Looking for help to scam gold websites. menu

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  1. #1
    robert9555's Avatar Member
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    Looking for help to scam gold websites.


    eversince ive been playing wow (3years) ive wanted to scam those f**** gold selling websites, ive tried it thousand times with different excuses and edited confirmation mails from PalPay but it never worked does anyone have any suggestions?

    or did someone here succeed once?

    +rep to someone who succeed and if I succeed aswell

    this is my last attempt chat log copy:
    tried at wowko.com :

    frans wok: I didnt get all the gold I ordered, just got abit of it

    You are now speaking with Dean of Support.

    frans wok: hi

    Dean: hi .

    Dean: what is the order number plz

    frans wok: what number?

    Dean: sry .

    Dean: last night . a big banning .

    frans wok: ??

    Dean: we try to complete gold in this weekend .

    Dean: is that ok ? grim batol - horde .

    frans wok: sorry what?

    frans wok: ive ordered 5000g on stormrage horde but only received 500

    Dean: ?

    frans wok: I received 500 gold from you but I payed for 5000g

    Dean: your order number again plz

    Dean: purchase order number .plz

    frans wok: where can I find that number?

    Dean: what is your char name .

    frans wok: ********

    Dean: login our site and you will find order info.

    Dean: sec . plz checking .

    frans wok: ok thanks

    Dean: no such char name appear on our data .

    Dean: do you have other chars on the server ?

    frans wok: yes but I ordered it for *********, and I already received 500g from you :P tho I payed for 5000

    Dean: can you login our site now ?

    Dean: can not find your email in our customer info data ."[email protected] " do you use this email to login our site ? plz check first .

    Dean: and let me know the rough time you buy gold from us for that order .

    Dean: thanks .

    frans wok: I bought it a week ago I think

    Dean: ok . i go check one by one . last whole week . give me some mins .

    frans wok: thank you =]

    Dean: and better .you login our site to check the order status .

    frans wok: alright

    frans wok: im loged in

    Dean: can you find the order number ?

    frans wok: wait I might get it now

    Dean: thx .

    frans wok: you offer 10% extra for EU gold. I ordered 5000g and only got 500 I think I only got the extra instead of everything :S

    Dean: give me the order number plz

    Dean: so i can check this order over .

    frans wok: cant find order number

    Dean: i have find your regist info. about can not find your order number plz

    frans wok: what?

    Dean: now i have checked all the orders last week .

    Dean: you did not place the order with us .

    Dean: plz re-check .

    frans wok: that cant be right, I got 500g from a level 1 char of your website

    frans wok: I said I ordered 5000g but he was offline

    Dean: any order you place will receive an automatic email stating about the process .

    Dean: plz give the copy of such kind of email .thanks .

    frans wok: an email of what?

    Dean: you new with our site ?

    frans wok: ohw crap, yesterday I empty'd my mailbox to get some more space I deleted everything in it

    frans wok: I did get a mail from wowko I remember

    Dean: now i tell you the truth .

    Dean: i have checked all the orders for stormrage - horde , since march .

    Dean: your order is not in the list .

    Dean: so .

    Dean: you have not placed order with us in last 2 month .

    frans wok: thats impossible ive payed, the moeny is gone from my account

    frans wok: I placed an order last week, ive payed for it and only received 500g thats the truth

    Dean: you are an registered customer with our site . but you never place an order .

    frans wok: I have

    frans wok: I had an confirmation mail from PayPal

    Dean: login and give the order number .

    frans wok: alright but where do I see that number?

    Dean: you login . you can see the order info. all the information is in your sight .

    frans wok: let me check

    Dean: thanks .

    frans wok: I still dont know which you mean

    frans wok: can you please send me the other 4500g? im running out of time and I have payed for it and received 500g from you guys just 500 not more

    Dean: i checked all order list . plz dont not waste your time here .

    frans wok: omg waste my time? i have payed like 33 euro and I only get 500g in return? !

    Dean: show me the order number .

    Dean: send the screenshoot of your login page by email .

    Dean: send the confirming email from us by email .

    frans wok: I deleted my inbox I told you

    frans wok: dont have any mails anymore

    Dean: login our site , you will get everything i said .

    frans wok: ok

    frans wok: im logged in

    Dean: and you screenshoot all this info and send them to us by email .

    frans wok: if I do that will this be over and I get my gold?

    frans wok: btw

    frans wok: I just checked the website www.*********** and there are reviews about wowko

    frans wok: Comment by nowarplz on 28-04-2009 8:16 PM

    Originally posted by Norv
    Very Poor Seller

    ordered 3000 gold from them and was told to expect delivery within 24 hours, received the odd 100 gold ere and there over the next few days, always with a note attached saying "rest coming" eventually had 500 gold delivered with a note saying "done", total ammount received was 800 gold short and i never received my 300 free gold either so 1100 gold less than expected, sent 8 emails, requested online support 20+ Times and called the telephone number provided at least 20 times all to no avail, I WOULD NOT RECOMEND THIS SITE TO ANYONE

    frans wok: that was the comment for wowko

    frans wok: seems it happens alot ?

    Dean: thanks . i will check one by one .

    Dean: give me 5 mins .

    frans wok: http://www.***********/shops/wowko

    frans wok: everything is negative :S

    frans wok: im starting to get worried about my money

    Dean: just send the screenshoots of your login page with wowko

    frans wok: no im not gonna do anything for you since you cant even complete a simple order, I think im going to make a serious complaint about this website . with all those comments in it. most of them say wowko staff are thieves im going to find out whats going on here.

    Dean: ok .

    Dean: you can not even provide a order number . scammer .

    Dean: bye

    anyone wanna help me scam those F*c*e*s down?

    btw, is it allowed to swear on the forums?
    Last edited by robert9555; 05-01-2009 at 11:26 AM. Reason: char name hide

    Looking for help to scam gold websites.
  2. #2
    JD's Avatar Fedora Potato Johnson V
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    u can swear but it'll be censored..

    Now, you just fail at scamming... You need to find a way to NOT show your order number... that's it.

  3. #3
    robert9555's Avatar Member
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    seems impossible

  4. #4
    mouserino's Avatar Member
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    wrong section anyway...

  5. #5
    uawili's Avatar Marshal
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    Just kaizou an e-mail.

    Kaizou is a firefox addon that allows you to edit html, which means u can send money to someone, but edit it so that it shows that you've sent it to them.

  6. #6
    robert9555's Avatar Member
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    I have kaizou I just dont know how de email should look like :P

  7. #7
    xollax's Avatar Member
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    [no questions here]

  8. #8
    vKa's Avatar Member
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    Wrong Section dude.

  9. #9
    Syncness's Avatar Legendary
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    Why.... do you want to scam them?

    Players are much more easier, Chinese are cunning.

    and wrong section.
    Double check you're trading with me in case of impostors

  10. #10
    robert9555's Avatar Member
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    ah sry whats the right section for this?

    and I dont wanna scam people because its banable

  11. #11
    weshawk's Avatar Member
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    Gold sellers are my friend they give me $$$

    Scam players...its so much easier.

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