[Guide] [Death Knight] [Blood Tank] Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker! menu

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    jmulhern345's Avatar Banned
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    [Guide] [Death Knight] [Blood Tank] Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker!

    Since i seem to be so clueless about my class...and people on this forum enjoy flaming like "everything" this guide is no more. I got my thunderfury in 5 weeks doing it my way. It worked fine. But people flame and say "L2P" and basicly tell me i suck in less blunt ways. This is why i stopped contributing for a while. People on this forum are extremely rude.
    Last edited by jmulhern345; 06-07-2010 at 01:45 AM.

    [Guide] [Death Knight] [Blood Tank] Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker!
  2. #2
    Cheat'R's Avatar Contributor
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    You only have to kill Garr and Baron Geddon.
    The other reagents can drop off trash.

    And I'm 100% positive that a blood DK with 40k health couldn't solo Ragnaros.

  3. #3
    jmulhern345's Avatar Banned
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    You must kill all bosses for rag to spawn. Rag drops the essence. I Solo'd rag with 40k Theres a vid of a 27k dk doing it. I just recommend 40k. Please people before you try and make me look dumb by proving me wrong...do research.

  4. #4
    Terrassen's Avatar Active Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Nice work with the guide, keep it up!

    Originally Posted by Cheat'R View Post
    And I'm 100% positive that a blood DK with 40k health couldn't solo Ragnaros.
    O rly? Sartharion has been soloed in 10 man normal difficulty, by a DK with just about the same stats as mentioned above. So why can't a a level 60 boss be soloed?
    Last edited by Terrassen; 06-06-2010 at 10:53 AM.

  5. #5
    jmulhern345's Avatar Banned
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    I still have doubt about that 10 man sarth....edit out graphics from MPQ files. Resto druid in lava...Rejuve on tank. LOL. Somethink isn't right about this.

  6. #6
    Cheat'R's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by jmulhern345 View Post
    You must kill all bosses for rag to spawn. Rag drops the essence. I Solo'd rag with 40k Theres a vid of a 27k dk doing it. I just recommend 40k. Please people before you try and make me look dumb by proving me wrong...do research.
    Hahahah, do research, huh?

    Blood DK, full ICC + T10 gear, 42.6k health, and me as a holy pally healing him.
    We wouldn't make it at all if it weren't for LoH and Beacon of Light. And you're telling me that you can solo it? Make a video of it, and then I'll shut my mouth

  7. #7
    AfterMidnight's Avatar Banned
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    Originally Posted by jmulhern345 View Post
    You must kill all bosses for rag to spawn. Rag drops the essence. I Solo'd rag with 40k Theres a vid of a 27k dk doing it. I just recommend 40k. Please people before you try and make me look dumb by proving me wrong...do research.
    Boing flip!
    That 27k dk had a lot easier time then you because he actually invested more points in unholy to improve his selfheals.
    Also, I don't think the def cap for a lvl80 dk on a lvl63 boss is 540 lmao

  8. #8
    jmulhern345's Avatar Banned
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    The more defense the better bro. vamp blood and improved deathstrike>Some extra disease. the magic reduction does help but isn't needed. aswell....lets see one solo the more physical bosses with less then 55% mitigation.

    @Cheat'R...maybe the dk was bad and didn't use disease rolling tactics? What do i have to prove to some ***** bashing me. LOL. By research i mean u have to kill ALL bosses to get the essence. get your facts straight bro.

    EDIT* i dont wanna start a war on my thread. Im not makin a video. IDC enough. theres plenty on youtube.
    EDIT* last edit lol....is which way does unholy increase heals thats dramticly by the extra disease...IMP DS...does the same crap. LMFAO
    Last edited by jmulhern345; 06-06-2010 at 11:10 AM.

  9. #9
    Cheat'R's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by jmulhern345 View Post
    The more defense the better bro. vamp blood and improved deathstrike>Some extra disease. the magic reduction does help but isn't needed. aswell....lets see one solo the more physical bosses with less then 55% mitigation.

    @Cheat'R...maybe the dk was bad and didn't use disease rolling tactics? What do i have to prove to some ***** bashing me. LOL. By research i mean u have to kill ALL bosses to get the essence. get your facts straight bro.

