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    Matt's Avatar Legendary Authenticator enabled
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    Massive WoW Leveling Grinding Spots List (merged list)

    10-13 Dreadmaw Crocolisks in the river between Durator and Barrens. 14,000 exp per hour.
    by Lowfyr

    13-16 Southsea Bandits and Cannoneers south of Ratchet. 14,000 exp per hour.
    by Lowfyr

    16-19 Theramore Marines outside Norwatch Keep. 16,000 exp per hour.
    by Lowfyr

    19-22 South Barrens Stormhides and Quilboards. 18,000 exp per hour.
    by Lowfyr

    22-24 Bears and Spiders right outside Tarren Mill. 20,000 exp per hour.
    by Lowfyr

    ~lvl 25: Bael'Modan dwarves in southern barrens. Only grind at the pit, the building sucks. Lotsa dwarves in a rather small pit, usually not too crowded with other players. Visit Brackenwall Village @Dustwallow Marsh for mainteinance since it's closer than crossroads.
    by nemppu

    24-26 Centaur north of Freewind Post in 1,000 Needles (outside the cave) 20,000 exp per hour (lots of mining opportunities; Tin, Iron).
    by Lowfyr

    26-30 Centaur north of Freewind Post in 1,000 Needles (inside the cave) 20,000 exp per hour (lots of mining opportunities; Iron, Gold, some Mithril)
    by Lowfyr

    ~lvl 30: Azerlude mine in Hillsbrad. Lotsa miners in a big mine. Visit Tarren Mill for mainteinance. Q
    + Loads of tin.
    by nemppu

    30-32 Roguefeather Harpies inside cave on south wall of 1,000 Needles. 20,000 exp per hour (lots of mining opportunities; Iron, Gold).
    by Lowfyr

    lvl 31-33: Yeti cave in Hillsbrad.
    by nemppu

    32-37 Kurzen camp in North Stranglethorn Vale (outside cave) 26,000 -32,000 exp per hour. This actually got better as I went up in level as long as no one else was at the camp. At level 36, I tested about 1/4 of the level and my experience rate was 32,640 per hour when I had to stop and go sell. Note: The Kurzen areas are generally considered broken now; especially for Horde on PvP servers. But it's all I currently know at this level as the spot was so good at the time, that is all I did from 32-42.
    by Lowfyr

    lvl 33-35: Mountain & Giant Yetis in Alterac Mountains, just above Yeti cave. Visit Tarren Mill for mainteinance.
    + You get both money and leather from yetis.
    by nemppu

    Venture Co. Meteorologists at Lake N. in Stranglethorn Vale
    I love these guys. I mentioned them in the gold guide, and I really do love them. They have good drops, and they die fast. Hunters can sometimes even take two on at a time, as they like to stay at range and use their lightning bolt attack. Sic a pet on one, and take out the other yourself. They don't always stay at range, however, so your milage may vary.
    by Lowfyr
    Lotsa casters, big area. Sometimes a bit too crowded. Visit Grom'gol for mainteinance. Q
    + Lotsa silk, uncommons & money.
    - Alliance warning.
    by nemppu

    The Naga on the islands in Desolace have low armor, and there are casters in the mix. Be wary of the wandering sea giants, though. One will walk across the island every now and then, and they'll kill you if they sees you.
    by Lowfyr

    In the Badlands, there are ALOT of rock elementals. They range from about 37 to 42 or so, if I remember correctly. They're sort of close to the Horde base, so Alliance might be weary of the area. They die fast, and they have some pretty good vendor drops. Higher level ones spawn by the Ogres camp, and have a chance of spwaning Rumbler, a named rock elemental. There's also a few quests right by the lower ones, so some extra EXP is fun.
    by Lowfyr

    The Murlocs by Grom'Gol in STV are excellent grinding. They have, as per usual, low defense, and take alot of damage. Some casters mixed in the fray as well.
    by Lowfyr

    37-42 Kurzen camp in North Stranglethorn (inside cave) 29,000 - 34,000 exp per hour; 5-7 gold per hour. Go in past the Kurzen Commandos and Kurzen Headhunters to the Elites and Witchdoctors. The Commandos have armor, and stun you when they are low on life, so they are poor experience, but the Elites and Witchdoctors inside are the same old no-armor experience givers. I told my guild this area is just a leveling field with juicy experiene berries waiting to be plucked. I'm currently 39 here, and still doing full levels in just about 2 hours of grinding.
    by Lowfyr

    The Scalding Whelps in the Badlands are fun to grind. They're basicly casters, low def and HP, high damage. They also have a chance of dropping a a Tiny Black Whelpling, which can go for 20-50 gold on some servers in the AH, and are pretty cool pets regardless.
    by Lowfyr

