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  1. #1
    tylertag10's Avatar Member
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    Rogue PvP Guide & Tips

    There are many tricks and tips for rogues that will make PvP much easier.


    1. When fighting a warrior or druid that can feral charge/ intercept and are kiting them with crippling, try to get in range of Intercept or feral charge and then shadowstep right away and you will teleport to where they were and charge to your previous location. This is very difficult and timing is key.

    2. A trick that is often overlooked is simply vanishing when you see a spell shooting at you, this will completely avoid the spell that was casted on you.

    3. Getting a garrote and rupture off before breaking sap is possible aswell. Sap the target you want to kill, use premid, garrote, the quickly rupture, use sprint to get away and you will successfully have 2 bleed effects on the target and being able to re-stealth aswell.

    4. A small tip is that, the faster weapon you have in your offhand, the less amount of energy shiv will cost.

    5. Using focus macro's is very key, these macros will be posted in the "Useful Macros" section.

    6. Having keybindings for every ability that you use is very helpful and lets you react to different situations much faster than clicking.

    Useful Addons

    1. Energy Ticker- Rogue Focus Classic | World of Warcraft Addons | World of Warcraft @

    2. Natur EnemyCastBar- Natur EnemyCastBar | World of Warcraft Addons | World of Warcraft @

    3. Proximo- Proximo | World of Warcraft Addons | World of Warcraft @

    4.Xperl- X-Perl UnitFrames | World of Warcraft Addons | World of Warcraft @

    5. There are many other addons that can help but are mostly based off personal preference.

    Useful Macros

    1.Deadly Throw when you have combo points, otherwise just throw.
    #show deadly throw
    /cast deadly throw
    /cast throw

    2. Focus

    3.Blind the Focus target.
    /cast [target=focus, exists] Blind; blind;

    4. Mashable Sap ( Very useful for finding opposing rogues)
    #show sap
    /cast sap

    5.More reliable vanish
    #show Vanish
    /cast Vanish

    6.Switching weapons for shiv.
    #show [OFFHAND WEAPON]
    /equipslot 17 [OFFHAND WEAPON]
    /cast shiv

    7. Hemo when you have energy/auto attack otherwise
    #showtooltip Hemorrhage
    /cast Hemorrhage

    Good Luck with the PvP guys

    Rogue PvP Guide & Tips
  2. #2
    Connactzor's Avatar Member
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    Desperate way of earning rep? :x

  3. #3
    hellbounds's Avatar Active Member
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    little help to pickpocket

    Hi , this is only a small tip but to earn a little extra / improve you LP skill and to get green / blue items every now and then use this macro

    #showtooltip Garrote
    /cast Pick Pocket
    /cast Garrote

    It will always try to pickpocket 1st so if you use garrote to level and killing humans will do it automatically - if they cant be pickpocketed it will just say ' unable to pickpocket' but still garrote

    hope this helps a little

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