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  1. #196
    Muramasa's Avatar Active Member

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    Winterspring AH:

    For people using Auctioneer and/or AuctionSnatch. Works better with shorter character names (ie Bob > Roberto)
    All who possess the blade go mad.

    Auction House Tips Compilation - Post All Of Your AH Tips HERE!
  2. #197
    aurevoir1's Avatar Active Member

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    Mining > smelting > creating titansteel was a a good way to make money when the items that were crafted sold for 10K+. Now they dont and its not so good.

    Enter rare pets, specifically: Firefly, Oozeling (can only have 1 on you, but can have 1 in mailbox/AH), and if u rly dont care the Hyacinth macaw.. Those pets always sell for around 3-8k each (the parrot alot more 10-20k) and nobody farms them so the price will only change depending on how many you post. Ive gone a night with HB running its firefly profile and had 3 in the mornring...thats 12k gold. PLUS zngarmarsh and Plagulands are virtually empty so your not bothered.

    ***Another tip, when i found my hyacinth macaw, i went the to the website "" and contacted all the rare pet collectors on my server who had not yet found the parrot. Atleast yur targetting the very people who want this 20,000 gold yur average wow player will not buy it but with my marketing efforts mine sold in 3 days full buyout (20k)

    Rare Pets are a huge part of the gold i make and ill probably never stop farming them cuz they have proven to me atleast to be a non-stop source of income. I strongly suggest you purchase Honorbuddy for this tho. Its what i use and its very very good..

  3. #198
    zunzzi's Avatar Member
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    Tips+Guides for ANY level&class&race&professions
    Like some people say this is "commons sense" buy anyway here some guide that would and should help you find out your own way to make money. There are some examples I use to do money and will keep doing it.

    Tip 1: Different server, Different prices for sure.

    First of all, in my opinion you NEED lots of time to learn your server's AuctionHouse eventhough any guide says anything else. Don't tell me Auctioneer does it for you cause actually it does not. Usually it tells the average prices that makes no sense at all (Okay don't go and delete that now). You will learn how the Addon help you in future; for example it gives the amount of disenchant materials you get..

    Tip 2: Professions

    Whatever professions you have level it up to maximium; it really worth it. Check AuctionHouse prices for you profession recipes (Do not forget any of the low level ones). Find yourself a epic way to do some gold with profession.

    Lets make a example; you are a enchanter+tailor @ 410+ skill and we are going to make Frostweave Bags for money:
    What we need for a bag you can check from here Frostweave Bag - Item - World of Warcraft

    1. NEVER buy the materials you need for the last item you are about to create (in this case I mean Bolt of Imbued Frostweave) if it doesn't worth it
    2. If it does ofcourse you buy all the materials and create some bags.
    3. Now lets check the materials of Bolt of Imbued Frostweave and buy them and again ofcourse only if its profitable prices there.
    4. Keep going on and on until you find the best price (even if its the last item) and last sell the bag you create.
    5. What to do with Enchanting?? Another idea I've got is that you can disenchat profitable greens from Auction House if there is some. Example: If server Infinite Dust price is 1.33g~/each buy all the <8g +72 lvl greens that gives 5.5 Infinte dusts / 1.5 Greater Eternal Essences (check from Auctioneer). You will learn your own ways only by doing it.

    This was just a example. Go and find you profession's way to make some money. I'm 99 per cent sure you find your way to do the money with some time.

    If you really get in this you will find out new ways like I did -> ex. 6x Bolt of Imbued Frostweave may cost much more than a bag some day/time (In my server it was 21g / Bolt of Imbued Frostweave or Frostweave Bag 45g~). Actually this is one of the best way to earn some extra gold.

    Tip 3: Different day, different price

    If you spend no time in anything else but this you will find out the best days and time to sell and buy.

    Tip 4: Auctioneer

    This is really userful addon. I know most of the users download it and just think "oh my god so many buttons let it be". It doesn't give actually the best prices but thats why you do need time to configure and find out the best price yourself. Do not give up, theres lots of userful things in it. ex: Glyphs are another way to earn money eventhough you aren't inscriptioner. My way:

    1. Check low priced(0-10g/each) glyphs that have also high priced ones(30g~/each). I've noticed that most of servers have this kind of prices.
    2. Buy all the low priced (I use to buy <2g if its more than 5 in AH but you can easily buy 1-5 if the price is like 5g and next price is 30g~ just calculate abit).
    3. Now undercut the highest price with one copper(yes, only 1c) cause all the coppers are a start of your silvers (and gold too)

    Tip 5: Cataclysm is comming!

