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    Confucius's Avatar Moderator The Idiot

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    The Great Addon Archive

    Hello everyone, welcome to the Great Addon Archive thread!

    What is this thread for? Well, I thought it would be a good idea to have a thread (perhaps sticky?) with a list of useful addons, including a description about them, where to find them, and who they might be useful for. All these addons can be downloaded from the curse client found at, just to make it easier for users.

    Below is my list of addons I have made along with some information, please reply to this thread with addons that you think are useful (not on the list (ctrl+f)) using the format below.

    Addon Name


    Who might find it useful

    Where to get the addon

    Tags: bla, bla

    You can find addons for different areas in the game by using ctrl f and typing in the tag for what you want to find. Below are some tags I will be using.

    Gold, Raids, Dungeons, PvP, Mail, UI, Questing, Combat, Gear, Professions, Misc

    Deadly Boss Mods


    This is a very popular and useful addon in the game. What this addon does is add timers to many events through out the game and also alert you when things are about to happen in a boss fight and what to do. For example it may tell you the time until someone wins your battleground, or when the next phase of the boss fight is coming. If you are standing in something bad in a boss fight it will warn you and tell you to move with a loud sound and text. This is one of the most useful addons in the game in my opinion and is something I absolutely recommend for every player!

    Here is a list of the features from the publisher:


    • Boss mods for all raid bosses
    • Colored raid warnings (players will be colored according to their class) with icons - so you will know what's going on without even reading the message
    • Auto-respond during boss fights. DBM will inform anyone who whispers you during a boss fight that you are busy. These messages contain the name and health of the boss as well as the raid's status
    • HealthFrame: you can enable a simple frame that shows a health bar for all active bosses. This is enabled by default for multi-mob bosses like Four Horsemen
    • Bars can be enlarged with decent effects when they are about to expire
    • Crash recovery: you had a disconnect or crash during a boss fight? No problem for DBM! It will request the timer and combat status information from other DBM users in your raid group and you get your timers back
    • Synchronization system for accurate timers
    • No dependencies, no embedded libraries (except for the optional LibDataBroker plugin that embeds LibDataBroker)
    • Modular design - all boss mods are plugins and can be exchanged, removed or updated separately
    • Load on demand - all boss mods are separate AddOns and they will be loaded when they are needed. So they don't use memory or cpu until you enter the corresponding instance
    • Efficient code: DBM uses less than 250 kb memory and the cpu usage is also very low
    • Special effects like the screen flash effect, huge warning messages and sounds will draw your attention to critical events
    • Bars can change their color over time and flash before they expire
    • There are many bar designs to choose from, all designs are are customizable: you can change the color, size, icon position etc.
    • Support for SharedMedia, so you can use any texture for your bars
    • Option to create custom timers, so-called "Pizza Timers" for your pizza or whatever you prefer to eat while raiding. You can also send those timers to your raid group
    • Powerful object-oriented API - you can use it to write your own boss mods!

    Who might find it useful

    All players should find this addon useful, it is especially useful for raiders because of the boss fight interaction. This is one the addons I consider essential!

    Where to get the addon

    You can find the addon here on curse
    Deadly Boss Mods - Boss Encounters - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse or on their website Deadly Boss Mods :: A World of Warcraft AddOn.

    Tags: Dungeons, Raids, PvP, Combat



    Postal is a great little addon that makes retrieving mail from your mailbox very easy. It gives you an open all mail button, allows you to choose what mail to open and what not to open and also includes many different sending options. For example when you have a mail box open you can simply alt click and item and it will be sent to the name entered. This addon is great if you send a lot of mail or receive a lot on a daily basis.

    Here is the description from the publisher:

    Postal offers enhanced mailbox support by providing the following features:

    • BlackBook: Adds a contact list next to the To: field.
      • Tracks all your characters (as you log each one on) and list them if they are on the same realm/faction on an "Alts" list
      • Tracks the last 20 players you mailed on a "Recently Mailed" list.
      • Autocomplete names from Alts/Recently Mailed/Contacts/Friends/Guild list. You can choose which of these lists to use.
      • Option to autofill in the last person mailed to the To: field.
      • Option to disable Blizzard's name auto-completion popup.

    • CarbonCopy: Allows you to copy the contents of a mail.
    • DoNotWant: Shows a clickable visual icon as to whether a mail will be returned or deleted on expiry.
    • Express: Adds shortcuts
      • Shift-Click to take item/money from mail
      • Ctrl-Click to return mail
      • Alt-Click to move an item from your inventory to the current outgoing mail (same as right click in default UI)
      • Mousewheel to scroll the inbox
      • Added option to disable multiple item mail tooltips.

    • OpenAll: Allows you to open all mails of selected types at one go in your inbox unattended.
      • All AH Cancelled mail
      • All AH Expired mail
      • All AH Outbidded mail
      • All AH Success mail
      • All AH Won mail
      • Non-AH mail with attachments
      • AH settings are divided into neutral and faction-specific settings.
      • Shift-Click on the OpenAll button will open all mail and override your filter settings.
      • Choose to have a number of bag slots always left free when opening mail.

    • Rake: Displays summary of money gained from opening mail
    • Select: Adds checkboxes to the inbox with buttons for selective opening/returning
      • Added mail indicator numbers above the checkboxes.
      • Added help note that you can Shift-Click 2 checkboxes to select everything between them.
      • Added help note that you can Ctrl-Click a checkbox to select all mail from that sender.
      • Choose to have a number of bag slots always left free when opening mail.

    • TradeBlock: Block trades and guild charter signature invites from people while you are at the Inbox
    • Wire: Autoupdate the subject field with money amount if blank.

    Who might find it useful

    Many players will find this addon useful. It is especially useful to the player who often sells a lot of auctions or someone who farms a lot and need to send a lot of mail. I recommend this addon to all people however, it is a very nice addon and will help save you a lot of time while using the mailbox!

    Where to get the addon

    You can download this addon from here
    Postal - Mail - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Gold, Mail



    Although it may seem obsolete now that Blizzard has added its own quest helper into WoW, QuestHelper is far from it. This addon is very useful to the person who levels by questing, it computes the fastest path to complete your quest, tells you where to go, and where the items you need for your quest are. It also has a nice big arrow pointing you where to go, making it even easier than Blizzard's quest helper.

    Here is what the publisher says QuestHelper does:

    Questhelper tells you how to finish your quests in the easiest, fastest manner. It includes a database of quests, monsters, and items, telling you the exact location of that dang Perfect Satyr Horn you can't find. It also computes the fastest path to complete all your quests - and gain experience - as quickly as possible.

    Who might find it useful

    Anyone who levels by questing or anyone who does dalies will find this addon useful. It is especially useful to new players of the game and people who want to be able to quest mindlessly.

    Where to get the addon

    This addon can be found from Curse here,
    QuestHelper - Quests & Leveling - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Questing



    OmniCC is a great addon that adds a timer to your cool downs directly over the icon, and also tells you when important abilities are aviable for use. There's not much more to say about this addon, however as simple as it may seem you will be surprised about how hard it is to play the game without it.

    Here is what the publisher says about OmniCC:

    OmniCC is an addon that adds text to items, spell and abilities that are on cooldown to indicate when they will be ready to use. In other words: it turns all the standard analogue cooldowns into digital ones.

    Anything should work with OmniCC, from the action bars to the inventory, from the standard interface to your favorite add-on.

    Who might find it useful

    Anyone who ever fights will find this addon very useful. This addon is even more useful in important raid encounters, arenas, battlegrounds, and other places where timing your attacks perfectly matters a lot.

    Where to get the addon

    OmniCC - Combat - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Combat, UI, PvP, Raid



    Recount is an addon that records combat statistics from yourself and anyone in the party around you and organizes the information into easy to read graphs, bars, ranks, and numbers. This addon is mainly used to see who is doing the most damage in a fight but it can also be used to look at who is healing best, who died the most, who missed their interrupts, and many other things. This is a very common addon in WoW and if it is not updated each patch it may cause very bad lag, so it is important to remember to update this addon!

    Here is some information about Recount from the publisher:

    Recount is a graphical damage meter written by Cryect. Recount (Preservation) is an attempt to preserve it through the 2.4 patch and fix up some minor things along the way. If Cryect returns the project really should be wholely his and he can keep or abandon any changes I've made here.

    For changes see the change log. Beta versions can be found on WoWAce.

    Who might find it useful

    This addon is useful to players who want to see how the compare to their teammates, and for players who want to see who is slacking in the group. However remember not to obsess over the stats to much and to pay attention to the fight!

    Where to get the addon

    Recount - Combat - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Combat, Raids, Dungeons



    This is a very, very handy little addon that lets you move the majority of windows within the game and also lets you resize them and save a default position for the windows. For example, if you have the achievement window open but want to see your chat, you can just click on the window and drag it over!

    Here is what the publisher has to say about the addon:

    Simple addon that makes the Blizzard windows movable.

    To move a window just click title of the window and drag it to where you want it.
    You can also use control+scroll wheel over the title of a window to adjust the scale. The positions and scale will be saved only for the full screen windows such as the achievement window.

    Who might find it useful

    This addon should be useful to any player, I am sure that almost everyone who has played this game has wished they could move one of those annoying windows at some point in time!

    Where to get the addon

    BlizzMove - Miscellaneous - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: UI, Misc

    Tidy Plates


    This addon is one of my favorites in the game for sure! What it does is provide stylish name plates for enemies and friends, show dots on enemies, hots on friends, and changes the nameplate colors depending on your threat level. This addon can make it very easy for a tank to tell if he has lost threat, or for another player if they have gained it. It also can help show you when your dots are about to run out and which targets are cced. I recommend this addon to all players, as normal nameplates look very ugly in my opinion, this makes them look really great and a lot more useful than normal!

    Here is what the publisher has to say about Tidy Plates:

    Tidy Plates enhances World of Warcraft's floating health bars - commonly known as 'nameplates' - and provides a built-in API which can be used to create your own design. This download comes with several theme packages, but alternatives are available.

    Who might find it useful

    Anyone who needs extra information during a fight. This addon is very useful for tanks and healers, it is also useful to people who use dots. I recommend this addon to all players, however if you don't like nameplates then don't bother with it.

    Where to get the addon

    Tidy Plates - Unit Frames - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: UI, Combat, Raids, Dungeons, PvP



    Quartz provides the player with a more detailed casting bar that comes with many options. It also adds cooldown bars and factors in latency into the casting sequence, telling you when you can stop casting approximately. The addon also shows buffs, who interrupted your casting, and many other useful things. The casting bar also looks a lot better than the regular casting bar in my opinion.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    Quartz is a modular approach to a casting bar addon. An overview of (hopefully most of) the modules:

    *Player The core of Quartz is lightweight implementation of a standard casting bar, with configurable size, text and icon positioning, and colors.
    Implementation of target and focus casting bars in similar fashion to the player cast bar. *Buffs Display of target and focus buffs and debuffs as duration bars using the new API introduced in patch 2.1.
    Hooks into FlightMap or InFlight to display the current flight progress on your casting bar.
    *Global Cooldown
    Displays a tiny spark-bar to show your Global Cooldown near the cast bar. Helpful for those who'd rather not squint at their action bars to see when they can cast again.

    Who might find it useful

    This addon is the most useful to casters in my opinion, however all players should be able to enjoy this addon. It is a very useful one that has a lot of features I wish the game included without it.

