Quick and easy guide to unique instance items at lower levels :) menu

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  1. #1
    Shanka's Avatar Member
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    Quick and easy guide to unique instance items at lower levels :)

    I decided since I have a little spare time I'd make another guide and try to help out some more community members. This time I won't be racist and I'll make it helpful to you Hordies too ^^

    In this guide I will make a list of the unique items that drop from low level instances. Later I might add on to it with some cool items you can grind for at low levels.

    The Deadmines:

    Blackened Defias Armor - Dropped by Edwin Van Cleef
    "Awesome Rogue or Hunter armor in my opinion. It is a leather chest piece for level 19's. (Twinkage!)"

    Cape of the Brotherhood - Dropped by Edwin Van Cleef
    "Awesome cape to start with at your lowbie levels. Looks awesome too. Level 20"

    Cruel Barb - Dropped by Edwin Van Cleef
    "Most overpowered sword you can get for your low level experiences. Once again a level 19 awesome twink item."

    Emberstone Staff - Dropped by Captain Greenskin
    "Sweet staff for you aspiring Mages. Level 18"

    Gold-plated Buckler - Dropped by Miner Johnson
    "Miner Johnson is a rare spawn. Awesome Warrior drop. Level 15"

    Lavishly Jeweled Ring - Dropped by Gilinid

    "Pretty cool caster ring. Level 17"

    Smite's Mighty Hammer - Dropped by Mr.Smite
    "Pretty cool 2h Warrior axe. Level 18"

    Taskmaster Axe - Dropped by Sneed

    "Awesome axe for Hunters, Pallys, Warriors. Level 18"

    Ragefire Chasm:

    Robe of Evocation - Dropped by Jergosh the Invoker
    "Good starting robe for you casters out there. Level 13"

    Crystaline Cuffs - Dropped by Taragaman the Hungerer
    "Awesome caster bracers. Level 13"

    Cursed Felblade - Dropped by Taragaman the Hungerer
    "I love this sword. Great for starting melee classes. Level 13"

    Wailing Caverns:

    Belt of the Fang - Dropped by Lady Anacondra
    "Druid/Shaman armor. Level 16"

    Armor of the Fang - Dropped by Lord Pythas
    "Good Shaman/Druid armor. Level 18"

    Stinging Viper - Dropped by Lord Pythas
    "Awesome 1h mace. Looks like a viper. Level 19"

    Footpads of the Fang - Dropped by Lord Serpentis
    "More to the Embrace the Viper set. Level 18"

    Serpent Gloves - Dropped by Lord Serpentis
    "Good caster gloves. Level 18"

    Glowing Lizardscale Cloak - Dropped by Skum
    "Good cloak, lacks beauty. Level 17"

    Seedcloud Buckler - Dropped by Verdan the Everliving
    "Great shield. Matching it up with the Stinging Viper might be cool . Level 20"

    Living Root - Dropped by Verdan the Everliving
    "Nice staff. You can get a better staff by doing a quest there, but whatever floats your boat. Level 20"

    Robe of the Moccasin - Dropped by Lord Cobrahn

    "Nice caster drop. Level 17"

    Cobrahn's Grasp - Dropped by Lord Cobrahn
    "Nice mail belt drop for you Warriors. Level 19"

    Leggings of the Fang - Dropped by Lord Cobrahn
    "Another addition to the Embrace the Viper set. Level 18"

    That concludes my guide on drops in low level instances. (Drops that are unique to the instance of course) Good luck finding them, and I sure hope this helped you guys out somehow!

    -If there is anything missing, tell me please and I will add it.

    If anyone wants me to add another instance, just tell me here. I'd love to add another.
    Last edited by Shanka; 08-01-2006 at 10:41 AM. Reason: Auto-merged Doublepost

    Quick and easy guide to unique instance items at lower levels :)
  2. #2
    Billy's Avatar Active Member
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    I still have emberstone at level 26 with my mage, and I expect alot longer because of how good it is.

  3. #3
    Shanka's Avatar Member
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    Lmao, my buddy hated instances, and he never bothered going to SM and such. He kept the Emberstone 'till level 42. :P

  4. #4
    Billy's Avatar Active Member
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    Wow, um dang, guess he beats me, lol. Good guide though, forgot to mention that, +rep.

  5. #5
    Shanka's Avatar Member
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    Glad I helped someone, and thanks for the rep.

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