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    Guide:Midsummer Fire Festival DETAILED

    The Midsummer Fire Festival is a seasonal event that celebrates the hottest season of the year. It starts on the (earthly) northern summer solstice, and lasts about two weeks (June 21 – July 4). It is similar to the Lunar Festival and other holidays, featuring some useful buffs, food, and toys to play with.
    The Flame Keeper/Warden
    The Fires of Azeroth
    Burning Hot Pole Dance
    King of the Fire Festival
    Desecration of the Alliance/Horde
    Ice the Frost Lord
    Torch Juggler

    The Fires of Azeroth And Desecration of the Alliance/Horde:
    [IMGL]http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/2896/brazier73755.jpg[/IMGL]Flame Keeper of Eastern Kingdoms
    Flame Keeper of Outland
    Flame Keeper of Kalimdor
    Extinguishing Eastern Kingdoms
    Extinguishing Outland
    Extinguishing Kalimdor

    Eastern Kingdoms

    A - Arathi Highlands - Eastern Side of Refuge Point (bit vague on this one, memory is fuzzy)
    H - Arathi Highlands - Just South of Hammerfall
    H - Badlands - South of the Kargath Guard Tower
    A - Blasted Lands - East out of Nethergarde Keep
    A - Burning Steppes - North West outside of Morgan's Vigil, near the road leading to Redridge
    H - Burning Steppes - Southwest of Flame Crest (Yes, apparently Flame Crest is a "town")
    A - Duskwood - South of Darkshire, just near the outlying farmhouse, and the path leading to the cemetery.
    A - Dun Morogh - Nothern Area of Kharanos
    A - Elwynn Forest - Just north of Goldshire
    H - Eversong Woods - Just east of the North Sanctum
    H - Ghostlands - Off the road north outside Tranquillen
    A - Hillsbrad Foothills - North of Southshore, on the western side of the road.
    H - Hillsbrad Foothills - South-West outside of Tarren Mill
    A - Hinterlands - Southern Area of Aerie Peak, basically due south of the well
    H - Hinterlands - Outside of Revantusk Village
    A - Loch Modan - North of Thelsamar, on the eastern side of the road
    A - Redridge Mountains - On the Southern side of Lake Everstill, south of Lakeshire and West of the Lakeshire Flight Master
    H - Swamp of Sorrows - Just North of Stonard
    H - Silverpine Forest - East outside the Sepulcher.
    A - Stranglethorn Vale - On the southeastern shoreline outside of booty bay, near the horde bonfire.
    H - Stranglethorn Vale - On the southeastern shoreline outside Booty Bay, opposite the Alliance one.
    H - Tirisfal Glades - West outside Brill.
    A - Westfall - On the Fork of the Road at Sentinel Hill, about 10 yards from the Flight Master
    A - Wetlands - North leading out of Menethil Harbour, next to the Road
    A - Western Plaguelands - Situated alongside the road in far South WPL, just outside the small Alliance/Argent Dawn Encampment


    [IMGL]http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/4046/21352826.jpg[/IMGL]A - Ashenvale - Southern Exit. from Astranaar, just over the bridge
    H - Ashenvale - South/West of Splintertree Post. (near the guard tower)
    A - Azuremyst Isle - Due south. of the small lake situated west of Azure Watch, along the road.
    A - Bloodmyst Isle - South along the road. from Blood Watch.
    H - Desolace - Just South. of Shadowprey Village, at it's entrance
    H - Durotar - Just South. of Razor Hill
    A - Darkshore - South of Auberdine., near the shoreline.
    A - Desolace - South and slightly west. of the path leading out of Nijel's Point
    A - Dustmallow Marsh - Outside Theramore keep., on the road leading north west.
    H - Dustmallow Marsh - Just North. (or "behind") Brackenwall Village
    A - Feralas - Northern Shoreline. of Feathermoon keep, just west of the pier
    H - Feralas - The Western Road. out of Camp Mojache
    H - Mulgore - Near the fork in the road outside Bloodhoof Village
    A - Silithus - East of Cenarion Hold, on the north side of the road
    H - Silithus - West of Cenarion Hold.
    H - Stonetalon Mountains - East of Sun Rock Retreat (near the main road)
    H - The Barrens - Near Crossroads.
    H - Thousand Needles - Southwestern Corner of Freewind Post, on the Canyon Floor, or if you prefer, the "ramp entrance" to Freewind Post.
    A - Tanaris - Right near the Alliance Flight Master, just south of Gadgetzan
    H - Tanaris - Near the Horde Gadgetzan Flight Master
    A - Teldrassil - South of the road leading West out of Dolanaar
    A - Winterspring - North of the Everlook Alliance Flight Master
    H - Winterspring - Just north of the Horde Everlook Flight Master


