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    Ergoim's Avatar Active Member
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    Great Gold Farming Guide

    All credit goes to Sigotth (

    I did NOT write this.
    Hi all, Over my 2 years of playing ive found alot of ways to make gold im going to share some with you today, I wrote this myself and im sure many players will know these tips and tricks, There all legal and all doable. Some need percific professions or a certain class even a certain server! but please read and if i messed somthing up or you want to add a method feel free to do so.

    1) Playing the auction house.
    Ok so youve got a few gold in your bags any you want to multiply it, First thing you wanna do is get This mod will allow you to scan your auction house, It will calculate the avrage price of a certain item i:e - Linen cloth on AH = 50 stacks avrage price 50 silver that means that usually linen cloth will sell for 50 silver. In order to make this addon useful u may need to scan the AH about 2-3 times a week then u can get a very good estimate on how much a certain item is worth.

    2) Strange dust = $$
    This may vary server wise, But on my server Strange dust can go from 1g50s + per stack and people dont know how easy it is to get, If your main is an enchanter then u can run an instance like RFC,Deadmines collect all the loot and either disenchant it or send to a level 5 toon ( 5 minimum to learn basic enchanting ) and disenchant it. This is a good money maker for around... level 30 anything higher and its probly not worth it.

    3) Boosting.

    If your around level... 30ish you can start offering boost's to players, A boost is just where u kill everything in an instance for a certain player then he/she pays you for it, It may not seem a good way but if you combine this with the enchating mats youll get you can make alot of gold, If your lucky you may get a level 70 on an alt of theres and 15-30 gold is nothing for them, Personally ive had someone pay me 20g for 1 run of deadmines.

    4) Enchanting again.
    Now, This is similar to the strange dust method but a little diffrent. First off get this mod Its called enchantrix ( scroll down the page and youll find it ) Basically it gives good information on what your going to get if you disenchant a certain item. Now youll need a small bit of gold for this. Firstly make sure you have scanned the aution over a couple of weeks then look to see what enchanting mats are selling well. I;E - Greater eternal essence is selling really well. So go to the aution house look for items that can be disenchanted into greater eternal essence. u may find some real bargins for like 50 silver, You disenchat it and then sell the mat for like x5 that this can work with allmost any enchating mat.

    5) Gather
    Firstly get this addon Its called gather what it does is every time you, or someone in your party/guild picks a herb / mine it will notify you so lets say Bob mines a gold mine, 1 day later you go there and the mine has come back then u can mine it. But what you want to look for is Fadeleaf, Gold mines , Silver mines especially as in my experience these sell very well.

    6) Robbing the rogues
    Ok i know from leveling up a rogue how cool blind powder is, But i didnt have herbalism, I was forking out alot of gold for fadeleaf in the auction house ( 20g a stack ) So i decided to make an alt level up herbalism to 160 ( note, if you google "Herbalism Guide" youll find some good guides to help you level herbalism )
    youll want to be around level 45 for this to work well, Combined with the gather addon and auctioneer u can pin point what herbs are selling well ( usually fadeleaf / Swiftwistle for rogues reagents ) And keep picking and selling them, A good idea is to introduce as many guildies as you can to gather then u get more info on where to gather!

    7) Fadeleaf and SM
    this works best at 45+ for a none stealth class and 40+ for stealth. In SM there is allmost allways a fadeleaf node whitch can hold up to 3 fadeleaf all you need to do is go in, pick ( avoiding mobs carefully ) go out and reset rinse and repeat a few times and the gold will be rolling in.

    Firey weapon ftw.
    Ok youll need a 55+ char for this ( or maybe a good geared 50+ ) What you need is enchanting Or bring a friend with enchanting. I used my 70 mage to aoe all the mobs, And had a level 37 friend come for the XP. Go into SM armory kill all the mobs if needed ( if you have enchanting yourself its not needed ) go kill herod and allmost all the time ull get a "Small radiant shard" ( not checking percent cus im lazy :P ) you need 4 of these for firey weapon and u can gather 4 in around 25 mins on a level 70 mage thats about 10 per hour, You can either sell these for a healthy profit or gather a firey essence and sell the enchat also for a good price to twinks or others.

