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  1. #61
    Ripax's Avatar Member
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    Quick and easy gold from Inscription

    1. Buy all icethorns and lichblooms that are under 20g per stack or get yourself some suppliers that will sell you herbs for lower prices than AH.
    2. Mill them.
    3.Make Ink of the Sea and Snowfall Ink.
    4.Sell them on AH (I'm selling both by stacks of 20)
    5.Enjoy your easy gold.

    I went from 1500g to 4000g in 1 day. I'm the only one on my server who sells is doing this so I get a lot of gold from this.
    I searched and I think that it hasn't been posted.

    Auction House Tips Compilation - Post All Of Your AH Tips HERE!
  2. #62
    egg1337lol's Avatar Contributor
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    If you're the only one selling X item on AH, lets say.. Abyss Crystal.
    Lets say normal price is 50g, you put it for 80g and then you log another alt and send 2-3 abyss to it and put that on 115 = The retards will think that your item for 80g is so friggin cheap that they will buy it and try to re-sell or just keep it.

    When you are fighting with an competition with some item, lets say Abyss here too. Ask him to C.O.D all of his Abyss for some price, but actually you just let his items stay in your mailbox for 3 days and then you are the only one monopolizing(spelling lolz) Abyss Crystal.
    My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them.

  3. #63
    dconz's Avatar Member
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    use the simple rule Buy low - Sell high

    if you are just starting out and dont have much money enchanting goods are good, because they do not have a deposit cost on the AH.

  4. #64
    Shear's Avatar Member
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    Buy Eternal Fire, split into crystallized components, and sell slowly for double the price. (Stacks of 2-3)

    People will most likely buy them, generating a steady, albeit slow, source of income.

  5. #65
    Rockoman's Avatar Member
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    1.) Get your alchemy up to 400+
    2.) Check what elixirs are selling at a good price
    3.) Buy mats to make the elixir
    4.) Sell the elixirs in AH =)

    Thats how i make my money =)

  6. #66
    Rockerthug's Avatar Member
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    What I do is pretty simple, yet it makes me quite a good amount of cash.

    Control the Runecloth market.

    Go to the Auction house and look to see how much Runecloth is going for. On my server it normally goes for about 10g/stack..

    Buy out ALL of it, except for those that are ridiculously priced, then take half of the ones you just bought out and put them back up for 1.5 x the original price, so for me thats about 15g.

    Make sure to keep a watch on the market. If anyone starts to undercut you, buy them out so that your auctions are the only ones up.

    Obviously you need a few hunderd gold to get started, but when you wake up the next day and you have a mailbox full of succesful auctions.. Well.. It's just awesome =D

  7. #67
    Wangchung15's Avatar Member
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    With the Insane in the Membrane FoS out, Librams of Protection, Focus and Rapidity can be bought out and sold for 50g or better. Also, all of the rogues decks can be bought up and sold for 10g a piece. Pristine Diamonds on my server are selling for 20+ gold a piece, which can be bought up and sold at higher rates.

  8. #68
    Clovinm's Avatar Member
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    Step 1: join an Ulduar raiding guild
    Step 2: buy runed orbs
    Step 3: profit

  9. #69
    oddism's Avatar Member
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    Dominating the Scarlet Ruby Market. Require's JC & Bold Scarlet Ruby/Delicate Scarlet Ruby plans.

    Alot of gold can be made at night by undercutting the market. Usually at night, the price's sky rocket for these gems stated. Search the AH and see which one is selling for the most, then undercut by 20silver.

    Make sure you ONLY place one-two up at a time, placing more can hurt you if someone decides to post 4-5 up for 4-5g cheaper.

  10. #70
    paulandjulien's Avatar Member
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    Making Great Money Doing No Work

    This is an Auction House trick I have used to get quite a bit of money. I have applied this using Frozen Orbs <>, but you can use any other item that has some substantial value and is somewhat in demand. I chose Frozen Orbs because people need them to craft gear, ect. , and because they are in somewhat high demand.

    Things you will need:

    - Auctioneer addon (link below)

    - About 100-1000 gold

    - Patience

    Now keep in mind, the more gold you have the better, because you are going to need it to purchase the Frozen Orbs and make a profit.

    Step One: Scan the Auction House using Auctioneer. (I am not going to explain how to do that, hopefully you all know, if now, read the addon description from the link above).

    Step Two: Look at the Frozen Orbs in the Auction House and using the prices in the Auction House, think up a good price to relist them for, so that you will make a profit. This means that is the cheapest one sells for a buy out of 50 gold per Frozen Orb, and the most expensive one sells for 100 gold per Frozen Orb, then set a price in between such as 75 gold.

    Step Three: Buy out all of the Frozen Orbs under 75 gold (I'm using 75 gold as an example) and relist them for 75 gold a piece.

