derived from aggressive. Agi - Agility - the primary statistic for non-plate wearing melee combatants, including Hunters AH - Auction house AK - Ahn'kahet: Old Kingdom, an instance in Dragonblight, Northrend. Also referred to as OK Alt - an alternative character AN - Azjol'Nerub, an instance in Dragonblight, Northrend Ankh - Sometimes used to describe a shaman's act of using Reincarnate, because the ability requires an Ankh to use AP - attack power - formerly seen on gear as a secondary statistic, it is now derived from strength (for plate wearers) or agility (for non-plate wearing melee); now seen on items such as trinkets AQ - Ahn'Qiraj, a level 60 raid instance in Silithus, Kalimdor that features 20 and 40 man versions; also it's own zone ATK - attack! AV - Alterac Valley, a level 51+ battleground in Eastern Kingdoms Azeroth - Used to describe the original areas of WoW, The Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. In WCII, it was an independent human kingdom.


    BB - Booty Bay, a neutral Steemwheedle Cartel city in southern Eastern Kingdoms
    BC - Burning Crusade, the first WoW expansion.
    BFD - Blackfathom Deeps, an instance in Ashenvale, Kalimdor
    BL - Bloodlust, a buff granting 30% haste for 40 seconds. Only provided by Horde Shaman. Heroism is the alliance equivalent. May also refer to Time Warp, a mage ability.
    Blizz - Refers to Blizzard Entertainment, the company that owns World of Warcraft.
    Blue – Used to describe superior-level gear. Can also be used to describe a blizzard employee on the forums.
    Blue Post - means a Blizzard Employee's post on the forum. This term is mostly used on the WoW forums
    BM - Reference to the Beast Master Hunter spec.
    BoA - Bind on account
    BoE - Bind on equip
    BoJ - Badge of justice
    Boomkin - A reference to a Balance-spec (DPS Caster) Druid as they typically assume the form of a Moonkin.
    BoP- Bind on pick up
    Boss - an elite mob that is very hard to kill, and usually drops items of high value
    Bot - A program designed to play WoW by itself, automating tasks such as leveling and gather resources. See also Healbot.
    BRB - be right back
    BRD - Blackrock Depths, an instance in Searing Gorge, Eastern Kingdoms
    BRS - Blackrock Spire, an instance in Searing Gorge, Eastern Kingdoms
    BS - Blacksmith
    BT - Black Temple, a level 70 raid instance in Shadowmoon Valley, Outland
    BTW - by the way
    Buff - a beneficial spell that gives bonuses to a player's stats
    Bug - a glitch in the game


    Camping - waiting for a player or mob to spawn/appear/resurrect, then to kill him/her/it
    Carebear - Someone who is seen as being too empathetic to someone or something.
    Careface - a term used to express that you don't care about a specific subject at all
    Caster - a player or NPC that uses spells as their primary source of damage and defense
    CC - acronym for crowd control, the act of disabling a mob or player from casting spells and/or attacking
    CD - cooldown of a spell, item or an ability
    Chinese Farmers - sometimes used offensively towards Chinese people who farm (See 'F') ingame currency to sell for real life money
    Clipping - the act of casting a spell before the cast has completed for the previous one (using lag to your advantage), it reduces the time between casts dramatically.
    CoS - Culling of Stratholme, a level 80 instance in Caverns of Time, Tanaris, requiring WotLK to enter
    Conquest Points - High-level PvP currency. Obtained through rated battlegrounds and Arena play. Used to acquire the best PvP items. Currently as of patch 4.0.1 there is a cap on the amount of points one may acquire in one week with no limit on the amount of points stored. Conquest Points are folded into Honor Points at the end of each Arena season.
    CP - (1) Capture Point; (2) Conquest Points.
    Creep - mob (see mob)
    Critters - An NPC that is not hostile and have very low level and stats. Can mostly be one-shotted by players/other mobs of all levels


