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    Jeesk's Avatar Contributor
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    Okay, here is my guide to making the Ultimate Level 1 Twink. With this twink I've dueled and beat many people 5-8 levels higher than me - my best achievements so far are a level 14 warrior and level 13 pally, and an 18 lock, but the lock was without pet. That's with no buffs, potions or anything - just my gear.

    Before I begin... if you want to flame twinks or say "what's the point of this?" then just move along and don't bother posting. Some people have fun gearing low level characters to see how they can compare against higher level characters. So scram. Okay, now that's out of the way...


    IMO the ultimate Level 1 Twink class is a rogue. I've dueled a warrior as decked out as I am, and managed to beat him. If you don't want a rogue though, then warriors are nice, and I would think pallies would be pretty good too. But for the purposes of this guide, I'll be enchanting as if for a rogue. If you're playing something else, choose your enchants accordingly.

    Note: If you choose a Rogue, you can actually learn Stealth at Level 1. Just go to the class trainer in your starter area and they will teach you the ability at Level 1 (it's a common misconception that you can't get it until Level 2 - even funnier when you kick a higher level's butt and then they claim you're a "hacker" because you have stealth! lol)

    I chose: Rogue


    If you're making your twink Alliance-side, I'd go with either a human or a night elf. Humans get a +5 specialization to swords (which you'll be using if you get the sword I recommend) whereas night elves have a +dodge racial which is definitely very nice. I made my toon a human, but a nelf may be better (too lazy to look up how worthwhile the sword specialization is - I didn't want to make a nelf anyway). That said, if you're not making a rogue, I would go draenei. Gift of the Naaru is imba, I wish they had draenei rogues! Horde-side, well, I'm not familiar with their racials, but pick whatever you think is most useful.

    I chose: Human


    The trickiest thing about a Level 1 twink is making sure you don't accidently level it up! You get a huge amount of XP just for discovering parts of the map, or accidently killing an animal, etc. so you have to be careful. Because I chose a human, I started in Nortshire, ran down to Goldshire, and then over to Stormwind to get sword training. Then I levelled up my weapon skills on critters, and my defense skill by letting mobs hit me (and NOT fighting back - you don't want XP). Try not to run off the road anywhere and discover places because it'll give you XP.

    I also picked up first aid while I was in Stormwind (or any capital city). Send your twink and a heap of linen cloth and wool cloth, and they'll be able to skill up their bandaging. Note however that when you have such a huge health pool (over 600 HP) that the bandages you can make are almost worthless to you.


    Head: Red Defias Mask, Noble's Monocle

    This was the most annoying item to get, because it's BoP. It has no stats, but you need it so you can apply a head enchant!

    Red Defias Mask - Item - World of Warcraft

    Red Defias Mask is only equippable by rogues. It drops from any defias npcs, about a 1 in 50 drop. I got three of my friends to go out to westfall (one was a priest, and one a warlock). Then they went out to an area packed with defias, summoned me, and I let the mobs kill me (do NOT let your friends kill any mobs while you're still alive). Then I ran back to the spot where I rez, but DON'T REZ. Your friends kill all the mobs until a Red Defias Mask drops. At that point you rez (make sure they've stopped killing stuff), loot the mask, and then hearth out. You'll get minimal XP for discovering one place on the map (Moonbrook, for example) but as long as you've only been to your starter town and city, you won't level off it. Don't worry, this was the hardest bit.

    Note: If you have a twink that isn't a rogue, you can get Noble's Monocle. It's a rare drop from the fishing daily reward, sometimes you might see it on AH, but it's usually a prized item for bank alts. Probably harder to get than a Red Defias Mask, but unless you're a rogue it's your only option at the moment.

    Note #2: If you want to put a libram on your head piece (best enchant for head - you can get 8 agility or 100 health) then you'll need a head piece that isn't BoP (for example, Noble's Monocle, as mentioned above). You won't be able to put a libram on the Red Defias Mask, because the arcanum (which you have to get on another toon) is BoP, and so is the mask.