    A - Blade's Edge Mountain - Just East of Sylvanaar, close to the bridge
    H - Blade's Edge Mountains - Just South and Slightly East out of Thunderlord Stronghold
    A - Hellfire Peninsula - East of Honor Hold, situated fairly close to the outlying east tower
    H - Hellfire Peninsula - South and East out of Thrallmar
    A - Nagrand - Western side of the bridge leading west out of Telaar
    H - Nagrand - Slightly West of Garadar
    A - Netherstorm - Just north of Area 52
    H - Netherstorm - Just South of Area 52
    A - Shadowmoon Valley - Adjacent to the north entrance to Wildhammer Stronghold, nestled between the Hold and a small hut.
    H - Shadowmoon Valley - Eastern Entrance out of Shadowmoon Village, across the small bridge
    A - Terokkar Forest - Just Southwest of Allerian Stronghold
    H - Terrokar Forest - North East entrance out of stonebreaker Hold
    A - Zangarmarsh - South of Telredor, between the main path and the small pathway leading to the Telredor Lift.
    H - Zangarmarsh - Zabrajin, towards the horde scout

    Burning Hot Pole Dance

    Dance at the ribbon pole for 60 seconds while wearing completed Midsummer set.(Scroll down to find out how to get set)

    King of the Fire Festival

    Alliance, A Thief's Reward*
    Horde, A Thief's Reward*

    *Complete the quest, "A Thief's Reward", by stealing the flames from your enemy's capital cities.

    A - Ironforge - Hall of Explorers.
    A - Darnassus - Rut'theran Village (not in Darnassus City itself)
    A - Stormwind - North-Northeast of the "Magic Quarter", diagonally opposite the Stockade
    A - Exodar - The Crystall Hall.

    H - Silvermoon City - Southern Corner of "Court of the Sun"
    H - Undercity - On the surface level, just on your left as you enter the ruins of Lordaeron
    H - Orgrimmar - Valley of Wisdom, South/East Corner
    H - Thunder Bluff - Spirit Rise, Western Side

    Ice the Frost Lord

    Criteria Requires 1 out of 4:
    Ahune slain
    Tabard of Summer Flames
    Ahune Kill Quest
    Tabard of Summer Skies

    Lord Ahune is in Slave Pens You need to kill him to get the achievement

    Torch Juggler

    Juggle 40 torches in 15 seconds in Dalaran.

    Few Tip's:
    Yeah sure, all you need to do is get at least 10 of the Juggling Torches and bind them to a hotkey (say, the 1 key temporarily). If you press 1 you'll get a targeting circle, like an aoe. Stand somewhere in Dalaran where you're not too laggy, position the targetting circle underneath your feet, then spam leftclick-1-leftclick-1-leftclick-1 as fast as you can. It's one of the few spammable things I've seen in game that has no GCD, so you can go nuts...i say 10 torches is good because you can throw 10 in the air before you catch the first one! So with 10 you shouldn't have any delays. So yeah 40 torches in 15 secs isn't too hard, I had about 2 or 3 seconds to spare.
    Just put the torches on your action bar, target the ground underneath you, and spam the button. Instant achievement!
    Northrend cords:

