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  1. #1
    Matt's Avatar Legendary Authenticator enabled
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    Warlock Twinkage

    I recently finished my Warlock twink and i have compiled this nice little guide on how i did it.

    For starters, i was making a Level 19 WSG Lock Twink. Why not a Rogue, Warrior or Hunter you ask? Simply because these are the most over-twinked classes out there and I wanted to experiment with something new. I always finish within the top 3 for HKs with my warlock.

    To begin, i started an Undead warlock. Sure, Orc Locks get the +5% Pet Damage bonus...But we really arnt focused on Pets here, seeing as at level 19 all that you will have available is the Imp and Voidwalker...And well...The voidwalker is damn near worthless in 10-19 WSG. WOTF is invaluable, and UD locks also get more INT then orc locks.

    For the Talent Spec i went 5/5 Improved Corruption, For the instant cast, 3/3 Improved Imp, Just to give a bit of a boost to Blood Pact, and 2/2 improved drain soul. Ive tried going 2/2 Improved lifetap over Improved Drain Soul but due to the lack of "Twink Healers" its pretty worthless...No one likes to heal in BG's anyway.

    For my professions i took up Engineering/Mining, simply so i could mine some copper as i leveled to cut down a bit on the gold costs. By level 18 Engineering should be maxed out at 150.

    Next is Gear...Estimated Cost for Gear + Enchants...800-1500G. (No I'm not kidding)
    For my gear i used the following
    Head - Green Tinted Goggles http://www.thottbot.com/?i=1369
    Neck - None
    Shoulders - Pagan Mantel http://www.thottbot.com/?i=9626
    Back- Sentry Cloak +70 Defense Enchant http://www.thottbot.com/?i=3471
    Chest- Tree Bark Jacket +100 Health Enchant http://www.thottbot.com/?i=10894
    Bracer- Mindthrust Bracers +9 Stamina Enchant http://www.thottbot.com/?i=11136
    Hands- Magefist Gloves (Working on Enchant Gloves - Shadow Power) http://www.thottbot.com/?i=3646
    Belt- Keller's Girdle http://www.thottbot.com/?i=8353
    Pants- Darkweave Breeches http://www.thottbot.com/?i=3558
    Feet- Sanguine Sandals Minor Speed Enchant http://www.thottbot.com/?i=5875
    Ring- Seal of Sylvanas http://www.thottbot.com/?i=3003
    Ring- Lavishly Jeweled Ring http://www.thottbot.com/?i=3512
    Trinket- Insignia of the Horde http://www.thottbot.com/?i=37122
    Trinket- Minor Recombobulator http://www.thottbot.com/?i=5224
    Weapon- Witching Stave +22 Intellect Enchant http://www.thottbot.com/?i=9069
    Wand- Skycaller http://www.thottbot.com/?i=4236

    Phew...Now that gear is out of the way its onto Strategy...

    Now even though you have all these amazing items they simply wont just win the game for you...After all, your job is support, and HK farming. Dont run into the group of allies full force, Stay in the back to middle of the group, and try to stick with a warrior/rogue at all times. When running into a group hit tab Have CoA and Corruption set to hotkeys 1 and 2 and hit 1...then 2...then hit tab to target another enemy and repeat. Have imp on Aggressive And basically let him do w/e he wants. I really dont bother too much with him. Once they start to drop, throw an Immolation on the warriors/pallies and focus Imp (ctrl + 1) attack on it while wanding or use the infamous lifetap/drainlife combo.
    Because you are a lock, and you are a twink, You cant just go out to the barrens and farm soulshards. When you see someone is around 100 HP and dropping fast, quickly cast Drain Soul on them to get a quick shard. Make it into a healthstone, and also keep this on your hotbar. Because you are cursing everything like mad, when they die you get an HK and before long they really begin to snowball upon themselves.

    I have a blast with my lock twink, he has better enchants on him then my main does and i think i might have spent far too much on gear...But in the end im having a great time with him. He is known on my server in the 10-19 WSG Bracket well, and feared by many an allie. I hope this guide opened your eyes too more then just the standard...Rogue Assassin Blade Twink, or Hunter Chzer Twinks.

    Warlock Twinkage
  2. #2
    lvlrbojang1es's Avatar Active Member
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    Another thing you can try if you are hardcore enough is to get all your gear by lvl 11 (or just make sure if you gain your farm for your gear past this point that you dont gain any xp while doing so) and gain the rest of your xp lvls 11 through 19 by turning in the WSG reward quest. Once you hit honored you gain acess to a godly necklace, which for me is every bit worth it.

  3. #3
    blomstervand's Avatar Active Member
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    Very nice guide, going to use it on my lock +1 rep.

  4. #4
    B7huff's Avatar Active Member
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    -Suggestions, DONT DO THIS GUIDE. Your twinked Warlock on lvl 19, will MAJORLY suck in bg's. Belive me, I done it, It realy sucks. You get run down by warriors, rogues, hunters etc... And you only have your void. This is realy a useless bracket for Warlocks.
    O RLY?
    YA RLY.
    NO WAI!