    Where to get the addon

    Quartz - Combat - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: UI, PvP, Dungeons, Raids, Combat



    Before I begin on this one, I know not many like it, however it can be a nice addon to have. This addon, formely known as gearscore, includes ratings for each peice of gear and gives higher ratings to items "better" for the player's class. It also provides a nice detailed inspection UI, which includes the player's gear, what enchants and gems they are missing, what raids they have done, their talents, and more. I find it useful more for the overview it gives a player and not the score it awards the player, which can lead to mindless score judging.

    Here is some information from the publisher:

    PlayerScore Overview
    PlayerScore is the next evolution of GearScore® and aims at providing a utility infinitely more useful then just the score of a player's equipment. PlayerScore provides raid leaders with a wealth of instant knowledge such as

    • Complete Raiding History - Allows you to view an easy to read breakdown of a player's raiding history including every boss kill and current top-tier raiding progression.
    • Equipment Layout - Well designed layout allows you to manually check a player's gear quickly and easily. Advanced item tooltips make spotting bad items even easier with flags for enchantments, gems, and reforging.
    • Primary Stats - Shows you a break down of the stats a player is gearing for. This provides a great way for raid leaders to make sure player's aren't stacking spell pen, or have 200% hit rating, or DKs gearing for Agility.
    • Talent Spec - View a player's current build. You can also flag talents as bad for a specific spec and have PlayerScore notify you in the future when a player is using those talents.
    • Automatic Character Auditing - PlayerScore will display a list of flags for when players have missing or bad gems & enchantments; bad talent specs; missing equipment; wearing equipment for another spec or class; using pvp items; or riding TRH.
    • Player Ratings - PlayerScore uses our online servers and custom anti-abuse technology to allow players to rate eachother on a thumbs up or down basis. This allows you to easily spot players who don't get along well with others or just plain suck.

    PlayerScore also provides a set of very extensive options. Almost every single feature can be disabled to save memory or increase performance. You can also disable features to save space and only provide the information you care about most. You can also run the addon in "Lite Mode" which will disable the entire GUI showing only information on player tooltips.

    Who might find it useful

    People who want a brief overview of a player's accomplishments.

    Where to get the addon

    PlayerScore - Tooltip - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse or PlayerScore | Ten Ton Hammer

    Tags: UI, Gear



    This addon displays digsites available to you and helps provide archeology information in a clearer way within the game. There isn't much more to say about this addon, other than it is a must have if you are doing archeology, especially if you are going after certain artifcacts.

    Here is some more detailed information from the publisher:


    • Localized for English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, and Traditional Chinese users
    • On-screen customizable and movable list for the dig sites on the continent you are current on
    • On-screen customizable and movable list of the artifacts you are researching that can be filtered to display only the races for the continent you are on
    • Racial fragment types are shown for each of the dig sites
    • Solve artifacts with (left click) or without (right click) keystones by clicking on the racial crest icon in the on-screen artifacts list or bind a key for a one stop solve shop
    • TomTom support to help you navigate between dig sites
    • Able to display dig sites on the minimap (closest only or all dig sites)
    • Able to display dig site boundaries on the minimap and battlefield mini map
    • Blacklist dig sites in the on-screen digsite list by right clicking on the dig site name. Perfect for when you have a bugged node or a dig site that is in a zone that you dislike.
    • Blacklist races so they do not appear in your artifacts on-screen list and won't be used when the artifact solve keybind is pressed
    • Sound triggers for when you have enough fragments and/or keystones to solve an artifact
    • A dig recorder to see where at a dig site you have successful dug and many more features

    Who might find it useful

    People who do archeology will find this addon very useful. This addon is particularly useful for those who are going after certain artifacts.

    Where to get the addon

    Archy - Archaeology Assistant - Archaeology - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse
    Professions, UI



    This is an auction house addon, and the first on the list! It is a simpler aleternatives to more advance interfaces, such as Auctioneer. This addon allow you to see an overview of the prices of items and buy multiples of an item very easily and quickly. This addon also makes selling a lot easier by providing you with a suggested price to sell an item at, based at the current market values and how you want to sell the item. The addon also keeps a database of all prices that it discovers and adds a tooltip to the items.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    Auctionator makes the auction house easier to use, by presenting auction house listings clearly and succinctly, and by eliminating the tedium involved in posting and managing auctions. Auctionator is designed for casual everyday auction house users.
    To find out more about Auctionator head over to or, better yet, just download it and try it out!
    If you're already a user and have a question, you might find the answer in the Auctionator FAQ.

    Who might find it useful

    This addon is most useful to people who use the auction house a lot to buy and sell, but want an easy to setup and use interface. This addon can be useful to tycoons, however most prefer to use auctioneer instead.

    Where to get the addon

    Auctionator - Auction & Economy - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse or Auctionator Add-on

    UI, Gold



    Auctioneer is perhaps the most advanced of all auction house addons, and comes with its own auction house suite. Auctioneer comes with just about every feature you could imagine for the auction house and is a very valued tool among most tycoons. If you want to be a serious auctioneer, then Auctioneer is the addon for you (see what I did there?). Auctioneer can scan the auction house and keep a database of prices for certain items, it can help tell you the trends of prices, what items are selling at compared to their average selling rate, and help you sell things for the most profit. It also has some special options for disenchanting, reselling, and many other special searches. There is just too many features to list all of them here.

    Here is a more detailed explanation of Auctioneer and its suite from the publisher:

    Auctioneer Suite

    Auctioneer Suite provides you with the tools and data necessary to make those difficult auctioning decisions with ease.
    From purchasing to posting, the Auctioneer Suite provides time-tested tools to allow you more time to actually play your characters or play the market. As you will soon discover, it is much more than a simple "Auctioning AddOn", the Auctioneer Suite also shows in-depth information for all game items, such as those used in quests or recipes, enchanting, milling, prospecting and more.
    Numerous other AddOns will also use the Auctioneer statistics you gather via scanning. This is especially true for many of the popular crafting AddOns, such as Little Sparky's Workshop.
    Looking for Ultra Lightweight and Fast?

    Try the "Auctioneer" download from our primary site, rather than the "Auctioneer Suite" we upload to Curse and WoWInterface. All of our downloads are accessible from our primary site at http://AuctioneerAddOn.Com/dl . This version offers a small footprint, with only the basic "Post" frame and tooltip information to assist in your purchasing decisions.

    Basic Auctioneer Suite Details

    The Auctioneer Suite contains Auctioneer, all of its modules, BeanCounter, Enchantrix and Enchantrix Barker, and Informant to help provide a comprehensive view of item data, whether at the Auction House or out questing. Some highlights are:

    An intuitive auction posting frame.

    • Remembers your preferences for bid/buyout prices, stack sizes, and number of listings to post per item.
    • Allows queuing of auctions, so you can instruct it to list hundreds of auctions and alt-tab while it does so for you
    • Allows you to specify the value price of your choice and remembers your selection
    • Displays competing listings, the age of the data, and allows you to sort these listings and refresh them easily.
    • Provides a scrollable list of all auctionable items in your bags; allowing you to quickly post all of your goods.
    • Provides a "Match Competition" setting which will automatically undercut your competition when posting auctions, within your parameters
    • Provides the ability to change to a "Simple" view; a bit like the Auctioneer Classic posting interface.
    • Allows you to change column width by Right-Clicking and dragging to the column width of your choice.
    • Allows you to post multiple auctions with the single click of the Batch Post button.
      • Alt+Left-Click == Refresh Pricing of all Batch Postable Items.
      • Shift+Left-Click == Trial or List Posting. Does not actually queue any items to post but prints the exact pricing that will be used on the Auction House in an easily readable format in the "chat window". This allows a user to verify their settings and make adjustments if necessary.
      • Ctrl+Shft+Alt+Left-Click == Post all items that have the "Allow Batch Posting" checkbox selected (located at the top of the item information pane).


    An alternative to the standard auction browsing interface.

    • Displays more auctions per page
    • Displays more data per auction
    • Allows you to change column width by Right-Clicking in the column heading and dragging left or right to resize the column to your liking
    • Provides a percentage comparison with the Market Value Statistic of your choice
    • Allows auctions to be color coded by price level
    • Allows multiple sorting options not available on the standard interface

    Statistic Modules

    There are a variety of fully customizable statistic modules included with Auctioneer that can provide a variety of pricing information- all based upon your needs.

    • "Market" - a custom designed formula that merges the various statistics into a usable price. This is the default setting and is highly recommended.
    • Auc-Stat-Histogram - Returns Median and IQR values, based upon a Histogram of pricing data. Essentially, a median value, based upon all prices ever seen; no data is ever discarded.
    • Auc-Stat-iLevel - Statistics modules that groups all items of same rarity, type, and iLevel together (e.g. all green weapons of iLevel 180). Useful for pricing random "of the ..." items.
    • Auc-Stat-Purchased - Statistics module that tries to infer purchase prices based on items disappearing before they could have expired. (Requires more frequent scanning of the AH)
    • Auc-Stat-Sales – Uses data from BeanCounter to display historical statistics on actual purchase and sale prices. Note that this statistic is installed along with BeanCounter, and cannot be installed separately.
    • Auc-Stat-Simple - Statistics module that performs simple averaging of data, converted daily to exponential moving averages of the orders 3, 7 and 14.
    • Auc-Stat-StdDev - Statistics module that keeps the last 100 price points for an item and performs a standard deviation on the data list to exclude outliers from the sample space and provide a normalized mean.
    • Auc-Stat-WOWEcon - Statistics module that uses the WOWEcon AddOn's data (if separately installed) to provide the price to other Auctioneer modules.
    • Any other stat module that you or others wish to create can be easily added to auctioneer functionality!


    An Auctioneer Utility that prompts you when it sees auctions that fit your criteria for buying and, or, bidding.

    • Uses Searchers that you can customize for various desired deals such as:
      • Resale - Prompts you for deals based on discount from the market value, AH fee, and expected relistings
      • Disenchant - Prompts you for deals based on disenchanting armor and weapons
      • Prospecting - Prompts you for jewelcrafting deals from prospecting ores
      • Vendor - Prompts you for auctions listed below vendor sell price

    • The "RealTimeSearch" will continually reload the first and last page of the AH, within reason, as per your configuration, to find the newest bargains and auctions that are just about to come to an end. Both great times to find some amazing deals.
    • Piggybacks on your AH scans if allowed to do so


    An associated addon that tracks your bid, postings, and mail to help you determine your overall and item-specific profitability.

    • Creates journal entries when you bid, buy, post, or retrieve AH mail.
    • Provides a searchable interface that can display all activity or only certain items
    • Allows you to change column width by Left-Click and dragging the column to the size of your liking


    Enchantrix displays values for disenchanting, milling, and prospecting; plus suggested values for selling enchants. Enchantrix can also automate disenchanting, milling and prospecting. Some baseline pricing is built in, but Enchantrix also uses values from Auctioneer to provide up-to-date prices for your server/faction. Enchantrix also includes controls to let you customize the pricing by enchant material (fixed prices and weighting).

    Informant displays additional information about items in their tooltips: buy price; sell price; item level; what quests, classes or professions use the item; the value of the item produced by a recipe; etc. Informant can also tell you what vendors sell a given item.
    What Can Auctioneer Do to Help Me?