    Dragonblight H: Agmar's Hammer 39,48
    Dragonblight A: Wintergarde Keep 75,44
    Borean Tundra H: Bor'gorok Outpost 51,12
    Borean Tundra A: Fizzcrank Airstrip 55,20
    Sholazar Basin H: River's Heart 47,62
    Sholazar Basin A: River's Heart 48,66
    Storm Peaks H: K3 40,86
    Storm Peaks A: K3 42,87
    Zul'Drak H: Argent Stand 43,71
    Zul'Drak A: Argent Stand 41,61
    Grizzly Hills H: Conquest Hold 19,62
    Grizzly Hills A: Amberpine Lodge 34,61
    Howling Fjord H: Camp Winterhoof 48,13
    Howling Fjord A: Fort Wildervar 58,16
    Crystalsong Forest H: Sunreaver's Command
    Crystalsong Forest A: Windrunner's Overlook

    Quickest way to honor/extinguish all flames.

    *Note: This guide is for the Horde side and involves going into Horde cities. Alliance players may use this guide but will be at a disadvantage because they will miss flight points. You have been warned.

    Before You Start:

    This guide will involve a lot of traveling. Make sure your character has a fair amount of money to pay for the flying, an epic ground mount with any speed-increasing talents or spells you can use, and possibly a friend so you don’t get bored. In addition, this guide will enter all Alliance cities and steal their flames. Because you will likely die several times trying to accomplish this, I recommend you leave your raid armor in the bank and bring along some sort of holiday set. I use my Bloodsail Admiral set for this stuff. Do not leave any sort of armor that has durability in your bags, as it will get broken when you resurrect at a spirit healer (because there is a 99% chance you will.) Once you’re set, start at step one and shove off!