    Dal - Dalaran, the WotLK Neutral City, also one of many of the Human city-states. Floating above Crystalsong forest. See 'Shatt'
    Darn - Darnassus
    DC - Death Coil, [1] a spell used by Warlock to fear, damage, and heal themselves [2] an ability used by a Death Knight to damage an unfriendly player or NPC or heal a friendly undead NPC
    DC - disconnect
    DD - direct damage
    DE - disenchant/-er
    Debuff - a spell that reduces a player's or mob's stats or HP (see HP)
    Defense - the stat that primarily controls the reduction of damage and chance to block attack. Varies from class to class. This used to be a primary statistic for tank classes.
    Demo - (1) Reference to Demonology spec Warlocks; (2) Reference to the Warrior ability Demoralizing Shout, or a similar ability. Demoralizing Shout reduces enemy attack power.
    Disc - Reference to Discipline spec Priests. Discipline Priests are healers that focus on absorption mechanics rather than actual healing. Rather than filling health bars, Discipline Priests attempt to prevent them from emptying. Quickly identified by their signature ability Penace.
    DK - Death Knight Hero Class. The first brand new class introduced in WoW with the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.
    DKP - The basic distribution system for loot, based on points earned for attendance and downing bosses. Stands for 'Dragon Kill Points' as the first game one was developed on was Everquest, both of which's endgame bosses were dragons.
    DM - [1] Dire Maul, an instance in Feralis, Kalimdor [2] Deadmines, an instance in West Fall, Eastern Kingdoms, also known as VC, Van Cleef
    DMG - damage
    DnD - do not disturb
    DOT - damage over time
    DPS - damage per second
    Drop - the items or money that can be picked up from a dead mob or boss
    DTK - Drak'Tharon Keep, an instance in Grizzly Hills/Zul'Drak, Northrend
    DW - Duskwood, a zone in Eastern Kingdoms
    DW - Dual Wield - an ability for several classes and/or specs to wield two one-handed weapons; Fury spec Warriors may take a talent permitting them to wield two two-handed weapons.


    Elite - a mob with higher stats and armor
    Emote - actions that players or mobs perform via slash-commands (see slash-commands). Some of these are animated, and some are not
    EoC - Emblem of Conquest, the emblem added in 3.1.
    EoE - Eye of Eternity: A single boss raid instance in Coldarra, Borean Tundra. Contains Malygos, the Blue Dragonflight aspect, or leader.
    EoF - Emblem of Frost, the emblem added in 3.3, originally obtained from any Tier 10 content.
    EoH - Emblem of Heroism, an emblem originally obtained from heroic bosses and 10-man raid instances prior to patch 3.1.
    EotS - Eye of the Storm, a level 60+ battleground in Outland
    EoS - (See EotS)
    EoT - Emblem of Triumph, the emblem from ToC and ToGC in 3.2. From 3.3, all bosses who dropped emblems dropped this.
    EoV - Emblem of Valor, an emblem originally obtained from 25 man raid instances prior to patch 3.1.
    Epic – This is the second-best quality of items in the game. Epic items have better stats than lower-quality gear, and are usually found in higher-level instances. However, some can be found elsewhere and sometimes crafted.
    Exploit - deliberately using a bug


    Farming - killing mobs or looking for certain items in a certain area over and over
    FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
    FD - Feign Death, Hunter skill used to remove all aggro from the hunter. This usually transfers aggro to pet or other party members.
    Fear - A spell which causes enemies to run away randomly for a certain amount of time.
    FFA - Free for all.
    FFS - For **** sake.
    FoS - Forge of Souls: A 5 man in Icecrown added in 3.3.
    FPS - Frames per second.
    FTL - For the loss.
    FTW - For the win.


