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    Black Gull's Avatar Contributor
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    My Complete Auctioneer Guide!

    Haven't been playing WoW a good year, and just finally came back. Thought I would share some of my Auctioneer tricks, tips and maybe even call it a guide.

    Let's start start off!

    ---### AddOns ###---

    If you are serious about making gold, you'll need this AddOn! It got tons, and tons of great features for making it so easy and effective to make gold on the Auction House. When you get to know this AddOn, it will be a nobrainer to make gold!

    Postal will save you great amount of time at the mailbox! When having to deal with 300 mails a day, it is nice to get things automized and calculated for you. While collecting gold, outbids, items and expired auctions, Postal count the gold and prints how much you earned!

    With Bagnon, your 5 bags is merged into 1 bag! This little AddOn also support search in your bag, it colors your items (common, uncommon, rare etc.) and some other features. Highly recommended for easy finding and sorting!

    Market Watcher
    Also a highly recommended AddOn! This AddOn will keep track of specific items you choose to keep track of, and displays the price of that item in a nice looking graph. With this you can see when an item is most worth during the week. Will go into it more deeply of how it shall be used.

    LilSparky's Workshop
    This AddOn is also a huge money maker combined with the data of Auctioneer! What else is great about this AddOn is that it supports a lot of other professions such as Advanced Trade Skill Window (which I use), Skillet and the standard UI.
    This will need some configuration, so I will talk about it greater later in this guide.

    Advanced Trade Skill Window
    What's special about this little baby, is that it can queue! It also features a "Buy Required Mats at Vendor" like vials e.g. and it also features a global "Scan Character for this Mat". So if you have Frost Lotus on your Hunter and your on your Druid, it will say your Hunter have 'x' of Frost Lotus. Also works with the bank.
    But the main feature I love: queue. No longer needing to wait for 'This Item' to be done, queue your items. All you have to do is press a single button when the 'This Item' is done crafted, then it'll move on this 'Another Item'!

    ---### AddOn Configuration and Explanations ###---

    LilSparky's Workshop

    Here is an overview of the workshop:

    As you can see, to the left of the items to craft, there is a number. That number represents (with the letter/character) the profit of the item. Basically, what it does: worth - mats = profit

    But this is not the default config. This is optional settings, but I prefer those (to bring up config, right-click on the number:

    For the worth price, it uses Appraiser's value. Let's say an item (Gem-studded Leather Belt) is up at the AH.

    75% of market: 30g
    85% of market: 35g

    This config will estimate the worth of undercutting the 35g as 75% is 5% under Appraiser's config.
    I hope this make sense, it's hard for me to explain.

    What the other config is doing, is taking the lowest buyout it has seen on AH and use that for the mat list. Check up AH to see if there is plenty of the item, else change it to Market to be 100% the price is right, but you might skip some good deal. Else: experiment and change the settings.

    I took a very used JC/DE as example (if you click the value, it will change through Auction, Disenchant and Vendor. The default is based on what's most worth.)

    As you can see here, I will loose gold on Bloodstone Band and Crystal Chalcedony Amulet, but I will have profit to craft and DE Crystal Citrine Necklace and Sun Rock Ring. LilSparky's Workshop does the calculation all by itself and the price is used by Auctioneer's Histogram that gets updated every time you scan. Therefor: be sure to do a scan before playing with LilSparky's Workshop.

    ---### Quick Overview ###---

    With Auctioneer, a lot of new features comes available and therefor it has to expand the Auction House with some new tabs and buttons. Here is the new when you open up Auction House:

    We got the search pane, the Search, Appraiser, Post and Beancounter tabs and Configure.

    Let's have a look on Search.

    Everytime you'll be visiting AH, you should do a search. If your computer is fast enough, and the connection stabile/ping is low, you can do a super-search which will scan the entire Auction House in less than five minutes!
    It's a good idea to do a daily Search at the AH. The more searches you do, the more precise will the data be which will earn you more profit.

    Let's have a look on the Search Tab.

    At a first look, it might be intimidating, but don't worry. When you get to know it, it couldn't be more simple. On the left, we have a pane with some different titles: Welcome, Searchers, Filters, Options and Settings. I will return back later, this is just a briefing.

    Next up, the Appraiser.

    When you are going to post your items at the AH, you have the following two options: Post and Appraiser. I prefer to take Appraiser, but it's completely up to you! As you can see here, what Appraiser offer is the chance to look up AH while listing your items. That way, you don't have to search the AH what it is worth, Appraiser undercut it automatically. You also always have the option to choose the price yourself.

    What Appraiser never doesn't is undercutting auctions with 12 hours left or less, and 80% discounted auctions (green labeled)!

    To the Post!

    Post is a simple poster for your items. Just like Appraiser, if you drop an item you'll like to post, you can have a look what it's currently selling for at the AH by hitting Refresh.

    I'll finish off with Beancounter.