    Noble's Monocle - Item - World of Warcraft

    Neck: Voice Amiplification Modulator

    You can get this if you have an engineer main (or friend). Reduces the length of interrupt or silence effects on user. I didn't get it, because I'd already hassled my engi friend enough getting him to come to Westfall with me. Didn't think it was worth it for a rogue. If you just want something gimmicky for neck slot, get Soap On A Rope (more on this later).

    Schematic: Voice Amplification Modulator - Item - World of Warcraft

    Back: Wispy Cloak, Linen Cloak

    Wispy Cloak - Item - World of Warcraft

    Drops from Lost Soul, a "rare" spawn in Tirisfal Glades. I say "rare" in quotes because it's not rare at all - in fact it respawns immediately after you kill it. The cloak drops pretty much every time. Not BoP, so you can just take your main and get it.

    Note: Alternatively a tailor can make you a Linen Cloak, which has the same stats. But the Wispy Cloak is cooler, and it's not like it's hard to get.

    Linen Cloak - Spell - World of Warcraft

    Chest: Simple Black Dress

    You need this dress because it's considered to be ilevel 35 or higher, meaning you can put +150 health on it (more on this later). So you need to get a tailor to make this for you. It has no stats on it, but being able to put a high level enchant on it makes the missing stats worthwhile.

    WARNING: Tuxedo Jacket is no longer considered an ilevel 35+ item. It had it's stam removed, can no longer have +150 HP chest put on it, it's it's useless for twinks now.

    Simple Black Dress - Spell - World of Warcraft

    Wrists: Cracked Leather Bracers

    Can buy these from a vendor. Simple!

    Cracked Leather Bracers - Item - World of Warcraft

    Hands: Worn Leather Gloves

    These have 1 armor more than Cracked Leather Gloves (vendor item from same place as bracers) but are about a 1% drop from kobolds, so judge for yourself whether you could be bothered doing this. I did.

    Worn Leather Gloves - Item - World of Warcraft

    Note: After about 200 kills it still hadn't dropped for me, so I put out a message in General saying I'd pay 20 silver to anyone who had them, so check your bags! Someone replied right away. Much easier than farming kobolds (although it was good to farm up lots of linen, low level pots, candles, scrolls, apples, etc.)

    Waist: Squealer's Belt

    This drops from Squealer Thornmantle in Mulgore. A bit of a trek for Alliance players, but you can just go get it on your main, so it's easy enough. Drops pretty much every time. Has slightly more armor than the cracked leather belt from vendor (1, I think) so it's up to you. Again, I did.

    Squealer's Belt - Item - World of Warcraft

    Legs: Tuxedo Pants

    Like the chest, this is above ilevel 35, and it also has nice armor on it anyway! Get a tailor to make it for you.

    Tuxedo Pants - Spell - World of Warcraft

    Feet: Cracked Leather Boots

    Vendor item, another easy one.

    Cracked Leather Boots - Item - World of Warcraft

    Weapon: Keen Machete, Simple Dagger

    This drops off a mob in Teldrassil. Note that Simple Dagger also has the same stats as this sword, but Keen Machete looks waaaaay cooler (and that's what it's all about, right?) so all you have to do is go kill a rare mob in Teldrassil to get it. It's BoE, so you can get it on your main, just don't equip it! Check out how cool it looks (especially with crusader!) It's worth noting, though, that Simple Dagger is not BoP, thus you can trade it to another toon if you accidently level to Level 2, which is nice.

    Keen Machete - Item - World of Warcraft

    Simple Dagger - Item - World of Warcraft

    Offhand: Furbolg Medicine Pouch (didn't bother with this, up to you though)

    Supposedly you can get a Furbolg Medicine Pouch by having someone in your group grind rep while you're dead.. there's no way I cbf testing this. Just including it for the sake of completion.

    Furbolg Medicine Pouch - Item - World of Warcraft

    Trinket: Insignia of the Horde/Alliance (didn't bother with this, up to you though)

    You can get an Insignia if you world PvP enough:

    Insignia of the Alliance - Item - World of Warcraft

    Quite a pain, though. Not so bad now that diminishing returns is gone, I guess. Level 1s have no spirit rez sickness.