    EDIT* i dont wanna start a war on my thread. Im not makin a video. IDC enough. theres plenty on youtube.
    Alright, I admit I was wrong about the Essence. I was thinking you needed Essence of Fire to make the Elementium Bars, but that turns out to be Fiery Cores. So, I was wrong.

    But you won't make a video? Hmm... I just can't help but to wonder why...

  10. #10
    jmulhern345's Avatar Banned
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    Go to youtube i dont wanna deal with fraps. Theres like a billion videos...this a guide on how the people in the vids did it.
    YouTube - dk solo ragnaros

    go on buddy click and look like a idiot. Or never post on my thread again.

  11. #11
    Cheat'R's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by jmulhern345 View Post
    Go to youtube i dont wanna deal with fraps. Theres like a billion videos...this a guide on how the people in the vids did it.
    YouTube - dk solo ragnaros

    go on buddy click and look like a idiot. Or never post on my thread again.
    Haha, okay I'm watching one.

    Edit: Okay, so, I'm not saying he did have heals, but I think it would be pretty easy to hide it.

    - You need to be in raid group, so a healer might be with him.
    - Custom UI
    - Custom UI calls forward the power of not displaying heals.

    Alright, so, sure. I might be wrong. I just don't think its very likely that one DK with 40k health could solo Ragnaros.
    The end?
    Last edited by Cheat'R; 06-06-2010 at 11:26 AM.

  12. #12
    Vyre's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Cheat'R View Post
    Haha, okay I'm watching one.

    Edit: Okay, so, I'm not saying he did have heals, but I think it would be pretty easy to hide it.

    - You need to be in raid group, so a healer might be with him.
    - Custom UI
    - Custom UI calls forward the power of not displaying heals.

    Alright, so, sure. I might be wrong. I just don't think its very likely that one DK with 40k health could solo Ragnaros.
    The end?
    Christ dude, ragnaros is'nt that hard.

    Stop being such a damn douche in this guys thread, me and my friend runs the most classic instances for achievements, mounts, legendary's etc SOLO

    He's a freaking ret pala soloing Ragnaros, it isnt hard it any way, and stop flaming this guy when you havent tried it yourself and see how easy it is, he provided you vids, and your instantly implying that he could have cheated with his UI, or whatever fixed it out in the video afterwards, i dont care, it's so easily soloed, stop being such a douche.

    By the way good guide, but fix the wall of text please, it's hard to read, and maybe put some colors in it
    Last edited by Vyre; 06-06-2010 at 11:36 AM.

  13. #13
    jmulhern345's Avatar Banned
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    lol the editor is bein a mofo and not makin it easy to add colors.

  14. #14
    Unholyshaman's Avatar ★ Elder ★
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    Cheat'R behave yourself or I'm going to start handing out infractions. Stop flaming him / posting negative comments / doubt in his thread without good reason/proof.

    Fairly Ok guide, but could do with a LOT of improvement.

    Get rid of the wall of text:

    Originally Posted by jmulhern345 View Post
    Ok. Head into the instance. Dont worry about the quest yet just turn it in when your dead if you do die . You can be a ghost and complete it!
    Ok. Down to the main guide. This is where u gotta READ!
    Mobs To Worry About!
    1. Fire Lord (kill adds FAST!)
    2. Core Hound (large aggro radius)