    1. Start in Dalaran (make sure your hearth is set there) and take the portal to Orgrimmar.
    2. While in Orgrimmar, honor the bonfire at 46, 38.
    3. Head down to Razor Hill and honor the bonfire just south of it at 52, 47. Go back to Orgrimmar.
    4. Head to the flight master and take the flight point to the Zoram Strand in Ashenvale.
    5. Run north into Darkshore, stopping at 36, 46 to desecrate the Alliance bonfire on the shore near Auberdine. Then jump onto the boat to Darnassus (kill the Night Elves on the ship and any that show up)
    6. At Rut’theran Village, desecrate the Alliance bonfire (56, 92) which counts as the Darnassus bonfire. Then head into Teldrassil, stopping at 55, 60 in Dolanaar to desecrate the bonfire.
    7. Head back to Darkshore and take the boat to Azuremyst Isle.
    8. Follow the road toward Azure Watch (skip Exodar for now) and desecrate the bonfire at 44, 52. Head through Azure Watch and follow the road north into Bloodmyst Isle.
    9. Desecrate the bonfire at 55, 68 just a little south of Blood Watch. Now follow the road south back into Azuremyst, and take the fork that leads by the Exodar.
    10. Desecrate the bonfire at 40, 25 in the Crystal Hall. Head into the Hall of Lights (the room with Prophet Velen) and take the spiral path up and out of the Exodar. Take the boat back to Darkshore.
    11. Head back down to the Zoram Strand in Ashenvale and fly to Everlook, Winterspring.
    12. Once you arrive, honor the Horde flame (60, 35) and desecrate the Alliance flame (62, 35). Then fly down to Splintertree Post.
    13. Honor the Horde flame just outside and to the west (70, 69) and desecrate the Alliance flame just south of Astranaar (38, 55).
    14. Either run south into the Barrens or head back to Splintertree and fly to Crossroads. Either way, honor the flame at 52, 27; just north of Crossroads. Fly to Sun Rock Retreat.
    15. Honor the Horde flame just outside of Sun Rock (50, 60). Fly to Shadowprey Village.
    16. Honor the Horde flame in Shadowprey (26, 70) then head north to Nijel’s Point and desecrate the Alliance flame (66, 16).
    17. Walk south into Feralas and take the boat to Feathermoon Stronghold. The bonfire is just to the west of it (28, 44). Desecrate it, and go back to the mainland.
    18. Follow the path toward Camp Mojache, and honor the Horde flame you come across (72, 47). Continue east into Thousand Needles.
    19. Head toward Freewind Post, honoring the flame at 42, 53. Then fly to Brackenwall Village, Dustwallow Marsh.
    20. Honor the Horde flame (33, 30) and follow the road toward Theramore and desecrate the Alliance flame at its gates (62, 40). Go back to Brackenwall and fly to Gadgetzan.
    21. Honor the Horde flame on the north side of Gadgetzan and desecrate the Alliance flame on the south side. If you are hated with the goblins, be careful of the guards. Fly to Cenarion Hold in Silithus.
    22. Honor the Horde flame to the south of the Hold (46, 44) and desecrate the Alliance flame on the north path (57, 35). Go back to the Hold and fly to Thunder Bluff.
    23. Head south into Mulgore and honor the Horde flame near Bloodhoof Village (52, 60). Head back to Thunder Bluff and honor the flame there (21, 26).
    24. Hearth to Dalaran.
    25. Take the portal to Silvermoon City. Honor the flame there (71, 42).
    26. Head out into Eversong Woods and honor the flame outside of Falconwing Square (46, 50). Head to the flight master outside of Silvermoon and fly to Tranquillien.
    27. Head north and honor the flame near the fork to Suncrown Village (46, 26). You now have two paths you can take.
      A.Fly to Undercity from Tranquillien.
      B.Fly to Silvermoon and use the translocation orb to get to Undercity.
    28. Once in Undercity, honor the flame in the Ruins of Lordaeron (as if you were leaving Undercity to go into Tirisfal, it’s right by the gates) and head out into Tirisfal Glades.
    29. Honor the flame on the west side of Brill (57, 52) and walk east into Western Plaguelands.
    30. Head down south through the Ruins of Andorhal to the fork in the road just north of Chillwind Camp and desecrate the Alliance flame there (43, 82). Once again you now have two options.
      A. If your hearth is cooled, you can hearth and take the portal to Undercity and fly to The Sepulcher. Honor the flame at 49, 35 and fly to Tarren Mill. Honor the flame at 58, 25.
      B. If your hearth is not cooled, walk through Alterac Mountains and arrive in Tarren Mill, honoring the flame at 58, 25 in Hillsbrad. Then fly to the Sepulcher and honor the flame at 49, 35, then fly to Tarren Mill once more.
    31. Now in Tarren Mill, head south to Southshore and desecrate the Alliance flame at 50,46. Head back to Tarren Mill and fly to Hammerfall.
    32. Honor the Horde flame just south of Hammerfall (74, 41) and then head to Refuge Point to desecrate the Alliance flame (50, 44). It will be along the path north of Refuge Point.
    33. Walk south into the Wetlands, and veer toward Menethil Harbor. Desecrate the flame at the bridge (13, 47) and follow the road east into Loch Modan.
    34. As soon as you emerge in Loch Modan, you will come to a fork in the road – one path leads south towards Thelsamar, the other north back into a tunnel. Take the north fork and walk into Dun Morogh.
    35. Follow the road west towards Ironforge, desecrating the Alliance flame at the crossroads at 46, 46. Head into Ironforge.
    36. Fight your way to the Hall of Explorers and desecrate the flame at 63, 24. You can either corpse hop your way back or just resurrect at the Spirit Healer. Either way, head back into Dun Morogh and take the path east back to Loch Modan. Make sure you take the same road you came through.
    37. Now take the south fork which takes you by Thelsamar. Desecrate the Alliance flame at 32, 40 and head south into the Badlands.
    38. Head to Kargath and honor the Horde flame. Fly to Flame Crest in Burning Steppes.
    39. Honor the Horde flame just southwest of Flame Crest (61, 29) then head south. Desecrate the Alliance flame near the road leading into Redridge (80, 62) then follow the path south into Redridge Mountains.
    40. Desecrate the Alliance flame south of Lake Everstill (25, 60) and continue following the path west into Elwynn Forest.
    41. Desecrate the Alliance flame near Goldshire (43, 63) and head northwest into Stormwind.
    42. Fight your way to the Stockades, desecrating the flame at 37, 59. If you get into trouble, run into the Stockades and regain your health, then run out and try to escape. If all else fails, resurrect at the spirit healer. Either way, head west into Westfall. *Note: At this point you will have completed “A Thief’s Reward” which will earn you an achievement in addition to the others earned by this guide.
    43. Run to Sentinel Hill and desecrate the flame there (56, 53). Run south and follow the path east into Duskwood.
    44. Head far east to Darkshire, desecrating the flame there (73, 54) before continuing east through Deadwind Pass into the Swamp of Sorrows.
    45. Make your way to Stonard and honor the Horde flame there (46, 47). Once more, you have two choices.
      A. Fly to Booty Bay.
      B. Fly to Grom’gol if you are hated with Booty Bay.
    46. Wherever you flew to, head just north of Booty Bay and desecrate the Alliance flame (33, 73) and honor the Horde flame (32, 75). Fly back to Stonard and head south into the Blasted Lands.
    47. Desecrate the Alliance flame at Nethergarde Keep (58, 17) before heading south through the Dark Portal into Outland.

