Best Grinding Spots in World of Warcraft from 10-60!!!! menu

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    speed4weed's Avatar Member
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    Best Grinding Spots in World of Warcraft from 20-60!!!!

    I dont think this was ever posted but i just wanted to post it maybe it will help you out a bit. Hope you like.

    Best Grinding Spots in World of Warcraft

    This is a topic containing grind spots from lvl 10-60 both for Horde and Alliance.
    Grind spot list. Before I start, you need to realize this is not a complete 1-70 leveling guide, it's just a guide that will help you find some good grinding spots, if you need a leveling guide, the best ones are: Joana's 1-70 Horde leveling Guide for horde, and Brian's 1-70 Alliance leveling guide for alliance.

    Contested areas:

    Area: Contested
    Location: Wetlands
    Level zone: 20+
    Special Drops: Red whelp pet
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: The red whelps is great for grinding


    Area: Contested
    Location: Duskwood
    Level zone: 25+
    Special Drops: Nothing special
    Gold per hour: 3-5 Gold
    Note: Kill everything in Raven Hill cemetary, mobs are level 26-30 (Mainly for alliance)


    Area: (Thousand Needles, Contested)
    Location: (Screeching Canyon)
    Level zone: (28-32 Harpies)
    Specal Drops: (Vibrant Plumes and light feathers, greys and greens)
    Gold per hour: (6g/h)
    Note: There is also 4 chests constantly respawning, you may find some greens. Note that the harpies silence, so this is no ideal place for mana users, but hunters isnt affected big.


    Area: Contested
    Location: Thousand needles and Shimmering flats
    Level zone: 30+
    Special Drops: None
    Gold per hour: 5 Gold
    Note: All mobs are nice to grind, Mainly a horde place


    Area: Contested
    Location: Strangletorn vale (all of it)
    Level zone: 30+ >45
    Specal Drops: cloth/some greens and a blue from time to time
    Gold per hour: don't know but good at lvl 30-40
    Note: Start at the side closest to duskwood and work youre self down STV.
    I lvled here from 32-33 up to 42-43 also got my mount money here, lots of grinding quests in rebel camp (for alli) and in the first camp inside STV (don't remembre the name of that camp, but both for hord and alli)
    just bee on the loockout for lvl ?? that having "fun" killing low lvl's.


    Area: Contested
    Location: Ferallas
    Level zone: 40+
    Special Drops: None
    Gold per hour: 10 Gold
    Note: Yeti cave, Wolves, Harpies


    Area: Contested
    Location: Strangletorn vale, crystal mines
    Level zone: 40 ish
    Specal Drops: miners
    Gold per hour: unsure, depends on what you get for iron and mithril bars on AH at your server, but 1-2 stacks of iron/mithril per h
    Note: also some mobs here that from time to time drops greens


    Area: Contested
    Location: Tanaris
    Level zone: 40+
    Special Drops: Mageweave cloths
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: Dunemaul compound in Tanaris, Grind the ogres

    Area: Contested
    Location: Felwood
    Level zone: 49+
    Special drops: A lot of potions
    Gold per hour: 15-20 Gold
    Note: Grind the furbolgs (Mobs are level 48-55)

    Area: Contested
    Location: S/W Tanaris
    Units: Thisteltrub
    Level zone: 40+
    Specal Drops:N/A
    Gold per hour:N/A
    LvL Range: 47-49(?)
    Note: Theese ones drop really fast. Easy grinding. Spawns very fast.
    Area: Contested
    Location: Arathi Highlands (Stromgarde keep)
    Level zone: 40-50+
    Special drops: A lot of mageweave cloth and green items
    Gold per hour: 20 Gold
    Note: Kill the ogres, they respawn fast.


    Area: (Feralas, Contested)
    Location: (The big irland beneath feathermoon)
    Level zone: (43-46 Nagas)
    Specal Drops: (Clams which contain iriscendent, black and golden pearls. Nagas also drops some greens, found some blues also)
    Gold per hour: (4-5g/h)
    Note: Under 3 hours of grinding i found 1 golden pearl, 4 black pears and 3 iriscendent pearls. Sell these and you have a nice g/h rate.

    Area: Contested
    Location: Badlands
    Level zone: 45+
    Special drops: Black whelp pet
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: Black Whelps are good for both skinning/exp and money


    Area: Contested
    Location: Azshara
    Units: Satyrs
    Level zone: 47+
    Specal Drops:Runecloth, Felcloth, Travellers backpacks
    Gold per hour: 10-40/hour depending on prices of runecloth/felcloth on your server.
    LvL Range: 51-53
    Note: Very easy to kill as bm specc at lvl 50. The place can be camped out, but hopefully not .


    Area: (Feralas,contested)
    Location: (Grimtotem Camp)
    Level zone: (43-47 dragonkins, and grimtotems)
    Specal Drops: (Aquamarines,skinn dragons,)
    Gold per hour: (2-3g/h)
    Note: merely a place to lvl up fast, extremely fast. Both grimtotems (naturalists) and dragonkins have very low health.


    Area: Contested
    Location: Searing Gorge
    Level zone: 45-50+
    Special drops: None
    Gold per hour: 10 Gold
    Note: Just make a walk around the cauldron you will find spiders and (lava/fire)elementals on your way, you can also go into the cauldron where you will find alot more elementals


    Area: (Feralas, northwest, contested)
    Level zone: (48-51 Harpies)
    Specal Drops: (Plummes)
    Gold per hour: (4-5g/h)
    Note: merely a place to lvl up fast, extremely fast. Harpies have very low health.

    Area: Contested
    Location: Un'Goro Crater
    Level zone: 50+
    Special drops: None
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: North East by the gorilla Cave


    Area: Contested
    Location: Winterspring
    Level zone: 54+
    Special Drops: None of what I know
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: Yetis are great to grind

    Area: Contested
    Location: Tyr's Hand
    Level zone: 55+
    Special Drops: Elemental fire
    Gold per hour: 25 Gold
    Note: Scarlets that gets so owned by a BeastMaster pet.

    Area: Contested
    Location: Azshara
    Level zone: 55+
    Special drops: No
    Gold pr. hour: ??
    Note: Kill elite dragon's S/E of ruins! They drop 20s pr. stk and give good XP!

    Area: Contested
    Location: Burning Steppes
    Level zone: 55+
    Special drops: Tons of runecloth
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: Nice for miners to, a lot of veins around

    Area: Contested
    Location: Heartglen
    Level zone: 58+
    Specal Drops: Librams sometimes
    Gold per hour: n/a
    Note:This is a very good place to lvl,the mobs arent too tough,but they are elite.Good exp,drops,etc.but be mindfull of the 61 patrol.Have fun


    Horde areas

    Area: Horde
    Location: a bit North of Camp Taurajo the Razormane villages
    Level zone: 17-21
    Specal Drops: no
    Gold per hour: unknown
    Note: Very good leveling area,also very nice for grinding linen/wool.2 quests there,mobs go down FAST

    <More coming soon>

    Alliance areas

    Area: Alliance (i think :P)
    Location: Loch Modan
    Level Zone: 20+
    Special Drops: ?
    Gold Per Hour: ?
    Note: More specific, i mean the northeastern part, by the Ogres. They are Elite so it takes a party of atleast two if lvl around 20. Good loot and xp xD

    Area: Contested
    Location: Winterspring
    Level zone: 54+
    Special Drops: None of what I know
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: Yetis are great to grind

    Searing Gorge:

    Description: Just make a walk around the cauldron you will find spiders and (lava/fire)elementals on your way, you can also go into the cauldron where you will find alot more elementals. (lvl 45/50)
    Drops: Hearth of Fire, Ironwebspidersilk, thick spider silk, shadow silk, elemental fire, coal and white spider meat.
    Estimated gold/hour: 10G

    Tyr's Hand:

    Description: EPL. Scarlets that gets oh so owned by a BM pet.
    Drops: Lots of money and runecloth. Quite good droprate of greenies and better too
    Est G/H: Depends on drops. I have myself hit 25 g/h with my current specc (not BM) which probably could be boosted to at least 100ish if I specc BM.

    Burning Steppes

    Description: The elite black dragons in the north east.
    Drops: Lots of money, equal to Tyr's Hand gold drops. If you are a skinner this is just awesome.
    Est G/H: My record being 340 g/h here... Was kinda lucky then though with drops ;P
    I do about 40g/h nowadays when I go here.

    Un'goro Guardians

    Description: Stone guardians in un'goro, lvl 60 and 61 elite. Patrols north and east sides.
    Drops: Guardian Stones and Essence of Earth
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Un'goro Devilsaur's

    Description: Only useful for tribal l/w to make devilsaur set.
    Drops: Devilsaur leather.
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Azshara Blood Elves

    Description: Blood elves in north east Azshara, go down fast but camped usually
    Drops: Runecloth/Greys/Increased blue and epic chance
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Dunemaul Ogre's

    Description: Dunemaul compound in Tanaris, easy grind for the high lvl 40.
    Drops: Mageweave/Greys/Greens
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Deadwind Ogre's

    Description: East of Duskwood, lvl 55-60 mobs (ogres and undead). Usually not camped.
    Drops: Runecloth/Greys/Dramatically increased blue and epic chance
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    EPL Blood Elves

    Description: 58-60 elves near the north east lodge, downtime around 0 if on autoshot.
    Drops: Runecloth/Money
    Est G/H: 20, depending on ah values

    Badland Whelp's

    Description: In the eastern part of the zone, there are many lvl 41-43 whelp's.
    Drops: Silver/Good selling vendor trash/Worn Dragonscale's (if skinner)
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Bats in EPL

    Description: Bats wandering the zone
    Drops: Vendor trash... that sells for for 15-20s a piece!
    Est G/H: 50g+... on a good day

    Azshara Demons

    Description: Legashi Demons in north east Azshara, go down fast but camped usually
    Drops: Runecloth/Greys/Felcloth
    Est G/H: 50g+ (not including mooncloth)

    Early Desolace

    Description: In the Northeast you will find yourself some demons, along the east side of the map you will walk into alot of Centaurs. All over the map you walk into various beasts and elementals.
    Drops: Demons and centaur will drop gold, cloth and of course the occasional green.
    Est. G/H: Im guessing here....5G

    Un'Goro Gorilla Crater

    Description: They can call for help but that just makes it exciting. they range from 50-53 the thunderer's can hit 300 or so with their lightning bolt but they do that rarely and just let the pet soak it up.
    Drops: Good Vendor trash/Rugged Leather
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Felstone Field WPL

    Description: Easy to kill mobs, good for grinding xp and Argent rep. Low 50 mobs.
    Drops: Argent Stones/Vendor Trash/Runecloth
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Azshara Blue Dragon's

    Description: Elite level 50-52 blue dragon, pet may require medical attention alot.
    Drops: Silver/Rugged Leather/Blue Scales
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    South Burning Step's Dragon's

    Description: There are a group of lvl 56-57 Dragonspawns and 57-58 wyrmkins and a passage South to another area with more and an empty cave. Clear the area, then walk down and take out a few more. Get the treasure chest if spawned.
    Drops: Usually about 25s per kill and 2 Rugged Leather or a Black Dragonscale. A little vendor trash and some 4-7g greens plus the occational 50-100g blue.
    Est G/H: 50g+ (More if Skinner)

    Hinterland's Snapjaw's

    Description: Turtles along the beach near the horde base. 48-50, no aggro apart from 50 elite that can be avoided.
    Drops: Great Vendor loot/Leather + turtle scales (if skinner)
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Raven Hill

    Description: Great grinding for 26-30 mobs. Mainly for xp though
    Drops: Silver/Cloth/vendor loot
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Winterspring Lake

    Description: 54-60 mobs with low hp, go down easily with almost no downtime. Occasional chest.
    Drops: Silver/Runecloth/Blue's and epics
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Winterspring Yeti Cave

    Description: South of everlook, 56-60 mobs that can be killed and skinned easy.
    Drops: Silver/Potions/Leather
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Feralas (NW corner):

    Description: Northspring Harpies (48-50) have a rediculous low amount of HP and Armor. Easy grinding, both xp and gold-wise for any class.
    Drops: Mageweave Cloth, Vibrant Plume, Gold.
    Est G/H: 7-8G

    Noxious Glade EPL

    Description: The Noxious Glade in EPL, up a hill just north of light's hope chapel. Variety of undead/humanoid scourge mobs at 57-60.
    Drops: Mostly cash and runecloth. Good place to farm scourgestones. Managed to get an epic 55 necklace I sold for 300g as well.
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Felwood Furbolgs:

    Description: Village to north and one to the south, lvl 48-55 mobs approx.
    Drops: Mageweave/Potions/Greens
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Blackrock Cave - Burning Steppes:

    Description: Level 55+ Blackrock mobs outside cave, thorium spawns nearby
    Drops: Greens/Runecloth/Thorium
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    [b]Dire Maul Ogre's[b]:

    Description: 55+ Elites, Outside the DM instance are a lot of elite ogres. Try getting some waters from a mage first, though, since you need your mana.
    Drops: Silver/Runecloth/Greens
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Darkwhisper Gorge, Winterspring:

    Description: Guardians of Hyjal. lvl 59-60 elites with over 10000 hp. theese mobs require long kiting time and lot's of mana.
    Drops: Silver/Runecloth/Felcloth/Eye of shadow epic
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Yellow Worms in EPL:

    Description: Worms spawn all over EPL
    Drops: Vendor loot/Larval acid
    Est G/H: depends on ah price of the acid

    Sorrow Hill in WPL:

    Description: 50-52 undead drop like wildfire doing almost no damage to your pet. As a BM hunter i dont think i had to heal my pet or even stop killing more than once every hour.
    Drops: Vendor loot/Runecloth/AD stones
    Est G/H: Estimate of 10g (confirm?)

    Tar beasts in Un'goro:

    Description: Drops living Essence's at a good rate, not camped usually.
    Drops: Vendor loot/Living Essence
    Est G/H: depends on ah price of the essence

    Water Elementals in Felwood:

    Description: Drops a few water essences every hour, usually camped though.
    Drops: Vendor loot/Water Essence
    Est G/H: depends on ah price of the essence

    Silithus - Twilight Camp's:

    Description: Camps around silithus, 58-62 mobs that can drop things to summon more, cenarion rep gained from texts as well.
    Drops: Vendor loot/Runecloth/Epics/Cen rep
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Silithus - Elemental Invasion:

    Description: During the elemental invasion, solo farm the air elementals in the north.
    Drops: Breath of Wind/Essence of Air
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Deadwind Pass Bird Run:

    Description: Make a circuit of the roads in deadwind and kill all the carrion.
    Drops: Very decent vendor loot.
    Est G/H: 15-20g

    South East Un'goro

    Description: Jungle Stalker / Ravasaur Hunter / Ravasaur (all around lvl 48-49)
    Aimed Shot, Multi Shot + Serpent Sting and he won't hit you :P
    Drops: Vendor Loot/AQ war items/Leather
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Area: Horde
    Location: a bit North of Camp Taurajo the Razormane villages
    Level zone: 17-21
    Specal Drops: no
    Gold per hour: unknown
    Note: Very good leveling area,also very nice for grinding linen/wool.2 quests there,mobs go down FAST.

    Area: Neutral
    Location: Heartglen
    Level zone: 58ish
    Specal Drops: Librams sometimes
    Gold per hour: n/a
    Note:This is a very good place to lvl,the mobs arent too tough,but they are elite.Good exp,drops,etc.but be mindfull of the 61 patrol.Have fun

    Area: Contested
    Location: Azshara
    Units: Satyrs
    Level zone: 47+
    Specal Drops:Runecloth, Felcloth, Travellers backpacks
    Gold per hour: 10-40/hour depending on prices of runecloth/felcloth on your server.
    LvL Range: 51-53
    Note: Very easy to kill as bm specc at lvl 50. The place can be camped out, but hopefully not .

    Area: Contested
    Location: S/W Tanaris
    Units: Thisteltrub
    Level zone: 40+
    Specal Drops:N/A
    Gold per hour:N/A
    LvL Range: 47-49(?)
    Note: Theese ones drop really fast. Easy grinding. Spawns very fast.

    Area: Contested (i think :P)
    Location: Loch Modan
    Level Zone: 20+
    Special Drops: ?
    Gold Per Hour: ?
    Note: More specific, i mean the northeastern part, by the Ogres. They are Elite so it takes a party of atleast two if lvl around 20. Good loot and xp xD

    Area: Neutral
    Location: Azshara
    Level zone: 55+
    Special drops: No
    Gold pr. hour: ??
    Note: Kill elite dragon's S/E of ruins! They drop 20s pr. stk and give good XP!

    Arathi Highlands:
    Elite ogres in Stromgarde Keep.
    Nice thing is they respawn quite quickly.
    Silver, health and mana pots, mageweave cloth, loads of greens, picked up about 20-25 in one hour once. Also heard the "Fiery War Axe (Epic)" also drops there from time to time.
    Level range:
    As soon as you confident in killing lvl 38-44 elites.
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Thousand Needles:
    1000 Needles, Shimmering Flats.
    All mobs drop vendor trash that you can sell for easy money, Almost most mobs are skinnable for skinners again, Few green drops, and not to contested
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    5g +

    Searing Gorge:
    Just make a walk around the cauldron you will find spiders and (lava/fire)elementals on your way, you can also go into the cauldron where you will find alot more elementals.
    Hearth of Fire, Ironwebspidersilk, thick spider silk, shadow silk, elemental fire, coal and white spider meat.
    Level range:
    lvl 45/50
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    10g +

    Burning Steppes:
    North east.
    The elite black dragons.
    Lots of money and items, equal to Tyr's Hand gold drops. If you are a skinner this is just awesome.
    Level range:
    Lvl +58 elites
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    My record being 340 g/h here... Was kinda lucky then though with drops ;P
    I do about 40g/h nowadays when I go here.

