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    Loveshock's Avatar Whip it whip it real hard
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    Idea on how to get account info on a scammed account changed to yours

    I just had to call Blizz's billing & account support today (waited f*ckin 43 minutes to talk to someone) because one of my accounts had the pw changed to one of those long, random ones. I had bought the account from a guy at my school who had originally scammed it from someone else & he never changed the email to mine. The only info I had was the Account Name, First & Last name on the account, and the SQ/A. I didn't think I was ever going to get it back, but what I said to the Representative over the phone actually worked.

    After the call, I thought I could turn what I said into a guide on how to change the info on an account that you scammed, if you only have limited information like I did. This is what you should do:

    1. Have at least these key pieces of information about the victim's account: Account Name, First & Last name on the account, and the SQ/A

    2. Call up Blizz Support: 1-(800)-592-5499. Their hours are 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Pacific time

    3. After waiting forever and having to listen to the choppy, poor-quality music they make you listen to while on hold, a representative will talk to you.

    4. This is what you will say

    Representative: Hi, may I have your phone number please?
    You: <Give phone number>
    Representative: May I have your first & last name too please?
    You: <First name> <Last name> (You might want to give the same last name as the one on the account to make it more believable)
    Representative: What can I help you with today?
    You: Well I'm having a problem getting into my account, I think the password was somehow changed. So I was wondering if you could change the information for me. You see, my brother gave me this account before he went to Iraq to fight in the war because he is a Marine, but he only gave me the account name and password. (Now you're probably thinking, why say this? The reason for doing so is because usually if you want the information changed on the account, they'll want to speak to the original owner. Obviously if your "brother is in Iraq," there is no way they can speak to him. Not to mention, they might go a little easier on you too.)

    Note: This next part is what the guy I was talking to said to me. When you call, chances are they might ask for different/more information. At the end of this post, I will tell you what to say if they ask for different/more information on the account

    Representative: I'm sorry to hear this, what is the account log in name?
    You: <Give account name>
    Representative: What is the name on the account?
    You: <Give 1st and last name>. The only other thing I have for the account is the SQ/A. Would you like me to tell you that?
    Representative: Yes please.
    You: Ok, the SQ is <Secret Question>, and the answer is <Answer>
    Representative: Ok, one moment please...
    You: Alright
    Representative: What is the email & password you would like to have for the account?
    You: For the email, <email here>, and for the password, <password here>
    Representative: Ok the email on the account has been changed to <email you gave>, and the password has been changed to <password you gave>.
    You: Ah thank you very much.
    Representative: Is there anything else you need help with today?
    You: Nope, that was all. Thanks again, bye
    Representative: Bye.

    5. Great Success! :biggthumpup: You got the info changed. Enjoy your new account.

    Questions you might have about this idea:

    1. What if the Representative asks me for the CD key/phone number/address on the account?
    -If they ask for the CD key, tell them your brother threw it away because he figured that it wouldn't be needed again after he made the account.
    -If they ask for the phone number, say the account was created at the time your brother moved into his apartment and he must have used the phone number from there when he made the account, & you only know his cell number, not his apartment's number.
    -If they ask for the address, use the apartment excuse; say you have never known the address/P.O. Box of his apartment.

    If the Representative let's it slide, good job, you're successful. If he/she says he/she can't change the account because you don't have either the CD key/phone number/address, tell him/her you really can't do anything about it right now since your brother is in Iraq & there's really no way to contact him. If the Rep still says "no," then screw him/her, hang up, and call again since you will probably get a different person.

    2. What if the Representative asks to speak to the Original Owner of the account?
    Yes, believe it or not, they might actually ask you this, even though you already explained to them that your brother, who is the OO, is fighting in Iraq right now. Tell the Rep there is nothing you can do, since there isn't a way to contact him.

    3. Why don't I just pretend to be the Original Owner of the account?
    The reason why you shouldn't pretend to be the Original Owner of the account, is because it will be extremely harder to have the info changed. The Rep will expect you to have most, if not all the information that's on the account. This includes: SQ/A, 1st and last name on the account, account name, phone number, address, email. If you happened to have acquired all that info however, then by all means, pretend to be the OO. If you only have a few pieces of the account info, like I did, then I suggest you follow my guide.

    4. Will this work 100% of the time?
    Although I was 1 for 1 trying this, chances are this will not work every time. If you're talking to someone who just won't give in, then hang up, call back again, & you'll more than likely get a totally different person to talk to. You might want to even call back on a different phone. If you do have Skype Unlimited, I suggest you use that instead of a cell phone or a landline.

    Please post any other questions you may have, and I will do my best to answer them as well as I can. Good luck to you all.

    Idea on how to get account info on a scammed account changed to yours
  2. #2
    Poofy's Avatar Banned
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    Re: Idea on how to get account info on a scammed account changed to yours

    Awesome if it works!

    -I'm the one that talked to you on myspace haha.