    Once a user moves to the Auction House (AH) and beyond just buying and selling from/to vendors, the whole game changes. No longer is the user dealing with the static prices of the vendor to support their character's income. We are now dealing with the fluid and hectic nature of a dog-eat-dog market economy. In such an economy, which is in a constant state of flux, it can be difficult to select the correct pricing points for your item at the AH. Sometimes, the prices and value of your items can be wildly different compared to the vendor price due to many factors, the value of items that can be made from your item, the use of a particular item in a quest, the suitability of a particular weapon or armor to specific classes, and the disenchantability of an item to enchanters. Primarily, the driving factor of the price fluctuations, as in the real world is supply versus demand. When supply is high, but demand is low, competition drives the prices down, and conversely then supply is low, but demand is high, the market is driven into a sellers market. The Auctioneer Suite can help you alleviate this lack of market knowledge over time by watching the market evolve. When you go to the Auction House (AH) for the first time after installing Auctioneer, you will see a row of 3 buttons along the top of the main "Browse" frame, click the "play" button to begin your first scan of the entire AH. Auctioneer will begin recording statistics for every item it finds, including the bid, buyout, and more. Once the market analysis has completed, you will notice additional information about the items in the tooltips when you mouse over them. What happens when you go to sell items via the Auction House?
    If Auctioneer has enough data, when you try to put an auction up for sale, it will attempt to provide you with intelligent pricing points based upon the market data it has accumulated through scanning. When you select an item in the full or simple "Appraiser" frame, Auctioneer will suggest a minimum price, a buyout price and display relevant data about it's decision making process in the right, receipt window, including how it has arrived at its prices. When you place an item in the SimpleAuction, "Post" frame, Auctioneer will suggest a minimum bid, a buyout price, and display relevant data, including the deposit and more.
    What happens when you go to sell items via the Auction House?

    If auctioneer has enough data, when you try to put an auction up for sale, it will attempt to provide you with intelligent pricing points based upon the market data it has accumulated through scanning.
    When you select an item in the full or simple "Appraiser" frame, Auctioneer will suggest a minimum price, a buyout price and display relevant data about it's decision making process in the right, receipt window, including how it has arrived at its prices.
    When you place an item in the SimpleAuction, "Post" frame, Auctioneer will suggest a minimum bid, a buyout price, and display relevant data, including the deposit and more.

    Who might find it useful

    This is an essential tool for many major gold makers, but it can also be useful to people who like a more detailed auction house UI. This addon can be difficult to setup, but there are many guides to help the user. This addon is the more advanced alternative to Auctionator (in my opinion).

    Where to get the addon

    Auctioneer - Auction & Economy - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse I recommend getting it from Auctioneer addon for World of Warcraft however.

    Tags: UI, Gold



    AuctionMaster is an addon that helps you sell your items in a fast and more efficient way. It allows easy mass buyouts and bids, and mass cancellations of auctions. It also provides tooltip information about the price of an item and it's average buy out price.

    Here is more information from the publisher:

    Please let me introduce you to AuctionMaster, a World of Warcraft addon to make your auction house business
    as easy as possible. AuctionMaster's numerous features include the following ones:

    • Easy selling with all stacksize, amount, duration and so on settings you may need
    • List of all competing auctions
    • Scanning the complete auction house in a bunch of seconds
    • Free custom searches for specific items or more sophisticated needs
    • Evaluation of the own searches (snipes) while scanning the auction house
    • Fast snipe scan of the auction house, only searching for the defined custom searches
    • Mass bid/buyout of auctions in the sell and scan window
    • Mass cancel of own auctions in the sell and own auctions window
    • Automatic per-item-selection of an appropriate price model like undercut, market price etc.
    • Ability to configure the sell settings for all items, item-types, item-subtypes and specific items
    • Configurable tooltip extension with statistics like lower buyout, average buyout etc.
    • And many more

    The attached images give you a glance of the features AuctionMaster may offer you. Feel free to ask your questions
    in the AuctionMaster project home on Curse, if you don't understand a feature or if you have found a bug.

    I hope that you're able to make a lot of gold with AuctionMaster. At least it should be as convenient as possible.

    Who might find it useful

    People who use the auction house on a regular basis will find that this addon can help save them a lot of time.

    Where to get the addon

    AuctionMaster - Auction & Economy - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Gold, UI



    This addon is a very useful one. It provides an easy to read display of all DoTs you have applied and what targets they are on and how much time they have until they expire. This addon is fully configurable and also shows the buffs on targets and how long they have, you can configure it to choose what types of targets you want the information to display for and what type of spells you want to show. You can move around the bars and decide where you like to have them best aswell. This addon is a very nice addon for locks and shadowpriests, but all classes can find some use out of it.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    DoTimer is a comprehensive suite for managing various things that need timing.
    These include:
    - your DoTs / HoTs
    - your Cooldowns
    - buffs / debuffs on you

    It accomplishes the task by breaking into sub-addons: DoTimer, Cooldowns, and PlayerAuras, respectively. A fourth sub-addon, Notifications, is also included. All four can be enabled/disabled and customized separately. The reason for including all of these together in one addon is for interoperability. You can customize the timers to an extreme extent.
    DoTimer starts off in simple mode, with a lot of functionality hidden. You don't see PlayerAuras or Notifications, and a lot of the customizability is hidden. This is for users who have no need of all the complex settings.
    The basic philosophy behind the addon is that timers are put into a specific anchor location on screen. These anchors can be customized independently of each other, as can the individual timers. You can control where certain timers from the sub-addons go, so that the timers are placed as logically onscreen as possible.
    DoTimer's timers fit into three categories: standard, No Target, and Party Buffs. Standard timers are timers on specific mobs. No Target timers are timers that can affect multiple mobs at once (or none at all), like Howl of Terror. Party Buffs are buffs cast on the party; you can set it up so that they get combined into a single timer so that tracking them is much easier (and less spammy onscreen).

    Cooldowns's timers fit into two categories: Yours and communicated.
    PlayerAura's timers fit into four categories: Buffs/debuffs with/without a duration. If you want, you can flag timers that have a duration to display with no duration.
    You can customize the anchor location for each of these categories, as well as anchors for specific timers or specific DoTimer targets. You can also apply timer settings globally, to specific categories, to specific anchors, or to specific timers. You can make as many anchors and timer settings as you want.
    Notifications lets you create notifications for various events, such as casting a spell, an enemy gaining a buff, losing aggro, losing health, or a cooldown being up. You can make the screen flash various colors, play a sound, send a chat msg / do an emote, or other various things in response. The system is quite customizable as to how the notifications are sent; I suggest playing around with it.

    Who might find it useful

    This addon is most useful for classes such as warlocks, shadow priests, and unholy deathknights but all classes should find it useful. It also displays HoTs so healers may like it as well. I suggest you try it out and mess around with it for a bit before you decide if you are going to keep using it or not.

    Where to get the addon

    DoTimer - Combat - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Combat, Raids, Dungeons, PvP



    This addon is the most important addon to have if you are going to do arena. It shows the enemy team's target panels in a nicer display and also shows when they are cced and what they are cced with, as well as showing when they have trinketed. It will also tell you the spec of the class you are fighting. This addon is great for arena information and takes a little burden off your memory while trying to do arena. This addon also makes you announce things to your party and provides even more useful information. It also shows what target the enemy is targeting, even if they are not your target.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    What is Gladius?

    Gladius adds enemy unit frames to arenas for easier targeting and focusing. It is highly configurable and you can disable most features of this addon.

    • Uses the 3.0 Arena Unit IDs, this enables full functionality even if the enemy is seen first while in combat.
    • General arena unit frame features:
      • HP bar + Text
      • Mana bar + Text
      • Cast bar + Text
      • Class icon

    • PvP trinket status:
      • Five display options:
        • Name icon.
        • Name text.
        • Big icon (big, scalable icon to the right).
        • Small icon (small icon to the right on top of the mana bar).
        • Grid-style icon (colored square to the right on top of the mana bar that turns red when the trinket has been used).

    • Target of Target - displays a class icon representing the enemy's target.
      • You can click on the icon to target your enemy's target or use mouseover macros.

    • Announcements
      • New enemy announcement - announces new enemies.
      • Trinket announcement - announces when the trinket is used/is ready again.
      • Drinking announecment.
      • Enemies on low health - announces enemies that are about to die, you can set the percentage yourself.
      • Aura announcement - announces aura used.
      • Cooldown announcement - announces cooldown used.

    • Auras - shows important buffs and debuffs on the arena enemies.
      • You can add/delete/edit auras via the configuration screen.

    • Cooldown Tracker - shows enemy cooldowns
      • You can enable/disable single cooldowns or entire classes, set an announce type or sound on cooldown used.

    • DR Tracker - shows diminishing returns on the arena enemies.
      • You can enable/disable single diminishing returns types or show/hide the diminishing returns value.

    • Click actions - you can select what is going to happen when you click on a Gladius button.
      • Ten editable click actions.
      • Three modifiers: SHIFT, CTRL and ALT.
      • Four different action types: Target, Focus, Cast Spell and Macro.

    Who might find it useful

    This addon is absolutely necessary to arena in my opinion, and I recommend it to all who want to try arena.

    Where to get the addon

    Gladius - PvP - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: PvP



    This addon is an item database that allows you to search for an item and link it in chat. That is basically all it's good for, it doesn't really tell you where the item comes from or anything. I find it very useful for when I need to link something in trade or when I want to lookup an item's stats.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:


    Ludwig is an ingame item database addon. What makes it different from similar addons? Well, mainly it:

    • Includes all existing items right from the start
    • Searches trough more than 47.000 items in a blink
    • Allows you to easly type any item [[link] into the chat
    • Mostly Load on Demand

    Who might find it useful

    Every player has probably wanted to link an item they don't have at one point in time. This is what that addon is for, making it very useful for all players!

    Where to get the addon

    Ludwig - Bags & Inventory - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse


    AtlasLoot Enhanced


    AtlasLoot is an addon that provides the player with all boss loot tables. This addon shows what items each boss drops and the precentage of the drop rate of these items. This is a nice addon for telling you where you can go find that peice of gear you're missing, and what your chances are of getting it.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    What is Atlasloot

    AtlasLoot Enhanced is an UI mod allowing for loot tables of bosses to be browsed whenever needed within the game.

    • Drop Rates: Appended to the bottom of the tooltip of an item when moused over (if available).
    • Dressing Room: Control-click items to show them in the Dressing Room.
    • Price Preview: See the prices for token items like PvP rewards.
    • Instance Loot: All instance loot from every Dungeon (Normal and Heroic) and Raid.
    • Faction and PvP rewards.
    • Collection Items: Armor Sets (Dungeon, Tier and Crafted), Mounts, Companians, Tabards, Legendary items and more.
    • Season and World Events: Skettis, Abyssal Council, Ethereum Prison, Feast of Winter Veil, Hallow's End, Brewfest, etc.
    • Wishlist: Alt-click on any item to add it to the wishlist, alt-clicking on an item in the wishlist deletes it. There are buttons added to the Atlas panel and the loot browser to open the wishlist.
    • Partial Searching: Allows searching the whole AtlasLoot database for an item where you only know part of the name.
    • Quicklooks: Bind up to ten loot tables to 'Quicklook' buttons, allowing you to jump to them with only one click.
    • DKP systems: Simply edit the file 'dkp.lua' using data from localization.en.lua (for the item ID numbers) and your guild's fixed price values to allow for DKP values to be shown in the tooltip. The stubs of some Lucifron items have been included to get you started and show you how it's done.

    Who might find it useful

    Radiers and people gearing up to raid will find this item useful to them.