    The Wastewander humans in Tanaris are great grinding for a large level range. They start off at level 40 and 41, and ramp up to 44 or so, and then you can move to the pirates, which range from 44-45 (Or is it 46?). Chests spawns are all over the place too, so you can get some phat lewt. My gold guide has more in depth information on their location.
    by Lowfyr
    ~42 Wastewander bandits & thieves & shadow mages in Tanaris. For shadow mages, lay a freezing trap & just start killing the mage. It's voidwalker minion will run up to you and get frozen. Visit gadgetzan(bullets) or steamwheedle port(arrows) for mainteinance. Q
    +They drop wastewander water pouches, for 5 you will get 380 experience and a box containing food/water/potions. I sent the food and water to guildies and used the potions. Turn them in in Gadgetzan between bank and inn.
    by nemppu

    The Naga in Stranglethorn Vale are pretty easy to kill, though there aren't any caster mobs mixed in. I personally don't like this one, but it is viable.
    by Lowfyr

    42-44 Ogres in Feralas. Due north of camp Mojache in the mountains. The Mages are best if you have spell disruption, but I worked through all of them and they were all good experience. The Brutes will throw you, so make sure they don't throw you into an add. 20-24k exp per hour.
    by Lowfyr

    42 - 45 Woodpaw Gnolls in Feralas, south of Camp Mojache. Stay away from the Trappers and Brutes IMO, and head further south to the Mystics and Reavers. I liked the area that was still on flat land with a couple of Alpha camps on raised mounds. I usually avoided the alphas as they tended to be bugged/grouped in a cluster of 3. Spell disruption is a must for the Mystics. I cleared about 24k exp per hour here typically.
    by Lowfyr

    44 - 47/48 Dustbelcher Ogres in the Badlands. Now here is a good spot, and it may be good on PvP as well. I camped this cave for 3 hours one Saturday without seeing another player. The cave is in the Southwest corner of the bladlands past a bunch of Ogres. The reason why I say the cave, is that it's about 75% Ogre Mages, and if you have spell disruption, they go down easy. Very low hp and low armor even after the patch. The only reason I left at 48 is I could clear the spawn too quickly, and I wanted to do Tanaris quests.
    by Lowfyr

    There are some more Naga on an island in Feralas, south of Feathermoon Stronghold or whatever. I've never been there personally, but I've heard good things about it. A named naga spawns at the top of one of the caves, 24 hour spawn.
    (Originally was 44-46, but poster informed me their spawns are a bit higher leveled than I believed. Thanks thezeed)
    by Lowfyr

    Also in Feralas, there are some Yeti in the Feral Scare Vale. The normal ones are about level 45, and they ramp up to level 48 or so. Pretty good grinding, but the range of movement is sorta large.
    by Lowfyr

    lvl 45-50: Lost rigger cove in Tanaris. Pirates, large area. Use freezing trap technique for groups of 2/3. Visit gadgetzan(bullets) or steamwheedle port(arrows) for mainteinance. Q
    +They drop boxes which contain pieces of map or a key to captain's chest. Collect all pieces of map for a phat loot quest and use keys at the ship further from land for phat loot chest.
    by nemppu

    The ghosts in Azshara are great. I love them. I can't stress how awesome they are. They drop insane mageweave and silver, and are absolutely excellent to kill. The Litchlings are casters, and die even faster than the Apprentices, which go down FAST. I absolutely love these. However, on my server, several 57+ gold farmers also camp them fairly actively Sad
    by Lowfyr

    I like elementals, and here are some more Smile. In the Searing Gorge Cauldron, and a little bit North of it, there are plenty to grind.
    by Lowfyr

    In the very North West cornor of Feralas there are harpys. Ranging from 48 to 53.
    Harpys (lvl 48's) (lvl 49's)
    Grind these harpy's from 48-53.
    I found out that having healing potions and useing a Elixer of the Mongoose ( helps a lot. For melee class's.
    There is a good chance of being ganked by lvl 60's cause at that level your easy prey.
    You should be able to grind a least 40k exp a hour and get descently good greens and runecloth if i remember correctly. I am a warrior so it might be a bit different for each class.
    by S.A.L.O.M.O.N.

