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  1. #16
    Eski's Avatar Contributor
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    The basis of this tip is supply and demand of Herb's on the Auction House.

    Some people do not farm their own herbs, or do not have the patients to wait for more items to be posted on the Auction House or do not know the average price per stack. This is why this works!

    What the idea is, You find Herb's on your Auction House that has a low supply.

    Step 1) Search Trade Good's -> Herb.
    Step 2) Search for a low supply of high end herb's (Outlands).


    (On my server I see that Mana Thistle has a decent supply. I would prefer it be a lower supply but for this guide I will buy them out.)

    Step 3) Buyout all the of stacks of 20's - (Mana Thistle in my case).

    Step 4) Visit Wowhead and search for the Herb that you had bought out.

    As you can see, 3 Mana Thistle's are used in each flask and 7 Mana Thistle per Cauldron. Post some of your Mana Thistle in these amounts. I am going to do 5 stacks of each. (Note: Post the rest of the stack's in 20's or wait for the stack's of 3's and 7's to sell out.) I will be posting the rest in stack's of 20's.

    If your worried about people flaming you for raising the price of the item, you can also post them on different characters. (I bought 12 stacks of Mana Thistle each, split up the stack's between different characters. So that one character doesn't repost all 12 and appear to "Flood" the auction house) And if you go to this extent you might as well undercut yourself by a few copper to lower suspission. I personally do not go to this extent because I personally don't care.

    Note: I bought the Mana Thistle at 12g-15g. I will now be posting the stack's at 19.99g. It is not as big of a profit I would like but it is still a profit. I normally work with more expensive herbs (Nightmare Vine, Fel Lotus etc). To where I have gotten 10-15g more per stack. (Not stacks of Fel Lotus).

    Here are the Mana Thistle's Re-posted. As I am the only one on the Auction House with Mana Thistle's they should/will sell out quickly.

    I hope someone found this tip useful.

    Thank you for spending the time and reading this.

    As it is against the rules to post non-Auction House information in this thread, feel free to PM me if you have any questions.


    I made this guide a while back, but it still works for me so it deserves to be in this thread.
    Last edited by Jchunx; 01-31-2009 at 02:23 AM. Reason: Fixing an error you made when stating the rules.

    Auction House Tips Compilation - Post All Of Your AH Tips HERE!
  2. #17
    HalfSlant's Avatar Active Member
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    If there are a lot of twinks on your server and also some clueless noobs, this can make you a lot of money with little effort. You will need to have a working knowledge of the going price for twink items, but on my server these go anywhere from 50g to 1000g each. Some items (Pendulum of Doom, Spellshock Leggings) will go for 20,000g+

    Basically this is just a buy low -> sell high guide, but with a much easier way to find deals.

    Download this addon "Auction Snatch"

    Auction Snatch - Addons - Curse

    Then add a shopping list of very rare and expensive twink items:

    (you have to enter each one manually)

    Petrolspill Leggings
    Pendulum of Doom
    Silvershell Leggings
    Legguards of the Vault
    Assassins Blade
    Spellshock Leggings
    Green Lens of Stamina
    Staff of the Blessed Seer
    Tree Bark Jacket
    Crushridge Bindings
    Scarlet Chestpiece
    Polished Jazeraint
    Beguiler Robes
    Magician's Mantle
    Shadowforge Bushmaster
    Stonevault Bonebreaker
    Mantle of Thieves
    Holy Shroud
    Tigerstrike Mantle
    Watchman Pauldrons
    Zealot Blade
    Pathfinder Hat of the Monkey
    Troll's bane
    Forest Tracker Epaulets
    Frostreaver Crown
    Nocturnal Cape of Stamina
    Necklace of Calisea
    Hotshot Pilot's Gloves
    Skeletal Shoulders
    Cabalist Cloak of the Bear
    Staff of Jordan
    Bow of Searing Arrows
    The Silencer
    Wranglers Wristbands of Stamina
    Necromancer Leggings
    Underworld Band
    Robe of the Magi
    Warden's Woolies
    Papal Fez
    Warden's Wraps
    Gloves of Holy Might
    Ogron's Sash
    Basilisk Hide Pants
    Imperial Cloak
    Scorpashi Wristbands
    Assault Band
    Adventurer's Helmet
    Scorpashi Cape
    Green Whelp Armor
    Nightscape Headband
    Nocturnal Cap of the Monkey
    Nocturnal Cap of the Stamina
    Sacrificial Kris of the Monkey
    Champion's Cape of the Monkey
    Huntsman's Armor of Power
    Wall of the Dead
    Kang the Decapitator

    etc.... (look for twink guides or add your own rare items)

    The addon will sometimes get false positives, but you can choose to filter them out from further searches. I run the search everytime I hit the AH. Most of the time I dont find anything, or its already being sold at a high price. But I have found great deals from people who got a lucky drop and didnt know what it was worth 6):
    Last edited by HalfSlant; 02-04-2009 at 03:43 PM.