    Where to get the addon

    AtlasLoot Enhanced - Boss Encounters - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Dungeons, Raids



    This is not an addon I personally use, however it is still useful to many people. Basically this addon makes healing a lot easier. It can tell you who has the aggro, who you need to heal, what you need to cast, when someone needs a dispell, and more. I can't really describe this addon, as I have not used it, so here is some more information from the publisher:


    • HealBot allows for 60 key mouse combinations to cast any beneficial spells.
    • HealBot allows for 60 key mouse combinations to cast on disabled bars.
    • Any usable item can be added to all combos.
    • Any existing macro can be added to all combos.
    • Target, Focus and Assist can be added to all combos
    • HealBot can track and display who has aggro
    • HealBot can be used for decursive functions
    • HealBot can be used for monitoring buffs and buffing
    • HealBots appearance can be configured and preferred appearances can be saved as skins.
    • HealBot can show party/tanks/checked targets/extras in a raid, extras can be filtered and sorted.
    • HealBots in party/raid will sync incoming heals with other healers.
    • HealBot has a built in res monitor and is compatible with CTRA (CTRA not required)
    • HealBot has a SmartCast out of combat option, this will cast a spell in the following order..

    1. res
    2. decurse
    3. buff
    4. heal
    5. user setting

    Who might find it useful

    Healers, of course.

    Where to get the addon

    HealBot Continued - Unit Frames - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Combat, Raids, Dungeons

    X-Perl Unit Frames


    This addon basically takes everything from Blizzard's unit frames and makes them better. It will detail your DoTs or HoTs on a target better, provide you with better information about your target, and give you a 3d looking picture even! It will flash different colors to tell you who is taking damage and who is recieving healing, which can help make healing and tanking a lot simpler. This addon is a very nice addon if someone wants a more detailed and organized unit frames for their game.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    Perl, with Extra stuff. Much enchanced from Nymbia's Perl UnitFrames, and a complete replacement for Blizzard's default unit frames, including raid frames and raid tools, with little remaining of the original Nymbia code.

    • Range Finder (combined with optional health check and/or debuff check) for all frames based on spell or item range test.

    • HoT Monitor will highlight units clearly that have ''your own'' active Heal over Time spells. Regardless of how many other heal over time buffs are on the raid members, you can keep track of your own ones and when they expire.

    • Debuff Highlighting in standard debuff colours on all friendly frames. Priority given to show debuffs that ''you'' can cure first.

    • Raid Frames, buff icons, MT list units and some other portions or X-Perl are Created on demand. Saving a lot of time and memory at system startup. Defering the creation of many parts of X-Perl to when they are actually required. And of course, most often outside of raids they are never required and are never created.

    • Raid Target icon support for Target, Target's Target, MT Targets.

    • Raid Tooltip will show combat rezzers available (druids with Rebirth ready (or very soon available) and any normal rezzers out of combat) if you bring up tooltip of a dead person.

    • In-combat indicators for all units.

    • 3D Portraits for player, pet, target, focus, party. Optional. Of course this may degrade your framerate somewhat because you are displaying more 3D character models that without this option. But some like it pretty, and it does look cool.

    • Red and Green combat flashes for frames when player, pet, target, party, partypets, raid take damage/heals. Useful indication of things happening.

    • Added '''time left''' on party member/target buffs/debuffs when in a raid, these depend somewhat on CTRA/oRA/oRA2 sending appropriate information over the addon channel, although some of it can be determined at run time by X-Perl, when a player gets a buff for example, we know how long it should last, and therefor when it should expire.

    • Totally new options window including all X-Perl options and access via minimap icon.

    • Configurable colours for borders and backgrounds. Including class coloured names, and configurable reaction colours.

    Who might find it useful

    This addon can be very useful to tanks and healers of raids and battleground, but it is useful for anyone who wants more detailed unit frames.

    Where to get the addon

    X-Perl UnitFrames - Unit Frames - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Raids, Dungeons, Combat, UI

    Omen Threat Meter


    This is an addon that will show you who has threat in your party and who is threatening them. Tanks will appreciate this addon so that they can tell who is receiving the most threat and change their tanking to accommodate for such things accordingly. Damage doers will be able to see if they are generating threat too much and pull it back a bit while healers will be able to tell if the tank is doing a bad job of keeping aggro off them, or if someone is getting more aggro and heal them accordingly.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    Omen is a threat meter.

    Basically, enemies in WoW decide who to attack by deciding who is the most threatening based on the abilities you use. What Omen does is provide accurate values of your group's relative threat level on individual enemies, so that you can see when you're in danger of pulling aggro (or, if you're next on the snack list if your tank bites it). This info is usually only critical in raids, where only tanks can survive aggro, but it's useful for any multi-player situation.

    Who might find it useful

    Mostly raiders and dungeon avids will find this addon useful, I can't really see any reason for a pvper to have it!

    Where to get the addon

    Omen Threat Meter - Boss Encounters - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Dungeons, Raids, Combat



    This addon is for action bars and allows you to customize your action bars in anyway you want. Many players find the defualt action bars too limiting and so they use this addon, it will allow you to add as many bars as you would like (as long as that's less than 10 bars) and also bind them to whatever keys you want. It lets you move the bars around to where you want them and change their orientation.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    Bartender4 is a full ActionBar replacement mod. It provides you with all the features needed to fully customization most aspects of your action and related bars.


    • Support for all Action Bars and all related bars
      • 10 Action Bars
      • Stance Bar
      • Pet Bar
      • Bag Bar
      • Micro Menu
      • XP/Reputation Bar

    • All Bars are fully customizable (Scale, Alpha, Fade-Out settings, ...)
    • Very flexible and customizable Show/Hide driver based on Macro Conditions
    • Additional Layout and Paging settings for Action Bars
      • Page all bars based on Stance or Modifier
      • Possess Bar support
      • Custom State driver support with Macro Conditions

    • Options to hide specific elements of the buttons (Macro Text, HotKey, more could be added on demand)
    • StickyFrames support
    • ButtonFacade support!
    • Easy Hotkey Binding using KeyBound
    • Options to control the hiding of the default blizzard artwork (you might still want that to be displayed..)

    Planned Features

    • Enhancement of the Alignment Menu

    Who might find it useful

    Every single player, in the entire game!

    Where to get the addon

    Bartender4 - Action Bars - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: UI, Raids, Dungeons, Combat



    Atlas discovers all maps in the game for you, and even provides you for maps for places that don't have them! Its maps have many features and it is a fairely customizable addon. This is the map addon, so if you want special maps, download this. Due to the addon being so big the creators seperated it into different addons.

    As seen here from a quote by the publisher:

    Due to the total size of our addon is increasing bigger and bigger since we are having more and more maps, we have heard many users complaining about the download issue, and suggested us to find some workaround.
    We have discussed internally and also discuss with Curse team, our final decision is to separate our built-in plugins into individual addon packages (also individual addon projects).

    Also, we have moved out the old dungeon maps and re-categorized them based on the expansion set. For example, Burning Crusade dungeon maps are now only available in another addon package.
    This provide the flexibility of addon downloading. Users who don't need any specific plugin or expansion dungeon maps can decide not to download them. Or, those plugins and old dungeon maps won't get frequently updated, therefore, users who have download all the Atlas addon packages don't need to download all the packages each time when there is a new release.

    Who might find it useful

    Everyone who uses a map!

    Where to get the addon

    Tags: UI, Misc



    Decursive makes decursing easier. It shows you people with a debuff on them that you can discurse and plays a noise and alert message when you need to decurse someone. It requires very little setup and is a nifty little addon for those who want an easier time determining what needs to be decursed and when. For example many times players who are novices will try to decurse spells that can't be, and waste their mana or spell, this helps avoid that. This addon however is still useful to non novice players as well!

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    Decursive key benefits

    • Ease of use:
      • Decursive supports all classes with cleansing abilities and configures itself automatically, it works straight out of the box, no configuration is required.
      • Intuitive interface and detailed options, Decursive is suitable for simple usage and power users.

    • Control what and who you want to dispel:
      • Easily Filter out afflictions you don't want to cure or that are useless to remove by class (some are pre-configured).
        (Such as afflictions affecting mana on non-mana classes, etc...).
      • Choose between what you can dispel (magic, curses, poison, diseases, charms) choosing their priority. (this allows you to share the cleansing work with other players effectively)
      • Prioritize or exclude members. (keep players, classes, or raid groups in a specific order to cleanse them in order of importance)

    • Manage Mind controlled units:
      • If you are a Mage, a Druid or a Shaman you can Polymorph/Cyclone/Hex mind-controlled players.
      • In any case Decursive will allow you to target mind controlled units easily.
      • Decursive supports magic charming affect removal for Shamans (Purge and Hex), Priests (Dispel Magic), Hunters (Tranquilizing Shot), and Warlocks (Fellhunter and Doomguards spells).

    • Don't waste time:
      • Your cleansing spell Cooldown is displayed to maximize your dispel speed.
      • An automatic blacklist will prevent you from loosing time on players who can't be dispelled.
        (player 'out of line of sight' for example).
      • Decursive choose a logical cleansing order depending on your current position in the raid.
        (preventing dispel concurrence between players and thus 'nothing to dispel' messages)

    • React faster:
      • Visual and/or auditive alerts when someone needs your attention and can be dispelled.
      • Special sound alert when Unstable Affliction is detected and you're about to dispel it.
      • Visual and auditive alert when your dispel attempts are resisted or fail.

    • Integration in any interface:

    • Highly optimized and effective coding:
      • Decursive was developed with memory and CPU usage in mind, installing Decursive won't affect your frame rate even in the worst battle conditions.
      • Bug free: bugs are not tolerated in Decursive.

    Who might find it useful

    Any healer who raids, does dungeons, or pvps even.

    Where to get the addon

    Decursive - Buffs & Debuffs - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Raids, Dungeons, PvP, Combat



    Gatherer is a very useful addon for those who gather by hand (although not on this site do!). It remembers where certain herbs or ores where found and marks them on the map and minimap. It also creates routes out of its database that will show you the fastest route to get the most herbs and ore in your farming time. You can also import databases from other places into this addon, like wowhead, making it very useful straight out of the box!

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    Gatherer is an addon for herbalists, miners and treasure hunters in World of Warcraft. It's main purpose is to track the closest plants, deposits and treasure locations on your minimap.

    The addon does not track like a tracking ability does, rather it "remembers" where you have found various items in the past. It does this whenever you gather (perform herbalism, mining or opening) on an item, and records the specific map location in its history. From then on, whenever the item comes into range of being one of the closest 1-25 (configurable) items to your present location, it will pop up on you minimap.
    When you view your World Map, you will also see the item locations marked on the particular map you are viewing there.

    Who might find it useful


    Where to get the addon

    Gatherer - Map & Minimap - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Professions, Gold



    Bagnon combines all your bags onto one screen. As well as combing your bags, it also combines your bank and guild bank, into three seperate manageble windows. It also provides filtering options and easy fast searching of bags. This addon is great for those who hate having each bag separated and having to organize them.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:


    Bagnon merges all of your bags into three windows: inventory, bank and guild bank. Beyond the basic all-in-one functionality, Bagnon also provides:

    • Flash Find searching (see syntax)
    • Coloring based on quality, being a quest or unusable item
    • Ability to view the inventory & bank of any character, from anywhere *
    • Highly customizable
    • Databroker support

    Who might find it useful

    Anyone, especialy those with crowded bags will find this addon useful!

    Where to get the addon

    Bagnon - Bags & Inventory - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Misc, UI



    Grid puts your party and raid frames into better, easier to read frames. Although now the basic Blizzard Raid UI includes most of these features, this is still a nice addon for some. It allows you to customize what you see from the raid frames and shows details such as incoming heals, who's dead, aggro, health details, hots, dots, ect.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    What is Grid?