    48-52 Dunemaul Ogres in Tanaris (great Mageweave drops). I like the NE ruins for the early levels, as I could move around it in a circle. Once I got to 50, I liked the higher density in the actual Dunemaul Compound area.
    by Lowfyr

    Deadwood Village in Felwood is decent grinding, and you can also use it to raise your Timbermaw faction. Not much I can say about it.
    by Lowfyr

    ~lvl 50: Harpies in northwest corner of feralas. Casters/fighters, they die really quickly, medium area. Visit Shadowprey Village for mainteinance. Q
    +LOADS of magewave, auction.
    -Rather buggy place. Harpies spawning inside ground etc. -\
    by nemppu

    The Ogres in the Burning Steppes are pretty good. Same thing as with other ogres.
    by Lowfyr

    52-56 Western Plaguelands. The field with the Skeletal Slayers right by the Bulwark. Great Runecloth drops, and actually I prefered to kill the melees here over the casters (casters seemed to have the same HP and armor as melees). I've been pulling 26k exp per hour or better here.
    by Lowfyr

    ~lvl 53: Satyrs in Azshara. Just tried these briefly, I liked blood elves so much that I rather killed them, but I've heard a lot of good about this place. I think there are multiple spots for these guys. Sometimes crowded.
    +Felcloth & Runecloth
    by nemppu

    In Azshara there are Blood Elves and Legashi Deamons. There are on the upper part in the middle on the side towards the ocean.
    Blood Elves (lvl 52's) (lvl 51's) (lvl 52's castors) (lvl 53's castors)
    You can grind these mobs fairly fast, descent runecloth drops, and a few blues here and there. Only thing youll run into there is chinese farmers.
    Legashi Deamons (lvl 52's castors) (lvl 53's castors) (lvl 51's) (lvl 52's) (lvl 53's)
    These mobs arnt so bad, but the castors can be a pain sometimes. They have a chance to drop Felcloth wich is really nice, They drop cards too. Cha ching??? Well you can grind these along with the blood elvs. I killed so many so fast id go from blood elvs to legashi deamons and back and forth. It was really good xp. Probly 21+g per hour or so.
    by S.A.L.O.M.O.N.

    More ghosts! This time in Winterspring, on the frozen lake. I <3 these guys.
    by Lowfyr

    Running around in the Plaguelands killing undead. Raising Argent Dawn faction is a pain, so you might want to go ahead and do slightly slower grinding at the gain of being able to raise your faction at the same time. It's also possible to go to 60 doing this, but it's mind numbingly boring... But for some, the faction is worth it. You cannot gain faction from killing monsters when you are level 60, so if you plan on grinding them for the faction, you may really want to do this until 60.
    by Lowfyr

    lvl 53-60: Blood elves in Azshara. Casters and fighters with really low armour/hp but extremely high damage. Be really careful, as you propably will be killed couple of times before you start getting used to killing these. The fighters there will also have an insane aggro radius. Concider yourself warned. When I found the right way to kill these I really enjoyed killing them. Small area, limited amount. Visit Orgrimmar for mainteinance. Q
    +Lotsa runecloth.
    +REALLY low hp/armour.
    -Often crowded.
    -REALLY high risk of getting killed.
    by nemppu

    If you're a rogue, Blackrock Stronghold is the place to be. You will die a few times getting down a beat, but once you have the timing going well, you'll be dominating the area. Half the mobs there are casters, and the other half still have low armor compaired to most mobs of this level
    by Lowfyr

    This is where Deadwind pass actually plays its part sometime in the game. Grind the ogres in the southeast side. (lvl 55's) (lvl 56's) (lvl 56's) (lvl 57's) (lvl 55's castors) (lvl 56's castors) (lvl 57's castors) (lvl 57's castors) (lvl 58's castors)
    There are a ton of these mobs, and RARELY you find alliance/horde. They have some descent hp but theres so many they make up for it. They have runecloth and money drops. They drop blues and while i was lvl 58 i found a epic axe brain hacker. are caves here wich you can go in and fight them too. They are easy if you have armor or are melee in general. Im not sure how the castors will work out.
    by S.A.L.O.M.O.N.

    Massive WoW Leveling Grinding Spots List (merged list)
  2. #2
    DashiKun's Avatar Member
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    Re: Massive WoW Leveling Grinding Spots List (merged list)

    erm.. is that for horde or allience? *going to northwatch keep as a 17 NE rogue..

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar Legendary Authenticator enabled
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    Re: Massive WoW Leveling Grinding Spots List (merged list)

    looks like horde for the beginning stuff
    Originally Posted by DashiKun
    erm.. is that for horde or allience? *going to northwatch keep as a 17 NE rogue..

  4. #4
    renob's Avatar Member
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    Thanks for postin theese spots... will help me out alot Thanks!

  5. #5
    Bossman4's Avatar Active Member
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    Thx alot Matt +rep from me

  6. #6
    KuRIoS's Avatar Admin
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    yes it looks like horde, nice post tho

  7. #7
    Cypher's Avatar Kynox's Sister's Pimp
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    Yay! FOR THE HORDE! Thanks Matt.

  8. #8
    Cush's Avatar Elite User
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  9. #9
    Cypher's Avatar Kynox's Sister's Pimp
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    This one was actually posted first. And also this is a bit different. I'll keep them both open.

  10. #10
    Cush's Avatar Elite User
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    Oh, thought it was the same
    Okie dokie...My mistake

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