    There are a group of lvl 56-57 Dragonspawns and 57-58 wyrmkins and a passage South to another area with more and an empty cave. Area near cave is pretty good. Clear the area, then walk down and take out a few more. Get the treassure chest if spawned. Be careful - there are some nasty monsters walking by.
    The Wyrkmins go down very easily but has a nasty curse-spell. The Dragonspawns takes some more arrows (and the whole mana pool).
    These monsters are not exactly easy, but brings in some 50-100g per hour when skinning.
    Level range:
    Lvl +58 elites
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    Usually about 25s per kill and 2 Rugged Leather or a Black Dragonscale. A little vendor trash and some 4-7g greens plus the occational 50-100g blue.

    Burning Steppes is fairly good because of the amount of rich thorium veins and dark iron veins. Plus that the mobs drop kinda good amounts of silver.

    Eastern & western plaquelands:
    Tyrís Hand.
    Scarlets, all types.
    Lots of money and runecloth. Quite good droprate of greenies and better too
    Level range:
    Lvl +58 elites
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    +25 G

    Near the lodge.
    Blood elves up north.
    Rune cloth, money, items (2-8s each)
    Level range:
    Lvl +58 elites
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    All over Eastern Plaguelands.
    Vendor trash... that sellf for 15-20s a piece!
    Level range:
    Lvl +58 elites
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    50g+... on a good day

    The Noxious Glade in Eastern Plaguelands, up a hill just north of Light's hope chapel.
    Variety of undead/humanoid scourge mobs.
    Its close to an outpost (chapel of light) for selling/buying new arrows and close to a flightpoint.
    There is 3 rich thorium veins in that area to be accesed in addition to mob kills.
    There is 1 "silver elite" mob spawnign there every 6 hours or.
    There is at least 3 chest spawn places in the area for extra loot.
    Quite a few casters there that go down in almost one aimed shot crit.
    One thing bad though, the ghouls cast a 10 minute lasting debuff.
    Mobs drop runecloth, money, items and the spiders drop all kind of silk.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    + 5G

    The mobs are undead and you can use your argent dawn commision to built up AD faction at the same time.
    Yellow worms in EPL, drops larval acid that sells for 5g
    Felstone Field, Western Plaguelands, easy to kill mobs, quite a few greens and blues plus Runecloth and decent vendor trash.

    Blood Elves in Azshara, north east.
    They are all casters and go down very easy.
    Silver, runecloth, grey and greens and potions.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    5g +

    The other place is in the southern parts of the Azhara.
    You'll find a lot of elite level 50-52 blue dragons.
    Good vendor trash isn't uncommon, and they drop anywhere from 3-20+ silver each. They're also skinnable.
    I find that my pet is in need of medical attention after each melee-type kill though (the casters are easy as you resist most of their spells).
    Level range:
    50-52 elites.
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    North-eastern part of the map. (neighbors to the Blood Elves).
    2-15s pr kill, runecloth, felcloth (best drop rate in the game I have been told), mongoose recipe.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Two nice locations. One is the timbermaw furbolg encampments dotted around the north western parts of Azshara. If you up your reputation with these to 'Friendly' (by killing the evil furbolgs in Felwood) you can freely ride into their camps and empty their chests without getting aggro.

    Northwestern corner
    When there is an invasion, Whirling Invaders will spawn . Farm these. As 60 hunter I can kill around 100 of these per hour. They are very easy to kill.
    Essence of Air with 5% drop rate. Worth 15g each. Also has some nice epic drops. Also Breath of Wind.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    Average of 75g/hour.

    All twillight camps in the area.
    For that last level 59-60 you gotta love silithus, easy quests and they give tons of xp, did 59-60 in 6hrs there with some fooling around too.
    3-10 silver each, runecloth, grey, greens, blue and even epics.
    Twilligt texts for reputation (they can also be sold on AH for ~2-4g for a stack of 20) and twilligt armor set to summon lesser lords, which often drops greens and a medalion, which you turn in for ìBag of spoilsî. They contains items and nice stuff. It also gives reputation.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    +15g (a lot more if blues and epics drops)

    East side, where the pirates are
    Loads of pirates, quite busy at peak times, try to go at off peak times.
    Lots of silver, mageweave cloth, tonnes of greens, some blues, lots off chests (I got 2 blues from one chest, and got 3 greens off three consecutive kills)
    Level range:
    40 odd
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Dunemaul ogres.
    They drop Mageweave Cloth almost 100%, in lots of 2-3, and after about 3hrs of grinding there on my Rogue i had about 300 Mageweave. I don't know how it goes on other servers, but 90s a stack for 20x Mageweave. 15x90s = 13g50s.
    That's not including the silver they drop and the items. It's pretty nice.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Zul Farrak.
    Zul Farrak trolls outside the instance are elites.
    They are 42-44 and the mages go down really easy and the melee trolls arent much harder.
    They drops loads of greens, mageweave, silk and vendor trash and anywhere between 6-12s.
    Level range:
    42-45 elites.
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Deadwind pass, east of Duskwood:
    East of Duskwood, there's a sign that tells you not to go in, but oh well.
    Deadwind Ogres and Birds.
    They drop grey, greens, runecloth, and anywhere between 3-10s. Just the other day i got Helm of Narv which sold for 200g. Birds drop valueable vendor trash.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    The whelps in badlands can be taken down without much effort by a lvl 38 hunter they offer good XP and the vendor crap sells for decent amount and the drop silver on top of that. They can be skinned.
    They drop grey, greens, runecloth, and anywhere between 3-10s. Just the other day i got Helm of Narv which sold for 200g. Birds drop valueable vendor trash.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Middle southern area.
    Troggs, coyotes and rock elementals.
    Mostly 5 silver from troggs with lots of silk linen cloth, solid rocks and engineering reagents from elementals. Coyotes has red meat, large fang etc.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Duskwallow Marsh:
    Grinded for like 1.5-2 hours there and got 4 greens.
    On top of that they drop all kinds of spider silk and some nice valueable vendortrash.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    In the Northeast you will find yourself some demons, along the east side of the map you will walk into alot of Centaurs. All over the map you walk into various beasts and elementals.
    Demons and centaur will drop gold, cloth and offcourse the occasional green.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Fungal Rock, in the north east of Un'Goro Crater.
    Crater full of level 50-55 gorrilas.
    Tuft of Gorrila Hair sells for 11s, drops off about 1 in 2 gorillas. Empty Barrel sells for 15s, drops off about 1 in 5 gorillas. Also if your a skinner you will get lots and lots of thick / rugged leather.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Fire Plume Ridge and Tar Beasts near Marshals Point.
    I usually go grind there since the Scorching Elementals are 53-54 and the Living Blazes are 54-55 and they drop Essences of Fire, Hearts of Fire and Elemental Fires.. i went there this morning and got 10 elemental fires, 14 hearts and 1 essence in 2 hours, thats about 35G + some very nice xp for the non-60's
    I spent alot of time grinding the Tar beasts in Un'goro.
    Drops include Essence of life, many green wands/hammers and i got one or two blues. Estimate around 15g to 20g per hour or more.
    Essence of fire, Heart of Fire and Elemental fire, Essence of life, greens and blues + burning pitch and other vendortrash.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Un'Goro Crater (south east).
    Jungle Stalker / Ravasaur Hunter / Ravasaur (all around lvl 48-49)
    Aimed Shot, Multi Shot + Serpent Sting and he won't hit you.
    Raptor Flesh (Good for Alliance Supply - AQ)
    Thick Leather (Good for Alliance supply - AQ - MUST BE SKINNER)
    Tribal Raptor Feathers - 8s each.
    Smooth Raptor Skin - 7s each
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Near entrance to Un'Goro Crater from Tanaris.
    Unígoro stone guardians, they can be kited easely. Made 50g in one hour, I sold the stones on AH.
    The fights are quite long, but its alot of fun. Also running between Stone Guardian spawn point to collect bloodpetal sprouts for some free food and a chance for some Major Health pots, not to mention an elemental invaison and the rich thorium veins.
    Essence of Earth ~ 8-10g and Guardian Stones ~5-6g.
    Level range:
    55-60 elites.
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Cave - West Side, part of a quest to kill the jaen things.
    Lots and lots of humanoids.
    Lots of silver, mageweave cloth, some greens, some blues, Mithril and some thorium (rare). I got one blue and 2 greens off three consecutive kills.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    North, Jade Fire Run.
    The satyrs here are melee and casters and are easily downed. I can often one-shoot the casters and the melee satyrs go down without a problem. Just stand max range, let pet attack, aimed shot (if not dead), then conc. shot and just auto shoot to conserve mana.
    Also Felwood is a great place to herb. You can find plagueblooms, sungrass, mountain silversage, gromsblood, golden sansam.
    If you get beacon, you can also farm various berries that gives extra stamina and ofcouse the much sought after night dragons breath and whipper root tubers.
    When you go farm, always bring magewater.
    Runecloth, felcloth, major healing pots, silver, grey, green and blues. Found two Elemental Decks 2 days straight, which sold for 15g each. You can also find Demonic Stones (gives mana at the cost of health) that sells for 1.20g for a stack of 20 at vendor (they are soulbound).
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Iron Tree Woods (middle)
    Toxic Horrors drops Essence of Water often, but are richly farmed.
    As a hunter, you can pull many of them (at 60 they go down fast and with pet you can take at least 3 at once. Also use your elemental tracking and you will se where they spawn about 1 sec before the other farmers.
    I got my first essence after 2 mins, i after 5 mins, 10mins and 75 mins. They all sold for 8g/each so i made a little more than 20g/h.
    If you get up areound 5-7 in the morning you can make 100g/hour easilly.
    Essence of Water.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    The Hinterlands:
    Beach at Raventusk Village.
    Saltwater Snapjaws, the mobs there are 49-50 so it means excellent exp ( i got about 680 rested per kill) and this place is very easy to solo since the turtles do not agro at all.
    Think Leather/Turtle shells
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    The lake in the middel og the map.
    Undeads - go down quite quick. Drop for 2s-9s. Addtional runcloth. There are also about 3 chests that appear in the lake. You'll find them after a time. Had many blue drops her (shell launcher shootgun - some blue bracers etc.) My freind also got 2 nice epic drops her. Alot of greens, and grey items that sells for 1g at vendor. Ichor of undead is about 4s for each. They also drop Superior healing potion and mana potion (all the time)
    Silver, ichor of undeath, mageweave, silk, grey, greens, blues and epics.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Darkwhisper Gorge, south.
    Guardians of Hyjal i guess.. lvl 59-60 elites with over 10000 hp. These mobs require long kiting time and lot's of mana. If you dont got enough, go get some mana pots (Barracks if you are Knight and up) or magewater.
    10-25 Silver, Can drop Felcloth, Runecloth and 1-2 % chance for dropping Eye of shadow!
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Mazthoril is great for hunters. The elite dragons drop around 20 silver pr. kill and thereís a chance that Blue Mature Dragon Sinew drops. This is used for hunter epic quiver: Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lanima (18 slots and increases ranged attack speed by 15%).

    North-west corner.
    Northspring Harpies have a rediculous low amount of HP and Armor. Easy grinding, both xp and gold-wise for any class.
    Mageweave, vibrant plume, silver, grey and greens.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    East coast Feralas.
    Turtles, good for low to mid 40s.
    Generally vendor fodder that goes for 1-8s each and can sometimes get many off one corpse. Also chance of various pearls. Got a few greens and 1 blue.
    Non-agro mobs so easy to farm but many are underwater so could be awkward to fight.
    Skinners: thick leather and turtle scales
    Gold per hour, not sure but full load ~6 gold at vendor. Leather+scales for AH or making armour, maybe 3 greens and few pearls.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Dire Maul..
    Elite Orgres.
    Outside the DM instance are a lot of elite ogres, dropping good money, runecloth, greens, blues, greys,... which all vendor really good or sell really good on AH. Try getting some waters from a mage first, though, since you need your mana.
    Those mobs are not very hard when you are level 60, but they are still elites.
    Level range:
    55-58 elites.
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Farm the whelps there, great if your a skinner and its doable at low lvls.
    Besides the usual vendortrash, thereís a possibility of a red whelp pet drop, that sells for +/- 40g and skin for leather.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    the instance you do in a 5 man group in Stormwind city
    Vendor trach, some green, money, and a lots of wool cloth
    Level range:
    23-30 (elite) i think so no XP tho
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    5-10g a runn

    Bring som food for you and your pet and mana drinks, empty your bag and use your tanking pet.

    Have don this 4-5 times now and stil only 1 time my pet died.

    Scarlet Monestary - Undercity:
    Scarlet Monastery - all
    If you aren't an enchater don't go there as you will earn only 1/10 of the money that you can get with your enchating skill.

    You can do whole SM within an hour and get 50-100g(depends of drops, AH prizes and if your stuff buys well). I had 300g in 6-7 hours of farming.

    You must do all the bosses even cathedral which will take about 30 mins to clear. If you want you can skip the Commander and do only the undead.

    In the torture room there is a chest which is often open. Don't take it when you come. Go and kill the undead boss first. For this run in the crypt and avoid aggroing mobs outside. When you enter the crypt you will aggro some undeads so FD in the boss room. Send your pet and start nuking the boss. He drops shoulders which are dissed and sometimes a blue orb (BoP) which is dissed too. He can also drop a blue mace that you can sell for 5-10g or more depending on your server. There are sometimes rare bosses in graveyard but I'm not sure if they exist cuz I never saw them. On your way back to the exit send your pet to the group near the chest (make sure it's not locked) and open it. Get out and the graveyard is done.
    *This is done in less than 5 mins*

    You only kill Herod in there and eventualy get a chest if it isn't locked. In the armory you will have to use only once FD if all goes well. Before you enter the yard there are 2 guards that you aggro so when you pass them its good to FD. When you enter the armory there are patrolng mages that you must avoid. Stick to the walls and walk between the groups. In the corridor with Herod's door you don't need to kill anything. Just open the door and enter. To fight Herod put a imollation trap, mark him put AotH and trueshot aura if you have one. If you are a BM hunter this fight won't be hard but for other specs this can be hard and your pet have chances to die. Let your pet get some aggro, then start with aimed and nuke him. Kite him using the stairs and FD when you start getting too much dmg. Repeat this until he's dead. Loot him quickly and put and explosive trap. If you're a NE hunter shadowmelt and out your pet to stealth if you don't have enough mana. After the students are dead from the explosion loot them and get out.
    *This is done in less than 5 mins*

    You'll have to use much FD and some frost trap. I can't tell you the exact location to use FD but you will find them. Just keep in mind not to aggro to much guys on you and then having a resist on your FD. There are several chests in library check if they aren't locked before you go to open them. When you get to the final room before Doan kill the 2 monks guarding the entrace. When you kill them go to Doan. He's is easy and you resist almost all of his spell except maybe the blast wave he casts. He drops Staff and Shoulders or Robe + Dagger which are both dissed. On the way out get the chest you can. You can also try Loksey and his dogs. But if you aren't a Beast Master your pet has a big chances to die which will lead to your death.
    *This part should take you around 10 mins*

    The part isn't impossible but it takes some time. You will have to clear everything before going to the boss. Remember to slow the mobs when they start running away or they can drag adds. Be aware of abbots which heal too many times. Interupt them when they start (imp concusive, scatter ot intimidation). Also try to freeze Centurions which hit hard and have high armor. When you clear all kill the undead guy. For the Commander lay an imo trap and send your pet. Let it get some aggro then start shooting the guy. Don't waist your mana or special abilities agianst him for the moment. If he gets on you use FD. When he dies his gf will come to rez him. When you get her to +/- 50% she will put you to sleep and rez him. When the Commander is rezzed he will heal her to full health. Send your pet on the commander and use BW if you are a beast master. When you finish the Commander focus on Whitemane. If all goes well your pet will be alive and you too Loot them both and dis the items.

    You will also get some greenies which are BoE. Decide if you want to put them on AH, sell them to vendors or dis them. Remember that you don't need to deposit money for enchating stuff so put them on a 24h duration. You will get 3-6 gold from killing the guys and much more from the shards, essences and dusts. Put them on low prices to make sure they are bought

    Thinks that might help you:
    Shadowmelt: while you wait for the FD (NE hunter)
    Holy protection potions: For the holy dmg
    Cat as pet: The prowl ability is really usefull
    Mage: For food and water. (be nice to him when you ask)
    Mark of Resolution: Trinket which absorb dmg.

    Also empty your bags and put what you can in the bank and get your Scarlet key. In few days you'll have enough money for what you want

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    Best Grinding Spots in World of Warcraft from 10-60!!!!
  2. #2
    speed4weed's Avatar Member
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    Best Grinding Spots in World of Warcraft from 20-60!!!!

    I dont think this was ever posted but i just wanted to post it maybe it will help you out a bit. Hope you like.

    Best Grinding Spots in World of Warcraft

    This is a topic containing grind spots from lvl 10-60 both for Horde and Alliance.
    Grind spot list. Before I start, you need to realize this is not a complete 1-70 leveling guide, it's just a guide that will help you find some good grinding spots, if you need a leveling guide, the best ones are: Joana's 1-70 Horde leveling Guide for horde, and Brian's 1-70 Alliance leveling guide for alliance.