    G2G - (see GTG)
    Game Master - a Blizzard employee that supports players in game with various things, though not leveling or the gathering of items or gold
    Gank - killing another player (usually of lower level) rapidly and repeatedly
    GD - Gundrak, an instance in Zul'Drak, Northrend
    GD - Good duel
    GG - good game
    GL - good luck
    GM - [1]game master (see game master) [2] in some cases refers to guild leader/guild master
    Gnomer - Gnomeregan, an instance in Khaz'Modan, Eastern Kingdoms, the former home of the Gnomish race.
    Greed - A looting option that may appear depending on a party's loot rules. Greed is normally selected if the item is BoE or nobody Needs is (see Need. If anyone selects Need, any greed rolls are ignored.
    Gratz - short for Congratulations ( also used: Grtz, Gz)
    Green - Used to describe uncommon-level gear.
    Grief - a deliberate act to decrease the enjoyment of the game of another player
    Group - a gathering of people with the same goals, and they therefore team up to achieve that
    GS - Goldshire, a town in Elwynn Forest, Eastern Kingdoms
    Gtfo - Get the **** out. Don't use it!
    GTG - [1] Good to go [2] got to go
    Guild - has the same concept as a clan; a guild is a group of people belonging to the same community in-game


    H [insert instance] - heroic version of the said instance
    HF - [1]have fun [2] Hellfire Peninsula, a zone in Outland
    HFP - Hellfire Peninsula, a zone in Outland (see HF (up here)).
    HP - hit points; also Honor Points.
    HoL - Ulduar: Halls of Lightning, an instance in Storm Peaks, Northrend
    Healbot - A healing character with such large reserves of mana, +Spell bonuses and haste that they can simply cast one or two spells with no real thought. Also an addon which simplifies the raid healing interface and makes it easier to use.
    Healthstone - a consumable item created by warlocks that can be used to heal
    Holy - Reference to a Priest or Paladin healing spec.
    Honor Points - Standard PvP currency. Used to obtain PvP related items. As of patch 4.0.1 a player may have up to 4000 Honor Points.
    HoR - Icecrown Citadel: Halls of Reflection, an instance in Icecrown, Northrend
    HoR - Hand of Reckoning, a paladin taunt ability. Often used to initiate combat because of its significant damage, particularly at low levels.
    HoS - Ulduar: Halls of Stone, an instance in Storm Peaks, Northrend
    HOT - healing over time
    HS - See Healthstone
    HS - Hearthstone
    Huntard - A derogatory term referring to a Hunter making things up about their class. The confusion comes from the various things exclusive to hunters, such as tamable pets, happiness and pet level.


    I5SR - Inside 5 Second Rule (related to your normal mana regen while casting)
    IC - instant cast (can also refer to in character in roleplaying communities)
    ICC - Icecrown Citadel: The raid added in path 3.3, containing the Lich King.
    idc - I don't care
    Idd - indeed
    idk - I don't know
    IF - Ironforge
    IMO - in my opinion; There are variations such as IMHO (in my humble opinion)
    INC - incoming
    Ingame - referring to something that involves World of Warcraft. (E.G. Ingame money)
    Instance - a separate zone filled with elite mobs, and perhaps some non-elite mobs. There are also bosses in instances that rewards items of great value
    Int - intellect
    IRL - in real life


    JC - Jewelcrafter
    Jks - Joking
    J/K - Just Kidding
    JMS - Just Making Sure
    J/P - Just Playing
    JP - Justice Points. Standard raid currency, similar in concept to Badges or Emblems. Obtained from raids and heroic instances. Currently cap is 4000 points.


    Kite - pulling, or killing, a mob at distance by running and doing distanced damage at the mob
    Kitty - name used for the Druid's cat form
    KOS - kill on sight
    KS - kill steal/kill stealer; also the Hunter ability Kill Shot.


    L2P - Learn to Play; Derogatory comment to players to don't seem to know what their character can do. Sometimes used for specific abilities such as L2Tank or L2Heal
    Lag - the delay between actions; typically used when latency is higher than normal, or "spikes".
    Latency - The amount of time it take your computer to communicate with the WoW server.
    Legendary – This is the best quality of items in the game. Legendary gear usually requires a long and involved quest line, or can be found in the high-end raid instances.
    Leet - aka 1337. A way of speaking and typing things, using alternative keys on the keyboard, more than just the letters in the alphabet
    Leveling - gaining levels
    LF ?? - looking for ??, eg LF BS - Looking for Blacksmith
    LFG - Looking For Group; also see PuG
    LFM - Looking For More
    LFW - Looking For Work
    LMAO - Laughing My Ass Off
    Lock - Warlock player class.
    LOL - Laughing Out Loud
    LOM - Low On Mana
    Loot - picking up the drop (see drop) from a mob. Loot is also used as a replacement of the word drop in some cases. In groups there are several looting systems which gives everyone in the group a fair part of the drop
    LOS - line of sight. May be used when a tank pulls (see below) caster mobs to force them into melee range, thus allowing him/her to tank them. Also used strategically in PvP combat, typically defensively.
    Lowbie - a character of low level
    LTNS - Long Time No See
    LvL - level
    LW - Leatherworker


