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    jokersmile's Avatar Member
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    Warcry RP Cheatsheet

    My first guide contribution here! This is spread out over five posts on WoW Warcry, so I thought I would condence it for those who just want the meat of it!

    “I have never been bored while playing WoW. Why? What's my secret, you ask? I'm glad you did.

    “Roleplaying! That's how I enjoy every minute logged in to the World of Warcraft. At the ending of a typical work day, when it's time to relax the mind and spirit, the very last thing I want to do is fire up a computer GAME and WORK. Notice the oxymoron there? Being that it is indeed called a 'game', one would think that the implied 'fun' that is supposed to be had would be obvious. Alas, that seemingly and sadly is not the case for so many players I cross paths with in WoW. If you feel I may be talking to you, then I hearken you continue to hear me out.

    “The MMO part of WoW is what I feel the vast majority of players focus on, and while that's an awesome element to the game, it is only half of it.

    “Meeting up with friends for a some BG rounds, gather some guild mates together for a raid on an opposing factions' town, or assembling a PUG for an instance run, wash, rinse, repeat. It's all very easy to do these things, and there's nothing wrong with any of it.

    “RP is also so much more than simply typing /bow and /fart, and in WoW, it also doesn't involve any form of 'thee' or 'thou'! Thousands of people, nay, millions, are playing a character every hour of every day in WoW. They pass by your character all the time. The ones you really remember are those with personality and flair, combined with good skill in armed and magical combat. For a very basic definition, I think of RP'ing as the difference between playing a character and being a character. And that, my friends, is where the fun is!

    “Rather than just jumping into the deep end of the linguistic arts, allow me to show my fellow roleplayers and anyone else interested how I have come to learn how to better use language and speech for roleplaying in WoW. There is an easy (or, at least, not so hard) way to prepare yourself for properly roleplaying your character's speech and mannerisms. Let me show you!

    “Speaking in 'RP mode' in WoW DOES NOT involve spouting Old English, Elizabethan, or biblical words and phrases. Nor does it have anything to do with that so-called 'leet speek'. WoW is simply not set in such a universe, at least not in any related readings I have done, and I've done my share. Now, I'm not saying real world archaic languages should be entirely shunned in WoW, just that such manners of speech are not an everyday item.

    “Find your character an out-of-the-way corner of Azeroth, and just start going through the whole voice emote list. The voice acting, like a great many other things in WoW, was designed and implemented by Blizzard to an amazing degree, much of which can be seen by clicking the voice emotes or typing the specific '/' command. This is a fantastic way to listen to and learn how your character speaks and sounds. Since the act of speech is much more than just sound, many voice emotes also have an expression to go with them, some physical gesture that your character will make to match the words and sounds they are emitting. Not only that, but a good many of them are downright hilarious!

    “Finally, I pass along my favorite method of learning how to roleplay speech, and that is by talking to other fellow roleplayers If you never practice the art, you'll never learn it, right? Plus, you can get more than a few clues and hints from other players and their characters, some of which you may put to use yourself. Furthermore, I have found this can and very often does lead into some excellent roleplaying experiences.

    “There are people, even those who profess to be RP'ers, who think that RP should be done only at certain times and at certain places. Hogwash. I'm here to tell you, outright and publicly, that it is my belief you can RP anywhere and everywhere in WoW, from solo play, to groups, to instances, to Battlegrounds, to 40-man raids, and everything in between, it simply does not matter. Wherever your character is, that's where you RP. Being stopped in the street and engaging another RP'er in conversation can often be an excellent moment, and moreover, rarely do you have any control over the when and where. It simply happens because you're there.