    If you want ranged weapons, here's some info. I personally didn't bother, because to train bows I need to go to Darnassus, and I didn't want to risk hitting level 2. Best bow is Cadets Bow (drops from low level mobs, can also be fished in low level areas), and best arrows are Feathered Arrows (which come from a higher level quest, but they can sometimes be found on the AH, or you can do the quest on another toon and then trade them across). You can also attach a scope to your bow.

    Cadet's Bow - Item - World of Warcraft

    Feathered Arrow - Item - World of Warcraft

    Novelty Items

    These serve no purpose, but you can get a neck piece (I got Soap On A Rope from Griftah in Shatt) if you didn't get the Voice Amp Module, and rings (I got 2x Mood Ring from Arred in Exodar) and of course a tabard and shirt. You can't enchant any of those slots, and they have no stats, but they're fun if you want to deck out your twink. Sadly, there's no shoulders available at level 1.


    Head: Libram of Voracity (8 agi) or Libram of Constitution (100 HP)

    Libram of Voracity - Quest - World of Warcraft
    Libram of Constitution - Quest - World of Warcraft

    Cloak: Dodge (12 dodge), Lesser Agility (3 agi) or Superior Defense (70 armor)

    Formula: Enchant Cloak - Dodge - Item - World of Warcraft
    Formula: Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility - Item - World of Warcraft
    Formula: Enchant Cloak - Superior Defense - Item - World of Warcraft

    Chest: Exceptional Health (+150 HP)

    Enchant Chest - Exceptional Health - Spell - World of Warcraft

    Bracers: Greater Stamina (7 sta)

    Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Stamina - Item - World of Warcraft

    Gloves: Superior Agility (15 agi)

    Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility - Spell - World of Warcraft

    Pants: Clefthide Leg Armor (30 sta, 10 agi) or Nethercleft Leg Armor (40 sta, 12 agi)

    Clefthide Leg Armor - Spell - World of Warcraft
    Nethercleft Leg Armor - Spell - World of Warcraft (hefty mats!)

    Boots: Greater Stam (7 stam) or Greater Agility (7 agi)

    Enchant Boots - Greater Stamina - Spell - World of Warcraft
    Enchant Boots - Greater Agility - Spell - World of Warcraft

    Weapon: Crusader, Lifestealing, or Fiery (I recommmend Crusader)

    Enchant Weapon - Crusader - Spell - World of Warcraft (the best, IMO)
    Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon - Spell - World of Warcraft
    Enchant Weapon - Lifestealing - Spell - World of Warcraft
    Last edited by Jeesk; 07-01-2008 at 01:57 AM.

    [Guide] The Ultimate Level 1 Twink
  2. #2
    Jeesk's Avatar Contributor
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    With the following gear:

    Red Defias Mask
    Wispy Cloak (+70 armor)
    Simple Black Dress (+150 hp)
    Cracked Leather Bracers (+7 sta)
    Worn Leather Gloves (+15 agi)
    Squealer's Belt
    Tuxedo Pants (+30 stam +10 agi)
    Cracked Leather Boots (+7 stam)
    Keen Machete (+Crusader)

    I have the following stats:

    645 HP
    48 Agility
    65 Stamina
    294 Armor
    9-13 Damage
    21% Crit Chance
    5 Expertise

    I could do more, like get the epic pants armor instead of just the rare one, but I couldn't be bothered wasting that much money on it. I might chuck I libram on my head to give me another 8 agi or 100 HP when I get around to it (still have to waste 30g for it...) but I'm pretty happy with my twink how it is.


    So far (only made the twink yesterday) my best wins are:

    - Level 14 Warrior (with Gift of the Naaru!)
    - Level 13 Pally (used bubble twice and LoH, lawl)
    - Level 14 Priest
    - Level 18 Warlock without her pet (beat me with Imp out)

    And those kills were without any buffs, potions, etc. at all, even though the opponents had buffs and/or could heal. GG!

    Biggest hit so far is a 35 on Eviscerate, biggest crit is a 50 on Eviscerate.