    Main - the character that gets the most attention from a player
    Mara - Maraudon - a level 40 5-man instance located in Desolace
    Master Looter - this is a looting system where a chosen player loots all the drops. However, the master looter can decide that certain drops goes to certain players, and because of this, it is possible that the ML (see ML) does not loot all drops. Normally used by guild-hosted raids to ensure correct loot distribution.
    MB - Mana break - brief pause normally part way through an instance to allow mana users to drink and restore their mana pool.
    MC - a) Molten core - a level 60 40-man raid instance in Blackrock Spire; b) Mind Control, as used by a mob or a Priest.
    MD - Misdirect, a hunter ability that redirects their threat to the affected target, usually a tank. May also refer to similar abilities used by other classes.
    Melee - attacking mobs using melee attacks, also used to describe all up-close combatants (Rogues, Warriors, Paladins, Feral Druids, Enhancement Shaman, Death Knight)
    MGT - Magister's Terrace, a level 70 5-man instance on the Isle of Quel'danas (also known as Sunwell Island)
    ML - Master Looter
    MMO - Massively Multiplayer Online
    Mob - an NPC which is attackable. From Mobiles.
    MOG - Massively Online Game
    MORG - mssively online role-playing game
    MMORPG - Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game
    Mp5 - mana per 5; refers to your mana regen per 5 seconds; a secondary stat formerly found on caster gear. Now derived from Spirit for healing classes.
    MT - Main Tank; in a group or raid, is the person who is supposed to be holding the aggro from the mobs.
    MT - Mana Tombs - a level 65 5-man instance located in Auchindown, Terrokar Forest
    MT - Mistell


    Naxx - Naxxramas, a level 80 10 or 25-man (in Heroic mode) raid instance located in Dragonblight, Northrend; this instance was formerly a level 60 40-man raid instance located near Stratholme in Eastern Plaguelands.
    Nerf - a term used when some aspect of the game is weakened (e.g "nerf DKs" = "make DKs less powerful")
    Need - an option that appears when an item of Good quality or higher drops when using the "Need Before Greed" looting system. The option is either between need (which has priority before greed, and chosen by people why needs that item) or greed (less priority than need, and chosen by people why wants the item of pure greed). When using the Dungeon Finder, this is the default loot method and cannot be changed.
    Ninja - a term used when someone takes an item they do not actually need. The term is also used about people who perform this act
    NVM - never mind
    Noob - a) a person who is new to the game, or an aspect of the game (aka newbie); b) A derogatory comment used when someone behaves inappropriately for their level
    NPC - Non-Player Character
    Nuke - A high-damage ability, e.g. Pyroblast (mage) or Soul Fire (warlock).


    OK - Old Kingdom - a level 75 5-man instance located in Dragonblight, Northrend
    OMW - on my way
    OO5SR - Outside Of 5 Second Rule (related to your mana regen while not casting)
    OOC - out of character (a common term in RP and RPPVP realms)
    OOM - out of mana
    Orange - Used to describe superior-level gear.
    Org - Orgrimmar, the Horde capital city and home to Orc and Troll races, located in northern Durotar, Kalimdor
    Orz - is used to express that you kneel for someone. Read it from the right, and it looks like a kneeling man
    OS - Obsidian Sanctum, a 10 or 25 (on Heroic mode) level 80 raid located below the Wyrmcrest Temple, Dragonblight, Northrend
    OT - Off-tank (see Tank. Usually used in Raids, referring to a second tank, usually not as geared or experienced; typically assigned an easier task.
    Own - to beat someone in an aspect of the game by far