  3. #18
    vilewrath's Avatar Member
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    As a JC/MINER I do like selling aquamarines, huge emeralds, azerothian diamond, and large opals all prospected from throium ore. One a good day I can sell any one of these from 20g to up to 40gold!!! On the average they sell for 10g though which is a good amount seeing sometimes you can get up to 2 gems from prospecting.

  4. #19
    groo's Avatar Member
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    1. buy all stacks of netherweave in the AH that are priced less than 3g
    2. make heavy netherweave bandages out of them.
    3. vendor for 6g / stack

  5. #20
    Beatsta's Avatar Member
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    The easiest guide evah.

    What you'll need:


    1: Scan early, and scan often
    2: Capitalize (buy low and sell high)
    3: Farm.

    Easy as that

  6. #21
    Tenni-T's Avatar Contributor
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    [YT]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YT]

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    Credits: Just My Two Copper - A World of Warcraft Economic Blog

    Thanks for your time :wave:
    Tenni-T (Tenned) - Contrib!

    MMOwned - My favorite website of all times.

  7. #22
    Eric21's Avatar Member
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    auctioneer...sounds simple enough and it posts items at prices jsut below others and can aslo detect when somthin valuable is put on for a low price which you can buy and sell for a profit

  8. #23
    Jankem's Avatar Member
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    JC KING!

    This is a super simple method of price comparison, ala enchanters mats.

    Simply check the price of ore on the AH, and then assuming you can prospect at leat four green gems, take the average price of the five(?) different green gems and multiply it by four. If the sale price of those four greem gems combined is greater than the purchase price of the score.

    On Blackhand:

    Saronite Ore(20) = 24g

    Prospects into various green gems (maybe a rare) =/> 6g ea

    Total profit is 0g...since you broke even. This is a smart route for stockpiling green gems for use in your dailies. Not to mention that you can reap the rare gems. I normally buy four stacks of ore whenever I'm near an AH...normally once per night, and can normally get at least one rare prospect per stack of Saronite. So it's definitely profit.

    EDIT: I just wanted to add that I currently have about 3 stacks of certain green gems in my bank, so you won't need ALL of the ones you get for day to day use.
    Last edited by Jankem; 02-26-2009 at 11:42 AM.
    Master Chairman of Pedo-Con 2009

  9. #24
    Teryon's Avatar Active Member
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    Buy out all the cheap Spellweave on AH while it is cheap. It is an useless mat now, because the Spellweave Robe and Gloves are even worse than the gear you get from heroics.

    Patch 3.10 will add awesome crafted epics which use 10 spellweave.

  10. #25
    valita's Avatar Member
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    Find an item that is not easy to get and find it in the AH. If there's only 1 page of that item for sale and you have the gold to buy them all, do it! Then start selling it instantly at a price 8 times higher =)

  11. #26
    Severnaja's Avatar Member
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    This guide was written to use with auctioneer 5.4 beta version.

    To some people this guide might look trivial, as they are familiar with using auctioneer, if you are one of those people, spare both of us the time to flame and instead help with constructive criticism in order to further improve this guide and help out the ones that aren't as experienced as you are.

    Using all aspects of Auctioneer:

    Many people use Auctioneer to determine their pricing and see how much their items are worth, however, very few people are using its full potential.

    This guide will show you how to configure your Auctioneer and use the various possibillities it offers you to maximize your profits in various aspects, such as:

    cross faction trading


    First things first:

    As the very first step, you'll want to configure your auctioneer properly, so that it doesn't take data into it's database that is complete rubbish, for example a single woolcloth that costs 1000g and busts your average for runecloth.Thenn you'll have to scan your ah for about 2 weeks twice every day in order to get reliable data.

    Configurating: your auctioneer window the configure button marked in the picture: the filter section
    4.under outlier check „enable use of the outlier filter“, set the minimum seen count to 20 and under common quality itemy set the cap growth percentage to 175, this will prevent that auctioneer uses ridiculous priced wares to calculate the market value.

    2.Pricing and auction fees:

    In order to maximize your profit you will wan't your auctioneer to price just a very little bit underneath your competitors, by default this value is set to 2,5% which in my oppinion is way to much.
    You can set the amount to underbid to a fixed value, in order to do so select Undercut in the Match Modules section and set a hook at „Specify undercut amount by coin value“.You could enter 1 copper here, but from my experience you should enter 1 silver 1 copper, since people will look at the silver amount rather than the copper amount.

    3.Setting up auctions fast without wasting money:

    When setting up auctions, you'll want to set them up fast, auctioneer provides a very good tool for that purpose, named simple auction.The things we want to avoid are auction fees that are to high, because our listing time is too long (most items that don't sell within 24 hours won't sell in 48 either) and undercutting by to much (again, 1silver 1 copper is enough).

    In addition we'll want to post our auctions fast and if we have to cancel them fast, also.