    Contested areas:

    Area: Contested
    Location: Wetlands
    Level zone: 20+
    Special Drops: Red whelp pet
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: The red whelps is great for grinding


    Area: Contested
    Location: Duskwood
    Level zone: 25+
    Special Drops: Nothing special
    Gold per hour: 3-5 Gold
    Note: Kill everything in Raven Hill cemetary, mobs are level 26-30 (Mainly for alliance)


    Area: (Thousand Needles, Contested)
    Location: (Screeching Canyon)
    Level zone: (28-32 Harpies)
    Specal Drops: (Vibrant Plumes and light feathers, greys and greens)
    Gold per hour: (6g/h)
    Note: There is also 4 chests constantly respawning, you may find some greens. Note that the harpies silence, so this is no ideal place for mana users, but hunters isnt affected big.


    Area: Contested
    Location: Thousand needles and Shimmering flats
    Level zone: 30+
    Special Drops: None
    Gold per hour: 5 Gold
    Note: All mobs are nice to grind, Mainly a horde place


    Area: Contested
    Location: Strangletorn vale (all of it)
    Level zone: 30+ >45
    Specal Drops: cloth/some greens and a blue from time to time
    Gold per hour: don't know but good at lvl 30-40
    Note: Start at the side closest to duskwood and work youre self down STV.
    I lvled here from 32-33 up to 42-43 also got my mount money here, lots of grinding quests in rebel camp (for alli) and in the first camp inside STV (don't remembre the name of that camp, but both for hord and alli)
    just bee on the loockout for lvl ?? that having "fun" killing low lvl's.


    Area: Contested
    Location: Ferallas
    Level zone: 40+
    Special Drops: None
    Gold per hour: 10 Gold
    Note: Yeti cave, Wolves, Harpies


    Area: Contested
    Location: Strangletorn vale, crystal mines
    Level zone: 40 ish
    Specal Drops: miners
    Gold per hour: unsure, depends on what you get for iron and mithril bars on AH at your server, but 1-2 stacks of iron/mithril per h
    Note: also some mobs here that from time to time drops greens


    Area: Contested
    Location: Tanaris
    Level zone: 40+
    Special Drops: Mageweave cloths
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: Dunemaul compound in Tanaris, Grind the ogres

    Area: Contested
    Location: Felwood
    Level zone: 49+
    Special drops: A lot of potions
    Gold per hour: 15-20 Gold
    Note: Grind the furbolgs (Mobs are level 48-55)

    Area: Contested
    Location: S/W Tanaris
    Units: Thisteltrub
    Level zone: 40+
    Specal Drops:N/A
    Gold per hour:N/A
    LvL Range: 47-49(?)
    Note: Theese ones drop really fast. Easy grinding. Spawns very fast.
    Area: Contested
    Location: Arathi Highlands (Stromgarde keep)
    Level zone: 40-50+
    Special drops: A lot of mageweave cloth and green items
    Gold per hour: 20 Gold
    Note: Kill the ogres, they respawn fast.


    Area: (Feralas, Contested)
    Location: (The big irland beneath feathermoon)
    Level zone: (43-46 Nagas)
    Specal Drops: (Clams which contain iriscendent, black and golden pearls. Nagas also drops some greens, found some blues also)
    Gold per hour: (4-5g/h)
    Note: Under 3 hours of grinding i found 1 golden pearl, 4 black pears and 3 iriscendent pearls. Sell these and you have a nice g/h rate.

    Area: Contested
    Location: Badlands
    Level zone: 45+
    Special drops: Black whelp pet
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: Black Whelps are good for both skinning/exp and money


    Area: Contested
    Location: Azshara
    Units: Satyrs
    Level zone: 47+
    Specal Drops:Runecloth, Felcloth, Travellers backpacks
    Gold per hour: 10-40/hour depending on prices of runecloth/felcloth on your server.
    LvL Range: 51-53
    Note: Very easy to kill as bm specc at lvl 50. The place can be camped out, but hopefully not .


    Area: (Feralas,contested)
    Location: (Grimtotem Camp)
    Level zone: (43-47 dragonkins, and grimtotems)
    Specal Drops: (Aquamarines,skinn dragons,)
    Gold per hour: (2-3g/h)
    Note: merely a place to lvl up fast, extremely fast. Both grimtotems (naturalists) and dragonkins have very low health.


    Area: Contested
    Location: Searing Gorge
    Level zone: 45-50+
    Special drops: None
    Gold per hour: 10 Gold
    Note: Just make a walk around the cauldron you will find spiders and (lava/fire)elementals on your way, you can also go into the cauldron where you will find alot more elementals


    Area: (Feralas, northwest, contested)
    Level zone: (48-51 Harpies)
    Specal Drops: (Plummes)
    Gold per hour: (4-5g/h)
    Note: merely a place to lvl up fast, extremely fast. Harpies have very low health.

    Area: Contested
    Location: Un'Goro Crater
    Level zone: 50+
    Special drops: None
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: North East by the gorilla Cave


    Area: Contested
    Location: Winterspring
    Level zone: 54+
    Special Drops: None of what I know
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: Yetis are great to grind

    Area: Contested
    Location: Tyr's Hand
    Level zone: 55+
    Special Drops: Elemental fire
    Gold per hour: 25 Gold
    Note: Scarlets that gets so owned by a BeastMaster pet.

    Area: Contested
    Location: Azshara
    Level zone: 55+
    Special drops: No
    Gold pr. hour: ??
    Note: Kill elite dragon's S/E of ruins! They drop 20s pr. stk and give good XP!

    Area: Contested
    Location: Burning Steppes
    Level zone: 55+
    Special drops: Tons of runecloth
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: Nice for miners to, a lot of veins around

    Area: Contested
    Location: Heartglen
    Level zone: 58+
    Specal Drops: Librams sometimes
    Gold per hour: n/a
    Note:This is a very good place to lvl,the mobs arent too tough,but they are elite.Good exp,drops,etc.but be mindfull of the 61 patrol.Have fun


    Horde areas

    Area: Horde
    Location: a bit North of Camp Taurajo the Razormane villages
    Level zone: 17-21
    Specal Drops: no
    Gold per hour: unknown
    Note: Very good leveling area,also very nice for grinding linen/wool.2 quests there,mobs go down FAST

    <More coming soon>

    Alliance areas

    Area: Alliance (i think :P)
    Location: Loch Modan
    Level Zone: 20+
    Special Drops: ?
    Gold Per Hour: ?
    Note: More specific, i mean the northeastern part, by the Ogres. They are Elite so it takes a party of atleast two if lvl around 20. Good loot and xp xD

    Area: Contested
    Location: Winterspring
    Level zone: 54+
    Special Drops: None of what I know
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: Yetis are great to grind

    Searing Gorge:

    Description: Just make a walk around the cauldron you will find spiders and (lava/fire)elementals on your way, you can also go into the cauldron where you will find alot more elementals. (lvl 45/50)
    Drops: Hearth of Fire, Ironwebspidersilk, thick spider silk, shadow silk, elemental fire, coal and white spider meat.
    Estimated gold/hour: 10G

    Tyr's Hand:

    Description: EPL. Scarlets that gets oh so owned by a BM pet.
    Drops: Lots of money and runecloth. Quite good droprate of greenies and better too
    Est G/H: Depends on drops. I have myself hit 25 g/h with my current specc (not BM) which probably could be boosted to at least 100ish if I specc BM.

    Burning Steppes

    Description: The elite black dragons in the north east.
    Drops: Lots of money, equal to Tyr's Hand gold drops. If you are a skinner this is just awesome.
    Est G/H: My record being 340 g/h here... Was kinda lucky then though with drops ;P
    I do about 40g/h nowadays when I go here.

    Un'goro Guardians

    Description: Stone guardians in un'goro, lvl 60 and 61 elite. Patrols north and east sides.
    Drops: Guardian Stones and Essence of Earth
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Un'goro Devilsaur's

    Description: Only useful for tribal l/w to make devilsaur set.
    Drops: Devilsaur leather.
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Azshara Blood Elves

    Description: Blood elves in north east Azshara, go down fast but camped usually
    Drops: Runecloth/Greys/Increased blue and epic chance
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Dunemaul Ogre's

    Description: Dunemaul compound in Tanaris, easy grind for the high lvl 40.
    Drops: Mageweave/Greys/Greens
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Deadwind Ogre's

    Description: East of Duskwood, lvl 55-60 mobs (ogres and undead). Usually not camped.
    Drops: Runecloth/Greys/Dramatically increased blue and epic chance
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    EPL Blood Elves

    Description: 58-60 elves near the north east lodge, downtime around 0 if on autoshot.
    Drops: Runecloth/Money
    Est G/H: 20, depending on ah values

    Badland Whelp's

    Description: In the eastern part of the zone, there are many lvl 41-43 whelp's.
    Drops: Silver/Good selling vendor trash/Worn Dragonscale's (if skinner)
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Bats in EPL

    Description: Bats wandering the zone
    Drops: Vendor trash... that sells for for 15-20s a piece!
    Est G/H: 50g+... on a good day

    Azshara Demons

    Description: Legashi Demons in north east Azshara, go down fast but camped usually
    Drops: Runecloth/Greys/Felcloth
    Est G/H: 50g+ (not including mooncloth)

    Early Desolace

    Description: In the Northeast you will find yourself some demons, along the east side of the map you will walk into alot of Centaurs. All over the map you walk into various beasts and elementals.
    Drops: Demons and centaur will drop gold, cloth and of course the occasional green.
    Est. G/H: Im guessing here....5G

    Un'Goro Gorilla Crater

    Description: They can call for help but that just makes it exciting. they range from 50-53 the thunderer's can hit 300 or so with their lightning bolt but they do that rarely and just let the pet soak it up.
    Drops: Good Vendor trash/Rugged Leather
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Felstone Field WPL

    Description: Easy to kill mobs, good for grinding xp and Argent rep. Low 50 mobs.
    Drops: Argent Stones/Vendor Trash/Runecloth
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Azshara Blue Dragon's

    Description: Elite level 50-52 blue dragon, pet may require medical attention alot.
    Drops: Silver/Rugged Leather/Blue Scales
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    South Burning Step's Dragon's

    Description: There are a group of lvl 56-57 Dragonspawns and 57-58 wyrmkins and a passage South to another area with more and an empty cave. Clear the area, then walk down and take out a few more. Get the treasure chest if spawned.
    Drops: Usually about 25s per kill and 2 Rugged Leather or a Black Dragonscale. A little vendor trash and some 4-7g greens plus the occational 50-100g blue.
    Est G/H: 50g+ (More if Skinner)

    Hinterland's Snapjaw's

    Description: Turtles along the beach near the horde base. 48-50, no aggro apart from 50 elite that can be avoided.
    Drops: Great Vendor loot/Leather + turtle scales (if skinner)
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Raven Hill

    Description: Great grinding for 26-30 mobs. Mainly for xp though
    Drops: Silver/Cloth/vendor loot
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Winterspring Lake

    Description: 54-60 mobs with low hp, go down easily with almost no downtime. Occasional chest.
    Drops: Silver/Runecloth/Blue's and epics
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Winterspring Yeti Cave

    Description: South of everlook, 56-60 mobs that can be killed and skinned easy.
    Drops: Silver/Potions/Leather
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Feralas (NW corner):

    Description: Northspring Harpies (48-50) have a rediculous low amount of HP and Armor. Easy grinding, both xp and gold-wise for any class.
    Drops: Mageweave Cloth, Vibrant Plume, Gold.
    Est G/H: 7-8G

    Noxious Glade EPL

    Description: The Noxious Glade in EPL, up a hill just north of light's hope chapel. Variety of undead/humanoid scourge mobs at 57-60.
    Drops: Mostly cash and runecloth. Good place to farm scourgestones. Managed to get an epic 55 necklace I sold for 300g as well.
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Felwood Furbolgs:

    Description: Village to north and one to the south, lvl 48-55 mobs approx.
    Drops: Mageweave/Potions/Greens
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Blackrock Cave - Burning Steppes:

    Description: Level 55+ Blackrock mobs outside cave, thorium spawns nearby
    Drops: Greens/Runecloth/Thorium
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    [b]Dire Maul Ogre's[b]:

    Description: 55+ Elites, Outside the DM instance are a lot of elite ogres. Try getting some waters from a mage first, though, since you need your mana.
    Drops: Silver/Runecloth/Greens
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Darkwhisper Gorge, Winterspring:

    Description: Guardians of Hyjal. lvl 59-60 elites with over 10000 hp. theese mobs require long kiting time and lot's of mana.
    Drops: Silver/Runecloth/Felcloth/Eye of shadow epic
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Yellow Worms in EPL:

    Description: Worms spawn all over EPL
    Drops: Vendor loot/Larval acid
    Est G/H: depends on ah price of the acid

    Sorrow Hill in WPL:

    Description: 50-52 undead drop like wildfire doing almost no damage to your pet. As a BM hunter i dont think i had to heal my pet or even stop killing more than once every hour.
    Drops: Vendor loot/Runecloth/AD stones
    Est G/H: Estimate of 10g (confirm?)

    Tar beasts in Un'goro:

    Description: Drops living Essence's at a good rate, not camped usually.
    Drops: Vendor loot/Living Essence
    Est G/H: depends on ah price of the essence

    Water Elementals in Felwood:

    Description: Drops a few water essences every hour, usually camped though.
    Drops: Vendor loot/Water Essence
    Est G/H: depends on ah price of the essence

    Silithus - Twilight Camp's:

    Description: Camps around silithus, 58-62 mobs that can drop things to summon more, cenarion rep gained from texts as well.
    Drops: Vendor loot/Runecloth/Epics/Cen rep
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Silithus - Elemental Invasion:

    Description: During the elemental invasion, solo farm the air elementals in the north.
    Drops: Breath of Wind/Essence of Air
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Deadwind Pass Bird Run:

    Description: Make a circuit of the roads in deadwind and kill all the carrion.
    Drops: Very decent vendor loot.
    Est G/H: 15-20g

    South East Un'goro

    Description: Jungle Stalker / Ravasaur Hunter / Ravasaur (all around lvl 48-49)
    Aimed Shot, Multi Shot + Serpent Sting and he won't hit you :P
    Drops: Vendor Loot/AQ war items/Leather
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Area: Horde
    Location: a bit North of Camp Taurajo the Razormane villages
    Level zone: 17-21
    Specal Drops: no
    Gold per hour: unknown
    Note: Very good leveling area,also very nice for grinding linen/wool.2 quests there,mobs go down FAST.

    Area: Neutral
    Location: Heartglen
    Level zone: 58ish
    Specal Drops: Librams sometimes
    Gold per hour: n/a
    Note:This is a very good place to lvl,the mobs arent too tough,but they are elite.Good exp,drops,etc.but be mindfull of the 61 patrol.Have fun

    Area: Contested
    Location: Azshara
    Units: Satyrs
    Level zone: 47+
    Specal Drops:Runecloth, Felcloth, Travellers backpacks
    Gold per hour: 10-40/hour depending on prices of runecloth/felcloth on your server.
    LvL Range: 51-53
    Note: Very easy to kill as bm specc at lvl 50. The place can be camped out, but hopefully not .

    Area: Contested
    Location: S/W Tanaris
    Units: Thisteltrub
    Level zone: 40+
    Specal Drops:N/A
    Gold per hour:N/A
    LvL Range: 47-49(?)
    Note: Theese ones drop really fast. Easy grinding. Spawns very fast.

    Area: Contested (i think :P)
    Location: Loch Modan
    Level Zone: 20+
    Special Drops: ?
    Gold Per Hour: ?
    Note: More specific, i mean the northeastern part, by the Ogres. They are Elite so it takes a party of atleast two if lvl around 20. Good loot and xp xD

    Area: Neutral
    Location: Azshara
    Level zone: 55+
    Special drops: No
    Gold pr. hour: ??
    Note: Kill elite dragon's S/E of ruins! They drop 20s pr. stk and give good XP!

    Arathi Highlands:
    Elite ogres in Stromgarde Keep.
    Nice thing is they respawn quite quickly.
    Silver, health and mana pots, mageweave cloth, loads of greens, picked up about 20-25 in one hour once. Also heard the "Fiery War Axe (Epic)" also drops there from time to time.
    Level range:
    As soon as you confident in killing lvl 38-44 elites.
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Thousand Needles:
    1000 Needles, Shimmering Flats.
    All mobs drop vendor trash that you can sell for easy money, Almost most mobs are skinnable for skinners again, Few green drops, and not to contested
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    5g +

    Searing Gorge:
    Just make a walk around the cauldron you will find spiders and (lava/fire)elementals on your way, you can also go into the cauldron where you will find alot more elementals.
    Hearth of Fire, Ironwebspidersilk, thick spider silk, shadow silk, elemental fire, coal and white spider meat.
    Level range:
    lvl 45/50
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    10g +

    Burning Steppes:
    North east.
    The elite black dragons.
    Lots of money and items, equal to Tyr's Hand gold drops. If you are a skinner this is just awesome.
    Level range:
    Lvl +58 elites
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    My record being 340 g/h here... Was kinda lucky then though with drops ;P
    I do about 40g/h nowadays when I go here.

