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  1. #1
    Ripgut's Avatar Member
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    Ultimate Rogue Pvp guide

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    I have an SM far guide that you might recognize so i decided to make a pvp one. i made loads of my sm farm technique and recently got my epic mount. ive been pvping at 60 for a while and got Full HW gear and Highwarlord daggers. I beat every class i come up with 1v1 because of these techqiques. now yes i do lose at times but not very often here are my techniques.

    Mage , If you know what your doing these wont be very tough. Now if they see you stealth they will start aoeing the area trying to find you follow them from a range away and wait for them to run out of mana or just stop. Sometimes they will start to use Evocation. While there doing it move up and cheap shot. ( I am assination if your sub shadowstep ambush will do great.) once there stun hit a mutilate they will 99% of the time blink once they do that they will polymorph . use Signet to escape wait till they are almost done casting then use blind. they should be woandering. Go back into stealth and cheapshot again mutalate now you should have 5 combo points Cold blood evis for 1400+ dmg and they should be dead. now if u dont have blind reagents use your sig and sprint towards them while gthere casting. but start different cs them and mut while they blink activate cold blood then to the sprint.

    Druid: Now depending on which type of druid some can be tougher than others. Mangle druids will be one of the toughest to fight if they see you stealth due to there bleed effect. my opinion is stunlock if they get out of it blind stealth and repeat the stunlock then they should be dead or you can vanish and do that. the caster do they same thing but they will die faster. bears you will probably lose to unless you get lucky crits or you have full hw like me cuz then your crit chance is amazing and the weps will slaughter them.

    Priest. Holy priests are cakewalks while shadowpreists are tough cookies holy priest just stunlock when they fear slam your sig and go back and evis. shadowpriests stun lock and when they fear they will probably dot you so you caqnt stealth hit coldblodd gouge and Mut stun and vanish and cs before the dot knocks you from stealth. mut and evis.

    Warriors. These will be the 2nd toughest you fight behind warlocks if there arms it will be even tougher. Cheap shot them and mut sprint through them and rupture them. and vanish let the dot take place sneak up and garrote him hit a mut and blind him restealth then start stunlocking him he should be dead after that especially if your sub and can shadowstep garrote.

    Warlocks: These are the toughest you will fight. there dots will eat you alive. cheap shot then mut cold blodd vanish. do not use your cold blodd make sure you vanish before cs ends. Sprint away in stealth because paranoia will catch you. run up and cheap shot them for 5 combo points evis for alot of dmg and mut if u can blind them and restealth and cs mut again. but you prolly wont need to do that.

    Shaman: I dont fight to mana of these on the alliance side so i dont really have my perspective. i usually cs mut cold blodd evis and if there not dead vanish and stunlock. and that usually kills them.

    Paladins: These can be very tough if there in GrandMarshal gear i blow all my do the same thing as warlocks just when u cold blood do a cs then rupture and add the last bit at the end of warlocks. if there not dead swing away and throw evasion up.

    Rogues: I usually win because of my gear but always stunlock them because 90% of the time there crit rogues and have like 3500 hp. i have 4700 cuz of HW stats. and 5300 with buffs if there not dead after stunlock vanish and repeat if there not dead then Haxorz lol.

    Ultimate Rogue Pvp guide
  2. #2
    tekner's Avatar Member
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    Re: Ultimate Rogue Pvp guide

    Pretty good guide, but a comment on your health... 5k buffed is pretty bad, is this like level 60? my rogue has mainly PvP gear and like 2 pieces of glad. (merciless shanker) but i have about 10k health unbuffed

  3. #3
    Rohi's Avatar Contributor
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    Re: Ultimate Rogue Pvp guide

    Yeah this is probably pre tbc guide because no talking of cos ether

  4. #4
    Ripgut's Avatar Member
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    Re: Ultimate Rogue Pvp guide

    this is bc but im 60 on this guide i also have 70 warrior which is my main

  5. #5
    Ripgut's Avatar Member
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    Re: Ultimate Rogue Pvp guide

    this is bc but im 60 on this guide i also have 70 warrior which is my main

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