    “Here are a couple of places in Azeroth where I have regular meetings with other RP'ers, so maybe they'll also work for you. Banks and Auction Houses seem to me to be the busiest places in each of the major cities I've visited so far. The game designers who built Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, Booty Bay, and Ironforge have done no small treat in having these two places located in close proximity to each other, which causes characters to mill about the general location, and which in turn can sprout up all kinds of RP. Characters gather around sharing stories of their latest adventure(s), showing off their newest gear, or any number of reasons. It makes approaching someone running MyRoleplay / FlagRSP2 (almost always the sign of a roleplayer) much more comfortable, and gives no shortage of subjects to use for striking up a conversation. On the Alliance side, the small town of Goldshire is widely known to be an RP G-spot. Anyway, Goldshire is often the meeting place for RP'ers, I'm thinking because it's close enough to Stormwind for a quick run to the bank or AH, yet there's room enough to spread out, and generally not near the lag you may get in the larger cities. Horde side, there's a little place south of Silvermoon City, called Sartheril's Haven, which has a 24-7 party going on, complete with revelers, fireworks, and dancing. If your Horde brethren happen to be planning an RP party, think about using this place as your setting. I had a character who attended a double-wedding reception here, and the atmosphere was perfect. Try it out for yourselves.

    “Character knowledge is what your avatar knows about the world it exists in, and it is one of the major points that define a roleplayer, because RP'ers have a very keen sense towards keeping it far separate from player knowledge. Since characters are not born into the world as infants, it can be reasoned they have had some experiences in their life up to the point where you take over. Your character does not know that a Flash Heal (Rank 1) spell costs 125 mana points and heals 202-247 hit points. Your character may know, however, that that spell does not require as much mana to cast compared to a Flash Heal (Rank 7) spell, but that it also doesn't heal as much health as the higher level spell. There a many other examples that could be used here, but it all should be common sense that new characters just don't know all that much about their world. So, just what does your character know when you create it and log in with it for the very first time, and then for each subsequent time thereafter?

    “In game, character knowledge can best be described as lore, and it is in seeking out the lore of WoW where you as a player will gain the knowledge that your character should be equipped with. From conception and on throughout the virtual life of your character, you should be continually reading the lore of WoW for the purpose of advancing its' personality (just like we do in our real lives) and enhancing your own RP factor through it. Since your character cannot learn on its' own, and we players have the advantage of living in the age of the Internet, the following websites are ones I use most often to learn for my characters.

    “Of course, it is entirely conceivable to RP a character who is born into WoW knowing all that there is to know about the universe therein, but I think that would strip away one of the greatest features about RP'ing: the sense of adventure. Finding out what's over the next hill by going over that hill yourself is one of the top items on the list of things that keep me logging in night after night, and I think that could be said for many other RP'ers I know. Also bear in mind that.”

    Well, there is the best RP knowledge I can find in the shortest amount of words, Boil and Ghouls.

    Some other tips that I personally go by:

    The Addon ImmersionRP fantastic as it can read flags from FlagRSP, FlagRSP2, and MyRolePlay along with it’s built in flag system. It allows you to take off all UI but the chat log for RP moments.

    Some character examples I’ve personally played:

    The drug smuggler with a heart of gold.

    An undead raised by Gnomes as a human and became the first gnomish Techno-Pirate.

    A Blood Elf trapped in a Night Elf body, speaking only the opposite Elvish language.

    Hope you enjoy, and have fun!


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    Last edited by jokersmile; 06-27-2007 at 02:43 AM.

    Warcry RP Cheatsheet
  2. #2
    Ryuk's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Warcry RP Cheatsheet

    Me bang bang man,think you clever.Me want be friend to you!

    (Asalor, Dwarf Warrior (Not that clever) in a realm far-away called Arathor)

  3. #3
    bobzor's Avatar Member
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    Re: Warcry RP Cheatsheet

    i is troll from gweat lands of Durotar, you may call me Moos, you call me Moos, cause me is called Moos, Moos and nothin but moos, you are understand i?

  4. #4
    tekstorm's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Warcry RP Cheatsheet

    I am Kurzai, the cutter, I cut my self to feel alive. I cut others to know that they are indeed alive. I cut.

  5. #5
    holllyywood's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Warcry RP Cheatsheet

    Originally Posted by tekstorm
    I am Kurzai, the cutter, I cut my self to feel alive. I cut others to know that they are indeed alive. I cut.

    it hurts so good.

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