    Don't forget that your items like Abyssal Crystal probably become almost useless and will cost like ~1g in a few months. Go and sell useless stuff now when people still need it! And maybe some items like low lvl cloths may become more expensive as the money making is easier in Cataclysm (don't go and buy all the cloths now at least I wouldn't do it ). Always think twice the prices and the items you are going to set up!

    Thanks for reading my guide; hope you liked it and helped any of you to getting started with your AuctionHouse money making!

  4. #199
    Phaek's Avatar Master Sergeant
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    If you're looking for some quick gold, do a scan of your Auction House (Auctioneer addon is what I use) and find the blue/rare gems from WOTLK content that's buyoutable for 4g or less. Cut these suckers and vendor them for 4g 50s each.
    I personally make around 200g a day just by scanning+cutting while I'm going to the bathroom or such.

    It's not gonna make you the richest player to ever walk the realm, but it's nifty if you're AFK anyway.

  5. #200
    UrbanRanger's Avatar Private
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    Arctic Furs are a great way to make a little gold every day.

    Borean Leather on many servers is around or less then 20g a stack, while arctic furs are 70g+

    Three stacks of Borean Leather make 10 Heavy Borean Leather, which can be traded at the fur trader for 1 Arctic fur.

    In addition, if you find the prices of Arctic furs too low, check out Frosthide and Icescale leg armors, usually out of one of those three things, you'll find something worth selling, having the option to diversify is helpful too.

  6. #201
    hurly1223's Avatar Member
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    Herb prices have jumped, which should be no big surprise. Scribes can no longer trade in Ink of the Sea, and some were left out in the cold. Prices of lower-end herbs are likely to decline up until Cataclysm comes out as players explore the Shattered world and rerolls level up. Prices of Outland herbs have skyrocketed on my server, which was to be expected as the removal of portals makes Outland harder to access. I recommend selling a good chunk of your stock right now while the market is so high, and planning to buy next week when prices dip down a bit.

    * Northrend herbs have dropped in price dramatically. In the long run these prices are likely to increase, as Ink of the Sea is still used for a great deal of glyphs. As the supply currently in the economy runs out and Northrend is more difficult to access, prices should go up. This would be a good time to stockpile Northrend herbs.

    * Vanilla enchants are selling like crazy. Weapon and chest enchants (for BoA gear) are selling best, but vanilla enchants are also selling well. Combined with this is an increase in the supply of vanilla enchanting mats as more players run dungeons and DE gear. Large brilliant shards, in particular, are needed in high quantities and the price has declined significantly. Enchanting vellum is also available via vendors now for a low price. This is a great market to be in right now, with high demand, only a few enchanters supplying, and low cost of supplies. If there were any market I could recommend focusing on right now, it would be enchanting.

    * The market for BoE gear doesn't seem to be as strong as I expected. Perhaps it will get better with Cataclysm, but I think right now we're seeing a lot of rerolls that "aren't serious" and people don't want to spend a huge amount of money on. It could also be that doing random dungeons using the LFG tool provides some pretty good gear, in addition to revamped dungeon drops, so perhaps that is also limiting the sale of BoEs. I would advise against investing heavily in acquiring more inventory here unless you can get it very cheap.

    * Mithril is way, way more common than it was before the Shattering. Just looking around Searing Gorge I found many new nodes that were never there before, and I mined about 3 stacks of mithril in one trip around the zone. This means that the extremely high mithril prices we've seen over the last few weeks are going to drop, probably by quite a bit. Sell now.

    * The final point is that prices are definitely very volatile right now. The way to take advantage of this is to be both a buyer and a seller. Set some stacks of common goods (herbs, ore, etc.) up for a higher than average price and a long duration, but also watch those same goods and buy up any low-priced stacks you see. An example of this is in the herb market would be with Golden Sansam. On my server the "average" price right now seems to be between 3 and 5g per herb. So I have a few stacks sitting on the AH at a 48 hour duration for 99g per stack and a few more at 119g per stack, and meanwhile I'm buying up anything below 50g per stack. By doing this you help steer other buyers towards the higher-priced materials and keep your stockpile full for Cataclysm while simultaneously selling off some stock now at a high profit.