    NOW you are going to start the boss events!
    NOTE: Roll your diseases with pest. Make sure both are up and Deathstrike to gain HP. There some useful macros at the end and more spell and ability info.
    Walk into the dungeon and jump off the ledge to your right. (into the lava and dont aggro the Giants)
    Swim to the shore where u should see a rock or fire ele. There should be 2 of them.
    Kill the one closest to the shore and straight to the hallway a bit to your left amd head down it. First boss is Lucifron.
    LUCIFRON: Aggro the closest pack of corehounds to you. If you can succsful take them down. GO FOR IT. Its troublesome and pointless and uneeded. With the pack pounding on you aggro Lucifron. Kill him and his 2 adds. Pretty much the easiest fight.
    Second Boss is right after you can see him infact! Travel along the right wall to him. Just take both Core Hound Packs. LOL they are easy to heal through keep deathstriking.
    MAGMADAR: Rather annoying more then difficult. he fears and puts a stacking buff on you. Make sure your back isn't towards the mass of core hounds. AND not towards him either. Watch out for the fear and dont mind the buff. After each fear pop Vamo Blood and Rune Tap after. Should boost your 14-16k HP. If you dont have anything on CD time a Ice Bound Fortitude to reduce damage. You may wanna pop Army if in doubt. Just dont aggro a third pack. Once you have killed Magmadar(post if you need more detail) you have 2 choices. RUN TO ENTRANCE AND ZONE OUT! lol. Or Die. Shadowmeld at the entrance of hallway if you are a nightelf. (i am it works).
    Next go down the other path. The right of the starting shore. U will see Gehannas. You either need a purification potion to remove the curse or a healer. (i recommend a healer)
    GEHENNAS: Clear the Core Hounds patting (there should be 3). With you healer pull the boss. Kill the 2 adds first and stay out of fire. Then while kiting him out of fire kill him. The curse is a 75% reduction to healing. HARD with potion easy with purchased healer. I payed 100g.
    Next go further down the large room. You will see a rock ele.
    GARR:The dropper of your first piece of thunderfury. One of the easier bosses in my opinion. Focus adds while rolling diseases. You might aswell go blood presence. faster.... Dont expect your piece to drop. Took me 5 times about.
    There is a hallway with patting corehound and rock ele. Kill them and head down it.
    BARON GEDDONropper if your next Thunderfury piece. This guy has a lot of magic damage output. The killer though is Fall Damage. Take him deep into the hallway. From which you came.
    Tank him there. U should have none or a tiny bit of fall damage. Army isn't required. You may have to sack ghoul though. And use Vamp and Tap. Anti Magic Shield is incredibly useful.
    You should see a snake guy next.
    SHAZZRAH: Really not worth explaining. If you die to him im amazed you kill a Core Hound. Im serious.
    Travel down the way. You should see a bridge. To your left. Golmagg. To your right. Lava. Ignore him for now. Keep foing until you see abother snake guy.
    SULFRON HARBRINGER: Quite simple aswell. Dont let any adds get behind you and dont bother interrupting heals. Let the priests run out of mana. Just lay into one and they will heal and lose mana. Then kill the 4 priests when there mana is no more. Then kill Sulfron Harbringer.
    Head back and prepare to take on a difficult fight.
    GOLEMAGG THE INCINERATOR: Start off and focus him. Its all pretty easy and SAVE you CDS. WHen he is at 125k Pop army use hysteria and lay into him. You will start to be thrown to the ground. This is the quick burn phase. If you start to go down pop IBF and put mark of blood on him. (you will start to go down.) You should be takin on both hounds once again and him when hes at 20k-25k. YOU MUST KILL HIM FAST! Congrats. Thats the most difficult fight in here.
    Head up the path. Go up the winding mountain. You will see the council.
    MAJORDOMO EXECUTUS: Kill the casters. Then guards. DOnt stand on lava pit. Dont worry about Majordomo. You dont kill him.
    Once his is dead. Travel to the center of MC. You should find Majordomo sitting waiting for your word to summon Rag.
    RAGNAROS: Positioning IS CRITICAL. Save CDs for when he launches you back and hits you with 5k scorches. They come quite quick. Always be with in melee range. He will disapear and summon fire elementals. They are actually heavy hitters. Roll diseases on them. Deathstrike though them and lay a DND. Get back into position FAST. If not fall damage will KILL YOU. IF you have no CDs. use army and when u get launched back he will battle your ghouls and not scorch you. That is like last resort right there.

    LOOT THE ESSENCE AND BAM. 1/4 of the way there.
    For now you just have to farm garr and geddon.
    make sure u pick up Fery Cores when they drop for the Elementium Bars.
    You can farm elementium off of technicians in BWL. 5-7 per run. Head back and kill thunderrian. the FINAL boss for your Thunderfury. He drops the dormant blade. Start the quest and get your thunderfury. (you need both halfs of Thunderfury though)
    You made two of the boss names red, what happened to the rest?
    Use line breaks, headings, bold, underline, color, etc to make it more readable and easier to navigate / separate each boss from the other.

    Use spellcheck / proof read your work before posting it so avoid things like this:

    Originally Posted by jmulhern345 View Post
    BARON GEDDONropper if your next Thunderfury piece.

  15. #15
    jmulhern345's Avatar Banned
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    The editor is given me probs man. Keeps pushing cursor up. I've noticed that the new site has some posting probs...took me 5 min to make 2 things red LOL

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