    9) Fishing.
    You can do this at around level 20-22 and u can make boat loads, What you want to do is go to the "Wailing Caverns" Instance, Now u can either fish inside the instance or fish outside im not to sure where gives you the best percent of fish but you want to be fishing for "Deviate Delight" This is a yellow fish with the "eat me" tag, Without being cooked this fish will still sell well.

    10) Fishing + cooking.

    Now after you get so bored of fishing you would rather play guild wars..... Well i dont think anyone could get that bored but anyway. What you want to do is find It is the recipe to cook, Savory deviate delight these fish can sell from 20g + for a stack, But the recipe itself can go for double that, Its your decision whitch youd rather do personally i like to learn the recipe and cook the fish in the long run i think u make more money. ( note - the drop chances are extremly low but of you have the paitece you can make a health sum. )

    11) Skinning.
    skinning is a profession that really should be called "free gold" Its the easiest profession to level up in the game and in the right places you can make more money than you can spend! Youll need a skinning knife whitch costs about 50 copper and u can start this at level 5. At first youll be skinning "ruined leather scraps" and "light leather". What i allways do is make a random toon to level 5 run it to a major city and learn leatherworking. You can turn 3 scraps into light leather, And not many people know how much light leather can sell for, At level 70 people who want to max leatherworking arnt really botherd about paying 2g/stack for light leather and it takes around 10 mins for a stack at level 12. If your main doesnt have a profession i highly suggest skinning i was makeing 200g per day alone from just skinning knothide leather at level 70.

    12) Dont forget the boars!
    Ok this one can make you a decent amount of money with little effort. It may seem a little odd but it really can make you money. What you need to do is kill all the boars outside orgrimmar and sell the "chunk of boar meat" When u first take cooking you can cook Stringy wolf meat and roasted boar meat u need chunks of boar meat for this. So one day im dueling outside org on my 70 warlock and i check my cooking skill "3" *sigh* i didnt wanna run around killing boars gathering the meat for meat i carnt use! So what did i do? I made an alt and at level 6 i killed the boars outside org and gatherd meat until level 8, To my suprise when i put "WTS Chunk of boar meat" i had a flood of wispers i ended up selling 20 meat for 1g50s/stack not alot of money if you have a level 70 but if your new or on a new server it helps.

    13) Lock picking.
    lock picking wont make you alot of gold but if you pick locks every time u can in a major city u can make a couple of g, On my rogue i allways say in genral "Picking lockboxes free for under level 25 a small tip if your above " i have been tipped as much as 2g and as little as 2s but it all helps guys and its definatly worth it as you can pick any of your alts boxes!

    Ok this is only going to work for people on an RP server. It wont allways work but it has a good chance. On my rogue i used to hang around in my RP gear in the drag and when a level 70 rode past i used to roleplay that i was robbing them, People may just ride past you but i made 5g at level 13 from just RP'ing it also gets you friends! Usually ( i do and many of my friends do ) tip low level roleplayers as it makes them feel more confident in there roleplaying.

    15) Blacksmithing.
    Ok so im on my warrior ive got 150 blacksmithing and im thinking to myself "omg this profession is worthless" Until i discoverd what i SHOULD be selling. Its called the Silver rod, Again this money makeing method works best on a level 70 whos leveling there enchanting, When i serched the auction house for silver rod i was amazed at how much people put them up for 10g and above! i checked my warrior found out i could make them, Check my map for silver nodes ( remember gather ) spent 30 mins and bang i made 4 silver rods i sold mine for 5g per rod and in 2 days all had sold =), The rods go up you get rods like Truesilver rod and above. These also sell very nice.

    16) Tailoring pt-2
    Ok now this one is good but it requires a recipe you need Its the recipe for "robes of arcana" needed in a warlock quest, Accoring to thottbot the best place to find this recipe is in darkshore killing the Dark Strand Voidcaller But, Ive heard its a terrible drop rate. Personally i dont have the paitence for this but if your a warlock or your a tailor you can sell the pattern for 30g+ and the robes for around 7g again your decision whitch is best =).

