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  1. #1
    CryptoCombat's Avatar Contributor #define ME 0x1337 CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Gamemaster tell autoquit

    I was browsing other threads, and I realized that with alot of these exploits and especially bots and proggys, i'd want to instantly vanish if a GM decided to /tell me.

    My solution, therefore, was a "tripwire" that would instantly quit wow if a GM tried talking to me.

    All GM's have to start their conversation with you by using a set template, which happens to include the word "Gamemaster"

    For example:

    "Hello, *playername*, this is Gamemaster *gm name*, and I was wondering if you had a moment to discuss..."

    As a safeguard for my botting, I always make sure to type this in before leaving my computer:

    /run AGM = { } AG = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent) AG:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_WHISPER") AG:SetScript("OnEvent", function (_,e) AGM[e]() end) function AGM.CHAT_MSG_WHISPER() if strfind(strlower(arg1),"gamemaster")~=nil then ForceQuit() end end;
    /run AGS = { } AS = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent) AS:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_WHISPER") AS:SetScript("OnEvent", function (_,e) AGS[e]() end) function AGS.CHAT_MSG_WHISPER() if strfind(strlower(arg1),"game master")~=nil then ForceQuit() end end;
    This autoquits the game ASAP, if any message is sent to me with the word "Gamemaster" in it, regardless of position in message, or case. Also good if a player is threatening to report you. While this will not 100% prevent a ban, it will keep them from watching you if you dont answer a GM tell, which could save you.

    Just thought I'd share. Got the idea from the "How to ruin your friend's wow in 15 seconds" thread.
    Last edited by CryptoCombat; 09-20-2009 at 01:59 AM. Reason: Improvements to code

    Gamemaster tell autoquit
  2. #2
    DC Gaming's Avatar Banned
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    It wont change much and who says you have to be online to get banned ?

  3. #3
    AzureKaitou's Avatar Site Donator
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    It's actually not a bad idea. I've heard of GMs who will contact them and if there is no response they'll watch the player to see if it's a botting mechanism or pattern. This wouldn't assure that you're completely safe, but it'd be good if you needed to stop ASAP and you were AFK. +rep for creativity.

  4. #4
    Maisteri's Avatar That spoiler guy
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    Then you tell your friend you have this and..

  5. #5
    Castseven's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by AzureKaitou View Post
    It's actually not a bad idea. I've heard of GMs who will contact them and if there is no response they'll watch the player to see if it's a botting mechanism or pattern. This wouldn't assure that you're completely safe, but it'd be good if you needed to stop ASAP and you were AFK. +rep for creativity.
    They'll watch you before they contact you. If they're going to ban you they generally know they're going to do it before contacting you. They don't contact you to "talk it over" so much as "politely" tell you they're doing it.

    Force quitting will cause you to linger in the game world for a minute or two making you appear AFK until you time out, so if you're trying to avoid appearing like a bot, you won't.

    Furthermore, if they've come to punish you, logging out / quitting will NOT stop them.

  6. #6
    Jadd's Avatar 🐸 Premium Seller
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    I disagree with everyone. At least using this will decrease the chance of getting banned, even though it will only lower it by a bit it all adds up.

  7. #7
    Confidence's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Castseven View Post
    They'll watch you before they contact you. If they're going to ban you they generally know they're going to do it before contacting you. They don't contact you to "talk it over" so much as "politely" tell you they're doing it.

    Force quitting will cause you to linger in the game world for a minute or two making you appear AFK until you time out, so if you're trying to avoid appearing like a bot, you won't.

    Furthermore, if they've come to punish you, logging out / quitting will NOT stop them.
    What if they've come to chat with you about something completely different, and because you're not responding, it causes suspicion - so they check your character to find that you're fishing, but not responding to such a high priority conversation, surely more important than catching a few fish.

    However, if you were to log off, they might email you with regards to whatever it is they wanted to talk to you about.

    Now if they've come to ban you for botting, they'll get you whether you log off or not, but if it's something totally irrelevant, than you just might be safe.

    @OP - Can the GMs see that you have a forcequit on for keyword "gamemaster"? If so, that alone may cause suspicion. Otherwise, this is really great, so I will +Rep.

  8. #8
    pqs's Avatar Contributor
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    Best suggestion is setup a bot/script that will email u or at least play a loud noise if u are nearby. I would not rely on this, as people have said, quitting while a GM is talking to you will not work in your favor. Although I was once whispered by a GM late at night botting at like 2 am before servers went down because I had made a ticket previously that still hadn't been answered >.<

    The next morning I just went on wow forums saying "shit, a gm /w me and I didn't respond cuz it was my brothers 'shift' on my account" and they got distracted by ranting about wether its forbidden or not to share accounts.

    ANYWAY, I'm ranting on, but the point is don't bot unless you are nearby or monitoring it somehow.

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