  7. #202
    Iscariote's Avatar Active Member
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    These days, with all the Goblin rep grind @ heroics, invest in cheap abyss crystals. It's a good way to store a shitload of dust and cosmic essences (after shatter) to resell them for a profit later @ Cata.

  8. #203
    Inexx's Avatar Sergeant Major
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    Disclaimer:This is speculation, like all Cataclysm gold making guides there is a risk you may not profit as much.

    With Cataclysm around the corner i have found many new guild achievements. One achievement involves getting legendary items. There is profit to be made from this.

    Below is a list of materials needed for the Legendary Ragnaros hammer along with their current price (server dependant).

    Fiery Core - Item - World of Warcraft - (Fiery Core) - AH price 20-50g each - Resell in Cataclysm for 100-150g

    Lava Core - Item - World of Warcraft - (Lava Core) - AH Price 30-70g each - Resell in Cataclysm for 120-200g

    Dark Iron Ore - Item - World of Warcraft - (Dark Iron Ore) - AH Price 10-30g per stack - Resell in Cata 60-90. If you smelt them to Dark Iron Bar, Resell in Cata 100-120g

    Once again this is all speculation.

  9. #204
    hurly1223's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Inexx View Post
    Disclaimer:This is speculation, like all Cataclysm gold making guides there is a risk you may not profit as much.

    With Cataclysm around the corner i have found many new guild achievements. One achievement involves getting legendary items. There is profit to be made from this.

    Below is a list of materials needed for the Legendary Ragnaros hammer along with their current price (server dependant).

    Fiery Core - Item - World of Warcraft - (Fiery Core) - AH price 20-50g each - Resell in Cataclysm for 100-150g

    Lava Core - Item - World of Warcraft - (Lava Core) - AH Price 30-70g each - Resell in Cataclysm for 120-200g

    Dark Iron Ore - Item - World of Warcraft - (Dark Iron Ore) - AH Price 10-30g per stack - Resell in Cata 60-90. If you smelt them to Dark Iron Bar, Resell in Cata 100-120g

    Once again this is all speculation.
    TBH with Cata gear being OP people could solo thing stuff with ease

  10. #205
    bluesius's Avatar Established Member
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    Originally Posted by hurly1223 View Post
    TBH with Cata gear being OP people could solo thing stuff with ease
    This is unfortunately true, I solo these things as a well geared DK as per today, you can only start to think what thats going to mean for everyone else when health is doubled.

  11. #206
    AstraRave's Avatar Sergeant
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    I tank in my dps set as a fury warrior :\ but since they just nerfed me that is getting harder

    I can solo almost every vanilla wow raid :|

  12. #207
    CaptianCrook's Avatar Active Member
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    Selling [Enchanting Vellum] on AH

    Enchanting Vellum - Item - World of Warcraft
    1) Buy from vendor for 10s each. (2g a stack of 20)
    2) List on the AH for profit.
    If none are listed try a higher price. Some people were listing for 30g-60g a stack. I've been listing them separately @ 1g.

    Very easy, simple, profit making

  13. #208
    Feliny's Avatar Member
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    At the moment many JCs are trying to get their skills up and they are using the green quality gems for it. On my server the AH is flooded for it and quite often the gems are sold for 3-7g. I even managed to get one for 1g50 (bidding, not buy out). The clou is that you can sell these for 9g so its nice to look out for the stones. Examples are: Alcite, Jasper and Hessonite.

  14. #209
    Syncness's Avatar Legendary
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    Our green quality gems are going for 70-190 gold.
    Double check you're trading with me in case of impostors

  15. #210
    Lollerskates's Avatar Member
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    Dust of Disappearance is the new stuff to reglyph with, it sells at an inscription vendor for 10g each (non unique so you can stock up and don't have to camp), and on my auctionhouse it sells for 20gold each (it used to sell for 50 but then people undercut me a lot). Anyway, I've sold about 4k gold worth of dust, take advantage of this while people are dinging 85 and respeccing, people are confused and will just buy it from the AH.

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