    There are a group of lvl 56-57 Dragonspawns and 57-58 wyrmkins and a passage South to another area with more and an empty cave. Area near cave is pretty good. Clear the area, then walk down and take out a few more. Get the treassure chest if spawned. Be careful - there are some nasty monsters walking by.
    The Wyrkmins go down very easily but has a nasty curse-spell. The Dragonspawns takes some more arrows (and the whole mana pool).
    These monsters are not exactly easy, but brings in some 50-100g per hour when skinning.
    Level range:
    Lvl +58 elites
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    Usually about 25s per kill and 2 Rugged Leather or a Black Dragonscale. A little vendor trash and some 4-7g greens plus the occational 50-100g blue.

    Burning Steppes is fairly good because of the amount of rich thorium veins and dark iron veins. Plus that the mobs drop kinda good amounts of silver.

    Eastern & western plaquelands:
    Tyrís Hand.
    Scarlets, all types.
    Lots of money and runecloth. Quite good droprate of greenies and better too
    Level range:
    Lvl +58 elites
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    +25 G

    Near the lodge.
    Blood elves up north.
    Rune cloth, money, items (2-8s each)
    Level range:
    Lvl +58 elites
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    All over Eastern Plaguelands.
    Vendor trash... that sellf for 15-20s a piece!
    Level range:
    Lvl +58 elites
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    50g+... on a good day

    The Noxious Glade in Eastern Plaguelands, up a hill just north of Light's hope chapel.
    Variety of undead/humanoid scourge mobs.
    Its close to an outpost (chapel of light) for selling/buying new arrows and close to a flightpoint.
    There is 3 rich thorium veins in that area to be accesed in addition to mob kills.
    There is 1 "silver elite" mob spawnign there every 6 hours or.
    There is at least 3 chest spawn places in the area for extra loot.
    Quite a few casters there that go down in almost one aimed shot crit.
    One thing bad though, the ghouls cast a 10 minute lasting debuff.
    Mobs drop runecloth, money, items and the spiders drop all kind of silk.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    + 5G

    The mobs are undead and you can use your argent dawn commision to built up AD faction at the same time.
    Yellow worms in EPL, drops larval acid that sells for 5g
    Felstone Field, Western Plaguelands, easy to kill mobs, quite a few greens and blues plus Runecloth and decent vendor trash.

    Blood Elves in Azshara, north east.
    They are all casters and go down very easy.
    Silver, runecloth, grey and greens and potions.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    5g +

    The other place is in the southern parts of the Azhara.
    You'll find a lot of elite level 50-52 blue dragons.
    Good vendor trash isn't uncommon, and they drop anywhere from 3-20+ silver each. They're also skinnable.
    I find that my pet is in need of medical attention after each melee-type kill though (the casters are easy as you resist most of their spells).
    Level range:
    50-52 elites.
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    North-eastern part of the map. (neighbors to the Blood Elves).
    2-15s pr kill, runecloth, felcloth (best drop rate in the game I have been told), mongoose recipe.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Two nice locations. One is the timbermaw furbolg encampments dotted around the north western parts of Azshara. If you up your reputation with these to 'Friendly' (by killing the evil furbolgs in Felwood) you can freely ride into their camps and empty their chests without getting aggro.

    Northwestern corner
    When there is an invasion, Whirling Invaders will spawn . Farm these. As 60 hunter I can kill around 100 of these per hour. They are very easy to kill.
    Essence of Air with 5% drop rate. Worth 15g each. Also has some nice epic drops. Also Breath of Wind.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    Average of 75g/hour.

    All twillight camps in the area.
    For that last level 59-60 you gotta love silithus, easy quests and they give tons of xp, did 59-60 in 6hrs there with some fooling around too.
    3-10 silver each, runecloth, grey, greens, blue and even epics.
    Twilligt texts for reputation (they can also be sold on AH for ~2-4g for a stack of 20) and twilligt armor set to summon lesser lords, which often drops greens and a medalion, which you turn in for ìBag of spoilsî. They contains items and nice stuff. It also gives reputation.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    +15g (a lot more if blues and epics drops)

    East side, where the pirates are
    Loads of pirates, quite busy at peak times, try to go at off peak times.
    Lots of silver, mageweave cloth, tonnes of greens, some blues, lots off chests (I got 2 blues from one chest, and got 3 greens off three consecutive kills)
    Level range:
    40 odd
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Dunemaul ogres.
    They drop Mageweave Cloth almost 100%, in lots of 2-3, and after about 3hrs of grinding there on my Rogue i had about 300 Mageweave. I don't know how it goes on other servers, but 90s a stack for 20x Mageweave. 15x90s = 13g50s.
    That's not including the silver they drop and the items. It's pretty nice.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Zul Farrak.
    Zul Farrak trolls outside the instance are elites.
    They are 42-44 and the mages go down really easy and the melee trolls arent much harder.
    They drops loads of greens, mageweave, silk and vendor trash and anywhere between 6-12s.
    Level range:
    42-45 elites.
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Deadwind pass, east of Duskwood:
    East of Duskwood, there's a sign that tells you not to go in, but oh well.
    Deadwind Ogres and Birds.
    They drop grey, greens, runecloth, and anywhere between 3-10s. Just the other day i got Helm of Narv which sold for 200g. Birds drop valueable vendor trash.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    The whelps in badlands can be taken down without much effort by a lvl 38 hunter they offer good XP and the vendor crap sells for decent amount and the drop silver on top of that. They can be skinned.
    They drop grey, greens, runecloth, and anywhere between 3-10s. Just the other day i got Helm of Narv which sold for 200g. Birds drop valueable vendor trash.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Middle southern area.
    Troggs, coyotes and rock elementals.
    Mostly 5 silver from troggs with lots of silk linen cloth, solid rocks and engineering reagents from elementals. Coyotes has red meat, large fang etc.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Duskwallow Marsh:
    Grinded for like 1.5-2 hours there and got 4 greens.
    On top of that they drop all kinds of spider silk and some nice valueable vendortrash.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    In the Northeast you will find yourself some demons, along the east side of the map you will walk into alot of Centaurs. All over the map you walk into various beasts and elementals.
    Demons and centaur will drop gold, cloth and offcourse the occasional green.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Fungal Rock, in the north east of Un'Goro Crater.
    Crater full of level 50-55 gorrilas.
    Tuft of Gorrila Hair sells for 11s, drops off about 1 in 2 gorillas. Empty Barrel sells for 15s, drops off about 1 in 5 gorillas. Also if your a skinner you will get lots and lots of thick / rugged leather.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Fire Plume Ridge and Tar Beasts near Marshals Point.
    I usually go grind there since the Scorching Elementals are 53-54 and the Living Blazes are 54-55 and they drop Essences of Fire, Hearts of Fire and Elemental Fires.. i went there this morning and got 10 elemental fires, 14 hearts and 1 essence in 2 hours, thats about 35G + some very nice xp for the non-60's
    I spent alot of time grinding the Tar beasts in Un'goro.
    Drops include Essence of life, many green wands/hammers and i got one or two blues. Estimate around 15g to 20g per hour or more.
    Essence of fire, Heart of Fire and Elemental fire, Essence of life, greens and blues + burning pitch and other vendortrash.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Un'Goro Crater (south east).
    Jungle Stalker / Ravasaur Hunter / Ravasaur (all around lvl 48-49)
    Aimed Shot, Multi Shot + Serpent Sting and he won't hit you.
    Raptor Flesh (Good for Alliance Supply - AQ)
    Thick Leather (Good for Alliance supply - AQ - MUST BE SKINNER)
    Tribal Raptor Feathers - 8s each.
    Smooth Raptor Skin - 7s each
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Near entrance to Un'Goro Crater from Tanaris.
    Unígoro stone guardians, they can be kited easely. Made 50g in one hour, I sold the stones on AH.
    The fights are quite long, but its alot of fun. Also running between Stone Guardian spawn point to collect bloodpetal sprouts for some free food and a chance for some Major Health pots, not to mention an elemental invaison and the rich thorium veins.
    Essence of Earth ~ 8-10g and Guardian Stones ~5-6g.
    Level range:
    55-60 elites.
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Cave - West Side, part of a quest to kill the jaen things.
    Lots and lots of humanoids.
    Lots of silver, mageweave cloth, some greens, some blues, Mithril and some thorium (rare). I got one blue and 2 greens off three consecutive kills.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    North, Jade Fire Run.
    The satyrs here are melee and casters and are easily downed. I can often one-shoot the casters and the melee satyrs go down without a problem. Just stand max range, let pet attack, aimed shot (if not dead), then conc. shot and just auto shoot to conserve mana.
    Also Felwood is a great place to herb. You can find plagueblooms, sungrass, mountain silversage, gromsblood, golden sansam.
    If you get beacon, you can also farm various berries that gives extra stamina and ofcouse the much sought after night dragons breath and whipper root tubers.
    When you go farm, always bring magewater.
    Runecloth, felcloth, major healing pots, silver, grey, green and blues. Found two Elemental Decks 2 days straight, which sold for 15g each. You can also find Demonic Stones (gives mana at the cost of health) that sells for 1.20g for a stack of 20 at vendor (they are soulbound).
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Iron Tree Woods (middle)
    Toxic Horrors drops Essence of Water often, but are richly farmed.
    As a hunter, you can pull many of them (at 60 they go down fast and with pet you can take at least 3 at once. Also use your elemental tracking and you will se where they spawn about 1 sec before the other farmers.
    I got my first essence after 2 mins, i after 5 mins, 10mins and 75 mins. They all sold for 8g/each so i made a little more than 20g/h.
    If you get up areound 5-7 in the morning you can make 100g/hour easilly.
    Essence of Water.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    The Hinterlands:
    Beach at Raventusk Village.
    Saltwater Snapjaws, the mobs there are 49-50 so it means excellent exp ( i got about 680 rested per kill) and this place is very easy to solo since the turtles do not agro at all.
    Think Leather/Turtle shells
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    The lake in the middel og the map.
    Undeads - go down quite quick. Drop for 2s-9s. Addtional runcloth. There are also about 3 chests that appear in the lake. You'll find them after a time. Had many blue drops her (shell launcher shootgun - some blue bracers etc.) My freind also got 2 nice epic drops her. Alot of greens, and grey items that sells for 1g at vendor. Ichor of undead is about 4s for each. They also drop Superior healing potion and mana potion (all the time)
    Silver, ichor of undeath, mageweave, silk, grey, greens, blues and epics.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Darkwhisper Gorge, south.
    Guardians of Hyjal i guess.. lvl 59-60 elites with over 10000 hp. These mobs require long kiting time and lot's of mana. If you dont got enough, go get some mana pots (Barracks if you are Knight and up) or magewater.
    10-25 Silver, Can drop Felcloth, Runecloth and 1-2 % chance for dropping Eye of shadow!
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Mazthoril is great for hunters. The elite dragons drop around 20 silver pr. kill and thereís a chance that Blue Mature Dragon Sinew drops. This is used for hunter epic quiver: Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lanima (18 slots and increases ranged attack speed by 15%).

    North-west corner.
    Northspring Harpies have a rediculous low amount of HP and Armor. Easy grinding, both xp and gold-wise for any class.
    Mageweave, vibrant plume, silver, grey and greens.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    East coast Feralas.
    Turtles, good for low to mid 40s.
    Generally vendor fodder that goes for 1-8s each and can sometimes get many off one corpse. Also chance of various pearls. Got a few greens and 1 blue.
    Non-agro mobs so easy to farm but many are underwater so could be awkward to fight.
    Skinners: thick leather and turtle scales
    Gold per hour, not sure but full load ~6 gold at vendor. Leather+scales for AH or making armour, maybe 3 greens and few pearls.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Dire Maul..
    Elite Orgres.
    Outside the DM instance are a lot of elite ogres, dropping good money, runecloth, greens, blues, greys,... which all vendor really good or sell really good on AH. Try getting some waters from a mage first, though, since you need your mana.
    Those mobs are not very hard when you are level 60, but they are still elites.
    Level range:
    55-58 elites.
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Farm the whelps there, great if your a skinner and its doable at low lvls.
    Besides the usual vendortrash, thereís a possibility of a red whelp pet drop, that sells for +/- 40g and skin for leather.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    the instance you do in a 5 man group in Stormwind city
    Vendor trach, some green, money, and a lots of wool cloth
    Level range:
    23-30 (elite) i think so no XP tho
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    5-10g a runn

    Bring som food for you and your pet and mana drinks, empty your bag and use your tanking pet.

    Have don this 4-5 times now and stil only 1 time my pet died.

    Scarlet Monestary - Undercity:
    Scarlet Monastery - all
    If you aren't an enchater don't go there as you will earn only 1/10 of the money that you can get with your enchating skill.

    You can do whole SM within an hour and get 50-100g(depends of drops, AH prizes and if your stuff buys well). I had 300g in 6-7 hours of farming.

    You must do all the bosses even cathedral which will take about 30 mins to clear. If you want you can skip the Commander and do only the undead.

    In the torture room there is a chest which is often open. Don't take it when you come. Go and kill the undead boss first. For this run in the crypt and avoid aggroing mobs outside. When you enter the crypt you will aggro some undeads so FD in the boss room. Send your pet and start nuking the boss. He drops shoulders which are dissed and sometimes a blue orb (BoP) which is dissed too. He can also drop a blue mace that you can sell for 5-10g or more depending on your server. There are sometimes rare bosses in graveyard but I'm not sure if they exist cuz I never saw them. On your way back to the exit send your pet to the group near the chest (make sure it's not locked) and open it. Get out and the graveyard is done.
    *This is done in less than 5 mins*

    You only kill Herod in there and eventualy get a chest if it isn't locked. In the armory you will have to use only once FD if all goes well. Before you enter the yard there are 2 guards that you aggro so when you pass them its good to FD. When you enter the armory there are patrolng mages that you must avoid. Stick to the walls and walk between the groups. In the corridor with Herod's door you don't need to kill anything. Just open the door and enter. To fight Herod put a imollation trap, mark him put AotH and trueshot aura if you have one. If you are a BM hunter this fight won't be hard but for other specs this can be hard and your pet have chances to die. Let your pet get some aggro, then start with aimed and nuke him. Kite him using the stairs and FD when you start getting too much dmg. Repeat this until he's dead. Loot him quickly and put and explosive trap. If you're a NE hunter shadowmelt and out your pet to stealth if you don't have enough mana. After the students are dead from the explosion loot them and get out.
    *This is done in less than 5 mins*

    You'll have to use much FD and some frost trap. I can't tell you the exact location to use FD but you will find them. Just keep in mind not to aggro to much guys on you and then having a resist on your FD. There are several chests in library check if they aren't locked before you go to open them. When you get to the final room before Doan kill the 2 monks guarding the entrace. When you kill them go to Doan. He's is easy and you resist almost all of his spell except maybe the blast wave he casts. He drops Staff and Shoulders or Robe + Dagger which are both dissed. On the way out get the chest you can. You can also try Loksey and his dogs. But if you aren't a Beast Master your pet has a big chances to die which will lead to your death.
    *This part should take you around 10 mins*

    The part isn't impossible but it takes some time. You will have to clear everything before going to the boss. Remember to slow the mobs when they start running away or they can drag adds. Be aware of abbots which heal too many times. Interupt them when they start (imp concusive, scatter ot intimidation). Also try to freeze Centurions which hit hard and have high armor. When you clear all kill the undead guy. For the Commander lay an imo trap and send your pet. Let it get some aggro then start shooting the guy. Don't waist your mana or special abilities agianst him for the moment. If he gets on you use FD. When he dies his gf will come to rez him. When you get her to +/- 50% she will put you to sleep and rez him. When the Commander is rezzed he will heal her to full health. Send your pet on the commander and use BW if you are a beast master. When you finish the Commander focus on Whitemane. If all goes well your pet will be alive and you too Loot them both and dis the items.

    You will also get some greenies which are BoE. Decide if you want to put them on AH, sell them to vendors or dis them. Remember that you don't need to deposit money for enchating stuff so put them on a 24h duration. You will get 3-6 gold from killing the guys and much more from the shards, essences and dusts. Put them on low prices to make sure they are bought

    Thinks that might help you:
    Shadowmelt: while you wait for the FD (NE hunter)
    Holy protection potions: For the holy dmg
    Cat as pet: The prowl ability is really usefull
    Mage: For food and water. (be nice to him when you ask)
    Mark of Resolution: Trinket which absorb dmg.

    Also empty your bags and put what you can in the bank and get your Scarlet key. In few days you'll have enough money for what you want

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    speed4weed's Avatar Member
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    Best Grinding Spots in World of Warcraft from 20-60!!!!

    I dont think this was ever posted but i just wanted to post it maybe it will help you out a bit. Hope you like.

    Best Grinding Spots in World of Warcraft

    This is a topic containing grind spots from lvl 10-60 both for Horde and Alliance.
    Grind spot list. Before I start, you need to realize this is not a complete 1-70 leveling guide, it's just a guide that will help you find some good grinding spots, if you need a leveling guide, the best ones are: Joana's 1-70 Horde leveling Guide for horde, and Brian's 1-70 Alliance leveling guide for alliance.

    Contested areas:

    Area: Contested
    Location: Wetlands
    Level zone: 20+
    Special Drops: Red whelp pet
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: The red whelps is great for grinding


    Area: Contested
    Location: Duskwood
    Level zone: 25+
    Special Drops: Nothing special
    Gold per hour: 3-5 Gold
    Note: Kill everything in Raven Hill cemetary, mobs are level 26-30 (Mainly for alliance)


    Area: (Thousand Needles, Contested)
    Location: (Screeching Canyon)
    Level zone: (28-32 Harpies)
    Specal Drops: (Vibrant Plumes and light feathers, greys and greens)
    Gold per hour: (6g/h)
    Note: There is also 4 chests constantly respawning, you may find some greens. Note that the harpies silence, so this is no ideal place for mana users, but hunters isnt affected big.


