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  1. #31
    drmikeyc's Avatar Member
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    priests shouldnt be grinding with PowerWord: Shield up, if you need to shield when grinding then you are doing something wrong.

    As to using smite and mind blast in rotation, i think its obvious you have never played priest, so telling people how to grind on one is absolutely useless

    Guide how to grind with all classes
  2. #32
    Vandir's Avatar Member
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    I'm going to attempt to better this, as it seems much incomplete. Just some minor corrections atm, but if I had enough time I'd go far into the talents and rotations.

    Mages are great for grinding because of their AoE effects. The specialization for a grinding mage is Frost. You should, of course, start with Mana Shield on. Then run into a group of mobs, aggroing around five or six of them. Group them together and use Frost Nova and Blink away. Now start with two Blizzards: half should be in front of them, then when Frost Nova breaks, direct the circle so about 2/3 is in front of them. Then use Cone of Cold, Frost Nova, Blink away, etc. "Of the Eagle" gear is best for this as it provides good stamina and intellect, both of which are greatly needed. Using this method you can take down 6-10 mobs in three minutes. Make sure to bring a lot of good food and drink.

    Priests want to specialize into the Shadow tree for maximum damage. You'll also want to get the 25% wand damage bonus from the Discipline tree. First of all, get a good wand (this is very important). Start off the battle from maximum range with a Smite, then a Mind Blast. Then cast Shadow Word: Pain and start using your wand. Remember to have Power Word: Fortitude up at all times.

    This class is good for grinding, because it's your minion getting hit, not you! Always use voidwalker, because it has good damage resisting abilities, it can heal itself and if you get aggro you can just use torment and the monster will attack him. Warlocks' health and mana pools are intertwined, as they have Life Tap and other such abilities to regain mana quickly. Warlocks have the lowest Spirit in the game, so make sure you get "of the Eagle" gear.

    This class is my favorite to grind with. Very fast hits. With rogues, you'll normally want to use Stealth, sneak up behind them and start with an Ambush. From there, use a Sinister Strike, then wait for your energy to reach about 80. Then use Gouge, go behind the target, and get in a Backstab. You should have enough combo points to use Eviscerate, and your target will be dead. Make sure to equip Deadly Poison or Instant Poison. I'd suggest putting Crippling Poison on your offhand if the target runs. However, your Deadly Poison could finish it off or you'd kill it before it got the chance to run.

    Druids are a somewhat hard class to learn. We constantly shift shape into different forms, which give us specific attributes. In our melee forms, Cat and Bear, we act like warriors or rogues. In caster forms, Moonkin or your default form, we act as spell casters or healers. The best spec for grinding is Feral. In this you'll find talents to maximize your DPS in Cat form and tanking abilities in Bear form. A vital talent is Heart of the Wild, which gives +20% intellect in caster form, +20% stamina in bear form, and +10% damage in Cat form. You'll want to start off the battle in Cat, Prowling. Then use Pounce, and use Shred (you should have enough time to get two off, which does more damage than Ravage). From there use Rake, and one Claw. Then use Ferocious Bite if the target is below 30%, otherwise use Rip and continue to Claw or Mangle. Your target should die quickly, as Cat form is very fast-paced.

    As a Moonkin, however, you should start off casting Wrath, then Root your enemy. Then tap it with Moonfire, and continue to Wrath spam while re-applying Moonfire if needed.

    If you're a shaman, the fastest way to level is to choose the Enhancement tree. This gives you better melee capabilities so you won't need to rely on mana as much as otherwise. You'll first apply a Lightning Shield to yourself and drop a Strength of Earth totem and a Searing Totem. Then pull the mob with Earth Shock and use that every time the cooldown is up. Otherwise, auto-attack. Remember to use Flametongue if the weapon is a slow one, such as a heavy axe or mace. If it is below 2.2, however, use Rockbiter.