    Note: At this point in the guide, you should have finished the achievements “Extinguishing Eastern Kingdoms”, “Extinguishing Kalimdor”, “Flame Keeper of Eastern Kingdoms” and “Flame Keeper of Kalimdor”. If you do not have these completed, go back and check over the guide and be sure you have not skipped any steps.

    Before You Start Outland:

    Outland will also require a fair deal of travel. However, you will not be entering Alliance cities. Because of this, you can pick up your normal gear from the bank. Also, it helps incredibly if you have all of the flight points and an epic flying mount. When the word “fly” is used in this guide, it means with your flying mount. Flight points, if used at all, will be denoted by “take the flight path to…” in this segment.

    Almost done!

    1. Starting at the Dark Portal (right where the last guide left off), fly towards Honor Hold and desecrate the Alliance flame on the path leading east out of HH (62, 58.)
    2. Fly north and honor the Horde flame right outside of Thrallmar (57, 42).
    3. Either take the flight point to Swamprat Post or fly towards Telredor.
    4. Desecrate the Alliance flame near Telredor (68, 51) and then fly west towards Zabra’jin.
    5. Honor the Horde flame at 35, 51. Fly south into Nagrand or take the flight point to Garadar.
    6. Follow the road west of Garadar and honor the Horde flame there (50, 34).
    7. Fly south and desecrate the Alliance flame outside of Telaar (49, 69).
    8. Fly east into Terrokar Forest and honor the Horde flame outside of Stonebreaker Hold (52,42). Near the Horde flame should be the Alliance flame, outside of Allerian Stronghold (54, 55).
    9. Continue east into Shadowmoon Valley. Honor the Horde flame outside of Shadowmoon Village (33, 30) and desecrate the Alliance flame outside of Wildhammer Stronghold (39, 54).
    10. Fly to Shattrath or take the flight point there.
      A. Note: There MAY be a flame in Shattrath, but I have not confirmed this. Either way, it is not required for any of the achievements.
    11. Take the flight point (do not fly, it will be far more painstaking) to Thunderlord Stronghold. Once there, honor the Horde flame outside (49, 5. Fly west near Sylvanaar to desecrate the Alliance flame (41, 66).
    12. Fly east into Netherstorm or take the flight point to Area 52. Honor the Horde flame there (32, 6 and desecrate the Alliance flame there (31, 62).
    13. Those should be your last two flames. Congratulations! You’ve done the worst part of Midsummer!


    The Flame Keeper/Warden (Horde/Alliance) Obtainable then you complete all achievements

    You can buy items with Burning Blossom which you get Honoring/Extinguishing fires.