    Area: Contested
    Location: Thousand needles and Shimmering flats
    Level zone: 30+
    Special Drops: None
    Gold per hour: 5 Gold
    Note: All mobs are nice to grind, Mainly a horde place


    Area: Contested
    Location: Strangletorn vale (all of it)
    Level zone: 30+ >45
    Specal Drops: cloth/some greens and a blue from time to time
    Gold per hour: don't know but good at lvl 30-40
    Note: Start at the side closest to duskwood and work youre self down STV.
    I lvled here from 32-33 up to 42-43 also got my mount money here, lots of grinding quests in rebel camp (for alli) and in the first camp inside STV (don't remembre the name of that camp, but both for hord and alli)
    just bee on the loockout for lvl ?? that having "fun" killing low lvl's.


    Area: Contested
    Location: Ferallas
    Level zone: 40+
    Special Drops: None
    Gold per hour: 10 Gold
    Note: Yeti cave, Wolves, Harpies


    Area: Contested
    Location: Strangletorn vale, crystal mines
    Level zone: 40 ish
    Specal Drops: miners
    Gold per hour: unsure, depends on what you get for iron and mithril bars on AH at your server, but 1-2 stacks of iron/mithril per h
    Note: also some mobs here that from time to time drops greens


    Area: Contested
    Location: Tanaris
    Level zone: 40+
    Special Drops: Mageweave cloths
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: Dunemaul compound in Tanaris, Grind the ogres

    Area: Contested
    Location: Felwood
    Level zone: 49+
    Special drops: A lot of potions
    Gold per hour: 15-20 Gold
    Note: Grind the furbolgs (Mobs are level 48-55)

    Area: Contested
    Location: S/W Tanaris
    Units: Thisteltrub
    Level zone: 40+
    Specal Drops:N/A
    Gold per hour:N/A
    LvL Range: 47-49(?)
    Note: Theese ones drop really fast. Easy grinding. Spawns very fast.
    Area: Contested
    Location: Arathi Highlands (Stromgarde keep)
    Level zone: 40-50+
    Special drops: A lot of mageweave cloth and green items
    Gold per hour: 20 Gold
    Note: Kill the ogres, they respawn fast.


    Area: (Feralas, Contested)
    Location: (The big irland beneath feathermoon)
    Level zone: (43-46 Nagas)
    Specal Drops: (Clams which contain iriscendent, black and golden pearls. Nagas also drops some greens, found some blues also)
    Gold per hour: (4-5g/h)
    Note: Under 3 hours of grinding i found 1 golden pearl, 4 black pears and 3 iriscendent pearls. Sell these and you have a nice g/h rate.

    Area: Contested
    Location: Badlands
    Level zone: 45+
    Special drops: Black whelp pet
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: Black Whelps are good for both skinning/exp and money


    Area: Contested
    Location: Azshara
    Units: Satyrs
    Level zone: 47+
    Specal Drops:Runecloth, Felcloth, Travellers backpacks
    Gold per hour: 10-40/hour depending on prices of runecloth/felcloth on your server.
    LvL Range: 51-53
    Note: Very easy to kill as bm specc at lvl 50. The place can be camped out, but hopefully not .


    Area: (Feralas,contested)
    Location: (Grimtotem Camp)
    Level zone: (43-47 dragonkins, and grimtotems)
    Specal Drops: (Aquamarines,skinn dragons,)
    Gold per hour: (2-3g/h)
    Note: merely a place to lvl up fast, extremely fast. Both grimtotems (naturalists) and dragonkins have very low health.


    Area: Contested
    Location: Searing Gorge
    Level zone: 45-50+
    Special drops: None
    Gold per hour: 10 Gold
    Note: Just make a walk around the cauldron you will find spiders and (lava/fire)elementals on your way, you can also go into the cauldron where you will find alot more elementals


    Area: (Feralas, northwest, contested)
    Level zone: (48-51 Harpies)
    Specal Drops: (Plummes)
    Gold per hour: (4-5g/h)
    Note: merely a place to lvl up fast, extremely fast. Harpies have very low health.

    Area: Contested
    Location: Un'Goro Crater
    Level zone: 50+
    Special drops: None
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: North East by the gorilla Cave


    Area: Contested
    Location: Winterspring
    Level zone: 54+
    Special Drops: None of what I know
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: Yetis are great to grind

    Area: Contested
    Location: Tyr's Hand
    Level zone: 55+
    Special Drops: Elemental fire
    Gold per hour: 25 Gold
    Note: Scarlets that gets so owned by a BeastMaster pet.

    Area: Contested
    Location: Azshara
    Level zone: 55+
    Special drops: No
    Gold pr. hour: ??
    Note: Kill elite dragon's S/E of ruins! They drop 20s pr. stk and give good XP!

    Area: Contested
    Location: Burning Steppes
    Level zone: 55+
    Special drops: Tons of runecloth
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: Nice for miners to, a lot of veins around

    Area: Contested
    Location: Heartglen
    Level zone: 58+
    Specal Drops: Librams sometimes
    Gold per hour: n/a
    Note:This is a very good place to lvl,the mobs arent too tough,but they are elite.Good exp,drops,etc.but be mindfull of the 61 patrol.Have fun


    Horde areas

    Area: Horde
    Location: a bit North of Camp Taurajo the Razormane villages
    Level zone: 17-21
    Specal Drops: no
    Gold per hour: unknown
    Note: Very good leveling area,also very nice for grinding linen/wool.2 quests there,mobs go down FAST

    <More coming soon>

    Alliance areas

    Area: Alliance (i think :P)
    Location: Loch Modan
    Level Zone: 20+
    Special Drops: ?
    Gold Per Hour: ?
    Note: More specific, i mean the northeastern part, by the Ogres. They are Elite so it takes a party of atleast two if lvl around 20. Good loot and xp xD

    Area: Contested
    Location: Winterspring
    Level zone: 54+
    Special Drops: None of what I know
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: Yetis are great to grind

    Searing Gorge:

    Description: Just make a walk around the cauldron you will find spiders and (lava/fire)elementals on your way, you can also go into the cauldron where you will find alot more elementals. (lvl 45/50)
    Drops: Hearth of Fire, Ironwebspidersilk, thick spider silk, shadow silk, elemental fire, coal and white spider meat.
    Estimated gold/hour: 10G

    Tyr's Hand:

    Description: EPL. Scarlets that gets oh so owned by a BM pet.
    Drops: Lots of money and runecloth. Quite good droprate of greenies and better too
    Est G/H: Depends on drops. I have myself hit 25 g/h with my current specc (not BM) which probably could be boosted to at least 100ish if I specc BM.

    Burning Steppes

    Description: The elite black dragons in the north east.
    Drops: Lots of money, equal to Tyr's Hand gold drops. If you are a skinner this is just awesome.
    Est G/H: My record being 340 g/h here... Was kinda lucky then though with drops ;P
    I do about 40g/h nowadays when I go here.

    Un'goro Guardians

    Description: Stone guardians in un'goro, lvl 60 and 61 elite. Patrols north and east sides.
    Drops: Guardian Stones and Essence of Earth
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Un'goro Devilsaur's

    Description: Only useful for tribal l/w to make devilsaur set.
    Drops: Devilsaur leather.
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Azshara Blood Elves

    Description: Blood elves in north east Azshara, go down fast but camped usually
    Drops: Runecloth/Greys/Increased blue and epic chance
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Dunemaul Ogre's

    Description: Dunemaul compound in Tanaris, easy grind for the high lvl 40.
    Drops: Mageweave/Greys/Greens
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Deadwind Ogre's

    Description: East of Duskwood, lvl 55-60 mobs (ogres and undead). Usually not camped.
    Drops: Runecloth/Greys/Dramatically increased blue and epic chance
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    EPL Blood Elves

    Description: 58-60 elves near the north east lodge, downtime around 0 if on autoshot.
    Drops: Runecloth/Money
    Est G/H: 20, depending on ah values

    Badland Whelp's

    Description: In the eastern part of the zone, there are many lvl 41-43 whelp's.
    Drops: Silver/Good selling vendor trash/Worn Dragonscale's (if skinner)
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Bats in EPL

    Description: Bats wandering the zone
    Drops: Vendor trash... that sells for for 15-20s a piece!
    Est G/H: 50g+... on a good day

    Azshara Demons

    Description: Legashi Demons in north east Azshara, go down fast but camped usually
    Drops: Runecloth/Greys/Felcloth
    Est G/H: 50g+ (not including mooncloth)

    Early Desolace

    Description: In the Northeast you will find yourself some demons, along the east side of the map you will walk into alot of Centaurs. All over the map you walk into various beasts and elementals.
    Drops: Demons and centaur will drop gold, cloth and of course the occasional green.
    Est. G/H: Im guessing here....5G

    Un'Goro Gorilla Crater

    Description: They can call for help but that just makes it exciting. they range from 50-53 the thunderer's can hit 300 or so with their lightning bolt but they do that rarely and just let the pet soak it up.
    Drops: Good Vendor trash/Rugged Leather
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Felstone Field WPL

    Description: Easy to kill mobs, good for grinding xp and Argent rep. Low 50 mobs.
    Drops: Argent Stones/Vendor Trash/Runecloth
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Azshara Blue Dragon's

    Description: Elite level 50-52 blue dragon, pet may require medical attention alot.
    Drops: Silver/Rugged Leather/Blue Scales
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    South Burning Step's Dragon's

    Description: There are a group of lvl 56-57 Dragonspawns and 57-58 wyrmkins and a passage South to another area with more and an empty cave. Clear the area, then walk down and take out a few more. Get the treasure chest if spawned.
    Drops: Usually about 25s per kill and 2 Rugged Leather or a Black Dragonscale. A little vendor trash and some 4-7g greens plus the occational 50-100g blue.
    Est G/H: 50g+ (More if Skinner)

    Hinterland's Snapjaw's

    Description: Turtles along the beach near the horde base. 48-50, no aggro apart from 50 elite that can be avoided.
    Drops: Great Vendor loot/Leather + turtle scales (if skinner)
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Raven Hill

    Description: Great grinding for 26-30 mobs. Mainly for xp though
    Drops: Silver/Cloth/vendor loot
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Winterspring Lake

    Description: 54-60 mobs with low hp, go down easily with almost no downtime. Occasional chest.
    Drops: Silver/Runecloth/Blue's and epics
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Winterspring Yeti Cave

    Description: South of everlook, 56-60 mobs that can be killed and skinned easy.
    Drops: Silver/Potions/Leather
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Feralas (NW corner):

    Description: Northspring Harpies (48-50) have a rediculous low amount of HP and Armor. Easy grinding, both xp and gold-wise for any class.
    Drops: Mageweave Cloth, Vibrant Plume, Gold.
    Est G/H: 7-8G

    Noxious Glade EPL

    Description: The Noxious Glade in EPL, up a hill just north of light's hope chapel. Variety of undead/humanoid scourge mobs at 57-60.
    Drops: Mostly cash and runecloth. Good place to farm scourgestones. Managed to get an epic 55 necklace I sold for 300g as well.
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Felwood Furbolgs:

    Description: Village to north and one to the south, lvl 48-55 mobs approx.
    Drops: Mageweave/Potions/Greens
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Blackrock Cave - Burning Steppes:

    Description: Level 55+ Blackrock mobs outside cave, thorium spawns nearby
    Drops: Greens/Runecloth/Thorium
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    [b]Dire Maul Ogre's[b]:

    Description: 55+ Elites, Outside the DM instance are a lot of elite ogres. Try getting some waters from a mage first, though, since you need your mana.
    Drops: Silver/Runecloth/Greens
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Darkwhisper Gorge, Winterspring:

    Description: Guardians of Hyjal. lvl 59-60 elites with over 10000 hp. theese mobs require long kiting time and lot's of mana.
    Drops: Silver/Runecloth/Felcloth/Eye of shadow epic
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Yellow Worms in EPL:

    Description: Worms spawn all over EPL
    Drops: Vendor loot/Larval acid
    Est G/H: depends on ah price of the acid

    Sorrow Hill in WPL:

    Description: 50-52 undead drop like wildfire doing almost no damage to your pet. As a BM hunter i dont think i had to heal my pet or even stop killing more than once every hour.
    Drops: Vendor loot/Runecloth/AD stones
    Est G/H: Estimate of 10g (confirm?)

    Tar beasts in Un'goro:

    Description: Drops living Essence's at a good rate, not camped usually.
    Drops: Vendor loot/Living Essence
    Est G/H: depends on ah price of the essence

    Water Elementals in Felwood:

    Description: Drops a few water essences every hour, usually camped though.
    Drops: Vendor loot/Water Essence
    Est G/H: depends on ah price of the essence

    Silithus - Twilight Camp's:

    Description: Camps around silithus, 58-62 mobs that can drop things to summon more, cenarion rep gained from texts as well.
    Drops: Vendor loot/Runecloth/Epics/Cen rep
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Silithus - Elemental Invasion:

    Description: During the elemental invasion, solo farm the air elementals in the north.
    Drops: Breath of Wind/Essence of Air
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Deadwind Pass Bird Run:

    Description: Make a circuit of the roads in deadwind and kill all the carrion.
    Drops: Very decent vendor loot.
    Est G/H: 15-20g

    South East Un'goro

    Description: Jungle Stalker / Ravasaur Hunter / Ravasaur (all around lvl 48-49)
    Aimed Shot, Multi Shot + Serpent Sting and he won't hit you :P
    Drops: Vendor Loot/AQ war items/Leather
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Area: Horde
    Location: a bit North of Camp Taurajo the Razormane villages
    Level zone: 17-21
    Specal Drops: no
    Gold per hour: unknown
    Note: Very good leveling area,also very nice for grinding linen/wool.2 quests there,mobs go down FAST.

    Area: Neutral
    Location: Heartglen
    Level zone: 58ish
    Specal Drops: Librams sometimes
    Gold per hour: n/a
    Note:This is a very good place to lvl,the mobs arent too tough,but they are elite.Good exp,drops,etc.but be mindfull of the 61 patrol.Have fun

    Area: Contested
    Location: Azshara
    Units: Satyrs
    Level zone: 47+
    Specal Drops:Runecloth, Felcloth, Travellers backpacks
    Gold per hour: 10-40/hour depending on prices of runecloth/felcloth on your server.
    LvL Range: 51-53
    Note: Very easy to kill as bm specc at lvl 50. The place can be camped out, but hopefully not .

    Area: Contested
    Location: S/W Tanaris
    Units: Thisteltrub
    Level zone: 40+
    Specal Drops:N/A
    Gold per hour:N/A
    LvL Range: 47-49(?)
    Note: Theese ones drop really fast. Easy grinding. Spawns very fast.

    Area: Contested (i think :P)
    Location: Loch Modan
    Level Zone: 20+
    Special Drops: ?
    Gold Per Hour: ?
    Note: More specific, i mean the northeastern part, by the Ogres. They are Elite so it takes a party of atleast two if lvl around 20. Good loot and xp xD

    Area: Neutral
    Location: Azshara
    Level zone: 55+
    Special drops: No
    Gold pr. hour: ??
    Note: Kill elite dragon's S/E of ruins! They drop 20s pr. stk and give good XP!

    Arathi Highlands:
    Elite ogres in Stromgarde Keep.
    Nice thing is they respawn quite quickly.
    Silver, health and mana pots, mageweave cloth, loads of greens, picked up about 20-25 in one hour once. Also heard the "Fiery War Axe (Epic)" also drops there from time to time.
    Level range:
    As soon as you confident in killing lvl 38-44 elites.
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Thousand Needles:
    1000 Needles, Shimmering Flats.
    All mobs drop vendor trash that you can sell for easy money, Almost most mobs are skinnable for skinners again, Few green drops, and not to contested
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    5g +

    Searing Gorge:
    Just make a walk around the cauldron you will find spiders and (lava/fire)elementals on your way, you can also go into the cauldron where you will find alot more elementals.
    Hearth of Fire, Ironwebspidersilk, thick spider silk, shadow silk, elemental fire, coal and white spider meat.
    Level range:
    lvl 45/50
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    10g +

    Burning Steppes:
    North east.
    The elite black dragons.
    Lots of money and items, equal to Tyr's Hand gold drops. If you are a skinner this is just awesome.
    Level range:
    Lvl +58 elites
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    My record being 340 g/h here... Was kinda lucky then though with drops ;P
    I do about 40g/h nowadays when I go here.

    There are a group of lvl 56-57 Dragonspawns and 57-58 wyrmkins and a passage South to another area with more and an empty cave. Area near cave is pretty good. Clear the area, then walk down and take out a few more. Get the treassure chest if spawned. Be careful - there are some nasty monsters walking by.
    The Wyrkmins go down very easily but has a nasty curse-spell. The Dragonspawns takes some more arrows (and the whole mana pool).
    These monsters are not exactly easy, but brings in some 50-100g per hour when skinning.
    Level range:
    Lvl +58 elites
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    Usually about 25s per kill and 2 Rugged Leather or a Black Dragonscale. A little vendor trash and some 4-7g greens plus the occational 50-100g blue.

    Burning Steppes is fairly good because of the amount of rich thorium veins and dark iron veins. Plus that the mobs drop kinda good amounts of silver.