  3. #3
    Memphiz's Avatar Banned
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    Re: Idea on how to get account info on a scammed account changed to yours

    wont work, sorry. for no reason will blizzard change a name on the account, let alone information if your not the name you say you are. good work on the thread, nice presentation and idea, just wont work. sorry =/ if they cant talk to the OO, they wont talk at all with anything regarding the account in question.

  4. #4
    Loveshock's Avatar Whip it whip it real hard
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    Re: Idea on how to get account info on a scammed account changed to yours

    Originally Posted by Memphiz View Post
    wont work, sorry. for no reason will blizzard change a name on the account, let alone information if your not the name you say you are. good work on the thread, nice presentation and idea, just wont work. sorry =/ if they cant talk to the OO, they wont talk at all with anything regarding the account in question.
    No no no, I didn't make this for them to change the name on the account, the point of this is for them to change the email and password to what you want. Yeah I know they will never change the name on the account unless they talk to the OO. You must have misunderstood what I wrote, either that, or I wasn't clear enough in the title...

    Well anyways, all in all, this is just for getting the email changed to yours.

  5. #5
    qwertymana's Avatar Banned
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    Re: Idea on how to get account info on a scammed account changed to yours

    good ideas will + rep when i can

  6. #6
    Jayba's Avatar Member
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    Re: Idea on how to get account info on a scammed account changed to yours

    I dont know how this can work unless blizz overlooks the phone number you give them... On the account I scammed the phone number is hidden. What if you give them a different number wont they be suspicious (Spelling)?

  7. #7
    mochiiazn's Avatar Member
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    Re: Idea on how to get account info on a scammed account changed to yours

    Nice try. But sorry to burst your idea... But Blizzard is now weary of people using their "brother" or "father" as excuses for not having the account information right away. They now pressure you to call only if you're the account owner. And they may "flag" you as a suspicious account after you make a call about lost pw and account info, missing info retrieval, or anything they may suspect as out of the ordinary that you can't fix via the online Account Management, depending on how well your conversation with the representative went through.

    Scamming is harder now that Blizz is chopping down on our throats and monitoring everything in-game transaction, conversation, etc.

    So if you plan to call Blizzard and you're not the original owner of the account, or have a scammed account, either just suck up and say you're the original owner and hope for the best... or dont call at all. That's like waving to them to check on you or flag you for a possible suspicious violation.

    It's just common sense that you dont stir up more trouble your way when you already have a scammed account. Just be happy you got a scammed acct in the first place.
    Last edited by mochiiazn; 10-19-2007 at 10:39 AM.

  8. #8
    yoyoyo's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Idea on how to get account info on a scammed account changed to yours

    Last edited by yoyoyo; 06-14-2013 at 09:07 PM.

  9. #9
    Eliteplague's Avatar Master Sergeant
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    Re: Idea on how to get account info on a scammed account changed to yours

    Nice this might work to get my old account back.

  10. #10
    Loveshock's Avatar Whip it whip it real hard
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    Re: Idea on how to get account info on a scammed account changed to yours

    Originally Posted by Eliteplague View Post
    Nice this might work to get my old account back.
    Go ahead and give it a try on Monday then and see how it goes. Best of luck to you

  11. #11
    Kyiz's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Idea on how to get account info on a scammed account changed to yours

    I'm going to try this later on the account i sold back in the day, which was a Tuesday. I have all the info but CD KEY = (

  12. #12
    m0rbidang3l's Avatar Contributor
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    Re: Idea on how to get account info on a scammed account changed to yours

    Actually, wouldn't it be against TOS to use your brothers account (account sharing?) It says only a parent and minor child may share accounts. So maybe tell them it's your dad's account and you're at your grandma's house and you don't know info.

  13. #13
    Kyiz's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Idea on how to get account info on a scammed account changed to yours

    Originally Posted by m0rbidang3l View Post
    Actually, wouldn't it be against TOS to use your brothers account (account sharing?) It says only a parent and minor child may share accounts. So maybe tell them it's your dad's account and you're at your grandma's house and you don't know info.
    If you read the ToS or the other agreements, it says some thing on the lines of "If you have a sibling, they are allowed to use the account."

    p.s. if it seemed like i was making you look dumb, i wasn't trying to

  14. #14
    Loveshock's Avatar Whip it whip it real hard
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    Re: Idea on how to get account info on a scammed account changed to yours

    Originally Posted by m0rbidang3l View Post
    Actually, wouldn't it be against TOS to use your brothers account (account sharing?) It says only a parent and minor child may share accounts. So maybe tell them it's your dad's account and you're at your grandma's house and you don't know info.
    Yeah I'm sure saying it's your parent's would work too. But is it against the TOS if you are given the account by your brother? Because technically the account isn't being shared

  15. #15
    m0rbidang3l's Avatar Contributor
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    Re: Idea on how to get account info on a scammed account changed to yours

    Originally Posted by Loveshock View Post
    Yeah I'm sure saying it's your parent's would work too. But is it against the TOS if you are given the account by your brother? Because technically the account isn't being shared
    selling or gifting accounts is also against tos

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