    Party - (see group)
    Patch – This is an update to the game content, and can affect any aspect of the game. If the game has been updated with a patch, then you must download and install it before you can connect and play again. This is usually done automatically by the game itself.
    Pew Pew - It is a term used by hunters when they shoot with their gun/bow/crossbow etc. Also referrs to any damage dealer.
    PL - powerlevel/-ing/-er (see powerlevel/-ing/-er)
    Pop - Use an ability (e.g. Pop heroism)
    Pot - potion
    Powerlevel/-ing/-er - Powerleveling is a way of playing the game, where you focus on gaining the most levels possible in the lowest time possible. Powerlevelers are the people who perform this way of playing. Powerleveling can be done by people who are good in the game, but it is also possible to order services where other people powelevel for you.
    PoS - Parent over Shoulder, keep the swearing down to a minimum.
    PoS - Pit of Saron: an instance in Icecrown, Northrend. Added in 3.3.
    Ppl - people
    PPM - Proc Per Minute. The amount of time a proc will happen per minute on average. For example, the Rune of the Fallen Crusader enchant has a PPM of 1. Which means that on average, the proc will happen once per minute, regardless of your weapon speed.
    Proc - the chance a certain enhancement will apply/take action to a player or NPC. Etymology unknown.
    Prot - Protection
    PST - Please Send Tell
    PTR – Public Test Realm. This is a set of servers where testing of a new patch occurs.
    Purple - Used to describe superior-level gear.
    Pug - Pick Up Group (e.g. pick up 4 random guys to clear an instance)
    Pull - a term used when someone gets the aggro of a untapped mob, usually performed by a tank (see below)
    PvE - Player vs. Environment
    PvP - Player vs. Player
    Pwn - Means you owned or destroyed or annihilated a mob, player etc.


    QQ - whine/cry
    QFT - quoted for truth. Used when you quote a post, to say that you agree with that post; can also be used to keep the original poster honest, as some people change or delete their posts if their opinions are not popular.


    Raid - The concept of a raid has the same principles as a group, except that a raid consists of several groups.
    Rare Spawn – This refers to a creature that has a small chance to spawn instead of a normal creature. Rare spawns are usually zone-specific, and carry better loot than a normal spawn, but are also usually tougher.
    Repeatable Quest - A quest that can be turned in over and over again for extra reputation.
    Res - (see Resurrection)
    Ret - A reference to a Retribution-spec (Melee DPS) Paladin, or any paladin's Retribution Aura (ability).
    Resistance - the chance of which a player or NPC will withstand a damaging spell completely, or to a certain degree. This is determined by stats and level.
    Respec - Change how your characters talent points are spent (see Spec)
    Resto - Restoration (spec). The healing spec for Druid and Shaman.
    Resurrection - when you return to your body as a ghost, and then coming back to life via options in a message box that appears when you are close to your corpse as a ghost
    Rezz - (see Resurrection)
    Re-spawn - a mob that spawns again
    RFC - Ragefire Chasm, a level 10 instance inside Orgrimmar
    RFD - Razorfen Downs, a level 35-40 instance in Southern Barrens, Kalimdor
    RFK - Razorfen Kraul, a level 25-30 instance in Southern Barrens, Kalimdor
    RNG - Random Number Generator, a term used by players to describe anything involving chance in the game.
    ROFL - Rolling On (the) Floor Laughing
    ROFLMAO - Rolling On (the) Floor Laughing My Ass Off
    Roll - Action of drawing a random number usin "/roll" in orther to win loot
    Round Robin - a looting system where everyone loots in turns
    RP - role-play (can also refer to the realms with RP+PVE ruleset)
    RPPVP - realms with combined RP and PVP ruleset
    RR - Redridge Mountains, Eastern Kingdoms (zone)
    R/Rdy - Usually asked by a group leader to make sure everybody is ready, and that nobody isn't aware that there is a pull going on.


