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  1. #1
    Serpious's Avatar Contributor CoreCoins Purchaser
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    20-60 aoe mage grinding spots

    (Level: 14-15) Savannah Lions - SW of Sludge Fen (Barrens)

    (Level: 16-1 Venture Co. - Boulderlode Mine (Barrens)

    (Level: 17-19) Stonesplinter Troggs - Ironband Excavation Site (Loch Modan)

    (Level: 17-23) Mosshide Gnolls - Near Loch Modan Entrance [Few Casters] (Wetlands)

    (Level: 19-21) Ravenclaw Undead - Beren's Peri (Silverpine Forest)

    I suggest to do quests until level 20 and then start to do aoe at the places belove ( since frankly, you wont do that good before u get some talent into frost tree imp blizzard and the fact that you don`t get blizzard before lvl 20 :> so you will do more xp pr hour by questing and stuff :> from lvl 1 -20

    Level: 25-29) Skeletal Undead - Raven Hill Cemetary (Duskwood)
    (this is a GREATE spot also the Gy is really close ( not that greate for horde tho, since there is quite alott of allys add`s around :>)

    (Level: 21-24) Bael'dun Dwarves - Bael'Dun Dig Site (Barrens)
    ( very easy to get adds =( so pay attention to mobs around before pull, since its a loooong walk from gy)

    (Level: 21-25) Foulweald Furbolgs [Bring a Healer] (Ashenvale)

    (Level: 21-26) Shadowhide Gnolls (Redridge Mountains)

    (Level: 22-26) Hillsbrad Farmers/Peasants - Hillsbrad Fields (Hillsbrad Foothills)
    (you shod bring a mage friend or a healer for this, since you often get adds. ( you shod also pick up the quest for this spot in tarren mill(Horde), since the you do get somewhat decent xp from those)

    (Level: 23-31) Highperch Wyverns (Thousand Needles)

    (Level: 25-32) Dragonmaw Orcs - Angerfang Encampment [Few Casters/Bring Healer] (Wetlands)

    (Level: 26-2 Plague Spreaders - Raven Hill Tomb (Duskwood)

    (Level: 26-2 Hillsbrad Miners/Sentrys- Azureload Mine (Hillsbrad Foothills)
    (I sugest to bring another mage or a priest here, since u dont get alott of space to move in therefore cant use blizzard to well, and mobs hit kinda hard)

    (Level: 28-30) Nightbane Worgens - Near Rotting Orchard (Duskwood)

    (Level: 29-33) Syndicate Humans - North of Tarren Mill (Alterac Mountains)

    (Level: 29-35) Sparkleshell Turtles - Shimmering Flats (Thousand Needles)

    (Level: 30-32) Cave Yeti's (Hillsbrad Foothills)

    (Level: 30-33) Mountain Yeti's (Alterac Mountains)

    (Level: 30-34) Salt Flats Vultures/Scavengers - Shimmering Flats (Thousand Needles)

    (Level: 33-35) Dabyrie Humans - Dabryie's Farmstead (Arathi highlands) (HORDE)
    This spot is amazing, I would advise doing this area until 37-38

    (Level: 33-35) Hammerfall Orcs - Go'shek Farm (Arathi Highlands) (ALLIANCE)

    (Level: 33-36) Silithids - Shimmering Flats (Thousand Needles)
    Shimmering flats is to spread out i never did it

    (Level: 33-36) Crushridge Ogres (Alterac Mountains)
    I've ran through here, I never personally grinded here but it is a viable spot, the mobs are kinda spread out though

    (Level: 33-36) Scorpid Reavers/Terrors - Shimmering Flats (Thousand Needles)
    same as before

    (Level: 33-40) Saltstone Basilisks - Shimmering Flats (Thousand Needles)
    The Basilisks are grouped nicely but personally there are not enough to make it worthwhile

    (Level: 35-3 Mirefin Murlocs - NE of Zone (Dustwallow Marsh)
    The next best spot, For a frost mage i'd advise doing this spot until 44, just a filler until you get your next blizzard