    To maximize DPS, the best specs are arguably Beast Mastery or Marksmanship. I prefer Beast Mastery due to its good DPS and pet buffs. Start off with Aspect of the Hawk (or Aspect of the Viper if you tap out of mana often). Put a Mark on the target, then send your pet in and Serpent Sting. Follow up that with an Arcane Shot, and turn on auto-shoot.

    If you're specced for it, use a Multi-shot, then Feign Death. When your pet has aggro, use Aimed Shot. Follow up with Serpent Sting, Arcane Shot, and then turn on auto-shoot. This will take a lot of mana out of you and can only be used by Marksman hunters.

    I like this class to grind, actually i love it. Always use consectration, before starting a battle, have devotion aura on and use seal of the crusader, before starting the fight.

    The best talent tree for grinding with a warrior is arguably Fury or Arms, although Arms is more common. Start off in Berserker Stance, then Charge the enemy. Use Intimidating Shout, then Heroic Strike. Continue using Heroic Strike until the enemy is at one fifth of its health, at which point you should use Execute.

  3. #33
    irru's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Vandir View Post

    This class is good for grinding, because it's your minion getting hit, not you! Always use voidwalker, because it has good damage resisting abilities, it can heal itself and if you get aggro you can just use torment and the monster will attack him. Warlocks' health and mana pools are intertwined, as they have Life Tap and other such abilities to regain mana quickly. Warlocks have the lowest Spirit in the game, so make sure you get "of the Eagle" gear.


    You obviously never played a warlock. If you are going to grind with a warlock, specc affliction, get imp out. Don't even bother with Voidwalker. It will loose aggro after 1 shadowbolt anyways.

    Warlock Grind guide by Irru:
    - Specc affliction
    - Get imp out
    - Stack stamina/spell damage.
    - Dot up a mob. Fear it. Dot up next mob. When first one is dead. Dot up next, fear it. If you ever go low on mana, use dark pact. If you go low on life, just life drain.
    - WIN

  4. #34
    Vandir's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by irru View Post

    You obviously never played a warlock. If you are going to grind with a warlock, specc affliction, get imp out. Don't even bother with Voidwalker. It will loose aggro after 1 shadowbolt anyways.

    Warlock Grind guide by Irru:
    - Specc affliction
    - Get imp out
    - Stack stamina/spell damage.
    - Dot up a mob. Fear it. Dot up next mob. When first one is dead. Dot up next, fear it. If you ever go low on mana, use dark pact. If you go low on life, just life drain.
    - WIN
    But the Voidwalker is very good at keeping aggro for your Warlock, and it's s shield not just alive, but after death too. You can DoT and wand/ShadowBolt something to death easily with a warlock. And the walker won't lose aggro if it has Torment up at all times. I personally do this because the VW hits like Martha Stewart. -_-

  5. #35
    terradragon's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Vandir View Post
    I'm going to attempt to better this, as it seems much incomplete. Just some minor corrections atm, but if I had enough time I'd go far into the talents and rotations.

    Mages are great for grinding because of their AoE effects. The specialization for a grinding mage is Frost. You should, of course, start with Mana Shield on. Then run into a group of mobs, aggroing around five or six of them. Group them together and use Frost Nova and Blink away. Now start with two Blizzards: half should be in front of them, then when Frost Nova breaks, direct the circle so about 2/3 is in front of them. Then use Cone of Cold, Frost Nova, Blink away, etc. "Of the Eagle" gear is best for this as it provides good stamina and intellect, both of which are greatly needed. Using this method you can take down 6-10 mobs in three minutes. Make sure to bring a lot of good food and drink.

    Priests want to specialize into the Shadow tree for maximum damage. You'll also want to get the 25% wand damage bonus from the Discipline tree. First of all, get a good wand (this is very important). Start off the battle from maximum range with a Smite, then a Mind Blast. Then cast Shadow Word: Pain and start using your wand. Remember to have Power Word: Fortitude up at all times.