    Grid is a party/raid unit frame addon. The compact grid of units lets you select a group member quickly, while retaining a good overview of the whole group. Its aim is to display as much information as possible without overloading the user. It allows you to customize what information you see, and how that information is displayed.
    Type "/grid" to open the configuration UI, or right-click the minimap button or DataBroker launcher.
    By default, Grid includes status modules for health, mana, incoming heals, aggro/threat, buffs and debuffs, range, and ready checks. Statuses can be displayed on any of two center texts, a center icon, the frame border, the frame color, the frame opacity, and a colored square in each of the four corners. More statuses, indicators, and features can be added by installing any of the many third-party plugins available.
    Due to its flexible design, Grid has a fairly daunting configuration menu. We recommend taking a few minutes to look through the configuration and familiarize yourself with the options available to you. There is also a small User's Guide which you may find helpful, and a forum thread for discussion.

    Who might find it useful

    This addon is especially helpful to healers, but anyone who raids should like it.

    Where to get the addon

    Grid - Raid Frames - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Raids, Dungeons, Combat, UI



    This addon is mainly designed for pvp, and I am not sure if it will work elsewhere. What this addon does is organize the scrolling battle text (such as healed for 9001, hit for 9002, ect) into an easier to read formation. This addon is useful for when the details like those are important, in things such as pvp. This addon also allows you to customize how the text looks for different people and the color of damage taken is different depending on the type of damage it is, very cool indeed!

    Here is some more information from the publisher:


    MSBT is designed to be an extremely lightweight, efficient, and highly configurable mod that makes it easier to see combat information by scrolling the information on the screen in separate, dynamically creatable scroll areas. It is a replacement for Blizzard's Floating Combat Text and Damage output.

    • Lightweight and efficient design.
    • Scroll incoming damage/heals, outgoing damage/heals, and notifications in separate configurable scroll areas on the playing field.
    • Display player and pet cooldown completion alerts.
    • Display loot alerts with a total of how many are now in inventory.
    • Add triggers that will allow you to show notifications based on a variety of conditions.
    • Assign a sound file to play for events/triggers.
    • Dynamically create new scroll areas and assign any event/trigger to them.
    • Customize the position, size, animation style, enabled state, font style, font size, font outline, and opacity for each of the scroll areas.
    • Customize each individual event's color, font style, font size, font outline, opacity, output message, enabled state, and scroll area.
    • Set "Master Font" settings that will be inherited by all of the scroll areas and the events in them unless they are overridden at the scroll area or event level.
    • Merge AoE data into one event with cumulative damage/healing done with number of normal and crits specified.
    • Show overhealing amounts against yourself or party/raid members.
    • Color unit names according to their class.
    • Color damage amounts according to damage type.
    • Show partial effects (resists, absorbs, vulnerabilities, etc) colored according to type.
    • Filter output information with a full suite of spam controls.
    • Load on demand options.
    • For mod developers:
      • Output your own scrolling messages with the MikSBT.DisplayMessage function instead of having to create your own frame and animation code. You can also use your own font by first registering it with MSBT via the MikSBT.RegisterFont function.
      • Create custom animation styles.
      • See the included API.html file for reference information.

    Who might find it useful

    PvPers will find this addon very valuable for the added information it gives them.

    Where to get the addon

    MikScrollingBattleText - PvP - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: PvP, UI, Combat

    Prat 3.0


    Prat 3.0 is a chat addon that brings many more features to the game's chat box. Quoting the developers it does "everything you can think of" for the chat box. From copying url links to adding timestamps, this is the must have chat addon! It is fully customizable in case you don't want certian features and is great for all players.

    More information from the publisher below:

    Prat has just about every feature you can think of, and then some. Really. When I get some more time, I'll try and put together a full list (Even I have lost count) (Thanks to Dreamsight for this partial list)

    • Change arrows, buttons, mouse scroll for chat scroll, scroll speed
    • you can add color per channel, color per lvl, color per class
    • timestamps
    • timestamp color
    • whether to show timestamp (what format the timestamp should be in)
    • whether to show players lvl
    • you can select the option for channel "stickys" (last channel you used you auto use when hitting enter, that sort of thing – or last thing someone said)
    • change the looks of the chat's editbox - as well as where it appears (you can even undock it and move it to where you'd like it to be)
    • chat fading, fading delay
    • You can change the font to a list of fonts, add an outline to it, monochrome it (if you don’t mind messing with files a bit you could prolly even add other fonts to that list)
    • change the chat frame/chat box appearance
    • set Chat history
    • set channel abbreviations
    • set brackets and color(or something instead of brackets)round player/lvl
    • alt invite option (press keyboard “alt” button and click on the player’s name to auto inv them)
    • raid icon
    • invite links
    • info keeping
    • url copying
    • full chat copying + options (html,bbcode, plain, forum) + copy button
    • allows pop-up msgs
    • enables tell target /tt
    • Alias options
    • altnames options
    • you can enable/disable all prat modules - dont have to have the ones you dont use running
    • change chat sounds (incoming and outgoing as well as per channel)

    Who might find it useful

    All players can find this addon useful, as chat is a very important part of the game and any MMO!

    Where to get the addon

    Prat 3.0 - Chat & Communication - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Misc, UI



    _NPCScan is an addon, that well, scans for NPCs. It will scan for NPCs in the area and alert you when it finds the one you are looking for. This addon is great for people who are looking for a rare mob, such as the ones that drop mounts. However this addon uses your cache in order to find the mob you are looking for, pretty clever, but you will have to delete your cache each time you want to use it.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    _NPCScan tracks seldom-seen rare mobs by proximity alone, making the old “/targetexact …” macros obsolete. It has the same range as those targeting macros, but you won't have to mash any buttons. Just go about your business and let _NPCScan alert you when it finds something.

    Who might find it useful

    People searching for a certain NPC will find this addon useful.

    Where to get the addon

    _NPCScan - Achievements - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Misc



    This addon is basically an advanced version of Blizzard's gear manager. It allows you to save item sets and easily edit them and switch between wearing them. It may sound kind of boring, however consider this, it gives you a bindable button to switch between each set of gear. This means you can switch between different items in order to maximize the effect of certian spells!

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    About Outfitter

    Outfitter is an equipment management addon which gives you fast access to multiple outfits to optimize your abilities in PvE and PvP, automated equip and unequip for convenience doing a variety of activities, or to enhance role-playing.
    Outfitter includes an icon bar for fast access to your outfits, a minimap menu for fast compact access, support for LibDataBroker, scripting with a library of pre-made scripts for most common tasks, outfits optimized for a particular stat, item comparisons across outfits, quick access to items via the character sheet, and more.

    Who might find it useful

    All players could find this addon useful.

    Where to get the addon

    Outfitter - Bags & Inventory - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Raids, Dungeons, PvP, UI, Misc

    Ackis Recipe List


    This addon will scan your professions and provide you with a list of recipes you can get and how to get them.

    More information from the publisher:

    What it does

    Ackis Recipe List is an addon which will scan your trade skills and provide information on how to obtain recipes. It works for all tradeskills including Runeforging.

    Who might find it useful

    Professors, just kidding! Anyone with professions who want to get some more recipes for them.

    Where to get the addon

    Ackis Recipe List - Professions - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Professions



    This addon is an action bar replacer. It basically includes all the features as bartender, mentioned above. It lets you have up to 10 customizable action bars, and allows everything to be moved!

    More information from the publisher:

    Dominos is an action bar addon intended to do the following:

    • Reuse as much standard blizzard action button code as possible.
    • Contain a relatively minimal feature set
    • Be easy to use
    • Be stable

    It includes the following features:

    • 10 action bars, pet, class, menu, and bag bars. Each one has customizable settings for padding, spacing, columns, scale, and opacity.
    • Customizable paging. You can switch pages on: action bar pages, modifier keys, forms, and targeting.
    • Customizable show states. You can tell your bar under which macro options to show.
    • Fading bars. You can set your bars to fade out to a certain opacity when not moused over.
    • The ability to customize showing empty buttons or not
    • Full button facade support
    • Keybound support
    • Sticky frames
    • The ability to move buttons in combat
    • A movable casting bar (optional)
    • A movable roll frame (optional)
    • A movable xp/reputation bar (optional)
    • Configurable right click targeting
    • Configurable self cast key settings
    • Possess bar support

    ...and will probably not end up with the following:

    • A stats bar
    • A minimap bar
    • True variable length bars

    Who might find it useful

    People who dislike the default action bar will like this addon!

    Where to get the addon

    Dominos - Action Bars - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: UI



    This addon is for people who have a lot of characters. It allows you to search your other character's bags like the auction house. That way you can find out where you misplaced that heirloom, or if someone has an item one of your other guys need!

    Here is some more information from the publisher:


    - Languages supported: enUS, frFR, deDE, esES, ruRU, zhCN & zhTW.
    - Account-wide data summary:

    • Characters' talents: Full talent trees & glyphs are supported for both specializations.
    • Money, /played, rest xp for each character, subtotals by realm, and grandtotals for the account.
    • Bag usage: see at a glance which characters should get bigger bags (bag size, free slots and types included)
    • Characters' skills: skill summary on one screen, namely the 2 main professions + the 3 secondary skills as well as riding. I may add more if there's demand.
    • Reputations: a list of all the reputations of the current realm's characters. You can see at a glance if all your alts are at least honored with Honor Hold if you want to get the new 2.4 blue PVP set. Suggestions on how to grind reputations will be available soon.

    - View containers (bags, bank, keyring) of all alts, on all realms.
    - Guild banks : You have 10 alts in 10 different guilds on the same server, all of them with access to a guild bank ? Not a problem, you can see them all here.
    - E-mail: allows you to see which alts have mail without having to reconnect them. The addon will tell you when mail is about to expire on a character. Threshold configurable (up to 15 days). Multiple realm support as well. Mails sent to a known alt (one you've logged on at least once) will be visible in the addon without having to reconnect it.
    - Equipment: See the equipment of the current realm's alts in one screen. Very useful when purchasing stuff for your alts at the AH. Multiple realms supported. Right-clicking any equipment piece will allow you to find an upgrade, this feature is similar to the official wow armory feature, and is quite performant, even though it doesn't match the accuracy of the official one.
    - Search: the most important feature of the addon, it uses an AH-like frame to display search results. You can either search bags on the current realm, on all realms, or a loot table.
    The loot table is a table based on AtlasLoot, but which contains only item id's, and therefore keeps memory usage minimal.

    The Search menu allows you to find items based on their name (even partial), level, type or rarity, almost like at the AH. It is also possible to search known recipes.
    - Quest Log: See the quest logs of all your alts, as well as an indication of which alts are on a specific quest. Clicking on a quest link in the chat log will tell you which alts are on that quest.
    - Suggestions: Currently, only profession leveling suggestions are available when mousing over your current level in a specific profession. Suggestions are based on the leveling guides posted on the official US forums (credit goes to their respective authors). The addon also suggests you where to quest/grind xp depending on your character level.
    Suggestions were also added for the most recent factions. More to come later.

    - Auction house: You can see which auctions/bids you've placed with an alt without being logged in or being at the AH.
    - Professions: You can browse all known recipes in a thotbot like frame (see screenshot).
    - Mounts & Pets of all your alts.
    - Achievements are tracked for all you alts (see screenshot).
    - Guild Members: a list of your connected guildmates, along with their alts (if they're using Altoholic too), and their average item level. Clicking their AiL will also allow you to "remotely" inspect their equipment.
    - Guild Skills: a list of altoholic users in your guild, along with their alts and direct profession links. All professions are available in one click.
    - Guild Bank tabs: a list of altoholic users and the time at which they last visited the guild bank. If you haven't visited the guild bank for a few days, you can remotely update your local data without going to a capital city.

    Who might find it useful

    People with a lot of characters who need to find things!