    Eastern & western plaquelands:
    Tyrís Hand.
    Scarlets, all types.
    Lots of money and runecloth. Quite good droprate of greenies and better too
    Level range:
    Lvl +58 elites
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    +25 G

    Near the lodge.
    Blood elves up north.
    Rune cloth, money, items (2-8s each)
    Level range:
    Lvl +58 elites
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    All over Eastern Plaguelands.
    Vendor trash... that sellf for 15-20s a piece!
    Level range:
    Lvl +58 elites
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    50g+... on a good day

    The Noxious Glade in Eastern Plaguelands, up a hill just north of Light's hope chapel.
    Variety of undead/humanoid scourge mobs.
    Its close to an outpost (chapel of light) for selling/buying new arrows and close to a flightpoint.
    There is 3 rich thorium veins in that area to be accesed in addition to mob kills.
    There is 1 "silver elite" mob spawnign there every 6 hours or.
    There is at least 3 chest spawn places in the area for extra loot.
    Quite a few casters there that go down in almost one aimed shot crit.
    One thing bad though, the ghouls cast a 10 minute lasting debuff.
    Mobs drop runecloth, money, items and the spiders drop all kind of silk.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    + 5G

    The mobs are undead and you can use your argent dawn commision to built up AD faction at the same time.
    Yellow worms in EPL, drops larval acid that sells for 5g
    Felstone Field, Western Plaguelands, easy to kill mobs, quite a few greens and blues plus Runecloth and decent vendor trash.

    Blood Elves in Azshara, north east.
    They are all casters and go down very easy.
    Silver, runecloth, grey and greens and potions.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    5g +

    The other place is in the southern parts of the Azhara.
    You'll find a lot of elite level 50-52 blue dragons.
    Good vendor trash isn't uncommon, and they drop anywhere from 3-20+ silver each. They're also skinnable.
    I find that my pet is in need of medical attention after each melee-type kill though (the casters are easy as you resist most of their spells).
    Level range:
    50-52 elites.
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    North-eastern part of the map. (neighbors to the Blood Elves).
    2-15s pr kill, runecloth, felcloth (best drop rate in the game I have been told), mongoose recipe.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Two nice locations. One is the timbermaw furbolg encampments dotted around the north western parts of Azshara. If you up your reputation with these to 'Friendly' (by killing the evil furbolgs in Felwood) you can freely ride into their camps and empty their chests without getting aggro.

    Northwestern corner
    When there is an invasion, Whirling Invaders will spawn . Farm these. As 60 hunter I can kill around 100 of these per hour. They are very easy to kill.
    Essence of Air with 5% drop rate. Worth 15g each. Also has some nice epic drops. Also Breath of Wind.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    Average of 75g/hour.

    All twillight camps in the area.
    For that last level 59-60 you gotta love silithus, easy quests and they give tons of xp, did 59-60 in 6hrs there with some fooling around too.
    3-10 silver each, runecloth, grey, greens, blue and even epics.
    Twilligt texts for reputation (they can also be sold on AH for ~2-4g for a stack of 20) and twilligt armor set to summon lesser lords, which often drops greens and a medalion, which you turn in for ìBag of spoilsî. They contains items and nice stuff. It also gives reputation.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    +15g (a lot more if blues and epics drops)

    East side, where the pirates are
    Loads of pirates, quite busy at peak times, try to go at off peak times.
    Lots of silver, mageweave cloth, tonnes of greens, some blues, lots off chests (I got 2 blues from one chest, and got 3 greens off three consecutive kills)
    Level range:
    40 odd
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Dunemaul ogres.
    They drop Mageweave Cloth almost 100%, in lots of 2-3, and after about 3hrs of grinding there on my Rogue i had about 300 Mageweave. I don't know how it goes on other servers, but 90s a stack for 20x Mageweave. 15x90s = 13g50s.
    That's not including the silver they drop and the items. It's pretty nice.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Zul Farrak.
    Zul Farrak trolls outside the instance are elites.
    They are 42-44 and the mages go down really easy and the melee trolls arent much harder.
    They drops loads of greens, mageweave, silk and vendor trash and anywhere between 6-12s.
    Level range:
    42-45 elites.
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Deadwind pass, east of Duskwood:
    East of Duskwood, there's a sign that tells you not to go in, but oh well.
    Deadwind Ogres and Birds.
    They drop grey, greens, runecloth, and anywhere between 3-10s. Just the other day i got Helm of Narv which sold for 200g. Birds drop valueable vendor trash.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    The whelps in badlands can be taken down without much effort by a lvl 38 hunter they offer good XP and the vendor crap sells for decent amount and the drop silver on top of that. They can be skinned.
    They drop grey, greens, runecloth, and anywhere between 3-10s. Just the other day i got Helm of Narv which sold for 200g. Birds drop valueable vendor trash.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Middle southern area.
    Troggs, coyotes and rock elementals.
    Mostly 5 silver from troggs with lots of silk linen cloth, solid rocks and engineering reagents from elementals. Coyotes has red meat, large fang etc.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Duskwallow Marsh:
    Grinded for like 1.5-2 hours there and got 4 greens.
    On top of that they drop all kinds of spider silk and some nice valueable vendortrash.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    In the Northeast you will find yourself some demons, along the east side of the map you will walk into alot of Centaurs. All over the map you walk into various beasts and elementals.
    Demons and centaur will drop gold, cloth and offcourse the occasional green.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Fungal Rock, in the north east of Un'Goro Crater.
    Crater full of level 50-55 gorrilas.
    Tuft of Gorrila Hair sells for 11s, drops off about 1 in 2 gorillas. Empty Barrel sells for 15s, drops off about 1 in 5 gorillas. Also if your a skinner you will get lots and lots of thick / rugged leather.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Fire Plume Ridge and Tar Beasts near Marshals Point.
    I usually go grind there since the Scorching Elementals are 53-54 and the Living Blazes are 54-55 and they drop Essences of Fire, Hearts of Fire and Elemental Fires.. i went there this morning and got 10 elemental fires, 14 hearts and 1 essence in 2 hours, thats about 35G + some very nice xp for the non-60's
    I spent alot of time grinding the Tar beasts in Un'goro.
    Drops include Essence of life, many green wands/hammers and i got one or two blues. Estimate around 15g to 20g per hour or more.
    Essence of fire, Heart of Fire and Elemental fire, Essence of life, greens and blues + burning pitch and other vendortrash.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Un'Goro Crater (south east).
    Jungle Stalker / Ravasaur Hunter / Ravasaur (all around lvl 48-49)
    Aimed Shot, Multi Shot + Serpent Sting and he won't hit you.
    Raptor Flesh (Good for Alliance Supply - AQ)
    Thick Leather (Good for Alliance supply - AQ - MUST BE SKINNER)
    Tribal Raptor Feathers - 8s each.
    Smooth Raptor Skin - 7s each
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Near entrance to Un'Goro Crater from Tanaris.
    Unígoro stone guardians, they can be kited easely. Made 50g in one hour, I sold the stones on AH.
    The fights are quite long, but its alot of fun. Also running between Stone Guardian spawn point to collect bloodpetal sprouts for some free food and a chance for some Major Health pots, not to mention an elemental invaison and the rich thorium veins.
    Essence of Earth ~ 8-10g and Guardian Stones ~5-6g.
    Level range:
    55-60 elites.
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Cave - West Side, part of a quest to kill the jaen things.
    Lots and lots of humanoids.
    Lots of silver, mageweave cloth, some greens, some blues, Mithril and some thorium (rare). I got one blue and 2 greens off three consecutive kills.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    North, Jade Fire Run.
    The satyrs here are melee and casters and are easily downed. I can often one-shoot the casters and the melee satyrs go down without a problem. Just stand max range, let pet attack, aimed shot (if not dead), then conc. shot and just auto shoot to conserve mana.
    Also Felwood is a great place to herb. You can find plagueblooms, sungrass, mountain silversage, gromsblood, golden sansam.
    If you get beacon, you can also farm various berries that gives extra stamina and ofcouse the much sought after night dragons breath and whipper root tubers.
    When you go farm, always bring magewater.
    Runecloth, felcloth, major healing pots, silver, grey, green and blues. Found two Elemental Decks 2 days straight, which sold for 15g each. You can also find Demonic Stones (gives mana at the cost of health) that sells for 1.20g for a stack of 20 at vendor (they are soulbound).
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Iron Tree Woods (middle)
    Toxic Horrors drops Essence of Water often, but are richly farmed.
    As a hunter, you can pull many of them (at 60 they go down fast and with pet you can take at least 3 at once. Also use your elemental tracking and you will se where they spawn about 1 sec before the other farmers.
    I got my first essence after 2 mins, i after 5 mins, 10mins and 75 mins. They all sold for 8g/each so i made a little more than 20g/h.
    If you get up areound 5-7 in the morning you can make 100g/hour easilly.
    Essence of Water.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    The Hinterlands:
    Beach at Raventusk Village.
    Saltwater Snapjaws, the mobs there are 49-50 so it means excellent exp ( i got about 680 rested per kill) and this place is very easy to solo since the turtles do not agro at all.
    Think Leather/Turtle shells
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    The lake in the middel og the map.
    Undeads - go down quite quick. Drop for 2s-9s. Addtional runcloth. There are also about 3 chests that appear in the lake. You'll find them after a time. Had many blue drops her (shell launcher shootgun - some blue bracers etc.) My freind also got 2 nice epic drops her. Alot of greens, and grey items that sells for 1g at vendor. Ichor of undead is about 4s for each. They also drop Superior healing potion and mana potion (all the time)
    Silver, ichor of undeath, mageweave, silk, grey, greens, blues and epics.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Darkwhisper Gorge, south.
    Guardians of Hyjal i guess.. lvl 59-60 elites with over 10000 hp. These mobs require long kiting time and lot's of mana. If you dont got enough, go get some mana pots (Barracks if you are Knight and up) or magewater.
    10-25 Silver, Can drop Felcloth, Runecloth and 1-2 % chance for dropping Eye of shadow!
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Mazthoril is great for hunters. The elite dragons drop around 20 silver pr. kill and thereís a chance that Blue Mature Dragon Sinew drops. This is used for hunter epic quiver: Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lanima (18 slots and increases ranged attack speed by 15%).

    North-west corner.
    Northspring Harpies have a rediculous low amount of HP and Armor. Easy grinding, both xp and gold-wise for any class.
    Mageweave, vibrant plume, silver, grey and greens.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    East coast Feralas.
    Turtles, good for low to mid 40s.
    Generally vendor fodder that goes for 1-8s each and can sometimes get many off one corpse. Also chance of various pearls. Got a few greens and 1 blue.
    Non-agro mobs so easy to farm but many are underwater so could be awkward to fight.
    Skinners: thick leather and turtle scales
    Gold per hour, not sure but full load ~6 gold at vendor. Leather+scales for AH or making armour, maybe 3 greens and few pearls.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Dire Maul..
    Elite Orgres.
    Outside the DM instance are a lot of elite ogres, dropping good money, runecloth, greens, blues, greys,... which all vendor really good or sell really good on AH. Try getting some waters from a mage first, though, since you need your mana.
    Those mobs are not very hard when you are level 60, but they are still elites.
    Level range:
    55-58 elites.
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Farm the whelps there, great if your a skinner and its doable at low lvls.
    Besides the usual vendortrash, thereís a possibility of a red whelp pet drop, that sells for +/- 40g and skin for leather.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    the instance you do in a 5 man group in Stormwind city
    Vendor trach, some green, money, and a lots of wool cloth
    Level range:
    23-30 (elite) i think so no XP tho
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    5-10g a runn

    Bring som food for you and your pet and mana drinks, empty your bag and use your tanking pet.

    Have don this 4-5 times now and stil only 1 time my pet died.

    Scarlet Monestary - Undercity:
    Scarlet Monastery - all
    If you aren't an enchater don't go there as you will earn only 1/10 of the money that you can get with your enchating skill.

    You can do whole SM within an hour and get 50-100g(depends of drops, AH prizes and if your stuff buys well). I had 300g in 6-7 hours of farming.

    You must do all the bosses even cathedral which will take about 30 mins to clear. If you want you can skip the Commander and do only the undead.

    In the torture room there is a chest which is often open. Don't take it when you come. Go and kill the undead boss first. For this run in the crypt and avoid aggroing mobs outside. When you enter the crypt you will aggro some undeads so FD in the boss room. Send your pet and start nuking the boss. He drops shoulders which are dissed and sometimes a blue orb (BoP) which is dissed too. He can also drop a blue mace that you can sell for 5-10g or more depending on your server. There are sometimes rare bosses in graveyard but I'm not sure if they exist cuz I never saw them. On your way back to the exit send your pet to the group near the chest (make sure it's not locked) and open it. Get out and the graveyard is done.
    *This is done in less than 5 mins*

    You only kill Herod in there and eventualy get a chest if it isn't locked. In the armory you will have to use only once FD if all goes well. Before you enter the yard there are 2 guards that you aggro so when you pass them its good to FD. When you enter the armory there are patrolng mages that you must avoid. Stick to the walls and walk between the groups. In the corridor with Herod's door you don't need to kill anything. Just open the door and enter. To fight Herod put a imollation trap, mark him put AotH and trueshot aura if you have one. If you are a BM hunter this fight won't be hard but for other specs this can be hard and your pet have chances to die. Let your pet get some aggro, then start with aimed and nuke him. Kite him using the stairs and FD when you start getting too much dmg. Repeat this until he's dead. Loot him quickly and put and explosive trap. If you're a NE hunter shadowmelt and out your pet to stealth if you don't have enough mana. After the students are dead from the explosion loot them and get out.
    *This is done in less than 5 mins*

    You'll have to use much FD and some frost trap. I can't tell you the exact location to use FD but you will find them. Just keep in mind not to aggro to much guys on you and then having a resist on your FD. There are several chests in library check if they aren't locked before you go to open them. When you get to the final room before Doan kill the 2 monks guarding the entrace. When you kill them go to Doan. He's is easy and you resist almost all of his spell except maybe the blast wave he casts. He drops Staff and Shoulders or Robe + Dagger which are both dissed. On the way out get the chest you can. You can also try Loksey and his dogs. But if you aren't a Beast Master your pet has a big chances to die which will lead to your death.
    *This part should take you around 10 mins*

    The part isn't impossible but it takes some time. You will have to clear everything before going to the boss. Remember to slow the mobs when they start running away or they can drag adds. Be aware of abbots which heal too many times. Interupt them when they start (imp concusive, scatter ot intimidation). Also try to freeze Centurions which hit hard and have high armor. When you clear all kill the undead guy. For the Commander lay an imo trap and send your pet. Let it get some aggro then start shooting the guy. Don't waist your mana or special abilities agianst him for the moment. If he gets on you use FD. When he dies his gf will come to rez him. When you get her to +/- 50% she will put you to sleep and rez him. When the Commander is rezzed he will heal her to full health. Send your pet on the commander and use BW if you are a beast master. When you finish the Commander focus on Whitemane. If all goes well your pet will be alive and you too Loot them both and dis the items.

    You will also get some greenies which are BoE. Decide if you want to put them on AH, sell them to vendors or dis them. Remember that you don't need to deposit money for enchating stuff so put them on a 24h duration. You will get 3-6 gold from killing the guys and much more from the shards, essences and dusts. Put them on low prices to make sure they are bought

    Thinks that might help you:
    Shadowmelt: while you wait for the FD (NE hunter)
    Holy protection potions: For the holy dmg
    Cat as pet: The prowl ability is really usefull
    Mage: For food and water. (be nice to him when you ask)
    Mark of Resolution: Trinket which absorb dmg.

    Also empty your bags and put what you can in the bank and get your Scarlet key. In few days you'll have enough money for what you want

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    sry I know you people will be like tripple poster it was an accident it was lagg...
    Last edited by speed4weed; 06-13-2007 at 01:46 PM. Reason: Auto-merged Doublepost

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    Best Grinding Spots in World of Warcraft from 10-60!!!!

    I dont think this was ever posted but i just wanted to post it maybe it will help you out a bit. Hope you like.

    Best Grinding Spots in World of Warcraft

    This is a topic containing grind spots from lvl 10-60 both for Horde and Alliance.
    Grind spot list. Before I start, you need to realize this is not a complete 1-70 leveling guide, it's just a guide that will help you find some good grinding spots, if you need a leveling guide, the best ones are: Joana's 1-70 Horde leveling Guide for horde, and Brian's 1-70 Alliance leveling guide for alliance.

    Contested areas:

    Area: Contested
    Location: Wetlands
    Level zone: 20+
    Special Drops: Red whelp pet
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: The red whelps is great for grinding


    Area: Contested
    Location: Duskwood
    Level zone: 25+
    Special Drops: Nothing special
    Gold per hour: 3-5 Gold
    Note: Kill everything in Raven Hill cemetary, mobs are level 26-30 (Mainly for alliance)


    Area: (Thousand Needles, Contested)
    Location: (Screeching Canyon)
    Level zone: (28-32 Harpies)
    Specal Drops: (Vibrant Plumes and light feathers, greys and greens)
    Gold per hour: (6g/h)
    Note: There is also 4 chests constantly respawning, you may find some greens. Note that the harpies silence, so this is no ideal place for mana users, but hunters isnt affected big.