    Scholo - Scholomance, or the School of Necromancy. A level 60 5-man instance located in Western Plaguelands, Eastern Kingdoms
    SFK - Shadowfang Keep, a level 20 5-man instance located in Silverpine Forest, Eastern Kingdoms
    SH - Sethekk Halls, a level 70 5-man instance located in Auchindown, Terrokar Forest
    Shammy - An affectionate term referring to a Shaman
    Sheep - To use the mage spell polymorph to turn an enemy into a sheep
    SL - Shadow Labyrinth (aka Shadowlab, slab), a level 70 5-man instance located in Auchindown, Terrokar Forest
    Shatt - Shattrath, the capital city in Outland, located in Terrokar Forest
    Strat - Stratholme, a once human city, located in Eastern Plaguelands, Eastern Kingdoms; May also refer to the Culling of Stratholme level 80 5-man instance in the Caverns of Time if referred as Old Strat.
    Superior – This is the third-best quality of items in the game. Superior items have better stats than lower-quality gear, and are usually found in instances or as quest rewards, and can also be crafted.
    SM - Scarlet Monastery, an instance hub in Tirisfal Glades, Eastern Kingdoms. Scarlet Monastery has four wings - Graveyard (recommended level 30), Library (level 32), Armory (level 35, has only one boss with lots of trash which drops primarily warrior/paladin gear), Cathedral (level 40). Also can mean Shadowmeld - A racial ability given to Night Elves and allows them to turn stealth but they can't move.
    Snare - an ability that slows down or stops movement of the affected target
    SotA - Strand of the Ancients, a PvP Battleground
    Spawn - a term used of the fact that mobs reappear
    Spec - refers to a talent tree in which characters have spent most of their talent points in
    Spriest - refers to a Shadow spec priest
    SS - Soulstone, an item created by a Warlock to allow someone to resurrect themselves after death. Usually used on the person rezzing everyone after a wipe.
    SSC - Serpentshrine Cavern
    ST - Sunken Temple, an instance in Swamp of Sorrows, Eastern Kingdoms
    Stationary Support Buff - Primarily refers to a shaman's totems, but can also be referring to some of the skills used by Death Knights.
    Stam - Stamina, a primary statistic used to increase your health points. This is one of the primary statistics for tanks.
    Stfu - Shut the **** up. Don't use it!
    Str - Strength
    STV - Stranglethorn Vale, a level 30-45 zone in Eastern Kingdoms known for its ganking on PvP realms.
    SV - Acronym for Survival spec Hunter.
    SW - Stormwind, the Human and Alliance capital city in Elwynn Forest, Eastern Kingdoms


    Tap - the first person to attack a hostile NPC has tapped it. This means that that person will get all loot and XP (see XP) from the mob
    Tank - A term used for a player who attempts to hold aggro, or threat, of mobs. Also referrs to a Protection-specced Warrior or Paladin, a Feral Druid in (Dire) Bear form, or a Blood-spec Death Knight. These players typically take talents and use gear that increases the amount of HP they have, reduce the amount of damage they take, decreases the chance they will be hit by attacks and increases the threat (see below) they produce.
    Taunt - the ability to gain instant aggro over a mob
    TB - Thunder Bluff, the tauren capital city in Mulgore, Kalimdor
    TBC - The Burning Crusade (see BC)
    Threat - This is a function used by all mobs that determines who they attack. Talents, abilities and skills can increase or decrease the amount of threat they generate. Most actions a character performs that can be done to a player or mob cause threat in varying amounts (Healing another player, damaging a mob, etc). Also known as aggro.
    ToC - Either: Trial of the Champion, a 5 man added in 3.2, or Trial of the Crusader, a raid instance added in 3.2. Both are located in the Crusader's Coliseum in Icecrown.
    ToGC - Trial of the Grand Crusader: The hardmode raid instance version of Trial of the Crusader.
    Toon - An in-game character. Most likely derived from cartoon, because WoW characters have a very stylized/animated look.
    Tots - Totems, a shaman's main form of buffing. See Stationary Support Buff.
    TPK - A Total Party Kill. A term coming from WoW's DnD origins, meaning the death of everyone in the party. See wipe.
    Trash - Refers to mobs that are typically very easy to kill that stand between bosses in or out of instances or group quest objectives.
    Twink - a character which is maximized with stats and gear for his/her level
    TY - Thank You