    Midsummer Reveler Set:
    Mantle of the Fire Festival-100 Burning Blossom
    Vestment of Summer-100 Burning Blossom
    Sandals of Summer
    -200 Burning Blossom

    [IMGL]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/wowwiki/images/8/8d/Spirit_of_Summer.jpg[/IMGL]Mini Pet:

    Captured Flame-350 Burning Blossom


    Brazier of Dancing Flames-350 Burning Blossom
    Bag of Smorc Ingredients-5 Burning Blossom
    Elderberry Pie-5 Burning Blossom
    Fiery Festival Brew-2 Burning Blossom
    Fire-toasted Bun-5 Burning Blossom
    Juggling Torch-5 Burning Blossom
    Midsummer Sausage-5 Burning Blossom
    Toasted Smorc-5 Burning Blossom


    Handful of Summer Petals-2 Burning Blossom
    If anything will change i will edit this guide.
    Information used:

    The fires of azeroth achievement links/guide was found on rrvs.blogspot.com, I just edited so it would fit nicely in this forum, added hyper links to his guide.
    I do not claim that part of guide as my own. All information was collected from Internet. I just changed, edited, added some additional notes
    Special thanks to Xicon for this quick way guidee credits go to him for creating. I just edited to fit MMowned I DO NOT CLAIM IT AS MY OWN
    Few Usefull links:
    Full Screen WoW map with bonfire places
    Map from WoW forums
    Last edited by Smirdzius; 06-21-2009 at 11:56 AM.

    [Guide]Midsummer Fire Festival
  2. #2
    miLl3niUm's Avatar Member
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    Thanks!! +Rep

  3. #3
    Smirdzius's Avatar Contributor
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    I Dont know yet maybe Blizz will make last minute changes to this event.
    If they does so i'll try to edit asap

  4. #4
    Gorka's Avatar Member
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    Very nice guide^^, +rep from me

  5. #5
    Smirdzius's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Gorka View Post
    Very nice guide^^, +rep from me
    Thanks and suggestions how i could improve my guide are welcome.

  6. #6
    abaraikenshi's Avatar Active Member
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    Holy shit man, VERY nice guide +Rep
    Destinations unknown, I'll find my way there

  7. #7
    Smirdzius's Avatar Contributor
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    So I think nothing will change :
    World of Warcraft -> Info -> Events -> Midsummer Fire Festival
    1 day left before an event and website hasnt been changed, i hope they'll keep everything same.

  8. #8
    pauk's Avatar Contributor
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    Dont put fires in alphabetic order, put 'm in the most fast way

  9. #9
    Hasselhoff's Avatar IN A SPEEDO
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    Agreed with pauk. Please put them in Fastest travle order. If you can do this, then +rep from me will come.

  10. #10
    Smirdzius's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Hasselhoff View Post
    Agreed with pauk. Please put them in Fastest travle order. If you can do this, then +rep from me will come.
    Working on it. I should finish in 30+minutes

    Edit: Ok its inserted into guide. Horde version, sorry ally (how can I say sorry for those damn ally).*

    *But you can try this guide too, its a little harder because you''ll have to think moore, since you cant fly to horde FP
    Last edited by Smirdzius; 06-20-2009 at 12:39 PM.

  11. #11
    pauk's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Smirdzius View Post
    Working on it. I should finish in 30+minutes

    Edit: Ok its inserted into guide. Horde version, sorry ally (how can I say sorry for those damn ally).*

    *But you can try this guide too, its a little harder because you''ll have to think moore, since you cant fly to horde FP
    Was about to rep you and than BAM horde only. aaah well, better luck next time

  12. #12
    Horn's Avatar Member
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    Nice guide, I think alliance can do almost as good as the horde that guide. Its almost same just have to read other way there says honor you need to extinguish and with extinguish-honor. Tommorow im giving this a try.

  13. #13
    Smirdzius's Avatar Contributor
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    So anyone found it usefull?

  14. #14
    pauk's Avatar Contributor
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    It seems they didnt reset fires from last year

  15. #15
    Gorka's Avatar Member
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    I wanted to do this on my lvl 43 lock, is there any possible way I could kill Lord Ahune? I mean, can I enter the slave pens while in group with an 80?

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