  5. #5
    Maq-'s Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by B7huff
    -Suggestions, DONT DO THIS GUIDE. Your twinked Warlock on lvl 19, will MAJORLY suck in bg's. Belive me, I done it, It realy sucks. You get run down by warriors, rogues, hunters etc... And you only have your void. This is realy a useless bracket for Warlocks.
    Only thing you getting run down by everything means is you don't know how to play your lock.

  6. #6
    idusy-org's Avatar Active Member
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    you cant play a lock before 20. to relient on pets..you have no good ones till 20+ and you do very minimal damage at 19 why? idk but roll a mage or something, really

    Another thing you can try if you are hardcore enough is to get all your gear by lvl 11 (or just make sure if you gain your farm for your gear past this point that you dont gain any xp while doing so) and gain the rest of your xp lvls 11 through 19 by turning in the WSG reward quest. Once you hit honored you gain acess to a godly necklace, which for me is every bit worth it.
    and please dont do this either... dont join WSG till ATLEAST 14. if you ever had a twink before you kow why

    you get plenty of rep from mark leveling from 18-19 much less 16 or something
    Last edited by idusy-org; 07-14-2006 at 07:02 AM.

  7. #7
    Lunatica's Avatar Member
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    Another thing that doesnt really match here is how will you benefit from the improve imp if you have your voidwalker out ?

    And Improved Drain Soul is probably one of the most worthless skills we have as Warlocks

    Just my 2 cents


  8. #8
    Nate666's Avatar Member
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    Re: Warlock Twinkage

    you could also go for the BFD quest you get at level 19 and you get a super nice wand that PWNS!!! Also i would go for the shoulders from WC all you need to do is kill all of the bosses, then talk to the tauren in the enterance, he will begin a short escort where you kil a few rounds of slimes, after the slmes you kill a giant mulroc, you get a thing that starts a quest, you follow it up and then you get a nice shoulder for you twink, i think it adds stam and spirit, i could be worng.... i would also go for spell damage on your staff, but if you feel you need more mana then i guess intellect is better.

    Also one more thing, lock twinks own everything excpept hunters, when i play mine i never lose in the killing blows, every game i get at least 30. and people who think that locks cant twink, play one and your mind will be changed.

  9. #9
    Glikko92's Avatar Contributor
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    Re: Warlock Twinkage

    Another suggestion, libram of Constitution for head and legs(+100hp) gg.

  10. #10
    pwner's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Warlock Twinkage

    Wow Matt I thoguht you would be the smart one
    Head Lucky Fishing hat STV Fishing contest
    Neck WSG
    Shoulders Talbar Mantle WC quest
    Cloak is ok
    Chest ok
    Bracers are ok but you only end up getting sta out of it
    Gloves through shoes ok
    Rings Seal of Syl Seal of wrynn blood ring meadow ring of eagle/owl/int/spirit ect
    trinkets ok
    And dont forget librams >< 100 hp 150 mana ect

  11. #11
    original~GANK~staz's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Warlock Twinkage

    http://thottbot.com/?i=4679 the best 19 shoulder for a twink anything maybe not warrior but the stam is good +rep tho

    and http://www.thottbot.com/?i=6119 is great cause of stats, but witching staff is good for shadow spells

    oh and dont let me forget http://www.thottbot.com/?i=2321!!!!! it can be obtained at lvl 18 the only weapon you'll ever need

    as a lock just dot the guy up fear and wand him to death
    Last edited by original~GANK~staz; 11-20-2006 at 03:06 PM.

  12. #12
    koraff's Avatar Member
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    Re: Warlock Twinkage

    Warlocks I must say I feel bad for it may be because I have WOTF (undead inherant power) AND insignia of the horde to break fear that and skills enough to kick and get behind them to cancel spells but if you have skills you can beat pretty much anything but most powerful class before 2.0.1 was hunter I'd say it went in this order
    1: Hunter-kill pretty much anything they target unless they dont see you...muahahaha ;P
    2: Rogue-enough gear you can slaughter anything except the occasional mage with skills and gear (ratio of 1:7 I fight I'd say) and hunters beat you
    3: Palladin-same as warrior but can selfheal and nothing is worse to put up with at lvl 19 then blessing of freedom+swiftness potion+get our flag=gone!
    4: Warrior-can hit really hard and take a LOT of dmg
    5: Mage- kite and when twinked very well does VN upfront dmg good aoes too when aoe farming in gy >.>
    6: Shaman-so-so dmg and defense slow totem makes them decent at that level
    7: Druid-entangling roots and selfheal is fkin annoying
    8: Warlock-shred through them like butter
    I didnt include priests because they should be healers in WSG yes I have a twink priest as well I will start a post with his gear eventually
    Twinking is a form of cheating NERF ALL TWINKS...cept mine of course ;D

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