[READ BEFORE POSTING] Help, Rules and Guidelines for the WoW Guides Section [!!!] menu

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  1. #1
    Unholyshaman's Avatar ★ Elder ★
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    [READ BEFORE POSTING] Help, Rules and Guidelines for the WoW Guides Section [!!!]

    Members both new and old should refer to this thread at all times when posting a reply to an existing thread or creating a new thread in the WoW Guides Forum Section.

    - What you will achieve by following this guide
    - The DON'Ts of the WoW Guides Section
    - WoW Guide section RULES
    - Stickies and their purposes
    - What to post and what not to post
    - How to post a GOOD guide
    - Replying to threads

    By following this guide, you will achieve a few things:
    1) You will keep the WoW Guides section neat and spam free.
    2) You will be able to create topic relevant guides, which are on par with the quality and depth that the MMOwned community has come to expect.
    3) You will be able to create a positive reputation for yourself amongst MMOwned users. Creating quality guides, that are easy to read, informative and full of knowledge are always respected and appreciated on MMOwned. In short, you will gain more respect from the community, and they will be more prone to rewarding you with +rep and thread nominations.
    4) You will avoid having your threads deleted/moved and avoid being given infractions/warnings/bans.

    The DON'Ts of the WoW Guides Section
    1) Don't post questions here! There is a big [NO QUESTIONS HERE] sign! If you wish to ask a question that is WoW related you may post is in the WoW General forum.
    2) Don't request guides! If there is a guide that you are looking always use the Search Function first to see if the guide exists, if not then create a thread about it in the WoW General forum. If it is a paid guide that you are looking for, it is highly probably that we have it in the Elite WoW Guides section, please DO NOT request Paid for Guides ANYWHERE on these forums.
    3) Don't post "Paid for" Guides here! This includes guides such as Zygor's In-Game Guide, Joanna's Guide, Team iDemise Gold Guide, Spugnort's PVP Guide ... ANY guide that you have to pay for does not belong here. All "Paid for" Guides now belong in the Elite WoW Guides section - You need to become an MMOwned Contributor, an MMOwned Donator, or higher rank to be able to view that section. If you do wish to post a paid guide then send a PM to any of the Moderators that are assigned to the Guides Section and they will post the guide for you, indicating that any rep given from other users should be given to you.
    4) Don't repost! Please use the Search Function THOROUGHLY before creating a new thread.
    5) Don't advertise! If you wish to advertise your website or paid guide here, you need to first gain permission from an MMOwned administrator.
    6) Don't flame! Please be courteous and polite to your fellow MMOwned users at all times. Trolling or flaming posts are generally posts created to provoke an angry response or frustrate another user, to reprimand another in a harsh way or to simply be rude. Use the Report button to report such posts at all times.

    Not knowing the rules is no exception. You can find the MMOwned FAQ here, the MMOwned Site Rules here, as well as the MMOwned Handbook here.
    Violating the above mentioned DON'Ts as well as any other MMOwned Rule can result in a thread deletion and/or infraction point(s) awarded and/or in extreme cases a forum ban.

    WoW Guide section RULES:
    - No bad/inappropriate Language. Do not try to hide your language either by switching letters, etc.
    - No 4chan stuff, like mudkips/shoop da whoop.
    - No catpics, dogpics, spampics (etc lolcats).
    - No Racism
    - No Insulting Other Member(s). This includes gender or racial related comments.
    - No Asking for Reputation
    - No Trolling(Starting Fights/Useless Comments/Flaming.
    - No Spam or Advertisements of any kind. It's the moderators judgment if he/she thinks it's spam/advertisement or not.
    - No Doubleposting. Use the edit button to add in additional information.
    - No Bumping/Necro-Posting. Don't bump a thread to get more view/replies and don't reply in an old thread.
    - No Reposting. Please search before you post anything.
    - No Questions/Requests In Wrong Forum. If the forum does not allow questions/requests, do not post them.
    - No Bad Signature Content. Do not use your signature to insult member(s) or link bad content.
    - Use Proper Thread Titles. Please make sure that your thread title accurately describes the content - not just "My 1000g/hour method".
    - ALWAYS [Tag] your thread titles.

    Stickies and their purposes:
    At the top of each MMOwned sub-forum you will see a list of stickies, make sure that you read them.
    - All Fishing Spots belong in THIS sticky thread.
    - All Love is in the Air event posts/threads belong in THIS sticky thread.
    - All Auction House tips and tricks belong in THIS thread. In-depth and unique Auction House guides are allowed in the main Guides Section as long as they are not the usual "Auctioneer / Auctionator / <Insert addon name here>" Guides.
    - Keep an eye out for new stickies, especially during new WoW events such as Scourge Invasion or Brewfest events.

