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  1. #151
    macmacmac's Avatar Member
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    search bid prices on the ah bid on things with very low prices to start with and build ur way up did this with a lvl 10 on new server had 100g in a week up from 50c with hardly any work. say a stack of light leather going for 2g buy out 2c bid, if u get it sell for normal price makes alot of money if done right.

    Auction House Tips Compilation - Post All Of Your AH Tips HERE!
  2. #152
    Wackox's Avatar Member
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    gj all of you

  3. #153
    abhorsenjay's Avatar Contributor
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    Well here is a good little tip I've found. Most people who use the AH to list things will have auctioneer, it's a staple. So let's say you want to buy materials for something over and over, enchanting materials, JC rings etc. Buy a few to begin with, and re-list them at the price that you want. Whenever people use auctioneer it automatically scans for the lowest and they will post their item and somewhere close to that price. So people aren't lying when they say "Don't buy out everything"

  4. #154
    Rayuko89's Avatar Member
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    Server dependant, but ussually the materials for the enchant on chest - Super Health are around 50-70g, but you can easily sell the scroll on AH for ~200g.

    It's one of the better scrolls to make and sell,

  5. #155
    Anthuun10's Avatar Private
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    Hello there, MMowned community.

    Today I'm going to show you how to get easy money for low levels using the Auction House system. This trick is very old but is very good.

    What you need:
    - 5-15 gold.
    - patience.
    - time.
    - professions.

    There are two ways of doing this trick. Either staying at the AH all the time, or running out to get the "ingredients".

    Way 1: Staying at AH:

    To do this step you need money and patience.

    1. Go to a capital Auction house.
    2. Find something that sells richly on your server.
    (Ex: Wool Cloth, Copper Bar, etc.)
    3. There's always some dumb player who sells these for a low price.
    4. Buy the ones with a low price.
    5. Look at the other prices.
    (Say the lowest price for 20x wool cloth is 20g)
    6. Come up with a new good better price.
    (If it cost around 20g, make it 14-18g)
    7. Put it out.
    8. There's a big chance people will buy yours instead.

    Way 2: In and out:

    1. Find something that sells good, easy to get.
    2. (optional) If it is like copper bars, you need mining.
    (In this guide we will be running on wool cloth.)
    3. Go to a good spot to get your item.
    (the barrens, defias mobs, etc.)
    4. Grind mobs/ores that you will sell.
    (get up to 20-40x)
    5. Go to a capital Auction House.
    (Melt ores first if you had ex. mining)
    6. If the price for the wool cloth is 20g, then sell each stack for
    7. Put it out and wait.

    This works with any money-making proffession.

    Very simple. I hope you got the picture.


  6. #156
    TwixY's Avatar Banned
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    Originally Posted by Anthuun10 View Post
    Hello there, MMowned community.

    Today I'm going to show you how to get easy money for low levels using the Auction House system. This trick is very old but is very good.

    What you need:
    - 5-15 gold.
    - patience.
    - time.
    - professions.

    There are two ways of doing this trick. Either staying at the AH all the time, or running out to get the "ingredients".

    Way 1: Staying at AH:

    To do this step you need money and patience.

    1. Go to a capital Auction house.
    2. Find something that sells richly on your server.
    (Ex: Wool Cloth, Copper Bar, etc.)
    3. There's always some dumb player who sells these for a low price.
    4. Buy the ones with a low price.
    5. Look at the other prices.
    (Say the lowest price for 20x wool cloth is 20g)
    6. Come up with a new good better price.
    (If it cost around 20g, make it 14-18g)
    7. Put it out.
    8. There's a big chance people will buy yours instead.

    Way 2: In and out:

    1. Find something that sells good, easy to get.
    2. (optional) If it is like copper bars, you need mining.
    (In this guide we will be running on wool cloth.)
    3. Go to a good spot to get your item.
    (the barrens, defias mobs, etc.)
    4. Grind mobs/ores that you will sell.
    (get up to 20-40x)
    5. Go to a capital Auction House.
    (Melt ores first if you had ex. mining)
    6. If the price for the wool cloth is 20g, then sell each stack for
    7. Put it out and wait.

    This works with any money-making proffession.

    Very simple. I hope you got the picture.

    LOL 10chars

  7. #157
    Rosemary's Avatar
    With Level 40, Hutners can wear mail. Buyout all lvl 38-40 Items with stamina and agility on them and put them in again for prices several times higher.

  8. #158
    Trollin's Avatar Contributor
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    -Get Auctioneer
    -Scan AH (full)
    -Search AH for common things (Light Leather, Infinite Dust, Abyss Crystal, Frozen Orb, etc.)
    -Bid on items with low bids (customizable in Auctioneer settings)
    -Buyout items below 88%.
    -Wait 3-4 days

    Profit Happens


  9. #159
    qwomp's Avatar
    Browse the AH and watch for people selling lots of stuff. Add them to your friends list. Whisper to them and ask to buy all their stuff. If they are Chinese goldfarmers, they'll sell very cheap.