    Thanks for reading my guide! There's a few of these out there but I'm pretty sure I'm the only one to have actually found all of the very best pieces of gear and put them together. Enjoy making a Level 1 twink, they're not too expensive and it's fun to wtfpwn people more than ten levels above you.

    Here's a SS of my beautiful twink. I forgot to turn the helm graphic on, so unfortunately I can't show you the red defias mask, which is cool looking too.

    Last edited by Jeesk; 07-01-2008 at 01:57 AM.

  3. #3
    furyn's Avatar Member
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    Pretty cool. Almost makes me want to make one. Would be fun to own some level 20s.

  4. #4
    Jeesk's Avatar Contributor
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    Well, they'd have to be a real nub to be above level 20 and lose to you. But 10-15 is winnable against any class, and possibly right up to level 20 against some classes (clothies) and/or total nubs.

  5. #5
    Azurrel's Avatar Member
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    Hmm, very cool, but not much to do at lvl 1, that's why I like doing the hardcore twinking at lvl 19, or 29, you own in BG, and I find it easier to do BG as a lower lvl, rather then the endgame BG. by the way +Rep for some thing cool.

  6. #6
    weekendwars's Avatar Active Member
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    The greatest twink level 1 thing eva! I made a troll twink lvl 1 and headed on over to northshire and went around dueling the newbz who didnt know any better, so after i wtf pwned them, they would be combat flagged so i could sit there and camp all day long

  7. #7
    Jeesk's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Azurrel View Post
    Hmm, very cool, but not much to do at lvl 1, that's why I like doing the hardcore twinking at lvl 19, or 29, you own in BG, and I find it easier to do BG as a lower lvl, rather then the endgame BG. by the way +Rep for some thing cool.
    Your rep power is 0, don't say +rep when you can't give rep.

  8. #8
    shadowbladex's Avatar Member
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    I personally wudnt spend that much money on a lvl 1 = /

  9. #9
    Jeesk's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by shadowbladex View Post
    I personally wudnt spend that much money on a lvl 1 = /
    So don't....?

  10. #10
    Ninesecond's Avatar Member
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    That's pretty freakin' awesome. Makes me want to go make one.

  11. #11
    shadowbladex's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Jeesk View Post
    So don't....?
    I wont and i wasnt flaming if thats what you think.
    I just dont understand why make a lvl 1 when you can make a lvl 19 or w/e and at least you can do BG's. Since thats the main reasons for twinks.

  12. #12
    Jareth123's Avatar Contributor
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    You forgot off-hand, you can get the timbermaw rep 1 which is imba cos it heals like 1k damage, +rep tomorrow if i remember (given out too much rep in 24h)

  13. #13
    Jeesk's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by shadowbladex View Post
    I wont and i wasnt flaming if thats what you think.
    I just dont understand why make a lvl 1 when you can make a lvl 19 or w/e and at least you can do BG's. Since thats the main reasons for twinks.

    1) I find it fun to duel higher levels and see them go "omgwtf" when a Level 1 beats them. I already do a shitload of BGs on my 70 and I have no interest in BGing with a twink.

    2) A Level 1 twink is actually EXTREMELY cheap to make. I actually spent pretty much nothing at all; I had mats for enchants (or my friends did) and the items are all drops, not something you buy for a ridiculous amount on the AH. All I spent was 20s to buy the Gloves off someone, because I was too lazy to farm em. The only extremely expensive stuff is the 30g libram and the epic pants enchant (required a primal nether) both of which I didn't bother with.

    Originally Posted by Jareth123 View Post
    You forgot off-hand, you can get the timbermaw rep 1 which is imba cos it heals like 1k damage, +rep tomorrow if i remember (given out too much rep in 24h)
    I didn't forget it, I just accidently listed it as a trinket instead of an offhand. It's something I couldn't be bothered getting though, too much effort

  14. #14
    Katak's Avatar Member
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    this is nice, +rep

    didnt know about half of teh stuff

  15. #15
    Jareth123's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Jeesk View Post

    I didn't forget it, I just accidently listed it as a trinket instead of an offhand. It's something I couldn't be bothered getting though, too much effort
    True, it takes too much time grinding rep while ur dead, especially if your friends cba to help you

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