    And here's how to do it:

    In the general configuration menu (see first picture) select „Util Modules“ and then „simple Auction“.

    Under „Shortcuts“ check „allow alt-click item in bag instead of drag“, this enables you to simply alt click an item to list it in the simple auctions menu tab.

    To spare the time of always setting the duration from 48 to 24 hours simply set the standard duration to 24 hours under „defaults“
    To undercut by our fixed amount of 1 silver 1 copper, select „fixed value“ in the „undercut basis“ section and enter the amount in the window underneath.

    In order to cancel auctions fast, select „easy buyout“ in the Util modules section and check „enable easy cancel“.Now you can simply right click an auction in your auctions tab in order to cancel it.

    You can also enable it to buyout auctions without the confirmation dialog, but i dont use that since i think it's saver with a confirmation.

    4.Making money by searching for bargains:

    4.Making money by searching for bargains:

    4.1 Arbitrage:

    This tool searches for items that are worth more money at the other faction.If requested i'll add a howto for transferring items from one faction to another without having to pay the neutral ah fee.
    Set the minimum profit atleast to five, otherwise it's not worth the effort, check „check seen count“ in order to be sure to work only with veryfied data and set it to something between 20 and 50.

    If you're sure that the item will sell fast, you can lower the values in the Fees Adjustment section.

    If you wanna make fast profit uncheck „allow Bids“ so it only shows you auctions worth buying out, if you have the time to wait for an auction check it.

    4.2 Converter:

    Checks for items that can be converted into items that are worth more, for example primals.
    A good value for the minimum profit imo is 5g.For the other sections see 4.1.

    4.3 Disenchant:

    Looks for items that on average disenchant into items worth more than the item you bought, again I'd suggest 5g in the profit section.You can set the minimum skill required for disenchanting an item to 325 if you just wanna d/e wotlk items, which is what i do, since other mats vary to much on my server, for other sections see 4.1 and 4.2.

    4,4 Milling and Prospecting:

    They work the exact same way as disenchanting, if you have questions concerning those sectins see 4.3 Disenchanting.

    4.5 Resale: Searches for items that are underpriced and are worth relisting, menu points are the same as for Arbitrage, so see this section if you have questions.

    4.6 Snatch: A very handy tool that can autobuy auctions for you, this comes in handy if you know about the fluctuations of your server, for example you know that during the week infinite dust goes down to about 3,90g each and during the weekend goes up to as high as 5g each.You can add infinite dust to your snatch list and autobuy it, whenever it's cheaper than 3,50g.

    I hope this guide helped you to use your auctioneer's potential to the max.



  12. #27
    Viper998's Avatar Active Member
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    Ok, i searched through the forums, and I couldn't find anything on it, srry if it is a repost, but here it is...

    After looking through some stuff, I found out that they are making a new item called Black Jelly - Item - World of Warcraft will be made into the game, and it will be made from Borean Man O' War - Item - World of Warcraft Currently, this will be better then ANYTHING in the game for giving you back mana and health, even better then Conjured Mana Strudel - Item - World of Warcraft, OMG:disbelief:

    Now, im like, hmm, i know that the Borean Man O' War - Item - World of Warcraft, u can fish very easily in the borean tundra, and I know i fish it up all the time on accident. And i remeber in the auction house, they are like, 2G a stack on my server, around there. Well, you buy as much as you can, wait till the patch comes out, when it does, go learn the recipe, and cook as much as you can, put in the auction house for whatever you want, and BAM, profit! twocents

  13. #28
    theViron's Avatar Member
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    Cobalt Gold Making

    - Mining

    1) Buy many Cobalt Ore Stacks (On my server they go for 15-20g each stack)
    2) Smelt the cobalt Ores to Cobalt Bars.
    3) Sell the Cobalt Bar Stacks (On my server they go for 35-50g each stack)

    So you make a profit of 15-30g per stack.

    Imagine you are doing this with 10 stack you could get profit of 300g.

    And it's not much work

  14. #29
    BlueJoe's Avatar Member
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    LIST HIGH PRICED ITEMS ON TOP (without auctioneer..)

    Here is a technique that a few people use on my server to unfairly get rich.

    As you can see, There are 4 abyss crystals at the top of the list in the auction house. But they are set to BID: 420g B\O: 429496G

    Find an item that sells fast, and preferably for 100G+

    It will be placed at the top of the auction house under the item you listed.

    Eventually someone will bid on it.

    And now you might ask, "well they can just go to bids and cancel it.."

    well yes they can, But not everyone will be smart enough to do so.

  15. #30
    HansDampf01's Avatar Member
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    Actually the Method above is used to push the price for items higher because much people dont think and let auctioneer set their auctions prices.
    By selling items for 999% of the normal market value acutioneer is setting up a higher buyout price so you can simply put your items cheaper into the auction house

    There is nothing about some stupid guys who will bid 420 g on a abyss .... they dont exist on normal realms

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