    As you can see here, with Beancounter it's possible to track how much you earned for a specific item. I earned 183g from the 30th September to the 3rd November on Infinite Dust. It's also possible to see who I sold to, for how much and what the net was (AH takes a 5% cut everytime you sell something there).

    It's smart and a good way to keep track of what sells good and bad. Do a monthly research on your most popular items to track if you loose or earn money!

    ---### Configurations and Explanations ###---

    I'd like to show you my configuration for the Auctioneer features I use. You can make a profit on all of them, but as I'm not a Scriper, I have not configured Milling e.g. but it's pretty much the same as Disenchant tho.

    Let's start out with... disenchanting!

    Start out with setting the profit you'll like. This means, when you buy the item, disenchant and resell the enchanting mats, that's the profit you'll get from doing that. I like 3g profit, that way I also take into account that my Infinite Dust e.g. does not sell to 100%, but maybe only 90%. That way, I would still make a, let's say, 2g profit. Remember, this is not the maximum profit, but the minimum. You can with no problem do a 10g profit on a single DE.

    Be sure to check 'Use custom levels' else it will return with nothing.
    Min. skill 325 and max skill 450 will only list Northrend gear.

    Your money maker - Resale.

    This is here you'll make your money. Resale scans the entire AH for stuff to buy, relist and earn a profit! It will take some of your time to check through the list, but be sure to sort by Pct (percent). This way, the most attractive items comes first. For this to be a huge money maker, you'll need to know some of your AH prices on most common stuff.
    Btw, be sure to look after 'poisoned items'. Some day, you'll find an item which Auctioneer thinks is 234225g worth because someone 'poisoned your data' by listing it to that amount of gold.
    Config as you want, not really much to do here. Set the profit to a value you are happy with, 10g works fine with me.

    Now to my favorite - Snatch

    Long before Cataclysm was announced, I made a lot of gold with jewelcrafting. I made those amulets, disenchanted them and made a huge profit of the dust and essence.
    Now I just like to buy all the rare gems, craft them into sockets and vendor them. The raw gems sells for 3,5g each and the socket goes for 4,5g. So what I use Snatch for, is to Snatch for all the rare gems under 4,49g and list them for me (as you can see to the right). This means, it will only list the gems under 4,49g and it will recommend me to either bid or buyout on it. If BO is 5g and bid is 3g, it would recommend me to bid on it. I do that by simply press the "Purchase" button.

    What you'll config is the list to snatch for, at the price you want. Making Netherweave Bag or Frostweave Bag and only looking cloth for only under xx gold? Snatch it!

    Vendor - It's True

    Yes, it is true people. Some people list items at the AH for less than it's vendor value. What this searcher does is: it finds all the items that's listed for less value than the vendor and offer you to either bid or buy on them. This will not be a moneymaker in any way, but you can make some few gold for doing pretty much nothing at all.

    A List of Configs

    I don't like to wait for 2 - 48 hours when I bid on something. I want my items now, but if there is a great offer, I don't mind bidding. I configged to only list 2 hours or below auctions in the category: snatch, resale and general (general is like regular search, check the pane on the left).

    The Realtime is a function that search while you browse the AH. You enable it by pressing on the Magnifying Glass in the Browse Tab, next to the Search. Check what "Searchers" you like to Realtime Search on. E.g. I have snatched for the rare gems. If I did a manually search, with the Realtime on, and it founded a gem less than 4,5g for me, it would tell me and give me the chance to buy it or leave it.

    Never really use it, I better like to do a full scan and then do manually searches.

    Informant is all the information you see in the tooltip under your items. Check as you want, I like those configs. Not really much else to do here. To get to the Informant config, there is a slidebar right under your minimap. Click it.

    This is the Undercut config section. I like to undercut my 'opponents' with 1s1c, but 1c would work just as fine. Drag the sliders as you want, but 20% below the market and 10% above the market work just fine.
    'Specify undercut with amount by coin value' choose wether it is undercutted with a fixed value or a pct (1% here). imo 1s1c or 1c is best.

    This is the Appraiser config, you should really only change the default listing time (12 hours, 24 hours or 48 hours). I like 24 hours, it gives everyone a chance to see your item(s) and with 48 hours, the chance of getting undercutted is pretty big. Remember, the deposit fee scales with the listing time.

    I personally love EasyBuyout and EasyCancel. With a right-click and a modifier (Shift), you can oneclick buyout an auction or if you listed really many flasks e.g. by a mistake, it's easy to cancel them all out. You can also set an amount of gold to maximum use EasyBuyout on so you don't buy a lot of expensive items by a mistake.

    This is the 'Post' config. As I don't really use it, I don't have a good config for it, so go config as you want. Nevertheless, I took what I find most reasonable.