    17) Aoe Grinding.
    For this money maker youll need a mage and a healer if your neither then its a little tricky, around level 30 this will work best, Basically the mage ( frost works best ) pulls around 12-14 mobs and starts blasting them with arcane explosion cone of cold flamestrike and any other aoe spell you have, Not only can you get some great exp/hour but also a lot of gold.

    1 Orb of deception
    Ok this item will alow the user to change into the other faction for 5 mins, It has a 30 min cooldown and is worth a crap load, Ive bout one for 150g but my friends have spent 200g+ after TBC the best place to find them is maybe dire maul, But i really wouldnt suggest farming for it its a very hard drop but if you do find one dont ever use it sell it and get your epic mount.

    19) First mate hat!
    Ok guys, This hat is nothing special stats wise but it looks cooler than anything in wow! and the drop rate is soooo rare there are usually more thunderfurys ( legendry item ) on a server than this hat. My friend farmed 6 hours a day for 3 weeks for the am thing before it dropped, You are either lucky or not and after farming these on 6 diffrent toons ive never seen it ( currently 2 on my server, My server is over 1 year old. ) if you find one of these dont ever use it! sell it for 300g+ maybe more i havent ever seen it on AH both the hats are being used by the founders on my server.

    20) Bots hate them... but love there gold.
    Ok we all know that in wow there are bots, Blizz will try and try and try to get rid of them ( and to be fair there doing a good job ) but there will allways be a smart arse who comes up with a program to kill stuff. So why not exploit them i say! so youve been questing and uve found 2 items. a level 34 green bow and a level 34 green mail legs. They both disenchant into X X is woth 2 gold the mail legs are worth 1 gold. But that bow would be worth 10 gold. If you EVER find a bow/gun that is green + never disenchant it sell it for an outrageos price, You can also buy all the green bows on the AH and sell them for double what you bout them for. Bots dont go instances and rarely find good gear, So they will buy them.

    21) Mining.
    Ok this is going to work on a fairly old server with a large twink community. Level 12 + works best here, All you need to do is learn mining buy a mining pick and mine in elywyn forest that place is absolutly packed to the brim with copper veins, What you want to do is visting the Farodeep mine, Jasperlode mine, and then do a big loop around the forest, then back to the mines and keep doing that, i calculated an avrage of 3 veins per mine and about 5 in the big loop so 3+3+5 = 11 veins whitch is about a stack per loop, You can also kill the miners whitch somtimes drop copper ore, Then sell it on the AH for the avrage price ( check auctioneer ) and usually level 70's wanting to start mineing/engineeing/blacksmithing also twinks want it. So your market is vast and usually it all sells.

    22) "The Fake Buyer"
    This is a bit cheeky and wont allways work against a smart person but it works about half the time and is allways worth a try, So your selling item X Bob wispers you "hi ill buy that for 30 silver" What do you do? you do this "Ohh sorry man another guy just offerd me 40 silver... Can you top that?" then bob returns "ye ill pay 50 silver", Now its up to you if you want to continue the "hes offerd more" but i dont like lieing so i usually take the first rise.

    23) Patterns/Recipes.
    Ok You may or may not know but those white recipes you see on the AH you can allways buy from a vendor, People make 30g+ a day from doign this and they dont even kill a single mob! Im not going to tell you all where all the recipies can be bout youll have to serch yourself but ill tell you a very good seller. The 150-225 first aid book can be bout in dustwallow marsh i forgot the original price i know its lower than 5g.. You can resell this to lazy people or twinks for double that, I used to do this once a week and it ALLWAYS sold. This is just one book other recipes and books are all over the place .