    Where to get the addon

    Altoholic - Guild - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: UI, Misc



    Ace3 is an addon development framework, many addons require it to run.

    Who might find it useful

    People who need it for addons.

    Where to get the addon

    Ace3 - Libraries - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Misc

    Power Auras Classic


    This addon makes visual ques whenever you gain stuff like a buff or debuff. This allows you to easily tell when short buffs are ending or when debuffs are gained. It also tells you when you hit a proc so you can know to speed up your dps!

    Here's a description from the publisher:

    This addon was created to provide visual cues (auras) when you gain buffs, debuffs and many more. Very useful for shorts buffs or debuffs, it allows you to draw in the center of the screen, or around your character, very customizable visual effects, rather than having to look at or mouseover buff/debuff icons/actionbars.

    Initially created to give visual cues for short duration procs like "clear casting" or some boost trinket you activate, many more aura triggers have been added since. It now works with debuffs (whatever their name), debuff types (like Magic or Curse), combo points, harmful area spells, weapon enchants, Health, Mana, Rage or Energy thresholds, action cooldowns, aggro, pvp status and stance or shapeshift form.

    Who might find it useful

    All people who raid, do dungeons, or perform in pvp.

    Where to get the addon

    Power Auras Classic - PvP - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: PvP, Dungeons, Raids, UI, Combat



    Want you map "sexy"? Then get this addon.

    Here is what the publisher says:

    Make your minimap ubersexah!

    SexyMap is a minimap awesomification mod, supporting:

    • Minimap moving, and movement of things like the quest tracker and durability frame.
    • Customization of zone text
    • Hiding of all buttons attached to the minimap (can be set to be always hidden, or to show on minimap hover)
    • Sexy minimap border options, extremely configurable, with several slammin' presets.
    • Ping notification
    • Mousewheel minimap zoom, and auto zoom-out.
    • A HUD overlay for resource gathering, target tracking, and more.

    Who might find it useful

    People who like sexy, sexy maps.

    Where to get the addon

    SexyMap - Map & Minimap - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: UI, Misc

    Addon Control Panel


    With all the addons in this thread so far you will want some way to manage all these! Addon Control Panel adds the Blizzard addon control panel from the login screen into the game. Allowing you to enable and disable different addons while in the game. This can save a lot of relogs and headaches.

    Here is more information from the publisher:

    Stop logging out of the game just to change your addons!

    ACP adds the "Addons" button to the game's main menu (The one you get when you hit ESC). It allows you to manage your addons in game, with an interface which looks similar to the blizzard addon manager. ACP will help you deal with the "Clutter" that multi-part addons and libraries introduce by displaying your addons in logical arrangements. ACP has many features to make your addon list easy to manage, help you with missing libraries, and provide you with detailed information about each addon.

    Who might find it useful

    Anyone who uses more than a few addons.

    Where to get the addon

    Addon Control Panel - Libraries - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Misc, UI



    VuhDo is mainly for healers, it is an addon like Grid that makes your raid frames special. With just one click of a character it will automatically perform the best heal or decurse that is needed at the time. Making healing mindnumbingly easy.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    What VuhDo can do:
    1. Display all relevant informations about your raid members
    - Life,
    - Mana, other types of power
    - Debuffs
    - Range
    - Incoming Heal
    - Aggro
    - Threat
    - HoTs
    - Charmed status
    - PvP status
    - Tooltips (for race, class, level and current location)
    - Player Tags (such as afk, disconnected, dead)

    2. Casting
    - You can heal, decurse, target, assist or focus raid memers with just one click
    - You can bind any usable item and any macro to mouse clicks
    - You can assign up to 40 mouse click combinations to cast on raid members
    - You can assign up to 16 keys to cast when mouse over
    - You can automatically fire your trinkets and instant casts whenever cooldown is over
    - You can automatically resurrect and decurse players out of combat

    3. Set up the raid
    - manage main tanks (CTRA/ORA compatible) and personally selected players.
    - Setup who is raid lead, assistant and master looter
    - Check who is one of the above

    4. Buffing
    - You can easily keep track of all of your buffs
    - You can rebuff automatically chosing the most suitable spell and target
    - You can smart buff your raid automatically selecting missing buffs

    Special Features:
    - Up to 10 independent raid member panels
    - Completely free arrangement of raid members: You can move any group to any position in any panel:
    You can select to see your groups by class, group number role or any combination.
    Easy group arrangement via Drag’n’Drop.
    You can additionally setup to display Pets, Vehicles, Main Tanks, private Tanks.
    A panel setup wizard lets you setup most common settings with a few clicks
    - You can store different skins and arrangements of panels separately
    Supported standards / Compatibility:
    - CTRA/oRA: Main Tank setup / resurrection monitor
    - libHealComm: Incoming heals from other healers
    - libSharedMedia: Fonts, Statusbar textures

    Who might find it useful

    Healers mostly, but any raider could probably find some use for it.

    Where to get the addon

    VuhDo - Buffs & Debuffs - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Raids, Dungeons, UI



    This addon is your personal WoW Gps! You can add waypoints and there will be a big arrow above your head telling you where to go. Many addon writers use this addon for navigation in their own addons, so it is a nice one to have.

    More information from the publisher:

    TomTom offers the following major features:

    • Set waypoints via command, or by clicking on the world map
    • A draggable coordinate display with customizable accuracy. This frame can be hidden or locked.
    • Player and cursor coordinates on the World Map (these can be hidden)
    • A floating "crazy-taxi" style arrow that points you to your destination
    • Displaying the "crazy-taxi" arrow or coordinate block in compatible LDB displays, such as NinjaPanel
    • Show a waypoint that points you towards your corpse for easy recovery
    • Can set waypoints by clicking on quest objective POIs on the World Map and watch frame.

    Who might find it useful

    People who get lost a lot, or just don't want to open the map often.

    Where to get the addon

    TomTom - Map & Minimap - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: UI, Misc



    DrDamage shows the calculated damage of each ability you have based on your gear and talents. This is useful to see exactly how a new piece of gear will affect your damage.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    DrDamage displays the calculated damage or healing of abilities with talents, gear and buffs included on your actionbar buttons. The addon also adds various statistics to the tooltips in your spellbook and on the actionbar.


    • Supports all classes
    • Actionbar addons supported: Default, Bartender 4, CT_BarMod, Dominos, elvUI, Macaroon, Nurfed AB, IPopBar, nUI, ReAction Bars and RDX.
    • Places text with the metric of your choosing on the actionbar buttons.
    • Damage and healing statistics are placed into your tooltips. This includes for example critical hit chance, spell damage and damage coefficients, averages, DPS, DPSC (damage per seconds cast), damage until OOM and more!
    • Your own buffs and your target's debuffs are taken into account.
    • Allows manual modification of the essential talents, buffs and character stats used to calculate. For example you can test how much increasing your spellpower by 100 would increase your damage or healing output.
    • If you're overwhelmed by the amount of statistics presented, you can use the options reduce the amount to whatever you feel is important!

    Who might find it useful

    People who want to see how new gear affects their damage output.

    Where to get the addon

    DrDamage - Combat - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Raiding, Dungeons, PvP, UI, Misc



    This addon makes loot easier to distribute. It rates the player's effort and gives them a loot rating as well. Showing who deserves the gear to the raid leader. This addon can be useful if you don't want to have players roll for gear.

    Here is more information from the publisher:

    EPGP is a relational reward system for World of Warcraft. It is an alternative DKP system in which your loot buying power is defined by the ratio of your effort and rewards points instead of their difference. In plain English, in a traditional DKP system you receive effort points that increase your DKP pool and spend them to receive loot which decreases your DKP pool. The person with the largest DKP pool has the most buying power. In EPGP, you receive effort points but you also receive loot points. These are separate from each other and your buying power is defined by your effort points divided by your loot/gear points.

    EPGP is implemented as an addon which you can download from the project's website or The addon can work completely in game, using your guild's officer notes to store its data.

    Who might find it useful

    Raider leaders who need to distribute gear.

    Where to get the addon

    epgp (dkp reloaded) - Guild - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Raids



    Skada is the alternative damage meter to recount. Some prefer it over recount, but they both basically do the same thing. Skada, just like recount, records damage, healing, and other statistics and puts them in an easy to read graph. I recommend each player have either one or the other!

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    Skada is a modular damage meter with various viewing modes. It is inspired mainly by Assessment, but also by Recount.

    Skada sports segmented fights and detailed views, while being highly efficient with memory. This is accomplished by aggregating data on fight segments.
    Skada is entirely modular; the modes listed below are all separate addons. Only the modes you load adds to the memory and CPU cycles used.

    • Automatic mode switching when entering combat. For example, you can have Threat mode be shown in combat. Skada can switch back after combat ends.
    • Specific fight segments can be kept indefinately.
    • Multiple windows. Each window can be configured fully.
    • Threat mode can warn on high threat.
    • Modes: Damage done, DPS, Threat, Enemy damage done, Enemy damage taken, Healing, Overhealing, Total healing, Absorbs estimated, Damage taken, Dispels, Mana regen, Debuff uptimes, and more.
    • Reports can be done everywhere. For example, you can report a certain player's Debuff uptimes.
    • Summary information for most modes (DPS, HPS, Fails, etc) in a LDB view/minimap button.
    • LDB data feed can show personal/raid DPS or personal threat.
    • Support for SharedMedia and Class Colors.

    Who might find it useful

    Any player who does any combat with other people.

    Where to get the addon

    Skada Damage Meter - Combat - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Combat, Raiding, Dungeons, UI

    Healers have to die


    As a pvp healer, I can personally say that we hate this addon. What this addon does is add a red x over a healer's target so that you know to kill them first. It is useful in battlegrounds to kill healers fast.

    Here is some more information:

    Healers Have To Die

    Spot those bloody healers instantly and help them accomplish their destiny! (PVP and PVE)
    HHTD adds a red cross over enemy healer's name plates. You can't miss them! (see the screen-shot).
    HHTD also adds a healer role symbol abovefriendly healers' name plates. Stop the slaughter!!
    IMPORTANT NOTE: You have to enable name-plates, else you won't see the healer symbols!
    It also rings when you hover or target a hostile unit who healed someone else during the last 60 seconds (can be configured).
    HHTD is PVP and PVE compatible.
    Remember to check out available options (/HHTDG)

    Who might find it useful

    Anyone who does battlegrounds and can't see the healer.

    Where to get the addon

    Healers have to die - PvP - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: PvP



    This addon lets you save gear you want to get for transmogging and also lets you compare how items look as well as link the items into chat. With extensions this addon also lets you look at different armor sets, companions, and mounts. This is a great item for transmog enthusiasts.

    Here is more detailed information:


    MogIt is an addon that will help you find the perfect item for your Transmogrification set!

    Item Catalogue

    An in-game catalogue of epic, rare and uncommon items that are still obtainable

    • Data stored in separate load-on-demand addons, organised by armor type and slot
    • Groups together most items that have the same model (and colouring)
    • Rotate, zoom and move all the models at the same time
    • Filter items by level, faction, class, source and slot (for one-handed weapons)
    • Link items to chat or get an easy to copy URL to, Wowhead or MMO-Champion
    • Shows how each item is obtained and which boss/zone/profession it is from
    • Sort items by level or by approximate colour
    • Resize the grid and change the number of rows/columns
    • Save items to your Wishlist (per character) to view again later

    Tooltip Model

    Shows a 3d model on an item's tooltip

    • Auto-rotate the tooltip model
    • Rotate it with the mouse scroll wheel
    • Works with AtlasLoot and AphesLootBrowser
    • This feature can be disabled in the options


    Check out these plugins if you're looking for more MogIt goodness!

