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    Greatdrak's Avatar Contributor
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    [Holy Paladin PvP] Tips & Strats

    Greatdrak's Personal Guide to Holy Paladin healing:

    First off I'd like to note the fact that this guide has not the intent of a complete compendium, but rather an easy to understand guide to healing as a holy paladin in arena.
    If you're interested in reading a compendium, visit this link here from elitist jerks: http://elitistjerks.com/f76/t84922-holy_paladin_compendium_3_3_a/

    Some of my information will derive from that thread and be translated to English for my friends here at Mmowned.


    What the heck spec should I be for healing in arena?!?!
    My personal answer to you is to abide by a cookie cutter ideal of some of the top players in the world, in order to find these popular updated specs, visit some of the following links:

    Best Talents for Patch 3.3.3 of World of Warcraft - WoW Popular - Filter by Talents
    -this site only provides specs that are currently popular among classes and specifications
    -check paladin on the side bar
    -check holy on the side bar

    World of Warcraft Arena Ranking | SK Gaming
    -this site contains the world top arena teams and their ranks
    -click the drop down menu under Setup on the first listed class
    -click holy paladin, the page will refresh
    -note the list of teams, from here choose the comp you plan on running (note that most of these paladins will be the same spec)
    -click the TEAM NAME, not the composition
    -the page will bring you to the team information containing charts and specs
    -click on the paladin's name
    -note here you will be able to see gems, enchants, gear, priority stats, etc
    -click the armory link under the talent spec section
    Here you may inspect the talent points of this high rated arena player

    My preferred spec:
    Note that the glyphs are listed on the side
    Keep in mind glyph of Turn Evil is very useful, and should be considered to replace Glyph of Beacon of Light or even Seal of Light, this all depends on preference of play.

    Now that you have your spec set up, what should my priority rotation be in PvP healing?!

    My priority list:
    Is someone being focused? Yes - Sacred Shield & Beacon of Light
    Is their an opposing rogue in stealth? Yes - Get into combat, avoid sap, in the case of a double dps such as rogue/mage, drop consecration and order your partner to get into combat, cast Hand of Sacrifice on your partner
    Healing your target:
    Holy Shock whenever it is up - Cannot be interrupted, crits are large
    Flash of Light - on target with Sacred shield adds a HOT effect
    Dispel - Be aware while opposing Affliction warlocks you will very rarely be able to dispel BUT you should watch when Unstable Affliction is not up, dispel those dots off asap
    Holy Light - should only be used when your partner is taking ample amounts of damage, and in this case Aura Mastery is commonly used to avoid any interrupt or counterspell effects
    Sacred Shield - should always be on the target taking the most focus, this move is very often referred to as OP, and provides much damage mitigation at the cost of low mana and no cast time
    Beacon of Light - very effective in the case of split dps, where you may heal two targets at once, be concsious of LOS (Line of Sight) and use it to your advantage

    Trick with Beacon and LoS in 3s or 5s:

    -you /-----\ -opponent2
    .......l pillar l -opponent1............................. -the retarded opponent
    ......-partner1 -partner2

    Beacon your partner2, heal parnter1 with Flash of Light or Holy Light
    Partner 2 recieves heals while you remain out of line of site of the opposing team, avoiding CC (Crowd Control) and Silence effects

    Cleanse or Heal?!

    Keep in mind with the new gears scaling with dps, global cooldowns are more important than anything else in PvP, and you must use them to their maximum potential.
    Remember this: Cleanse is to prevent damage in cooperation with sacred shield, if your partner begins to become pressured or receives an MS effect on him, HEAL, cleansing has become obsolete and a waste of precious GCD (Global Cooldown)

    Typically while facing Healer/dps comps you will be able to cleanse often
    Double dps is usually an absolute No cleanse, keep your partner topped
    In the case of 3s you will more often than not face an MS comp and cleanse will only be used to remove long CC effects such as Fear or Polymorph
    5s is a completely different story

    Who should I team up with?

    Holy Pally / Affliction Warlock
    Provides instant heals, sacried shield with the ability to cleanse, unsable affliction gives the edge over any dispeller teams and DoTs (Damage over Time Moves) allows pressure of both opponents
    Very Strong, easy to play comp
    Hand of Protection is at it's highest worth here
    Weakness: Druids
    Holy Pally / Warrior
    Classic MS plate 2v2 team, been around since Burning Crusade
    You cant go wrong with this classic, easy to play comp, as Bladestorm and Mortal strike can handle any double dps and provide edge over healing comps. Provided your warrior is good and knows how to go defensive, with a 5000+GS in PvP gear you will hit 1800 with ease
    Weakness: Kitability when Hand of Freedom wears off
    Holy Pally / Unholy Death Knight
    High damage, high damage mitigation versus caster comps, minimal kitability and smooth interrupts. Another easy to play comp, provided that your Death Knight uses his pet correctly and maintains constant pressure on your opponent. Weakness: No MS
    Holy Pally / Rogue
    High damage with a side of solid CC, not the most common composition, as ret pally / rogue proves to be quite OP at times. Use the rogues blind as a finisher, and use Line of Sight to remove the killtarget from his teammate
    Classic MS warrior, Unholy Death Knight, Holy paladin comp.
    Pick a target and roll on it, use HoJ on the healer when the kill target falls below half health. The warrior will often be focused, so prepare to provide a blessing of protection (remind him to use a macro to remove it when his health reaches max again)
    Beast Cleave
    OP as hell comp that I hate fighting
    BM hunter, Enhance Shaman, Holy Paladin
    Its your job to El oh El while bloodlusted beasts go nuts on a clothy and global it to death, it's your job to spam Holy Light with Aura mastery up when one of your dps gets focused (likely the shaman)
    There are more that I do not have high experience with or against, I recommend searching on SK-gaming's top arena ranks to find some of the more common 3v3 holy paladin comps
    I've only just begun 5s with my Holy Paladin and I've only tried:
    Ele shaman, Marks Hunter, Destruction Warlock, Boomkin, Holy pally
    4dps 1 healer 5v5 - pick a single target, throw out CCs on others as much as possible
    Blood Lust - Aura Mastery - Be prepared to Hand of Protection FAST
    spam Holy Lights, keep up sacred shield and beacon the target most commonly focused (I beacon the boomkin and shield the hunter or the boomkin)

