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  1. #1
    B7huff's Avatar Active Member
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    Warlock vs.-=Classes=-

    After watching Warlock's on my server, and It seems they are at a loss, as to how to fight different classes. They fight the same everyone and always get wiped by Hunters Etc.. So, I with my intense skills (they exist. I was level 29 and i took on a 35 hunter and 36 Priest at the same time (and won) and they were good. (I always win unless its a skull.)

    Okay let us start off from the one of the warlocks Biggest Problems.

    Rogue's: Okay so you're just walking along, and all of a sudden (ambush) or stunlock. If you're any good you already have a succubuss out, If you don't then I'm not even going to continue. Anyways, Immediatly seduce, If your affliction, then do amplify curse and curse of Exhaustion. If your not, then keep walking. Remember to to apply any dots.

    1. If your not affected by... deadly? poision (the one that does DoT dmg.) Then immediatly bandage.
    2. Cast Shadowbolt, Re-seduce.
    3. Cast Corruption, And immediatly Immolate. You should connect with immolate about at the same time Corruption procs, and lay on dots and run away like a little girl. After that do whatever you want, Because you pretty much killed him. Shadowburn, Conflagrate, Do whatever you want. Remember to fear if he gets too close.

    Vs: Hunters.

    This class is the one that presents the most Problems for me (call me a noob, but a 120 shadow resistance pet with a 1.0 attack speed is kind of tough to beat when being 450 dps'd by a guy from 41 Yards away.)

    Seduce the hunter and fear the pet. Do this AS quickly as you can. From what I have seen, Run up to the hunter, but not EXACTLY on him, but about 8 feet away, so that he cannot Wingclip/Raptor strike immediatly, but still cannot shoot you as soon as he gets un-seduced. At this point you have time to cast 1 shadowbolt.

    1. After you break seduce with shadowbolt, Immediatly cast Immolate. (remmeber if your affliction you should have ALREADY cast CoEx) Run towards him while casting Curse of Agony if you are dest., Corruption, and Siphon life, (again if your affliction.)
    2. If you have nightfall a good idea is to cast corruption on his pet when you fear it and he is still in seduce, Giving you an extra chance to proc Nightfall.
    3.If you are +fire, then just spam Searing pain and conlag //etc. If shadow, then keep running towards him periodicly casting shadowbolt... etc.
    4. Death coil if your at half health or he has gained too much range on you.
    NoTe: Problems with hunters is that they are like Inverse rogues. They have Pretty Decent Health. And they WANT to get as far away from you as possible. Draining health if your affliction is THE way to go. Dots will usualy finish them off, but you must give it time. Run towards them.

    Vs: Priest.

    We all know we don't like priests. They are Pretty painfull to meet if they know what they are doing, Luckily, MOST do not know what to do Start off with Chain seducing (twice) and remember to cast the shadow absorbion spell... (cant remember what its called) But cast- and recast it ALWAYS. IT IS A MUST. When your chain-seducing shadowbolt.

    1.When that breaks, Cast Curse of Tongues,
    2. Lay your dots on (by now he must be AT LEAST at half health.
    3. At this pointwhen he is around half heath, most of them get that little tingly feeling that tells them they have to heal, So as soon as you feel like YOU would like to heal, they probably think so too. Fear them right when you think they will start healing, since remmeber that both your fear and their flash heal is on the same cast time so they will get it faster then you.
    4. When your fearing them cast a Shadowbolt / conflag (both probalby) and IMMEDIATLY death coil. They will most likely be dead by now.

    Note: Priests that like to heal early will be a REALY big problem. Seduce and chainfear is all I can realy say, Because i have almost NEVER surived long enough to see a priest run out of mana.

    There are no other classes that can be tough to you, so I have only covered the 3 most common classes that us warlocks have trouble with. Druids and paladins should be handled like priests, only with a later fearing time, since they try to dps harder then priests before healing. Gl

    Thx 4 reading
    Last edited by B7huff; 07-14-2006 at 04:04 PM.
    O RLY?
    YA RLY.
    NO WAI!

    Warlock vs.-=Classes=-
  2. #2
    Fishy80's Avatar Contributor
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    Soul-Link locks have it easy.... i beat 60's and im lvl 54

    i would do things in a different order than you posted, but for the most part i agree

    shadow preists are horrible... they anger me because of this combo "shadow vuln. shadow vuln. shadow vuln. shadow word pain"

    they can stack the different ranks of shadow vuln. and then shadow word pain (insta cast longest ranged DoT in the game, also does alot of dmg) so basically, they have the ability to own anything in game...

  3. #3
    B7huff's Avatar Active Member
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    Shadow Priests don't scare me at all. And soul-link warlocks should all either A. Go reroll, or B. jump off a very large cliff with craggy stones at the bottom.

    Shadow priests are realy easy to beat, Since you dont have to worry about heals. Just put on your Shadow Protection spell, Start casting dots, When hes doing Mind-Blast you just charge and Deathcoil. You realy wont take much damage, and esspecialy true if your an Affliction warlock, where you can realy drain life with ease, because Priests can't do TOO much damage at once. They realy rely on sitting there and kind of slowly attacking. If they try and pop out to heal, just fear them and its gg.
    O RLY?
    YA RLY.
    NO WAI!

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