    Area: Contested
    Location: Thousand needles and Shimmering flats
    Level zone: 30+
    Special Drops: None
    Gold per hour: 5 Gold
    Note: All mobs are nice to grind, Mainly a horde place


    Area: Contested
    Location: Strangletorn vale (all of it)
    Level zone: 30+ >45
    Specal Drops: cloth/some greens and a blue from time to time
    Gold per hour: don't know but good at lvl 30-40
    Note: Start at the side closest to duskwood and work youre self down STV.
    I lvled here from 32-33 up to 42-43 also got my mount money here, lots of grinding quests in rebel camp (for alli) and in the first camp inside STV (don't remembre the name of that camp, but both for hord and alli)
    just bee on the loockout for lvl ?? that having "fun" killing low lvl's.


    Area: Contested
    Location: Ferallas
    Level zone: 40+
    Special Drops: None
    Gold per hour: 10 Gold
    Note: Yeti cave, Wolves, Harpies


    Area: Contested
    Location: Strangletorn vale, crystal mines
    Level zone: 40 ish
    Specal Drops: miners
    Gold per hour: unsure, depends on what you get for iron and mithril bars on AH at your server, but 1-2 stacks of iron/mithril per h
    Note: also some mobs here that from time to time drops greens


    Area: Contested
    Location: Tanaris
    Level zone: 40+
    Special Drops: Mageweave cloths
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: Dunemaul compound in Tanaris, Grind the ogres

    Area: Contested
    Location: Felwood
    Level zone: 49+
    Special drops: A lot of potions
    Gold per hour: 15-20 Gold
    Note: Grind the furbolgs (Mobs are level 48-55)

    Area: Contested
    Location: S/W Tanaris
    Units: Thisteltrub
    Level zone: 40+
    Specal Drops:N/A
    Gold per hour:N/A
    LvL Range: 47-49(?)
    Note: Theese ones drop really fast. Easy grinding. Spawns very fast.
    Area: Contested
    Location: Arathi Highlands (Stromgarde keep)
    Level zone: 40-50+
    Special drops: A lot of mageweave cloth and green items
    Gold per hour: 20 Gold
    Note: Kill the ogres, they respawn fast.


    Area: (Feralas, Contested)
    Location: (The big irland beneath feathermoon)
    Level zone: (43-46 Nagas)
    Specal Drops: (Clams which contain iriscendent, black and golden pearls. Nagas also drops some greens, found some blues also)
    Gold per hour: (4-5g/h)
    Note: Under 3 hours of grinding i found 1 golden pearl, 4 black pears and 3 iriscendent pearls. Sell these and you have a nice g/h rate.

    Area: Contested
    Location: Badlands
    Level zone: 45+
    Special drops: Black whelp pet
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: Black Whelps are good for both skinning/exp and money


    Area: Contested
    Location: Azshara
    Units: Satyrs
    Level zone: 47+
    Specal Drops:Runecloth, Felcloth, Travellers backpacks
    Gold per hour: 10-40/hour depending on prices of runecloth/felcloth on your server.
    LvL Range: 51-53
    Note: Very easy to kill as bm specc at lvl 50. The place can be camped out, but hopefully not .


    Area: (Feralas,contested)
    Location: (Grimtotem Camp)
    Level zone: (43-47 dragonkins, and grimtotems)
    Specal Drops: (Aquamarines,skinn dragons,)
    Gold per hour: (2-3g/h)
    Note: merely a place to lvl up fast, extremely fast. Both grimtotems (naturalists) and dragonkins have very low health.


    Area: Contested
    Location: Searing Gorge
    Level zone: 45-50+
    Special drops: None
    Gold per hour: 10 Gold
    Note: Just make a walk around the cauldron you will find spiders and (lava/fire)elementals on your way, you can also go into the cauldron where you will find alot more elementals


    Area: (Feralas, northwest, contested)
    Level zone: (48-51 Harpies)
    Specal Drops: (Plummes)
    Gold per hour: (4-5g/h)
    Note: merely a place to lvl up fast, extremely fast. Harpies have very low health.

    Area: Contested
    Location: Un'Goro Crater
    Level zone: 50+
    Special drops: None
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: North East by the gorilla Cave


    Area: Contested
    Location: Winterspring
    Level zone: 54+
    Special Drops: None of what I know
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: Yetis are great to grind

    Area: Contested
    Location: Tyr's Hand
    Level zone: 55+
    Special Drops: Elemental fire
    Gold per hour: 25 Gold
    Note: Scarlets that gets so owned by a BeastMaster pet.

    Area: Contested
    Location: Azshara
    Level zone: 55+
    Special drops: No
    Gold pr. hour: ??
    Note: Kill elite dragon's S/E of ruins! They drop 20s pr. stk and give good XP!

    Area: Contested
    Location: Burning Steppes
    Level zone: 55+
    Special drops: Tons of runecloth
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: Nice for miners to, a lot of veins around

    Area: Contested
    Location: Heartglen
    Level zone: 58+
    Specal Drops: Librams sometimes
    Gold per hour: n/a
    Note:This is a very good place to lvl,the mobs arent too tough,but they are elite.Good exp,drops,etc.but be mindfull of the 61 patrol.Have fun


    Horde areas

    Area: Horde
    Location: a bit North of Camp Taurajo the Razormane villages
    Level zone: 17-21
    Specal Drops: no
    Gold per hour: unknown
    Note: Very good leveling area,also very nice for grinding linen/wool.2 quests there,mobs go down FAST

    <More coming soon>

    Alliance areas

    Area: Alliance (i think :P)
    Location: Loch Modan
    Level Zone: 20+
    Special Drops: ?
    Gold Per Hour: ?
    Note: More specific, i mean the northeastern part, by the Ogres. They are Elite so it takes a party of atleast two if lvl around 20. Good loot and xp xD

    Area: Contested
    Location: Winterspring
    Level zone: 54+
    Special Drops: None of what I know
    Gold per hour: Unknown
    Note: Yetis are great to grind

    Searing Gorge:

    Description: Just make a walk around the cauldron you will find spiders and (lava/fire)elementals on your way, you can also go into the cauldron where you will find alot more elementals. (lvl 45/50)
    Drops: Hearth of Fire, Ironwebspidersilk, thick spider silk, shadow silk, elemental fire, coal and white spider meat.
    Estimated gold/hour: 10G

    Tyr's Hand:

    Description: EPL. Scarlets that gets oh so owned by a BM pet.
    Drops: Lots of money and runecloth. Quite good droprate of greenies and better too
    Est G/H: Depends on drops. I have myself hit 25 g/h with my current specc (not BM) which probably could be boosted to at least 100ish if I specc BM.

    Burning Steppes

    Description: The elite black dragons in the north east.
    Drops: Lots of money, equal to Tyr's Hand gold drops. If you are a skinner this is just awesome.
    Est G/H: My record being 340 g/h here... Was kinda lucky then though with drops ;P
    I do about 40g/h nowadays when I go here.

    Un'goro Guardians

    Description: Stone guardians in un'goro, lvl 60 and 61 elite. Patrols north and east sides.
    Drops: Guardian Stones and Essence of Earth
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Un'goro Devilsaur's

    Description: Only useful for tribal l/w to make devilsaur set.
    Drops: Devilsaur leather.
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Azshara Blood Elves

    Description: Blood elves in north east Azshara, go down fast but camped usually
    Drops: Runecloth/Greys/Increased blue and epic chance
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Dunemaul Ogre's

    Description: Dunemaul compound in Tanaris, easy grind for the high lvl 40.
    Drops: Mageweave/Greys/Greens
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Deadwind Ogre's

    Description: East of Duskwood, lvl 55-60 mobs (ogres and undead). Usually not camped.
    Drops: Runecloth/Greys/Dramatically increased blue and epic chance
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    EPL Blood Elves

    Description: 58-60 elves near the north east lodge, downtime around 0 if on autoshot.
    Drops: Runecloth/Money
    Est G/H: 20, depending on ah values

    Badland Whelp's

    Description: In the eastern part of the zone, there are many lvl 41-43 whelp's.
    Drops: Silver/Good selling vendor trash/Worn Dragonscale's (if skinner)
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Bats in EPL

    Description: Bats wandering the zone
    Drops: Vendor trash... that sells for for 15-20s a piece!
    Est G/H: 50g+... on a good day

    Azshara Demons

    Description: Legashi Demons in north east Azshara, go down fast but camped usually
    Drops: Runecloth/Greys/Felcloth
    Est G/H: 50g+ (not including mooncloth)

    Early Desolace

    Description: In the Northeast you will find yourself some demons, along the east side of the map you will walk into alot of Centaurs. All over the map you walk into various beasts and elementals.
    Drops: Demons and centaur will drop gold, cloth and of course the occasional green.
    Est. G/H: Im guessing here....5G

    Un'Goro Gorilla Crater

    Description: They can call for help but that just makes it exciting. they range from 50-53 the thunderer's can hit 300 or so with their lightning bolt but they do that rarely and just let the pet soak it up.
    Drops: Good Vendor trash/Rugged Leather
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Felstone Field WPL

    Description: Easy to kill mobs, good for grinding xp and Argent rep. Low 50 mobs.
    Drops: Argent Stones/Vendor Trash/Runecloth
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Azshara Blue Dragon's

    Description: Elite level 50-52 blue dragon, pet may require medical attention alot.
    Drops: Silver/Rugged Leather/Blue Scales
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    South Burning Step's Dragon's

    Description: There are a group of lvl 56-57 Dragonspawns and 57-58 wyrmkins and a passage South to another area with more and an empty cave. Clear the area, then walk down and take out a few more. Get the treasure chest if spawned.
    Drops: Usually about 25s per kill and 2 Rugged Leather or a Black Dragonscale. A little vendor trash and some 4-7g greens plus the occational 50-100g blue.
    Est G/H: 50g+ (More if Skinner)

    Hinterland's Snapjaw's

    Description: Turtles along the beach near the horde base. 48-50, no aggro apart from 50 elite that can be avoided.
    Drops: Great Vendor loot/Leather + turtle scales (if skinner)
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Raven Hill

    Description: Great grinding for 26-30 mobs. Mainly for xp though
    Drops: Silver/Cloth/vendor loot
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Winterspring Lake

    Description: 54-60 mobs with low hp, go down easily with almost no downtime. Occasional chest.
    Drops: Silver/Runecloth/Blue's and epics
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Winterspring Yeti Cave

    Description: South of everlook, 56-60 mobs that can be killed and skinned easy.
    Drops: Silver/Potions/Leather
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Feralas (NW corner):

    Description: Northspring Harpies (48-50) have a rediculous low amount of HP and Armor. Easy grinding, both xp and gold-wise for any class.
    Drops: Mageweave Cloth, Vibrant Plume, Gold.
    Est G/H: 7-8G

    Noxious Glade EPL

    Description: The Noxious Glade in EPL, up a hill just north of light's hope chapel. Variety of undead/humanoid scourge mobs at 57-60.
    Drops: Mostly cash and runecloth. Good place to farm scourgestones. Managed to get an epic 55 necklace I sold for 300g as well.
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Felwood Furbolgs:

    Description: Village to north and one to the south, lvl 48-55 mobs approx.
    Drops: Mageweave/Potions/Greens
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Blackrock Cave - Burning Steppes:

    Description: Level 55+ Blackrock mobs outside cave, thorium spawns nearby
    Drops: Greens/Runecloth/Thorium
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    [b]Dire Maul Ogre's[b]:

    Description: 55+ Elites, Outside the DM instance are a lot of elite ogres. Try getting some waters from a mage first, though, since you need your mana.
    Drops: Silver/Runecloth/Greens
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Darkwhisper Gorge, Winterspring:

    Description: Guardians of Hyjal. lvl 59-60 elites with over 10000 hp. theese mobs require long kiting time and lot's of mana.
    Drops: Silver/Runecloth/Felcloth/Eye of shadow epic
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Yellow Worms in EPL:

    Description: Worms spawn all over EPL
    Drops: Vendor loot/Larval acid
    Est G/H: depends on ah price of the acid

    Sorrow Hill in WPL:

    Description: 50-52 undead drop like wildfire doing almost no damage to your pet. As a BM hunter i dont think i had to heal my pet or even stop killing more than once every hour.
    Drops: Vendor loot/Runecloth/AD stones
    Est G/H: Estimate of 10g (confirm?)

    Tar beasts in Un'goro:

    Description: Drops living Essence's at a good rate, not camped usually.
    Drops: Vendor loot/Living Essence
    Est G/H: depends on ah price of the essence

    Water Elementals in Felwood:

    Description: Drops a few water essences every hour, usually camped though.
    Drops: Vendor loot/Water Essence
    Est G/H: depends on ah price of the essence

    Silithus - Twilight Camp's:

    Description: Camps around silithus, 58-62 mobs that can drop things to summon more, cenarion rep gained from texts as well.
    Drops: Vendor loot/Runecloth/Epics/Cen rep
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Silithus - Elemental Invasion:

    Description: During the elemental invasion, solo farm the air elementals in the north.
    Drops: Breath of Wind/Essence of Air
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Deadwind Pass Bird Run:

    Description: Make a circuit of the roads in deadwind and kill all the carrion.
    Drops: Very decent vendor loot.
    Est G/H: 15-20g

    South East Un'goro

    Description: Jungle Stalker / Ravasaur Hunter / Ravasaur (all around lvl 48-49)
    Aimed Shot, Multi Shot + Serpent Sting and he won't hit you :P
    Drops: Vendor Loot/AQ war items/Leather
    Est G/H: not added (please suggest value)

    Area: Horde
    Location: a bit North of Camp Taurajo the Razormane villages
    Level zone: 17-21
    Specal Drops: no
    Gold per hour: unknown
    Note: Very good leveling area,also very nice for grinding linen/wool.2 quests there,mobs go down FAST.

    Area: Neutral
    Location: Heartglen
    Level zone: 58ish
    Specal Drops: Librams sometimes
    Gold per hour: n/a
    Note:This is a very good place to lvl,the mobs arent too tough,but they are elite.Good exp,drops,etc.but be mindfull of the 61 patrol.Have fun

    Area: Contested
    Location: Azshara
    Units: Satyrs
    Level zone: 47+
    Specal Drops:Runecloth, Felcloth, Travellers backpacks
    Gold per hour: 10-40/hour depending on prices of runecloth/felcloth on your server.
    LvL Range: 51-53
    Note: Very easy to kill as bm specc at lvl 50. The place can be camped out, but hopefully not .

    Area: Contested
    Location: S/W Tanaris
    Units: Thisteltrub
    Level zone: 40+
    Specal Drops:N/A
    Gold per hour:N/A
    LvL Range: 47-49(?)
    Note: Theese ones drop really fast. Easy grinding. Spawns very fast.

    Area: Contested (i think :P)
    Location: Loch Modan
    Level Zone: 20+
    Special Drops: ?
    Gold Per Hour: ?
    Note: More specific, i mean the northeastern part, by the Ogres. They are Elite so it takes a party of atleast two if lvl around 20. Good loot and xp xD

    Area: Neutral
    Location: Azshara
    Level zone: 55+
    Special drops: No
    Gold pr. hour: ??
    Note: Kill elite dragon's S/E of ruins! They drop 20s pr. stk and give good XP!

    Arathi Highlands:
    Elite ogres in Stromgarde Keep.
    Nice thing is they respawn quite quickly.
    Silver, health and mana pots, mageweave cloth, loads of greens, picked up about 20-25 in one hour once. Also heard the "Fiery War Axe (Epic)" also drops there from time to time.
    Level range:
    As soon as you confident in killing lvl 38-44 elites.
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Thousand Needles:
    1000 Needles, Shimmering Flats.
    All mobs drop vendor trash that you can sell for easy money, Almost most mobs are skinnable for skinners again, Few green drops, and not to contested
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    5g +

    Searing Gorge:
    Just make a walk around the cauldron you will find spiders and (lava/fire)elementals on your way, you can also go into the cauldron where you will find alot more elementals.
    Hearth of Fire, Ironwebspidersilk, thick spider silk, shadow silk, elemental fire, coal and white spider meat.
    Level range:
    lvl 45/50
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    10g +

    Burning Steppes:
    North east.
    The elite black dragons.
    Lots of money and items, equal to Tyr's Hand gold drops. If you are a skinner this is just awesome.
    Level range:
    Lvl +58 elites
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    My record being 340 g/h here... Was kinda lucky then though with drops ;P
    I do about 40g/h nowadays when I go here.

    There are a group of lvl 56-57 Dragonspawns and 57-58 wyrmkins and a passage South to another area with more and an empty cave. Area near cave is pretty good. Clear the area, then walk down and take out a few more. Get the treassure chest if spawned. Be careful - there are some nasty monsters walking by.
    The Wyrkmins go down very easily but has a nasty curse-spell. The Dragonspawns takes some more arrows (and the whole mana pool).
    These monsters are not exactly easy, but brings in some 50-100g per hour when skinning.
    Level range:
    Lvl +58 elites
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    Usually about 25s per kill and 2 Rugged Leather or a Black Dragonscale. A little vendor trash and some 4-7g greens plus the occational 50-100g blue.

    Burning Steppes is fairly good because of the amount of rich thorium veins and dark iron veins. Plus that the mobs drop kinda good amounts of silver.