    That's it for my short guide, the servers are now up
    If you have any questions feel free to ask me here and I'll provide you with any information I know or can find.

    Good Luck and Happy Healing sucka

    Last edited by Greatdrak; 04-06-2010 at 01:11 PM.
    Roses are Blue, Violets are Red, I'm crap with colors, but killer in Bed.

    [Holy Paladin PvP] Tips & Strats
  2. #2
    phreec's Avatar Contributor
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    This spec Would be the spec/glyph combo that I recommend. It has alot of anti-CC capabilities and survivability. Speccing more than 1 in Divine Intellect is a waste of talent points. Also the glyphs will always benefit you, unlike the Turn Evil or Beacon glyph (dispelled).

    Holy paladin/rogue is a really bad setup. The rogue doesn't have the mobility/survivability to run with a holydin. It should instead team up with a Dpriest.
    You also forgot to mention that holy paladins can run PHD, wizardcleaves and shatterplay.

  3. #3
    Greatdrak's Avatar Contributor
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    Like i said, it's a short guide and you cant check out other comps that i haven't tried on SK-Gamings top ranked teams

    Any comp can work btw, some are just cookie cutter, and it's a matter of out-skilling rather than classing them.

    Prot heal / rogue used to work well

    Also, dropping the intellect vs picking up the RNG for Holy Light is mere preference, in long matches you're going to wish you had more intellect, as divine plea will often be dispelled and you're going to need to benefit to it's max potential, I'd recommend more intellect via 2s, less for 3s and 5s where you will be spamming Holy Lights desperately to keep your teammates alive.
    Last edited by Greatdrak; 04-07-2010 at 08:38 AM.
    Roses are Blue, Violets are Red, I'm crap with colors, but killer in Bed.

  4. #4
    phreec's Avatar Contributor
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    Light's Grace is in no way "RNG" as it's a 100% guaranteed 0.5- from the next HL. In many situations (maybe not in 2s) spamming FoL/shock isn't enough to outheal the incoming damage, and that's when Light's Grace shines (especially with Aura mastery ).

    You shouldn't spec Divine Intellect because there are so many better talents to pick instead, and you'll be over 22k mana in pvp gear anyway. You should still gem/enchant Intellect (and SP).

    If you pick up the Wisdom glyph it'll make outlasting even easier. Also meleeing hunter pets, etc with Seal of Wisdom will grant you ALOT of mana.

    Also for 5s you should have a whole different spec where you pick improved Dev aura as it not only benefits yourself, but your second healer too (most 5v5 setups run double healer).

    Still a good guide for holy palas who need some tips and tricks. (Too bad they removed SoB, was awesome judging sheeps )

  5. #5
    Greatdrak's Avatar Contributor
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    In the 5s i listed you'll be sitting in Concentration Aura 100% of the time using Aura Mastery whenever it's up, hence the fact that it's a caster cleave.
    Thanks for the feedback, though i still think your preference is based off circumstantial occurrences, as are mine.
    The burst in arena in wrath is completely ludicrous, so half the time it doesnt come down to even lasting long, I usually leave mirror matches if our opponents look similar geared (I've been to the end of waaay too many 46 minute matches)
    Just hit 1800 in 5s this weekend btw, going for 2k next week, I'll come back and post some tips to the 4 dps 1 heal comp we're running
    Roses are Blue, Violets are Red, I'm crap with colors, but killer in Bed.

  6. #6
    pewpewxx's Avatar Contributor
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    Nice guide +Rep
    will there be an update?
    Save Time - Watch the Overview

  7. #7
    Unholyshaman's Avatar ★ Elder ★
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    Good guide, I have renamed your thread title slightly because I want everyone to try get into the habit of tagging their threads properly.

    Please refer to the sticky for more information

    Last edited by Unholyshaman; 05-04-2010 at 06:50 AM.

  8. #8
    Greatdrak's Avatar Contributor
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    Hit 2k in 3s and 5s
    OP comp A. Holy Pally, Aff lock, Ele sham. - classic, easy to play wizcleave comp
    Focus in this comp is to dot up all opposing targets with strong CC and then focus a target that is in a bad spot due to thunderstorming or proper peeling. Make strong use of your HoJ here because even with an aff lock you can gib someone quite quick.
    B. Holy Pally, Aff lock, ele sham, Boomkin, Marks hunter
    Distribute proper CCs, typically the boomkin will be focused because he is, indeed, your largest source of damage and the strongest CC (cyclone) be prepared to BoP early and be sure you're specced into Light's Grace for faster Holy Lights.
    If you have any specific questions please post them here.
    Roses are Blue, Violets are Red, I'm crap with colors, but killer in Bed.

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