    A Last Optional Config

    If you don't like the Auctioneer to spam your General and Trade channel, you can config a separate channel just for Auctioneer. I made a little tutorial for you showing you have to:

    From now on, all of your Auctioneer related stuff will only spam that channel, so you can follow the trade for good offers! This is of course optional, but I think someone would like it

    ---### Gold Tips/Tricks ###---

    I like to end my guide with some few tips and tricks. This section is dedicated to the misc. tips that doesn't belong directly to Auctioneer and Auction House, but still does. Follow along.

    The WoW Toplist

    Not many are aware of that Blizzard has a 'Toplist of *' section on their webpage. What this page does is showing you a Toplist in a specific category. The following are:

    • Auctions Sold
    • Created Items
    • Dangerous Creatures
    • Gathered Items
    • Looted Items
    • Quests Completed

    We are interested in the Toplist of Auctions Sold.

    Set # of days. to 7 for a better overview.

    This Toplist gives you a list of the most sold auctions through 7 days. This gives you an excellent place to start from, what to focus on. As you can see, Netherweave Bags are quite popular. How in the world should you know that without looking up this list?

    I recommend to check the list every week to see what sells great.

    The End

    Thank you for reading my Auctioneer / Auction House guide! As I put a lot of my spare time into this guide, I would really love to get some feedback on it either through comment or PM.

    I hope this guide gave you an idea of how Auctioneer works, and how you can make easy money with it too! If I get some time, I will try to clean it up a bit.

    Got a tip, trick or website to share and want it added? Please PM!

    Last edited by Black Gull; 11-16-2010 at 06:48 PM.

    My Complete Auctioneer Guide!
  2. #2
    h4tee's Avatar Banned
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    Gratz on having such a huge patience to make all this,but i don't see a reason for this post - auctioneering will die if everyone will just start doing it..

  3. #3
    nith's Avatar Active Member
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    Awesome guide!

    I've always wanted to use actioneer but never knew how to do it. This guide helped me out and i started to use it right away. Thanks

  4. #4
    Black Gull's Avatar Contributor
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    Glad you guys liked the guide! I just updated the last section with WoW's Toplist and will do a further update a little later.
    Last edited by Black Gull; 11-11-2010 at 05:13 PM.

  5. #5
    Sklug's Avatar ★ Elder ★
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    Originally Posted by h4tee View Post
    Gratz on having such a huge patience to make all this,but i don't see a reason for this post - auctioneering will die if everyone will just start doing it..
    A would say a HUGE portion of the community uses already uses this addon but yet I still make tons of money off the AH. If you are afraid of giving away your tips to make money cause everyone will start using them well, you are on the wrong forums! lol

    With that being said, that is why the ELITE forums exist, so things that are VERY good exploits or VERY good guides that would be destroyed if everyone knew about them are posted there. I think this guide is fine though for what it does. Well written and a lot of effort put into it.

    Thanks a bunch man.

  6. #6
    Rasmus's Avatar Member
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    Is there a way to close down Auctioneer after doing business, without having to log out and back in? As it eats some FPS, using ~30mb memory. I like to auctioneer while waiting in BG queue.

  7. #7
    CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Thank you I tested it a bit yesterday night and now I am 300g richer for just reselling and vendoring about 10 items.

  8. #8
    Excesum's Avatar Contributor
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    Sweet guide! Helped me a lot! +Rep x4!

  9. #9
    Black Gull's Avatar Contributor
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    @Rasmus - May I recommend you to use Addon Control Panel?
    Just create two profiles for it: BG Queue and BG Time or whatever you wish to call it.

    Then when you are queueing for a battleground, you just switch to that profile.
    When the battleground is ready, you just switch profile again.

    It's really good.

    @Rest - Glad you liked this. If I see something that's worth adding, I will do it
    Last edited by Black Gull; 11-11-2010 at 05:14 PM.

  10. #10
    Nipo's Avatar Sergeant
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    Thanks it will help a lot! +rep

  11. #11
    dingtin's Avatar Private
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    what's more QA3 is an good recommand

  12. #12
    Daeros's Avatar Member
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    does anyone know what to type to keydown the confirm box when posting multiple items in appraiser

  13. #13
    Inexx's Avatar Sergeant Major
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    Originally Posted by Black Gull View Post
    Glad you guys liked the guide! I just updated the last section with WoW's Toplist and will do a further update a little later.
    how does this top-list feature works? It dosnt give me any results... i put the days on #7 and "browse globally".. Any suggestions?

  14. #14
    SpikeeeN's Avatar Site Donator
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    Originally Posted by Inexx View Post
    how does this top-list feature works? It dosnt give me any results... i put the days on #7 and "browse globally".. Any suggestions?
    Same for me.. Doesn't give me any results whatsoever. even if I try to search.. Hmm, is the tool broken?
    I'm a pirate, I kill people for money. You are my friend, I kill you for free!

  15. #15
    Roffle's Avatar Contributor
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    Well written guide. I've been using Auctioneer for awhile and still learned some things! +rep

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