    What to post and what not to post:
    What you SHOULD post:
    - WoW Profession Guides
    - WoW Leveling Guides
    - WoW Gold Guides
    - WoW Class Guides
    - WoW Event Guides
    - WoW PvP Guides

    What you SHOULD NOT post:
    - No Reposts of any of the above listed guides
    - No WoW Bot Guides. They belong in WoW Bots and Programs Section.
    - No WoW Hack/Exploit Guides. They belong in WoW Exploits Section.
    - No WoW Scam Guides. WE DO NOT ALLOW SCAMMING. We do have a Scam PREVENTION Section however.
    - No WoW Model Editing Guides. They belong in the Model Editing Section.
    - No WoW Exploration Guides. They belong in the WoW Exploration Section.
    - No anything related to Fake/Private/Emulator WoW Servers. They belong in the WoW Emulator Server Section.

    Please also take note of the WoW General, Item & Quests Discussion, PvP & Battlegrounds, Instance and Raiding, UI & Macro Discussion,
    Talent Specs and the Screenshots & Video Showoff Forum Sections because they may be a more relevant location for your guides.

    How to create a GOOD guide:
    At MMOwned we strive for quality and respect amongst the MMO community. In order to ensure those goals, we need to start with the users and how they interact with the forums. Here are some tips on how to create a GOOD guide that will gain you respect, a good reputation as well as that fuzzy feeling of being proud

    1) Use the search function first, posting re-posts of other guides will not get you far.
    2) Make sure you FULLY understand what you are posting. Do some background research on the topic, look at different sources for similar information. Try and answer as many possible questions that you think may come up in your first guide. Do not post half-completed guides, for example you post half your guide and say that you will finish the rest tomorrow...post the guide when it is fully complete.
    3) Use proper grammar, punctuation, sentence construction and format. If English is not your second language or you did not pass it during school ask a fellow user or moderator to proof read your guide and give you tips BEFORE posting it. Separate your guide into easy to read paragraphs and use short sentences for easy reading and remembering.
    4) Use color, bold, underline and italics to highlight important information and make it easy to read. Separating different sections of your guide with the use of color makes it much easier for us to follow what you are saying - do not use bright/dark colors, pick colors that are easy to read.
    5) Use images to illustrate what are are explaining. Please try use a reliable image host such as ImageShack® - Online Media Hosting where your images won't get deleted after 1 week and then not display in the forum. Also do not copy an image link location directly from another website, Save the image and then re-upload it to an image host incase the original website goes down. If possible post the images as thumbnail links.
    6) Use item links if your guide includes the use of specific items. If your guide is about Titanium Bars then create a hyperlink like this Titanium Bar.
    7) If you are posting a guide from another forum, you do nothave to give a source, although it is a good idea to make sure others are aware that this is NOT your guide. For those that were wondering, posting a guide from another forum IS allowed as long as it is not a repost of a current or similar guide already on MMOwned.

    Replying to threads
    When replying to a thread on MMOwned there is a sort of "protocol" to follow.
    1) The first big thing is don't post for the sake of increasing your post count - that is spam and it is not allowed. Second always be polite towards your fellow MMOwned member.
    2) If you do not agree with a thread (for example you think it is a repost, outdated information, wrong section, wrong information, a pathetic rep farm) then use the REPORT function which is the little red and white /!\ next to the +rep button at the top of the post.
    3) Please keep your comments on-topic, polite and non repetitive.
    4) Do not double/triple post. If you are the latest poster in the thread and you have something to add, use the EDIT button to add in what you want.
    5) If you find a thread or post helpful then feel free to use the +Rep button
    6) Normal MMOwned Rules apply, do not flame, make negative posts, try to encourage a negative reaction from the original poster and do not argue. If you have a disagreement with a member PM the member directly or contact a Moderator/Administrator.

    If you have a question about these rules, about this section or just need some help in general on MMOwned feel free to PM myself or another moderator/admin.
    Last edited by Unholyshaman; 08-24-2010 at 10:00 AM.

    [READ BEFORE POSTING] Help, Rules and Guidelines for the WoW Guides Section [!!!]
  2. Thanks Nikusha'sServices, bezerker08 (2 members gave Thanks to Unholyshaman for this useful post)
  3. #2
    abhorsenjay's Avatar Contributor
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    I would recommend imgur.com for free image hosting, much faster and easier than imageshack in my experience, and permanent links.

  4. #3
    YouTellMe's Avatar Private
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  5. #4
    Unholyshaman's Avatar ★ Elder ★
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    Bump because people are still not reading the stickies.


  6. #5
    Valerie90st's Avatar Private
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    go daddy

    good id a

  7. #6
    tongvantu's Avatar Banned
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    you want to earn gold from game? The Tycoon Gold Guide is one of Manaview’s latest inventions. It’s a new in-game addon that claims to automate the most powerful gold strategies in the game leading to an increase in gold income of about 500%. It helps transform ‘gold making’ into a fun, quick, and immensely profitable experience.
    This is something WoW players have been waiting for since Vanilla and it has the power to completely change the way we make gold. see more TYCOON GOLD ADDON REVIEW | My blog

  8. #7
    jselezo's Avatar Member
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