    24) Farm spots.
    Ok some spots in world of warcraft are better than others ( Durr... ) here ill give a very brief list of spots that hold gold!
    1-12 - No spots really just quest your way up throght your starting zone.
    12-20 Any humanoid for linen cloth the barrens around the pirates in ratchet , Westfall humanoids for alli
    20-24 - Dwarfs in lower barrens for wool, Lakeshire humanoids for wool
    24-30 Duskwood for spider silk, Ashenvale for spider silk cloth/sherder pages
    *Instance* - Solo RFC for strange dust Deadmines at 34+
    30-32 - Turtles in northen hillbrad they drop meat for a quest, Meat for cooking "speckelld shell fragments" 45/stack perals and you can skin for heavy leather.
    32-40 STV - Everything you want here silk cloth,meat,all types of leather and many quests, Note - trolls in the camps drop alot of cloth and silver.
    *Instance* - Farm SFK for the twink items whitch can bring from 100g-200g +
    40-42 stone elements in badlands, elementtal earth whitch sells well and all the rocks sell good at vendors many mining veins.
    42-45 Taranis Turtles - Specklled shells 45s/stack thick leather perals meat and very easy to kill nice xp.
    *instance* - RFK easily killed well known for BoE blues to drop many greens.
    45-49 - Trolls outside ZF, VERY nice cash drops mageweave cloth is common greens/blues and even epics can drop here
    49-52 - Chillwind camp - Skelingtons level 50-51 VERY good respawn rate, Drop stones for agent dawn rep mageweave/runecloth ( i think ) good spot to aoe with a buddy
    52-55 - Eastern/Western plaguelands very nice quests here all fairly easy you will get agent dawn rep and both east/west are well known for epic drops ( for my first epic here )
    *Instance* - SM farm it and farm it and farm it for silk cloth a hell of alot of greens / blues ( 29 twink weps i-e the butcher )
    55-58 - Silithus or winterspring are both great for rugged leather drops i prefer winterspring mainly for easier questing.
    58-62 Hellfire peninsula - Knothide scraps best, to do as many quests as possible for gear many veins and herbs.
    62-65 - Zangramash - Bog lords in the deadmire. Motes of life, U can herb them after you kill them fairly easy to kill and other mobs for skinning
    65-66 - spiders in terrorkar forrest - Netherweb spider silk goes for 10g+ for 1 piece if you farm these for a whole level u can make a couple of 100g
    66-68 - Blades edge questing - Just do all the quests mixed with instances until 68.
    68-70 - Deaths door. Best place to farm for aldor rep/Cash/Cloth mobs are soooo easy to kill, Nice xp but beware this is botters heaven kill and report every bot u can!
    70 - Elemental platue - For all the motes u can get!

    25) Screw the bots over.
    Ok im not to sure if this is allowed by blizzard but im sure the bot wouldnt report you as they might as well commit suicide ( virtually ) So this is wat i do, I spot a bot in blades edge mountings. Hes level 70 killing mobs do i report yet? No. When you evenatually see the bot enter a major city ( yes they do on a rare ocasion ) Wisper them "Hi" see if you get a response. if you do get chatting to the bot and make sure he can understand you. Then you say this "Look dude i know your a bot its cool i wont report you but becuase im helping you out i think you should give me some gold" now the bot will be so scared he will pay anything you want! ive been payed 250g to keep my quiet, Then soon as you get the mail you report him and wisper "thanks for the free gold and addmiting your a bot i hope blizz likes bots" /ignore. Works most times!

    26) Zul'Gurub Farming.
    This one needs 60+ really, Works best on hunter, Basically you ride around avoiding mobs and looking at your map for "Bloodvine" this can only be picked in ZGand can sell pretty well ( not as good not TBC is here :< ) But i mainly go for the "Voodo Dolls" they are in piles at diffrent locations in ZG What you want to do is send your pet and gather all the aggro on him then use Sprint and make it run away from the voodo pile, Then put it on "Stay" and quickly loot the pile if your lucky youll get a doll then just wait for your pet to die, Feign death in a safe place and rez pet then rinse and repeat .

    27) the 70 Mage + Warlock farming team.
    After the burning crusade blizz gave us warlock the "Seed of corruption" spell, Not many people know how poerful it is, Get a mage buddy ( frost if needed really... ) And go to any place with a big pack of mobs ( great places in blades edge and netherstorm ), Have him bubble up with frost shield and give him a healthstone, Ok let him mount up and run round geathering all these mobs together and when u have about 20 dismount FROST NOVA then cast as many seed of corrution as you can and watch that damage go have your mage buddy wait till your seed explodes before he starts aoeing or the mobs will nuke him first.