    (Level: 35-3 Syndicate Humans - North of Zone [One Caster per Camp] (Alterac Mountains)
    Never liked it, tried it a little bit

    (Level: 35-39) Darkmist Spiders - North of Brackenwall Village (Dustwallow Marsh)

    (Level: 36-39) Lesser Rock Elementals - NW Corner (Badlands)
    Not enough mobs to make worthwhile

    (Level: 36-40) Bloodfen Raptors - NE of Brackenwall Village (Duskwallow Marsh)
    Seem to be spread out

    (Level: 37-39) Elementals [Various Locations & Types] (Arathi Highlands)

    (Level: 37-40) Shadowforge Dwarves - Agnar Fortress [Few Casters] (Badlands)
    The casters make this a pain

    (Level: 39-44) Woodpaw Gnolls (Feralas)
    The gnolls have a few ranged mobs, so as a frost mage I did not find this spot to be suitable

    (Level: 40-43) Grimtotem Tauren (Feralas)
    Again some casters, not advisable, depending on your aoe spec

    (Level: 40-45) Wastewater Bandits (Tanaris)
    The bandits have casters mixed in, to me there was not enough of these mobs to make it worthwhile, I'd advise doing the murlocks

    (Level: 40-45) Southsea Pirates (Tanaris)
    Ahhh now LOST RIGGER COVE is where its at. On my server not many people grind this area. I catagorized the area into 5 pulls, will last me until 52. At level 51 im able to grind 40k/hr.

    (Level: 41-47) Green Sludges (Hinterlands)

    (Level: 41-4 Dark Iron Dwarves [Various Locations] (Searing Gorge)

    (Level: 42-4 Dunemaul Ogres (Tanaris)

    [color="deepskyblue"][SIZE=4][B][U](Level: 45-50) Thistleshrub Elementals (Tanaris)

    (Level: 46-47) Rage Scar Yeti's (Feralas)

    (Level: 46-51) Nethergarde Humans (Blasted Lands)
    Good spot to level besides the fact of not being able to mount in the mine, a few ranged mobs, not advised unless you have no other option

    (Level: 47-50) Northspring Harpies (Feralas)
    Have alot of casters mixed in with them

    (Level: 47-50) Ravasaur Raptors (Un'goro Crater)

    (Level: 47-50) Deadwood Furbolgs (Felwood)
    Have ranged

    (Level: 48-54) Jadefire Saytrs [Various Locations] (Felwood)

    (Level: 49-50) Saltwater Snapjaw- East Coast (Hinterlands)

    (Level: 49-54) Thunderhead Hippogryphs - Northern Peninsula (Azshara)

    (Level: 49-55) Jaedenar Forces (Felwood)
    Just a bad spot

    (Level: 50-52) Felstone Fields [Few Casters] (Western Plaguelands)
    The casters don't make it worthwhile in my opinion

    (Level: 50-53) Flamekin Imps [Various Locations] (Burning Steppes)

    (Level: 50-54) Warpwood Elementals (Felwood)

    (Level: 52-56) Sorrow Hill [SE of Anderhol] (Western Plaguelands)

    (Level: 52-5 Ice Thistle

    All credits goes to Valdesta

    20-60 aoe mage grinding spots
  2. #2
    joboy_67's Avatar Active Member Super Wiener CoreCoins Purchaser
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    HUGE note, you dont get Blizzard at 20 anymore you get it at 55 I think or somewhere near that. This is also a copy and paste of locations. Other words this guide is useless because AOE grinding has been cut down since cata.

    Not only that this is from vanilla days, I wouldn't be surprised if these locations are now changed.
    Last edited by joboy_67; 07-26-2011 at 11:51 AM.

  3. #3
    wicked_joe's Avatar Active Member
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    this is a copy/paste from google. Hell most of these NPCs are 10-15 levels then listed.

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