    Step Four: After you relist the Frozen Orbs, you should spam the trade channel, saying something like: "WTB Frozen Orb". Make sure you do this is some close time frame to when you relisted the Frozen Orbs, because you want people to try and sell you the Frozen Orbs for the price they think is listed in the Auction House (Which if you remember, was originally 50 gold)

    Step Five: If they say something like "make an offer", then you should reply: "well, last time i checked the AH they were being sold for 50 gold a piece, so can we agree on 45 gold?". Most likely they will agree to that price.

    Step Six: Buy them off of people for cheap until you think you can spent enough, then relist them for 75 gold. Be sure to keep your eye on the Auction House to make sure no one tries to bring the price back down to 50 gold again.

    Step Seven: Be patient, get a cup of coffee, watch some TV. Check the Auction House occasionally and you will see that people are going to buy your Frozen Orbs, because they don't want to have to look for someone to sell it to them for cheaper, and they probably don't want to have to go to another major city and meet the person selling it to them.

    Once again, I have been using this trick for the past month, and I have made quite a bit of money using this trick. And you can use other items instead of Frozen Orbs. I just use them because they are worth more than eternals and such.

    Good luck all!

  11. #71
    Pattay's Avatar Member
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    Mining: 450
    JC: 390+
    Ench: 400
    2 Characters :P

    It takes you a few hours of farming in Icecrown/Wintergrasp".

    Farm Saronite
    you'll get Eternal Earth & Eternal Shadow, too
    sonder saronite for Gems!!!!!!!
    create Shadowmight Ring & Stoneguard Bands
    DE them
    Sell Gems, Dust & Essences!
    earn 500g+ per day!

    Start working in the AH at the weekend and after Patches!

  12. #72
    Tyrune's Avatar Member
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    What I used to do, and it worked early on in TBC (when 70 BoE epics were mostly wanted) was to buy that epic dagger, can't remember what it was, but was one of the most expensive things on AH. (about 2k gold.) Then I'd post it on the AH for the same price, then (on an alt, obviously) post in trade "WTB (epic dagger) 3k gold!" and people would flock to the AH, then buy the one I had listed, then I'd just log off and delete the alt.

    A LOT of the time I just get a reply in trade saying "lol let me guess you've already listed one in the AH for cheaper?" But! Just remember, for every smart player there is out there, another 4 dumb ones are waiting to be scammed.

    One time I remember some guy was telling me "well there's one on AH I can buy if you really want it..." I'm like yeah sure I just hearthed out of the city, can't get back, some bs, etc. He made me promise and promise that I'll COD him the money. Of course, he bought it, I deleted the alt, jumped STRAIGHT on my main and reaped the rewards. I did feel bad, for about an hour or so, but I got over it.

  13. #73
    xkennyx's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Tyrune View Post
    What I used to do, and it worked early on in TBC (when 70 BoE epics were mostly wanted) was to buy that epic dagger, can't remember what it was, but was one of the most expensive things on AH. (about 2k gold.) Then I'd post it on the AH for the same price, then (on an alt, obviously) post in trade "WTB (epic dagger) 3k gold!" and people would flock to the AH, then buy the one I had listed, then I'd just log off and delete the alt.

    A LOT of the time I just get a reply in trade saying "lol let me guess you've already listed one in the AH for cheaper?" But! Just remember, for every smart player there is out there, another 4 dumb ones are waiting to be scammed.

    One time I remember some guy was telling me "well there's one on AH I can buy if you really want it..." I'm like yeah sure I just hearthed out of the city, can't get back, some bs, etc. He made me promise and promise that I'll COD him the money. Of course, he bought it, I deleted the alt, jumped STRAIGHT on my main and reaped the rewards. I did feel bad, for about an hour or so, but I got over it.
    don't do this every day. nobody buys anything from ah to resell it to a lvl 1 char on my server anymore. be carefull and don't put it in ah with your main, cuz every1 will know it was u. i advise u to do it with lvl 19-29-39....69 weapons, cuz u can say it is perfect for ur other alt and so on.

  14. #74
    totty's Avatar Member
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    Make demanded and highly overpriced meta gems with a Transmution Alchemy - JC combo.

    Right now, buy transmution mats for the epic gems. You'll earn loads.

    When selling the epic gems, have an engineer that can check if you can earn more if you put it out on the other factions AH.

  15. #75
    Tyrune's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by xkennyx View Post
    don't do this every day. nobody buys anything from ah to resell it to a lvl 1 char on my server anymore. be carefull and don't put it in ah with your main, cuz every1 will know it was u. i advise u to do it with lvl 19-29-39....69 weapons, cuz u can say it is perfect for ur other alt and so on.
    Yeah I don't do it anymore I just use bots to farm all my money, hehe, but it worked well when I was still completely broke and the expansion had JUST come out, so all the purdy purple BoE gear was selling like hotcakes.

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