    Who might find it useful

    People who like looking goooood.

    Where to get the addon

    MogIt - Transmogrification - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Misc



    This addon tells you about your cooldowns, buffs, and debuffs. It helps you know when to use stuff and can be very useful if you don't like looking all over for information. Its goal is to provide information about every element of combat in an easy to read way, and it does do a good job. I recommend this addon to people who don't want to go through much hassle in fights.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    TellMeWhen provides visual, auditory, and textual notifications about cooldowns, buffs, and pretty much every other element of combat. TellMeWhen is...


    Icons can track any of the following things:

    • Cooldowns
    • Buffs/Debuffs
    • Reactive abilities
    • Multi-state abilities
    • Temporary weapon enchants
    • Totems/Wild mushrooms/Ghouls/Lightwell
    • Rune cooldowns
    • Internal cooldowns
    • Others' cooldowns
    • Diminishing returns
    • Spell casts
    • ...And any combination of over 110 other things with easy-to-use conditions.


    • Icons can be set to show or hide based on the status of their basic element and their usability based on range, duration, stacks, and resources.
    • All icons can show the standard cooldown animation to display their status, and are compatible with OmniCC.
    • There are over 110 conditions that can be configured to make an icon show only under very specific or very general circumstances.
    • You can set a sound to play when important attributes of an icon change.
    • You can also set text to be announced/displayed when an icon's attributes change.
    • Icons can show at different transparency levels based upon the usability/existence of what they are checking.
    • Icons can show status bars on top of them, indicating the required resources and their remaining cooldown/duration in a different way.
    • Icons can be skinned with Masque (formerly ButtonFacade).

    Who might find it useful

    People who want combat to be easier and faster.

    Where to get the addon

    TellMeWhen - Combat - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Combat



    This addon lets you filter whispers by the level of the sender. If the sender is too low of a level then it will reply with a message defined by you. Many botters also use this addon to automatically reply to whispers, although many wonder if this is a good idea. This addon is mainly used to avoid gold spam, however many bank alts are also level 1 and they sell many things at low prices, so if you are a tycoon do not get this addon!

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    BadBoy_Levels is a plugin to BadBoy, the anti spam addon. It works by using lists:

    • Good: Friends/Guild & everyone above the level you choose
    • Bad: Anyone below and equal the level you choose (default 1)

    Simply, if a "bad" person whispers you, the whisper is blocked (hidden), then you send them a whisper (also hidden) of what level they must be for you to see their whispers.
    I decided to separate this addon as it's not a feature everyone wants.
    Can I change the filter level to be higher than 1?

    Yes, type /badboy ingame.

    Who might find it useful

    People who want to avoid gold spam or botters.

    Where to get the addon

    BadBoy_Levels: Filter Whispers By Level - Chat & Communication - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse




    Skillet is a replacement for the default profession window. It allows users to que multiple items up for crafting at once and is a lot easier to use than the default profession window. Skillet also comes with many features added to the trade skill window, but I will leave the publisher to tell you about that.

    More information from the publisher:

    Skillet: A trade skill window replacement

    Skillet is a replacement for the default tradeskill and craft UI, and is based on ATSW, by Slarti. This is not a continuation of ATSW, which is still going strong as far as I know, but is rather a brand new mod based in the ideas in ATSW.
    To report bugs and request new features check:
    To help with Localization see:


    • Larger the the standard tradeskill window
    • Built-in queue for creating multiple, different items
    • User editable list of notes attached to reagents and crafted items.
    • Automatically buy reagents for queued recipes when visiting a vendor
    • Recipes can be filtered by name, whether or not you could level when creating the item, and whether or not you have the mats available.
    • If you can craft a reagent needed by a recipe, then clicking on that reagent will take you to its recipe (same features as Reverse Engineering.
    • Queued items are saved when you log out and are restored on log in
    • If the item to be crafted requires a minimum level to use, that level can be displayed along with the recipe (disabled by default)
    • The shopping list of items needed for all queued recipes for all alts can be displayed at banks, auction houses, or from the command line
    • Items needed for crafting queued items can be automatically retrieved from your bank (by using the shopping list)
    • Sorting of recipes (name, difficulty, level, and quality of crafted item)
    • Complete or mostly complete localizations for deDE, esES, frFR, ruRU, koKR, zhCN, zhTW.
    • Tracking inventory on alternate characters
    • Item tooltips can be set to display the list of alternate characters that can craft the item.
    • Custom filtering of recipes (have mats, have mats in bank, min level/max level, etc)
    • Custom grouping

    Who might find it useful

    People who craft a lot, or who just use professions often.

    Where to get the addon

    Skillet - Professions - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Professions, UI



    This addonwill show all currency information about your character in an easy to read window. This makes it so you don't have to hit c and go to currency, useful but not all that necessary, just for the extremely lazy!

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    Currency shows you all of your currencies with just a mouse-over. It only shows currencies you have some of, and there is no configuration needed, the only configuration to be made is the position of the Mini map button and that is a easy left click and drag it to your desired position.

    I am pleased to announce with the release of version 5 you now have a configuration option. Version 5 added the same currency information to the Backpack tool-tip. so you now have the option of turning off the Mini-map icon.

    This is done via the slash command /currency
    This is a Fork of sorts of my First add-on Titan Panel [Currency] but is stand alone and does not need Titan Panel. Instead it places an Icon on the edge of the mini map for you to mouse over.

    Who might find it useful

    People who want to see all their currency information FAST.

    Where to get the addon

    Currency - Auction & Economy - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Gold, UI



    This addon is used to automatically sell all junk to the vendor when you visit them, there are other versions of this addon which allow you to automatically delete the junk from your bags as they get full. This addon is nice for levelers and people who don't want to waste time finding all the junk in their bags.

    More information from the publisher:


    Scrap sells all your junk when you visit a merchant. What makes it different from other junk selling addons? Mainly, it is:

    • Intuitive & Easy to use
    • Mostly Load on Demand
    • Uses an intelligent & dynamic junk list
    • Provides in-game tutorials for quick learning
    • Supports many plugins which add extra functionality (the list is always growing)

    Who might find it useful

    Lazy people, just kidding, all people who want to make sure they get all that junk out of their bags.

    Where to get the addon

    Gold, UI, Misc

    Market Watcher


    Market Watcher scans the auction house for items you want it to and provides you with information about the items. If you scan more than once it will organize the results into a graph throughout the times you scan, allowing you to see how the price is chaning over time. This is good if you are someone who buys low on the auction house and sells high.

    More information from publisher:


    Market Watcher is an addon that scans the auction house and records data for specified items and assists in daily auction house shopping in general. When the addon is set to record, a price history can be displayed to assist in determining a value for items of interest.
    What makes Market Watcher unique from other auction house addons is that it records multiple scans instead of just the most recent. This obviously uses a great deal of memory, so only scans of items specified by the user will be recorded. The saving of multiple scans allows for a more accurate determination of value, and allows the addon to deduce if some auctions were actually sold, so you can see which auctions are actually selling as opposed to basing a value off the prices of auctions that may not be selling at all.
    The number Market Watcher cares about the most is price per unit - particularly buyout price per unit. Lists are sorted by and comparisons are made by this price. For example, you might have the addon set to scan for abyss crystals, but not display the result in the scan summary unless the price is below a set value. If there are crystals for sale below that value, then the lists generated by the addon will order the auctions by price per unit regardless of stack size. The price history graphs use the lowest, average, and highest price per unit.

    Who might find it useful

    Tycoons and gold makers.

    Where to get the addon

    Market Watcher - Auction & Economy - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Gold, UI



    farmBags is another bag addon, this one is special though. It lets you seperate your bag based on item types and tries to give you all the control you could possibly want over your bags. This is very useful to people who always have full banks or bags and need to seperate stuff.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    famBags is a player bags and bank override add-on. It's heavily influenced by Baggins and its main goal is that you have complete control over the organization and look & feel of your inventory, all this supported by a vast set of configuration options and features including:

    • Supports SharedMedia and Button Facade
    • Multi-stack mode feature
    • Bags organization: [All in one bag], [Normal bags], [Custom categories]
    • Items ordering
    • Max. buttons per row
    • Ignorable keyring contents
    • Sections layout
    • Items layout
    • Quality look & feel
    • Indicators for key slots and multiple stacks
    • Indicators for new item and item stock incremented
    • Items stock text layout
    • Bags and bank windows look & feel
    • Money frame on bags look & feel
    • Bank bag slots look & feel
    • Player bag slots look & feel
    • Custom categories management
    • Sections based con custom categories and normal bags look & feel
    • LDB display showing empty/total slots. Left click for open bags and right click for options.
    • LDB display showing money and currencies tracked via Blizzard currency tracking system
    • Key binding to toggle bags

    What? You don't want all this pain in your life? Don't worry... there are presets!!

    Who might find it useful

    All players but even more so those with very full bags and banks!

    Where to get the addon

    famBags - Bags & Inventory - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Misc, UI

    Titan Panel


    Titan Panel adds framework for addons and one or two panels at the top or bottom of the screen. There are many addons that use Titan Panel, and it is a great addon to have. I recommend it if you are going to use a bunch of addons and want to keep them organized.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:


    Titan Panel adds one or two information bars on the top and/or bottom of the screen and allows a framework for extensive plugin support.
    Details about the Titan Development Team can be found at the About subpage at their portal site.

    • The ability to have 1 or 2 bars at the top and/or the bottom of your screen.
    • Many builtin plugins that provide a great core set of features.
    • Easy to use menus and options to change features on the fly.
    • Fully supported plugin system. All plugins on the bar are plug-n-play.
    • Ability to utilize Data Broker plugins.

    Who might find it useful

    People who want to organize addons and use Titan Panel based addons.

    Where to get the addon

    Titan Panel - Titan Panel - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: UI

    User Lists

    Reply to this thread with your own lists and I will add them here, including credit of course.




    ReforgeLite allows you to enter preset or custom stat-balance profiles, that will automatically tell you which items to reforge in order to perfectly balance stat weighs and caps.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    ReforgeLite is a lightweight reforging calculator that helps you figure out the optimal strategy to reforge your gear given your stat weights and caps without leaving the game. It also allows for one-click reforging to fit the selected profile.

    Who might find it useful

    Good for anyone who has ever reforged ever or ever plans on ever reforging ever.

    Where to get the addon

    ReforgeLite - Bags & Inventory - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse
    ReforgeLite - WoW AddOns - WowAce

    : Reforging, more Reforging



    Lets you customize your cursor to have pretty effects.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    _Cursor adds detailed, customizable cursor trails to your UI. If you've ever lost track of your mouse in a hectic battle, or if you're looking to put the finishing touches on your stylized UI, look no further. _Cursor uses World of Warcraft's built-in spell effects to offer a variety of preset cursor looks while leaving your system's resources free for more important things.

    Who might find it useful

    Anyone who plays with a mouse.

    Where to get the addon

    _Cursor - Artwork - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse
    Cursor : Graphic UI Mods : World of Warcraft AddOns

    Tags: Cursor, graphics, UI



    GreenRange marks any spells/items that are out-of-range of the target as red to make judging the player's range to their target easier. GreenRange is super-efficient on memory, actually disabling some default UI tasks, which in turn improves gameplay.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    GreenRange turns your buttons RED when abilities are out of range. Several addons do this, but GreenRange is very efficient at it. It's "green" because it's modern and efficient, not because of the color. :P If you really like green though, you can configure it for green!