    2 Rogue's use the dam lockpicking!
    Ok we all know that chests allways hold a green+ item but many rogues dont seem to use this to there advantage. In some instances ( Shadow labs for example ) some chests are in area's you can get to without killing any mob, u can start doing this in SM and anything above, Chests can drop somthing worth 2 gold or somthing worth 200 gold so its all depending on your luck

    29) Specs.
    Now this isnt really a "gold makeing" tip but more or a "how to quest/grind quicker to make more gold"
    Hunter - Beast mastery primary / Marksmanship secondry
    Mage - Frost primary / Arcane secondry
    Warlock - Demonology primary / Affliction secondry
    Paladin - Retribution primary / Holy secondry
    Warrior - Fury primary / Arms secondry
    Shaman - Enchantment primary / ? secondry
    Rogue - Combat primary / Assa secondry

    ( Primary means max it first secondry means put points left over inside ).

    30) Primals / Essences
    Now everyone is 70 everyone needs gear so if you dont mind farming then primals is a good easy way to make money i suggest primal fire and it sells well on every server but primal water is all a good seller. Essence of fire and Essence of air both sell good still for the +15 agility enchant and the firey enchant you can get good spots for primals by googleing a percific type ie "where to farm primal fire", The best spots for essence of air are top left in silithus.

    Well i really hope you can learn a way or 2 to make gold from reading this guide, Most of it is allready known and this was written for players who have not long been playing. Have fun and i really hope some of these methods can make as much gold as they have made me.
    Last edited by Ergoim; 06-25-2007 at 05:24 PM. Reason: Auto-merged Doublepost

    Great Gold Farming Guide
  2. #2
    Cakewalk's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Great Gold Farming Guide

    The boar thing was really nice actually :clap:

  3. #3
    krazyluda007's Avatar Member
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    Re: Great Gold Farming Guide

    I thought enchantrix didnt work anymore

    edit:nvm what i said up top it does >.>
    Last edited by krazyluda007; 06-25-2007 at 06:50 PM.

  4. #4
    Shizznizzler's Avatar Member
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    Re: Great Gold Farming Guide

    pretty coo guide thanks

  5. #5
    mixcoatl's Avatar Member
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    Re: Great Gold Farming Guide

    good guide thx +rep.. btw are people rally that stupid on RP servers to say RAWR i robzorz you! and they just give you cash?

  6. #6
    Borzantag412's Avatar Member
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    Re: Great Gold Farming Guide

    Hmm i like the idea about the averagae price in AH mod now if only i could figure out how to install them :P
    " Turn off the Wind shield wipers it is only making it worse :shocked: "

  7. #7
    robbaz's Avatar Member
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    Re: Great Gold Farming Guide

    awesome!!! gj

  8. #8
    Wilderness's Avatar Member
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    Re: Great Gold Farming Guide

    Worst gold guide ive ever read kinda

  9. #9
    bean1989's Avatar Member
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    Re: Great Gold Farming Guide

    very nice i use some of these.... another one is farming Large Brill Shards at Blackrock Mt. this requires a 70... easiest to use a rouge... you need enchanting at 225-250 plus (can't remeber what it is to D/E lvl 51-54 items) i solo every boss there. i get from around 6-8 large shards and 3-5 small ones.. (in my server large shards go for 10-12G and small shards go for 1-2G a run and can do 5 runs an hours... i can get about 100 in about 5 hours plus the smalls.... takes a few days for them all to sell... but when they do im at the AH buying out some lvl 70 gear for my alt Warrior or buying mats to lvl up some alts professions.

  10. #10
    Zurkei's Avatar Contributor

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    Re: Great Gold Farming Guide

    Originally Posted by mixcoatl View Post
    good guide thx +rep.. btw are people rally that stupid on RP servers to say RAWR i robzorz you! and they just give you cash?
    what you do is "/e pickpockets 5g from you" it's a good guide but prob wouldn't use it

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