    UBRS - Upper Blackrock Spire, an instance in Searing Gorge, Eastern Kingdoms
    UC - Undercity, the Forsaken capital city underneath the former human city of Lordaeron in Tirisfal Glade, Eastern Kingdoms
    UD - Undead
    UK - Utgarde Keep, an instance in Howling Fjord, Northrend.
    Uld - Ulduar, a raid instance in Storm Peaks. Added in 3.1.
    UP - Utgarde Pinnacle, an instance in Howling Fjord, Northrend.
    Uncommon – This is the first level of enhanced gear in the game. Uncommon items usually have increased armor, damage, and/or stats on them. These items can be found most anywhere, dropping as loot, quest rewards or being crafted. This type of item is the lowest quality item that can be disenchanted.


    VC - VanCleef an instance in Westfall, Eastern Kingdoms, often used as a replacement for DM (Deadmines). Saying "LFG VC" is basically the same as "LFG DM"
    Vending Machine - A not so nice term referring to mages.
    VH - Violet Hold, an instance in Dalaran, Northrend.
    VoA - Vault of Archavon, an instance in Wintergrasp when your faction has control over Wintergrasp Keep.
    Vanilla WoW - WoW prior to any expansions. Usually people will say "Back in Vanilla WoW we had a level cap of 60"


    WB - Welcome Back
    WC - Wailing Caverns, an instance in the Barrens, Kalimdor.
    WD - Well Done
    WF - Westfall, a zone in Eastern Kingdoms.
    WG - Wintergrasp, a PvP zone in Northrend.
    Wipe - A situation where everyone in your party/raid (or sometimes just everyone that can rez people) dies. See also TPK.
    Wisp - A whisper, an in-game private message only the sender and the reciever can get.
    WSG - Warsong Gultch, a PvP battleground
    WTB - want to buy
    WTS - want to sell
    WTT - want to trade
    World Drop – This refers to an item that can drop anywhere in the game world. Each expansion is considered its own world for this purpose. World drops usually have a small percentage chance to drop from any creature in that world.
    WotLK - Wrath of the Lich King, the second WoW expansion. Also Wrath.
    WoW - World of Warcraft


    XP - Experience
    XR - Crossroads


    Y - Yes, can also refer as "Why?"
    Yh - yeah
    YW - You're Welcome


    ZA - Zul'Aman, a level 70 raid instance in Ghostlands, Eastern Kingdoms. ( Upgraded to 85 in Cataclysm )
    ZD - Zul'Drak, a zone in Northrend.
    ZG - Zul'Gurub, a former level 60 raid instance in Stranglethorn Vale, Eastern Kingdoms. ( Upgraded to 85 in Cataclysm )
    ZF - Zul'Farrak, an instance in Tanaris, Kalimdor.
    Zone Drop – This refers to an item that drops in a specific zone. Similar to a world drop, a zone drop has a small chance to drop from any creature in a specific zone.
    Last edited by nDir; 08-16-2013 at 04:11 PM.

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  2. #2
    Augury13's Avatar Legendary
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    Lulz +1 from me, welcome to the community.

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    Thank you.

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    Maccer's Avatar gay secks CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Very good post, expect +5 from me tomorrow.
    Leecher --> Member --> Contributor --> Elite --> News Team --> Elite --> Legendary --> Lurkin'

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    zaeBOOST's Avatar Contributor MASTER BOOSTER CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Rayz's Avatar Legendary

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    Originally Posted by Kurnik View Post
    Credits aren't required when coming from a source other than this website. This is OC, not an essay. No plagiarism here, just reposts.

  7. #7
    nDir's Avatar Banned CoreCoins Purchaser
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    i'm Sure this will helps OwnedCore Users
    the idea is to bring informations about world of warcraft to this community ( informations that isn't shared)

    Thank you.
    Last edited by nDir; 08-16-2013 at 07:57 PM.

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    skipper1's Avatar Legendary
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    Even though it's not required I still think you should give credits when it's pure copy paste. Good effort, +rep

  9. #9
    nDir's Avatar Banned CoreCoins Purchaser
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    isnt Pure Copy + Paste
    + Nobody Posted this in OwnedCore Before ..

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