    GreenRange actually has a negative performance cost, because it replaces some really inefficient code in the default UI. It's not going to increase your framerate by more than 1, but still, it works so well that it actually improves performance vs. not having it.

    Who might find it useful

    Anyone, especially players with small UI's/action buttons.

    Where to get the addon

    GreenRange : Action Bar Mods : World of Warcraft AddOns
    GreenRange - Action Bars - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: UI, Action Bars, Combat



    Stealthwatch informs you when anyone, friendly or otherwise, stealths within your cached range. Very useful in arenas, rated battlegrounds, and catching random rogues in capital cities.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:
    • StealthWatch is an extremely lightweight addon that watches your combat log for stealthing players.
    • (Stealth, Vanish, Prowl, Invisibility, Camouflage, Invisibility Potion, Lesser Invisibility Potion)
    • StealthWatch will print out [The player's name] [Their class] cast [Spell/Move link] -- colored by their faction.
    • [Example] Waky (Mage) cast [Invisibility]

    Who might find it useful

    Anyone who enjoys killing mages, rogues and druids.

    Where to get the addon

    StealthWatch : PvP, Arena, BattleGrounds : World of Warcraft AddOns
    StealthWatch - Achievements - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Rogue, Druid, Mage, PvP, Combat

    Ice Stone


    Informs you that the ice stone has melted.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:
    "best mod ever"

    Who might find it useful

    Anyone who played during 3.0.9

    Where to get the addon

    Ice Stone : Mini Games, ROFL : World of Warcraft AddOns

    Tags: Just for funsies

    Silverstein's list



    A great alternative to Healbot, in that you don't have to use Healbots frames.. you can use Grid or any other raid frames you like personally, you can even change the binding options for example: Use Only on Enemy, etc.

    More information from the publisher:

    Clique is a simple addon that enables powerful click-casting and hover-casting on your unit frames and in the 3D game world. You can bind virtually any mouse or keyboard combination to a spell or macro. In it's normal configuration this enables you to use the bindings over your unit frames in order to cast spells directly on that unit. This allows you to more quickly select both the spell to cast, and the target of the spell without requiring an extra click.

    Who might find it useful

    Tanks, healers, maybe even some DPS

    Where to find it

    Clique - Buffs & Debuffs - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Raids, Dungeons

    TehVoyager's List


    Lui is a complete GUI replacement

    Who might find it useful
    People who like the concept of an all-in-one Gui replacement but are sick of the Specific requirements such as specific Screen resolutions, complicated setups involving copying WTF folders and Etc.

    Where to get the addon

    Lui is available from Both Wowinterface ( ) and Curse ( ) (after getting the starter pack, you can update with the Lui Core addon ( instead of the full addon package. Or, just do it the smart way, with the curse client.)

    Tags: Lui, GUI replacement, interface, BEST ADDON EVAR


    This is the end of the thread, I will try to update this thread at least once a week with any new addons I find and ones requested in replies! If you want to see an addon on this list but don't feel like using the format above then just reply with the addon name and I will add it to the main post!

    Thank you all for reading, I hope this complitation/archive has helped you!
    Last edited by Confucius; 04-25-2012 at 03:30 PM.

    The Great Addon Archive
  2. #2
    Confucius's Avatar Moderator The Idiot

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    Reserved this post in case I go past word limit.

  3. #3
    QtDemon's Avatar Contributor
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    Wow. Nice. +2rep.
    Had no clue most of these existed. Thanks :P

  4. #4
    Confucius's Avatar Moderator The Idiot

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    Originally Posted by QtDemon View Post
    Wow. Nice. +2rep.
    Had no clue most of these existed. Thanks :P
    Thanks, I worked very hard on it ! I will try to update weekly so check back next week to see even more!

  5. #5
    Xel's Avatar ★ Elder ★
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    Wow.. looks like you really put effort into this. I mean, that guide.. its powerlevel is clearly over 9000.
    Would +rep you if I could.

  6. #6
    kozzzan's Avatar Knight
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    Originally Posted by Xel View Post
    Wow.. looks like you really put effort into this.
    This is great! +rep

  7. #7
    sunshoes's Avatar Contributor FANCY UNICORN RIDER
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    You already got most of mine, but here's a few more.


    ReforgeLite allows you to enter preset or custom stat-balance profiles, that will automatically tell you which items to reforge in order to perfectly balance stat weighs and caps.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:
    ReforgeLite is a lightweight reforging calculator that helps you figure out the optimal strategy to reforge your gear given your stat weights and caps without leaving the game. It also allows for one-click reforging to fit the selected profile.
    Who might find it useful
    Good for anyone who has ever reforged ever or ever plans on ever reforging ever.

    Where to get the addon
    ReforgeLite - Bags & Inventory - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse
    ReforgeLite - WoW AddOns - WowAce

    : Reforging, more Reforging


    Lets you customize your cursor to have pretty effects.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:
    _Cursor adds detailed, customizable cursor trails to your UI. If you've ever lost track of your mouse in a hectic battle, or if you're looking to put the finishing touches on your stylized UI, look no further. _Cursor uses World of Warcraft's built-in spell effects to offer a variety of preset cursor looks while leaving your system's resources free for more important things.
    Who might find it useful
    Anyone who plays with a mouse.

    Where to get the addon
    _Cursor - Artwork - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse
    Cursor : Graphic UI Mods : World of Warcraft AddOns

    Tags: Cursor, graphics, UI


    GreenRange marks any spells/items that are out-of-range of the target as red to make judging the player's range to their target easier. GreenRange is super-efficient on memory, actually disabling some default UI tasks, which in turn improves gameplay.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:
    GreenRange turns your buttons RED when abilities are out of range. Several addons do this, but GreenRange is very efficient at it. It's "green" because it's modern and efficient, not because of the color. :P If you really like green though, you can configure it for green!

    GreenRange actually has a negative performance cost, because it replaces some really inefficient code in the default UI. It's not going to increase your framerate by more than 1, but still, it works so well that it actually improves performance vs. not having it.
    Who might find it useful
    Anyone, especially players with small UI's/action buttons.

    Where to get the addon
    GreenRange : Action Bar Mods : World of Warcraft AddOns
    GreenRange - Action Bars - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: UI, Action Bars, Combat


    Stealthwatch informs you when anyone, friendly or otherwise, stealths within your cached range. Very useful in arenas, rated battlegrounds, and catching random rogues in capital cities.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:
    • StealthWatch is an extremely lightweight addon that watches your combat log for stealthing players.
    • (Stealth, Vanish, Prowl, Invisibility, Camouflage, Invisibility Potion, Lesser Invisibility Potion)
    • StealthWatch will print out [The player's name] [Their class] cast [Spell/Move link] -- colored by their faction.
    • [Example] Waky (Mage) cast [Invisibility]
    Who might find it useful
    Anyone who enjoys killing mages, rogues and druids.

    Where to get the addon
    StealthWatch : PvP, Arena, BattleGrounds : World of Warcraft AddOns
    StealthWatch - Achievements - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Rogue, Druid, Mage, PvP, Combat

    Ice Stone

    Informs you that the ice stone has melted.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:
    "best mod ever"
    Who might find it useful
    Anyone who played during 3.0.9

    Where to get the addon
    Ice Stone : Mini Games, ROFL : World of Warcraft AddOns

    Tags: Just for funsies

  8. #8
    Confucius's Avatar Moderator The Idiot

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    Originally Posted by sunshoes View Post
    You already got most of mine, but here's a few more.


    ReforgeLite allows you to enter preset or custom stat-balance profiles, that will automatically tell you which items to reforge in order to perfectly balance stat weighs and caps.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    Who might find it useful
    Good for anyone who has ever reforged ever or ever plans on ever reforging ever.

    Where to get the addon
    ReforgeLite - Bags & Inventory - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse
    ReforgeLite - WoW AddOns - WowAce

    : Reforging, more Reforging


    Lets you customize your cursor to have pretty effects.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    Who might find it useful
    Anyone who plays with a mouse.

    Where to get the addon
    _Cursor - Artwork - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse
    Cursor : Graphic UI Mods : World of Warcraft AddOns

    Tags: Cursor, graphics, UI


    GreenRange marks any spells/items that are out-of-range of the target as red to make judging the player's range to their target easier. GreenRange is super-efficient on memory, actually disabling some default UI tasks, which in turn improves gameplay.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    Who might find it useful
    Anyone, especially players with small UI's/action buttons.

    Where to get the addon
    GreenRange : Action Bar Mods : World of Warcraft AddOns
    GreenRange - Action Bars - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: UI, Action Bars, Combat


    Stealthwatch informs you when anyone, friendly or otherwise, stealths within your cached range. Very useful in arenas, rated battlegrounds, and catching random rogues in capital cities.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    Who might find it useful
    Anyone who enjoys killing mages, rogues and druids.

    Where to get the addon
    StealthWatch : PvP, Arena, BattleGrounds : World of Warcraft AddOns
    StealthWatch - Achievements - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Rogue, Druid, Mage, PvP, Combat

    Ice Stone

    Informs you that the ice stone has melted.

    Here is some more information from the publisher:

    Who might find it useful
    Anyone who played during 3.0.9

    Where to get the addon
    Ice Stone : Mini Games, ROFL : World of Warcraft AddOns

    Tags: Just for funsies

    Thank you for your contribution to the archive, I have added your list under user lists. If you think if anymore let me know, hopefully all will be able to add a list as good as you!

  9. #9
    -Ryuk-'s Avatar Elite User CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    Thats one massive list!
    |Leacher:11/2009|Donor:02/2010|Established Member:09/2010|Contributor:09/2010|Elite:08/2013|

  10. #10
    Relican's Avatar Elite User Creepy in a good way CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Every add-on I use is here except for Ensidia Fails, which is an extension to Skada to show who failed to what and how many times they failed. Only useful for PVE as far as I know. Amazing guide, Confucius! Great archive of what's out there.

  11. #11
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    Originally Posted by Relican View Post
    Every add-on I use is here except for Ensidia Fails, which is an extension to Skada to show who failed to what and how many times they failed. Only useful for PVE as far as I know. Amazing guide, Confucius! Great archive of what's out there.
    I have added Ensidia Fails to the list of addons to add this week!

  12. #12
    Vaskebjørnen's Avatar Contributor
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    Great work Pandaboy! +rep from me

  13. #13
    Confucius's Avatar Moderator The Idiot

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    Thanks Vaske, everyone be sure to add your own lists or make just a list of addon names for me to add this week! We have many addons so far, but still only a fraction of all the ones there are!

  14. #14
    Elswick's Avatar Member
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    Great job on the addons con i just wanted to mention a couple thing about the healers must die addon from my experience. Correct me if im wrong. The icons above the enemies heads don't show up unless your healers on your team mark themselves as healers. Could be a good thing to have your team mismark thier healers to try and cause some confusion.

  15. #15
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    A great alternative to Healbot, in that you don't have to use Healbots frames.. you can use Grid or any other raid frames you like personally, you can even change the binding options for example: Use Only on Enemy, etc.

    Further Description (From Publisher)

    Clique is a simple addon that enables powerful click-casting and hover-casting on your unit frames and in the 3D game world. You can bind virtually any mouse or keyboard combination to a spell or macro. In it's normal configuration this enables you to use the bindings over your unit frames in order to cast spells directly on that unit. This allows you to more quickly select both the spell to cast, and the target of the spell without requiring an extra click.

    Who might find it useful?
    Tanks, healers, maybe even some DPS

    Where to find it?

    Clique - Buffs & Debuffs - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

    Tags: Raids, Dungeons

    Part of my attempt to get out of Lazy Leecher. :/

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