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    Rogue PvP Damage Rotation/Surviving/One-shot Macro guide.

    Hey guys, so I'm here to talk about Rogues.
    So lets start out with a very basic Survivability guide.
    So as a rogue, there are 6-8 Defensive Cooldowns/Abilities depending on what you consider a defensive. These are:, Recuperate, Vanish, Preparation, Dismantle, Evasion, Blind, Cloak of Shadows, and arguably Sprint.
    When you can tell a target is about to burst, I recommend a cheapshot, vanish, or variation of one or the other. leaving your opponent with nothing to hit with his One-Shot macro on can be frustrating. Recuperate is a very important ability, which heals your character for a duration depending on the amount of Combo points you have. When using Cloak of Shadows/vanish, I almost always pop Recuperate, giving you a good heal, and a fresh opener on the target. Upon reading these abilities, Its pretty self explanatory on how to vanish when your low on health, but its VERY important to figure out when people burst and to be prepared. So im not going to sit here and waste our time on telling you to cloak-vanish-recuperate in different situations because its impossible to know whats the right thing to use ahead of it actually happening. So this is a scenario you need to experiment with on your own. If the target is going to burst on you, and you do not have a good amount of cooldowns, or you have a lot of DoT's on you without Cloak, use blind to disorient your target. I like to use this when I know the target does not have a trinket, to ensure I at least get a Recuperate up. As an added tip, I like to use this on my middle mouse click for a fast an easy CC -Credit to pqs for reminding me of this, can't believe I forgot it.

    So this part of the guide is MUCH more complicated than the previous. Lets start out with Bursting on any single character.
    So to start, ALWAYS sap if possible, because there are some people who will trinket it, and leave them open to Cheap Shots, Gouges, Kidney Shots..etc etc. To start I recommend always using Premeditation, Slice And Dice. To get a nice energy gain on the target. With Caster classes, Open up with a Garrote(silence), Ambush, and right before your Subterfuge wears off, a cheap shot. here, I usually try get rupture up, and maybe a dismantle, If needed, put them in another kidney Shot. At this point, if your not going to Vanish, use Shadow blades, On-use Trinket, and generate 5 combo points. From there, go for a big Eviscerate, Marked For Death, Eviscerate. If they are still not dead by now, use your judgement whether to re-open or to continue.
    With a Melee Class, You can get away with the same opener, just no Garrote, Instead 2x Ambushes.
    PLEASE UNDERSTAND this is just a TEMPLATE for damage, in PvP everything is always changing, And so its better to use a priority system.
    Mine is usually Slice And Dice>Rupture>Stuns/Silences>Shadow Blades>5 Combo Points>Eviscerate>Marked For Death>Hemorrhage/Backstab>Recuperate.

    : This section of the guide is entirely your choice, but this is my opinion of the best poisons to use in certain situations.
    Arena: Healer team/ Caster Heavy Team: Wound Poison, Mind Numbing Poison- Why? I picked Wound poison to make it easier to burst and kill the target when a healer can cast. Mind numbing poison, when put on the healer, or any casting class, can SAVE you in several situations. If you shiv the target, their next spell is interrupted. which can be HUGE in several situations.
    Heavy Melee team: For a heavy dps team, I like either Deadly poison or Wound poison. If you have a warrior, or warlock with massive self heals, I would definately pick Wound poison, if its a Comp with low self heals, I would go with deadly. For these types of teams I like Would poison for the slow, but Mind-numbing can still be useful.

    RBG/Bg's- For Almost ANY RBG or BG, I would pick Wound/Mind Numbing poisons. With these paired together, you can support your team by delaying and interrupting the healer's casting, and reducing the healing he/she can do.

    Here is a good burst macro:
    #showtooltip shadow blades
    /use Malevolent Gladiator's Badge of Conquest
    /use Malevolent Gladiator's Leather Gloves
    /cast Shadow Blades

    And now for the moment you've probably found this guide for, The One Shot Macro! Note: To use this macro, you need to press the button its bound to repeatedly to cast each ability.
    /castsequence reset=10 Premeditation, Garrote, Tyrannical Gladiator's Badge Of Conquest, Virmen's Bite, Shadow Dance, Cheap Shot, Vanish, Eviscerate, Marked For Death, Eviscerate

    Please note this is my first guide EVER, so I appreciate some feedback on what is good, and what I can improve, and please let me know if this helped at all.
    Questions? Ask here or contact me on skype: jakethesnake12345
    I can play pretty much every class, so If you need help, or need a guide, just contact me here, post here, or contact my skype.
    Need 1 on 1 coaching? Contact me on skype about my coaching service.
    Last edited by Interrnet; 05-21-2013 at 08:12 PM.
    How I feel when catching a scammer.

    Rogue PvP Damage Rotation/Surviving/One-shot Macro guide.

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