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    [Ban Hammer]'s Avatar Banned
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    [Tank Guide] how to earn massive amounts of money.

    Well, you may now think "Oh noes, is this one of those boring solo TBC instance guides?" but have no fear, it ain't! This is in fact way more funny, and it gives you way more money, and can also get your reputation on the server up high.

    It's time for tank renting!

    You may now think, what is tank renting? Well, that's what I'm here to explain to you silly.

    Tank Renting - The new way of making money

    Well, tank renting is renting yourself out to random heroics, or random normal dungeons, in exchange for cash of course. You might think "Ehm, this can't be good when you need cash..." but you're wrong there mate, it's extremely effective when you need cash!

    Let's have some math shall we?

    On my server I charge 45 gold per heroic, and 30 gold per normal. But let's set it a little cheaper, people on your servers might be more greedy.

    So, let's say the price is 30 gold per heroic.

    The time of 1 heroic is estimated to 10 minutes, depending on the group.

    Each heroic gives you approx. 6 emblems of triumph.

    So, 30 x 6 = 180 gold

    6 x 6 = 36

    Now Ametrines on my server sells for a good 100 gold. You can buy 3 ametrines for the badges you acquired from doing this, in case you don't need to buy anything for yourself.

    That's 300 + 180 = 480 gold, and 6 emblems of triumph from only the heroic. Now if you're an enchanter, you got a chance to win greens (Infinite Dust, Greater Cosmic Essence), blues (Dream Shard) and epics (Abyss Crystal), these sells for loads on my server, and is very easy to acquire, I make around 120 gold an hour extra from being an enchanter. So that's 480 + 120 = 600 gold approx, each hour.

    10 hours (A little less than a whole day if we exclude the time you sleep, which is approx 9 hours in general) and you got yourself 6000 gold, with doing nothing but helping people. If you're polite, and helpful, you'll even earn positive reputation on the server meanwhile.

    Let's say you're on a less greedy server, and can charge 50 gold per heroic (I've seen loads of people do that, and they have loads of costumers as well).

    Same math. 50 x 6 = 300

    6 x 6 = 36

    That's 3 ametrines and 6 badges = 300 gold.

    300 + 300 = 600.

    + 120 from enchanting, or even selling the greens/blues/epics that you find. = 720.

    10 hours of that is over 7200 gold!

    That's 1 day of work, paying of in that big amounts. Also, if you're a jewelcrafter as well (which most people use as a setup, JC/enchanting) you can cut your ametrines or whatever into the most selling gem. For me that is potent ametrine, or the 12 str and 10 crit one. Which sells for around 130 gold each.

    With this setup of professions, I can earn up to 10000 gold per 10th hour from doing nothing but helping people in heroic dungeons, easy as that!

    Thanks for reading the guide, I hope that some of you found a new way to get a good income, take care!

    [Tank Guide] how to earn massive amounts of money.
  2. #2
    Hexerhans's Avatar Private
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    Will have to try this out Sounds quite good. But are there rly guys who "buy" you?

  3. #3
    [Ban Hammer]'s Avatar Banned
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    They don't buy me, they rent me

    And yeah, I get around 6 or 7 costumers per hour, and often the same person needing more boosts.

  4. #4
    pantryboy's Avatar Member
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    Interesting. Nice idea, [Ban Hammer], I'll go try this out and see how it works out. You may just get a big fat juicy rep heading your way (..for all it's worth..). ^^

  5. #5
    MCdeathMC's Avatar Active Member
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    my friend was doing this and he got alot of whispers from alot of ppl i would but my tanking gear is not updated(fury warrior lol)

  6. #6
    assassin44's Avatar Member
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    ---- This is theorycrafting , not practical ----

    (Was discussed previously on many forums: Justmytwocopper and Greedygoblin had them; can't find them cause they lack "advanced search" button -> If any1 has exact adres , post it please)


    1) Finding people to boost can take A LOT of time (cut 10-100% of you income)
    2) The smaller the server , the lesser the chance you get group
    -> I have to edit that it is almost impossible to find group on low-pop, and hard on mid-pop ones
    3) Other ways of earnings , like non-stop (or AOE) farming mobs in Icecrown/mining/herbing/skinning can get the same profit (or more !) with much less effort : you don't have to worry about aggro/your HP/trash/teammembers/mob's abilities + you can watch TV/listen to music meanwhile
    4) Most important thing: Heroics take 15 min on average . Your 10 min assumes your team consists of non-retarted players with 5k+ GS

  7. #7
    [Ban Hammer]'s Avatar Banned
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    Originally Posted by assassin44 View Post
    ---- This is theorycrafting , not practical ----

    (Was discussed previously on many forums: Justmytwocopper and Greedygoblin had them; can't find them cause they lack "advanced search" button -> If any1 has exact adres , post it please)


    1) Finding people to boost can take A LOT of time (cut 10-100% of you income)
    2) The smaller the server , the lesser the chance you get group
    -> I have to edit that it is almost impossible to find group on low-pop, and hard on mid-pop ones
    3) Other ways of earnings , like non-stop (or AOE) farming mobs in Icecrown/mining/herbing/skinning can get the same profit (or more !) with much less effort : you don't have to worry about aggro/your HP/trash/teammembers/mob's abilities + you can watch TV/listen to music meanwhile
    4) Most important thing: Heroics take 15 min on average . Your 10 min assumes your team consists of non-retarted players with 5k+ GS

    1) Finding people to boost doesn't take more than a couple of minutes for me.
    2) This might be true, but there will most likely be DPS'ers somewhere who doesn't wanna wait for the endless queue, and hire you for a quick and smooth dungeon.
    3) Aoe farming is difficult for some tanks, the warrior etc. and therefor this is easier, and is way more fun because you have to actually think, instead of doing japanese farming over and over again.

    4) Heroics while I tank takes 10 minutes max, with the exception of CoT which takes around 14 minutes.

    This isn't theorycrafting as I've tested it myself. So please go somewhere else with your flaming.

  8. #8
    Grim32's Avatar Master Sergeant

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    Just a note on point #3. Warrior farming is actually fairly easy with a 'revenge' build, you just spam 1 button & can down several mobs in seconds.

    I will definitely be trying this guide out on my Warrior!


  9. #9
    ero-sennin's Avatar Member
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    Cheers for this. I've done it myself for a while and when I'm boosting my newly dinged friend for emblems it's a perfect way to get some extra income.

    Knew it already, but perfect for other tanks who might be stuck at full HC gear and haven't raided yet who didn't know about it.

    Have a rep-cookie

  10. #10
    [Ban Hammer]'s Avatar Banned
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    Glad you liked it, and yeah - it is an awesome way to get some extra cash

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