  10. #160
    hamdroids's Avatar Member
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    I found a very good thing to sell on AH, atleast on my server ( Stormscale EU). I bought Golden Pearls 200g each. One day Later im now selling em 399g each. Wich gave me 200g profit on each. This is just a small but rare enchant mat, I think it works with all "rare" enchant mats'. I'll be editing this when I find more mats to sell.

  11. #161
    meezh's Avatar Private
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    On my server, I can by 20x Pygmy suckerfish for 80g and make them into 30x pygmy oil. Then I sell that for 120g. The best part is that they are sold within an hour of posting them most of the time.

  12. #162
    cfreak's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Anthuun10 View Post
    Hello there, MMowned community.

    Today I'm going to show you how to get easy money for low levels using the Auction House system. This trick is very old but is very good.

    What you need:
    - 5-15 gold.
    - patience.
    - time.
    - professions.

    There are two ways of doing this trick. Either staying at the AH all the time, or running out to get the "ingredients".

    Way 1: Staying at AH:

    To do this step you need money and patience.

    1. Go to a capital Auction house.
    2. Find something that sells richly on your server.
    (Ex: Wool Cloth, Copper Bar, etc.)
    3. There's always some dumb player who sells these for a low price.
    4. Buy the ones with a low price.
    5. Look at the other prices.
    (Say the lowest price for 20x wool cloth is 20g)
    6. Come up with a new good better price.
    (If it cost around 20g, make it 14-18g)
    7. Put it out.
    8. There's a big chance people will buy yours instead.

    Way 2: In and out:

    1. Find something that sells good, easy to get.
    2. (optional) If it is like copper bars, you need mining.
    (In this guide we will be running on wool cloth.)
    3. Go to a good spot to get your item.
    (the barrens, defias mobs, etc.)
    4. Grind mobs/ores that you will sell.
    (get up to 20-40x)
    5. Go to a capital Auction House.
    (Melt ores first if you had ex. mining)
    6. If the price for the wool cloth is 20g, then sell each stack for
    7. Put it out and wait.

    This works with any money-making proffession.

    Very simple. I hope you got the picture.

    So either buy stuff which is listed cheaply and resell it, or find something that will sell, grind for it then sell it? Wow thanks, IDK how people think of stuff like that, its genius :O

  13. #163
    CollateralxD's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by abhorsenjay View Post
    Well here is a good little tip I've found. Most people who use the AH to list things will have auctioneer, it's a staple. So let's say you want to buy materials for something over and over, enchanting materials, JC rings etc. Buy a few to begin with, and re-list them at the price that you want. Whenever people use auctioneer it automatically scans for the lowest and they will post their item and somewhere close to that price. So people aren't lying when they say "Don't buy out everything"
    Wow... You are a GOD to me right now.

    I thought I new every auction tip you could have. Currently, I have only 1 character on a server, it's level 1, it has 2k purely from buying and reselling.

    This tip. Is genious. It blew my mind hole right open. I thank you kindly and I'll +rep if I can.

  14. #164
    Nyobit's Avatar
    If you are a crafter check out if some materials are selling for lower price than vendor price of a crafted out of them item is. Add those prices to Snatch and buy->craft->vendor them

  15. #165
    BaboonX's Avatar Contributor
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    I've made a majority of my gold off the auction house and I want to share with you the things I've learned.

    Buying Out Items in High Demand

    I like to call this items in rare demand, meaning, players rarely need it, but when they do, it's in high demand for them

    Completely buy ALL items that are in high demand but not many of them are posted. It's hard finding items like this, but, the main thing to look for is items people use to level professions. I leveled my enchanting, and I needed LOTS of Dream Dust, but hardly any of them was posted on the auction house. After I leveled my enchanting, I realized I could buy out dream dust and re-post it MUCH higher. I've bought 100 dream dust for 20s each and resold it 5g each. That's a lot of profit.

    Something bad with this method is it won't make you constant gold. Sometimes, players manage to get a lot of one item and dump it on the auction house for a cheap price.. Which makes the demand not so high anymore.

    Here's a list of items that I've done this with:
    Thorium Ore
    All Primals
    Dream Dust
    Mageweave Cloth
    Boar Ribs

    There are many other items I've done this with but not consistently.

    Buying Items in Demand for People Leveling

    This is something I discovered while farming hellfire ramparts. I realized a lot of the greens I was De'ing could be worth a lot to people that come to the outlands after being boosted through instances / with RAF. What you do is search level 58-62 gear on the AH and look for items that have good stats. IE "of the Bandit", "of Spell Power", "of the Hierophant" are valuable pieces of gear. This gear is very good, and people will buy it for a high price for there alts. I've bough ten so much gear for 10-20g and resold it for 60!

    Make It Fun!

    When I first started making gold with the auction house, I started with a list of items I thought I could resell easily.. I made gold, but, months past and It started to become boring.. So what I did was I sent 100g to one of my characters and had him flip auctions to make gold. I like to keep records of how much gold I made in a month. It keeps things fun for me. You should find a way to make all boring aspects of wow fun, because its a game .

    I would like to post more, but, a lot of it I feel is common sense. If I think something is valuable I'll post it in the future .
    Last edited by BaboonX; 05-28-2010 at 11:35 PM.

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