    This class is good for grinding, because it's your minion getting hit, not you! Always use voidwalker, because it has good damage resisting abilities, it can heal itself and if you get aggro you can just use torment and the monster will attack him. Warlocks' health and mana pools are intertwined, as they have Life Tap and other such abilities to regain mana quickly. Warlocks have the lowest Spirit in the game, so make sure you get "of the Eagle" gear.

    This class is my favorite to grind with. Very fast hits. With rogues, you'll normally want to use Stealth, sneak up behind them and start with an Ambush. From there, use a Sinister Strike, then wait for your energy to reach about 80. Then use Gouge, go behind the target, and get in a Backstab. You should have enough combo points to use Eviscerate, and your target will be dead. Make sure to equip Deadly Poison or Instant Poison. I'd suggest putting Crippling Poison on your offhand if the target runs. However, your Deadly Poison could finish it off or you'd kill it before it got the chance to run.

    Druids are a somewhat hard class to learn. We constantly shift shape into different forms, which give us specific attributes. In our melee forms, Cat and Bear, we act like warriors or rogues. In caster forms, Moonkin or your default form, we act as spell casters or healers. The best spec for grinding is Feral. In this you'll find talents to maximize your DPS in Cat form and tanking abilities in Bear form. A vital talent is Heart of the Wild, which gives +20% intellect in caster form, +20% stamina in bear form, and +10% damage in Cat form. You'll want to start off the battle in Cat, Prowling. Then use Pounce, and use Shred (you should have enough time to get two off, which does more damage than Ravage). From there use Rake, and one Claw. Then use Ferocious Bite if the target is below 30%, otherwise use Rip and continue to Claw or Mangle. Your target should die quickly, as Cat form is very fast-paced.

    As a Moonkin, however, you should start off casting Wrath, then Root your enemy. Then tap it with Moonfire, and continue to Wrath spam while re-applying Moonfire if needed.

    If you're a shaman, the fastest way to level is to choose the Enhancement tree. This gives you better melee capabilities so you won't need to rely on mana as much as otherwise. You'll first apply a Lightning Shield to yourself and drop a Strength of Earth totem and a Searing Totem. Then pull the mob with Earth Shock and use that every time the cooldown is up. Otherwise, auto-attack. Remember to use Flametongue if the weapon is a slow one, such as a heavy axe or mace. If it is below 2.2, however, use Rockbiter.

    To maximize DPS, the best specs are arguably Beast Mastery or Marksmanship. I prefer Beast Mastery due to its good DPS and pet buffs. Start off with Aspect of the Hawk (or Aspect of the Viper if you tap out of mana often). Put a Mark on the target, then send your pet in and Serpent Sting. Follow up that with an Arcane Shot, and turn on auto-shoot.

    If you're specced for it, use a Multi-shot, then Feign Death. When your pet has aggro, use Aimed Shot. Follow up with Serpent Sting, Arcane Shot, and then turn on auto-shoot. This will take a lot of mana out of you and can only be used by Marksman hunters.

    I like this class to grind, actually i love it. Always use consectration, before starting a battle, have devotion aura on and use seal of the crusader, before starting the fight.

    The best talent tree for grinding with a warrior is arguably Fury or Arms, although Arms is more common. Start off in Berserker Stance, then Charge the enemy. Use Intimidating Shout, then Heroic Strike. Continue using Heroic Strike until the enemy is at one fifth of its health, at which point you should use Execute.

    :O mind if I put this text in a substitute for the one in the original? This one is awesome.

  6. #36
    Vandir's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by terradragon View Post
    :O mind if I put this text in a substitute for the one in the original? This one is awesome.
    Don't mind at all, just please give me credit for it. I might make another thread and copy + paste that post into it so I can get rep though. I'm still a leecher, unfortunately, even though I've contributed before. Really annoying, let me tell you.
    Last edited by Vandir; 04-27-2008 at 04:48 PM.

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