    Eastern & western plaquelands:
    Tyrís Hand.
    Scarlets, all types.
    Lots of money and runecloth. Quite good droprate of greenies and better too
    Level range:
    Lvl +58 elites
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    +25 G

    Near the lodge.
    Blood elves up north.
    Rune cloth, money, items (2-8s each)
    Level range:
    Lvl +58 elites
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    All over Eastern Plaguelands.
    Vendor trash... that sellf for 15-20s a piece!
    Level range:
    Lvl +58 elites
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    50g+... on a good day

    The Noxious Glade in Eastern Plaguelands, up a hill just north of Light's hope chapel.
    Variety of undead/humanoid scourge mobs.
    Its close to an outpost (chapel of light) for selling/buying new arrows and close to a flightpoint.
    There is 3 rich thorium veins in that area to be accesed in addition to mob kills.
    There is 1 "silver elite" mob spawnign there every 6 hours or.
    There is at least 3 chest spawn places in the area for extra loot.
    Quite a few casters there that go down in almost one aimed shot crit.
    One thing bad though, the ghouls cast a 10 minute lasting debuff.
    Mobs drop runecloth, money, items and the spiders drop all kind of silk.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    + 5G

    The mobs are undead and you can use your argent dawn commision to built up AD faction at the same time.
    Yellow worms in EPL, drops larval acid that sells for 5g
    Felstone Field, Western Plaguelands, easy to kill mobs, quite a few greens and blues plus Runecloth and decent vendor trash.

    Blood Elves in Azshara, north east.
    They are all casters and go down very easy.
    Silver, runecloth, grey and greens and potions.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    5g +

    The other place is in the southern parts of the Azhara.
    You'll find a lot of elite level 50-52 blue dragons.
    Good vendor trash isn't uncommon, and they drop anywhere from 3-20+ silver each. They're also skinnable.
    I find that my pet is in need of medical attention after each melee-type kill though (the casters are easy as you resist most of their spells).
    Level range:
    50-52 elites.
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    North-eastern part of the map. (neighbors to the Blood Elves).
    2-15s pr kill, runecloth, felcloth (best drop rate in the game I have been told), mongoose recipe.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Two nice locations. One is the timbermaw furbolg encampments dotted around the north western parts of Azshara. If you up your reputation with these to 'Friendly' (by killing the evil furbolgs in Felwood) you can freely ride into their camps and empty their chests without getting aggro.

    Northwestern corner
    When there is an invasion, Whirling Invaders will spawn . Farm these. As 60 hunter I can kill around 100 of these per hour. They are very easy to kill.
    Essence of Air with 5% drop rate. Worth 15g each. Also has some nice epic drops. Also Breath of Wind.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    Average of 75g/hour.

    All twillight camps in the area.
    For that last level 59-60 you gotta love silithus, easy quests and they give tons of xp, did 59-60 in 6hrs there with some fooling around too.
    3-10 silver each, runecloth, grey, greens, blue and even epics.
    Twilligt texts for reputation (they can also be sold on AH for ~2-4g for a stack of 20) and twilligt armor set to summon lesser lords, which often drops greens and a medalion, which you turn in for ìBag of spoilsî. They contains items and nice stuff. It also gives reputation.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    +15g (a lot more if blues and epics drops)

    East side, where the pirates are
    Loads of pirates, quite busy at peak times, try to go at off peak times.
    Lots of silver, mageweave cloth, tonnes of greens, some blues, lots off chests (I got 2 blues from one chest, and got 3 greens off three consecutive kills)
    Level range:
    40 odd
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Dunemaul ogres.
    They drop Mageweave Cloth almost 100%, in lots of 2-3, and after about 3hrs of grinding there on my Rogue i had about 300 Mageweave. I don't know how it goes on other servers, but 90s a stack for 20x Mageweave. 15x90s = 13g50s.
    That's not including the silver they drop and the items. It's pretty nice.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Zul Farrak.
    Zul Farrak trolls outside the instance are elites.
    They are 42-44 and the mages go down really easy and the melee trolls arent much harder.
    They drops loads of greens, mageweave, silk and vendor trash and anywhere between 6-12s.
    Level range:
    42-45 elites.
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Deadwind pass, east of Duskwood:
    East of Duskwood, there's a sign that tells you not to go in, but oh well.
    Deadwind Ogres and Birds.
    They drop grey, greens, runecloth, and anywhere between 3-10s. Just the other day i got Helm of Narv which sold for 200g. Birds drop valueable vendor trash.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    The whelps in badlands can be taken down without much effort by a lvl 38 hunter they offer good XP and the vendor crap sells for decent amount and the drop silver on top of that. They can be skinned.
    They drop grey, greens, runecloth, and anywhere between 3-10s. Just the other day i got Helm of Narv which sold for 200g. Birds drop valueable vendor trash.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Middle southern area.
    Troggs, coyotes and rock elementals.
    Mostly 5 silver from troggs with lots of silk linen cloth, solid rocks and engineering reagents from elementals. Coyotes has red meat, large fang etc.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Duskwallow Marsh:
    Grinded for like 1.5-2 hours there and got 4 greens.
    On top of that they drop all kinds of spider silk and some nice valueable vendortrash.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    In the Northeast you will find yourself some demons, along the east side of the map you will walk into alot of Centaurs. All over the map you walk into various beasts and elementals.
    Demons and centaur will drop gold, cloth and offcourse the occasional green.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Fungal Rock, in the north east of Un'Goro Crater.
    Crater full of level 50-55 gorrilas.
    Tuft of Gorrila Hair sells for 11s, drops off about 1 in 2 gorillas. Empty Barrel sells for 15s, drops off about 1 in 5 gorillas. Also if your a skinner you will get lots and lots of thick / rugged leather.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Fire Plume Ridge and Tar Beasts near Marshals Point.
    I usually go grind there since the Scorching Elementals are 53-54 and the Living Blazes are 54-55 and they drop Essences of Fire, Hearts of Fire and Elemental Fires.. i went there this morning and got 10 elemental fires, 14 hearts and 1 essence in 2 hours, thats about 35G + some very nice xp for the non-60's
    I spent alot of time grinding the Tar beasts in Un'goro.
    Drops include Essence of life, many green wands/hammers and i got one or two blues. Estimate around 15g to 20g per hour or more.
    Essence of fire, Heart of Fire and Elemental fire, Essence of life, greens and blues + burning pitch and other vendortrash.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Un'Goro Crater (south east).
    Jungle Stalker / Ravasaur Hunter / Ravasaur (all around lvl 48-49)
    Aimed Shot, Multi Shot + Serpent Sting and he won't hit you.
    Raptor Flesh (Good for Alliance Supply - AQ)
    Thick Leather (Good for Alliance supply - AQ - MUST BE SKINNER)
    Tribal Raptor Feathers - 8s each.
    Smooth Raptor Skin - 7s each
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Near entrance to Un'Goro Crater from Tanaris.
    Unígoro stone guardians, they can be kited easely. Made 50g in one hour, I sold the stones on AH.
    The fights are quite long, but its alot of fun. Also running between Stone Guardian spawn point to collect bloodpetal sprouts for some free food and a chance for some Major Health pots, not to mention an elemental invaison and the rich thorium veins.
    Essence of Earth ~ 8-10g and Guardian Stones ~5-6g.
    Level range:
    55-60 elites.
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Cave - West Side, part of a quest to kill the jaen things.
    Lots and lots of humanoids.
    Lots of silver, mageweave cloth, some greens, some blues, Mithril and some thorium (rare). I got one blue and 2 greens off three consecutive kills.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    North, Jade Fire Run.
    The satyrs here are melee and casters and are easily downed. I can often one-shoot the casters and the melee satyrs go down without a problem. Just stand max range, let pet attack, aimed shot (if not dead), then conc. shot and just auto shoot to conserve mana.
    Also Felwood is a great place to herb. You can find plagueblooms, sungrass, mountain silversage, gromsblood, golden sansam.
    If you get beacon, you can also farm various berries that gives extra stamina and ofcouse the much sought after night dragons breath and whipper root tubers.
    When you go farm, always bring magewater.
    Runecloth, felcloth, major healing pots, silver, grey, green and blues. Found two Elemental Decks 2 days straight, which sold for 15g each. You can also find Demonic Stones (gives mana at the cost of health) that sells for 1.20g for a stack of 20 at vendor (they are soulbound).
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Iron Tree Woods (middle)
    Toxic Horrors drops Essence of Water often, but are richly farmed.
    As a hunter, you can pull many of them (at 60 they go down fast and with pet you can take at least 3 at once. Also use your elemental tracking and you will se where they spawn about 1 sec before the other farmers.
    I got my first essence after 2 mins, i after 5 mins, 10mins and 75 mins. They all sold for 8g/each so i made a little more than 20g/h.
    If you get up areound 5-7 in the morning you can make 100g/hour easilly.
    Essence of Water.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    The Hinterlands:
    Beach at Raventusk Village.
    Saltwater Snapjaws, the mobs there are 49-50 so it means excellent exp ( i got about 680 rested per kill) and this place is very easy to solo since the turtles do not agro at all.
    Think Leather/Turtle shells
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    The lake in the middel og the map.
    Undeads - go down quite quick. Drop for 2s-9s. Addtional runcloth. There are also about 3 chests that appear in the lake. You'll find them after a time. Had many blue drops her (shell launcher shootgun - some blue bracers etc.) My freind also got 2 nice epic drops her. Alot of greens, and grey items that sells for 1g at vendor. Ichor of undead is about 4s for each. They also drop Superior healing potion and mana potion (all the time)
    Silver, ichor of undeath, mageweave, silk, grey, greens, blues and epics.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Darkwhisper Gorge, south.
    Guardians of Hyjal i guess.. lvl 59-60 elites with over 10000 hp. These mobs require long kiting time and lot's of mana. If you dont got enough, go get some mana pots (Barracks if you are Knight and up) or magewater.
    10-25 Silver, Can drop Felcloth, Runecloth and 1-2 % chance for dropping Eye of shadow!
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Mazthoril is great for hunters. The elite dragons drop around 20 silver pr. kill and thereís a chance that Blue Mature Dragon Sinew drops. This is used for hunter epic quiver: Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lanima (18 slots and increases ranged attack speed by 15%).

    North-west corner.
    Northspring Harpies have a rediculous low amount of HP and Armor. Easy grinding, both xp and gold-wise for any class.
    Mageweave, vibrant plume, silver, grey and greens.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    East coast Feralas.
    Turtles, good for low to mid 40s.
    Generally vendor fodder that goes for 1-8s each and can sometimes get many off one corpse. Also chance of various pearls. Got a few greens and 1 blue.
    Non-agro mobs so easy to farm but many are underwater so could be awkward to fight.
    Skinners: thick leather and turtle scales
    Gold per hour, not sure but full load ~6 gold at vendor. Leather+scales for AH or making armour, maybe 3 greens and few pearls.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Dire Maul..
    Elite Orgres.
    Outside the DM instance are a lot of elite ogres, dropping good money, runecloth, greens, blues, greys,... which all vendor really good or sell really good on AH. Try getting some waters from a mage first, though, since you need your mana.
    Those mobs are not very hard when you are level 60, but they are still elites.
    Level range:
    55-58 elites.
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    Farm the whelps there, great if your a skinner and its doable at low lvls.
    Besides the usual vendortrash, thereís a possibility of a red whelp pet drop, that sells for +/- 40g and skin for leather.
    Level range:
    Estimated money pr. hour:

    the instance you do in a 5 man group in Stormwind city
    Vendor trach, some green, money, and a lots of wool cloth
    Level range:
    23-30 (elite) i think so no XP tho
    Estimated money pr. hour:
    5-10g a runn

    Bring som food for you and your pet and mana drinks, empty your bag and use your tanking pet.

    Have don this 4-5 times now and stil only 1 time my pet died.

    Scarlet Monestary - Undercity:
    Scarlet Monastery - all
    If you aren't an enchater don't go there as you will earn only 1/10 of the money that you can get with your enchating skill.

    You can do whole SM within an hour and get 50-100g(depends of drops, AH prizes and if your stuff buys well). I had 300g in 6-7 hours of farming.

    You must do all the bosses even cathedral which will take about 30 mins to clear. If you want you can skip the Commander and do only the undead.

    In the torture room there is a chest which is often open. Don't take it when you come. Go and kill the undead boss first. For this run in the crypt and avoid aggroing mobs outside. When you enter the crypt you will aggro some undeads so FD in the boss room. Send your pet and start nuking the boss. He drops shoulders which are dissed and sometimes a blue orb (BoP) which is dissed too. He can also drop a blue mace that you can sell for 5-10g or more depending on your server. There are sometimes rare bosses in graveyard but I'm not sure if they exist cuz I never saw them. On your way back to the exit send your pet to the group near the chest (make sure it's not locked) and open it. Get out and the graveyard is done.
    *This is done in less than 5 mins*

    You only kill Herod in there and eventualy get a chest if it isn't locked. In the armory you will have to use only once FD if all goes well. Before you enter the yard there are 2 guards that you aggro so when you pass them its good to FD. When you enter the armory there are patrolng mages that you must avoid. Stick to the walls and walk between the groups. In the corridor with Herod's door you don't need to kill anything. Just open the door and enter. To fight Herod put a imollation trap, mark him put AotH and trueshot aura if you have one. If you are a BM hunter this fight won't be hard but for other specs this can be hard and your pet have chances to die. Let your pet get some aggro, then start with aimed and nuke him. Kite him using the stairs and FD when you start getting too much dmg. Repeat this until he's dead. Loot him quickly and put and explosive trap. If you're a NE hunter shadowmelt and out your pet to stealth if you don't have enough mana. After the students are dead from the explosion loot them and get out.
    *This is done in less than 5 mins*

    You'll have to use much FD and some frost trap. I can't tell you the exact location to use FD but you will find them. Just keep in mind not to aggro to much guys on you and then having a resist on your FD. There are several chests in library check if they aren't locked before you go to open them. When you get to the final room before Doan kill the 2 monks guarding the entrace. When you kill them go to Doan. He's is easy and you resist almost all of his spell except maybe the blast wave he casts. He drops Staff and Shoulders or Robe + Dagger which are both dissed. On the way out get the chest you can. You can also try Loksey and his dogs. But if you aren't a Beast Master your pet has a big chances to die which will lead to your death.
    *This part should take you around 10 mins*

    The part isn't impossible but it takes some time. You will have to clear everything before going to the boss. Remember to slow the mobs when they start running away or they can drag adds. Be aware of abbots which heal too many times. Interupt them when they start (imp concusive, scatter ot intimidation). Also try to freeze Centurions which hit hard and have high armor. When you clear all kill the undead guy. For the Commander lay an imo trap and send your pet. Let it get some aggro then start shooting the guy. Don't waist your mana or special abilities agianst him for the moment. If he gets on you use FD. When he dies his gf will come to rez him. When you get her to +/- 50% she will put you to sleep and rez him. When the Commander is rezzed he will heal her to full health. Send your pet on the commander and use BW if you are a beast master. When you finish the Commander focus on Whitemane. If all goes well your pet will be alive and you too Loot them both and dis the items.

    You will also get some greenies which are BoE. Decide if you want to put them on AH, sell them to vendors or dis them. Remember that you don't need to deposit money for enchating stuff so put them on a 24h duration. You will get 3-6 gold from killing the guys and much more from the shards, essences and dusts. Put them on low prices to make sure they are bought

    Thinks that might help you:
    Shadowmelt: while you wait for the FD (NE hunter)
    Holy protection potions: For the holy dmg
    Cat as pet: The prowl ability is really usefull
    Mage: For food and water. (be nice to him when you ask)
    Mark of Resolution: Trinket which absorb dmg.

    Also empty your bags and put what you can in the bank and get your Scarlet key. In few days you'll have enough money for what you want

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    Turkeyham's Avatar Member
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    Re: Best Grinding Spots in World of Warcraft from 10-60!!!!

    Thanks for posting 4 times. Learn to click once.

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    speed4weed's Avatar Member
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    Re: Best Grinding Spots in World of Warcraft from 10-60!!!!

    Sry I know you people will be like tripple poster it was an accident it was lagg... god dam. i clicked once and it just never posted and hen i cheaked and it posted 4 times.

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    Re: Best Grinding Spots in World of Warcraft from 10-60!!!!

    Well, you were at least posting it twice. This one is for 10-60 and the other 3 are for 20-60.

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    sorvad's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Best Grinding Spots in World of Warcraft from 10-60!!!!

    Last edited by sorvad; 06-13-2007 at 02:22 PM.

  9. #9
    Marlo's Avatar Banned
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    Re: Best Grinding Spots in World of Warcraft from 10-60!!!!

    Merged all the threads as it was kind of spammy

  10. #10
    gnomercy's Avatar Member
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    Re: Best Grinding Spots in World of Warcraft from 10-60!!!!

    this post makes the phrase "tl;dr" look like it suits a one-liner =/

  11. #11
    Leifarn's Avatar Member
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    Re: Best Grinding Spots in World of Warcraft from 10-60!!!!

    Looks nice Nice work

  12. #12
    Cakewalk's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Best Grinding Spots in World of Warcraft from 10-60!!!!

    This is pretty much every location with mobs in wow except oozes.

  13. #13
    bluefire24's Avatar Member
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    Re: Best Grinding Spots in World of Warcraft from 10-60!!!!

    thanks for postin this, gonna be really helpful and save me some time.

  14. #14
    <Gravity>'s Avatar Member
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    Re: Best Grinding Spots in World of Warcraft from 10-60!!!!

    That guide is the biggest lump of shit i've ever seen.

  15. #15
    Bhood21's Avatar Member
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    Re: Best Grinding Spots in World of Warcraft from 10-60!!!!

    wow... That was a lot of posting for something of this nature, lol.

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