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  1. #106
    Blizzhaxer's Avatar Active Member
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    You mean I have to start paying for WoW again? :P

    Do agree tho help for helping the, umm, less knowing of what is fake people? Or what ever an easy way of saying stupid people is.
    Exploration: To go where the Game designer thinks you don't know about!

    NEW RULES for scam section 19th september 2009
  2. #107
    Viper23rd's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by ryanyoyo View Post
    A man owns a house. He loves that house. For the last two years he let hundreds of thousands of killers stay in his house and plan and scheme on how to kill people. One day he wakes up and says "I never supported killing" A lot of killers are like "WTF"

    A man owns a website. He loves that website. For the last two years he let hundreds of thousands of scammers stay in his forums and plan and scheme on how to scam people. One day he wakes up and says "I never supported scamming" A lot of scammers are like "WTF"

    See how retarded this whole thing is?

    Why step up now?

    Moral of this story; you let this shit go on for years, everyone already knows mmowed as being full of "f*cking low life scammers," enforcing this won't change their opinion, and it will hurt your site/our scamming knowledge.

    If this section becomes a "HOW TO NOT GET SCAMMED!" HOW TO NOT GET CAUGHT IN A PHISHER!" "HOW TO NOT GET KEYLOGGED!", I guarantee this section will become one of the most inactive boards on your site.

    What I see truly happening though is people will start to make posts like;

    "How to not get Phished!"
    If you see a phiser that looks like this *Pic* don't put your info into it. I made this phisher to show you guys what phishers look like, and how they work. Here is a download for this phisher so you can studdy it so you will never get phished! Rep please if this helped

    1st reply: "DON'T ASK FOR REP! Nice phisher though. Could you add something to it though that is like "God mode" or something, might be more believable. "

    Moral of this story, shit doesn't change. Scams will continue. And you will sleep sound at night knowing that you are actually making a difference. Even though all you did was make it harder for us.

    And goodbye people, I can see me getting banned for this post, and I probably won't be coming back because I like to scam. I do not feel bad for what I do and I am going to continue what I do. I obviously have no morals and this forum will do me no good anymore since I can't do what this forum was made to help us with, SCAMMING.

    Your attempt at saving your name and a couple of bads accs shit has to end if you want to be anything besides another bad forum

    /end rant
    TL;DR Dumb shit is happening
    I approve of this post.

  3. #108
    join's Avatar Member
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    but but but.... oh man , i jsut finished of my phiser site! god dammit!

  4. #109
    theomi's Avatar Member
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    Why is it that if you never condoned scamming as a website you had a account give away section?
    Im just curious here...

  5. #110
    Fap's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by ryanyoyo View Post
    A man owns a house. He loves that house. For the last two years he let hundreds of thousands of killers stay in his house and plan and scheme on how to kill people. One day he wakes up and says "I never supported killing" A lot of killers are like "WTF"

    A man owns a website. He loves that website. For the last two years he let hundreds of thousands of scammers stay in his forums and plan and scheme on how to scam people. One day he wakes up and says "I never supported scamming" A lot of scammers are like "WTF"

    See how retarded this whole thing is?

    Why step up now?

    Moral of this story; you let this shit go on for years, everyone already knows mmowed as being full of "f*cking low life scammers," enforcing this won't change their opinion, and it will hurt your site/our scamming knowledge.

    If this section becomes a "HOW TO NOT GET SCAMMED!" HOW TO NOT GET CAUGHT IN A PHISHER!" "HOW TO NOT GET KEYLOGGED!", I guarantee this section will become one of the most inactive boards on your site.

    What I see truly happening though is people will start to make posts like;

    "How to not get Phished!"
    If you see a phiser that looks like this *Pic* don't put your info into it. I made this phisher to show you guys what phishers look like, and how they work. Here is a download for this phisher so you can studdy it so you will never get phished! Rep please if this helped

    1st reply: "DON'T ASK FOR REP! Nice phisher though. Could you add something to it though that is like "God mode" or something, might be more believable. "

    Moral of this story, shit doesn't change. Scams will continue. And you will sleep sound at night knowing that you are actually making a difference. Even though all you did was make it harder for us.

    And goodbye people, I can see me getting banned for this post, and I probably won't be coming back because I like to scam. I do not feel bad for what I do and I am going to continue what I do. I obviously have no morals and this forum will do me no good anymore since I can't do what this forum was made to help us with, SCAMMING.

    Your attempt at saving your name and a couple of bads accs shit has to end if you want to be anything besides another bad forum

    /end rant
    TL;DR Dumb shit is happening

    Well, i don't even see a point of renewing my donor when the subscription ends. This site became pretty useless now, this section used to be great.

  6. #111
    [T]orus[B]east's Avatar Banned
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    So basically the name of this section to now be "scam prevention". It's no longer a section to list scams and how to do them. It's a section to list how not to be caught by them.

    Yeah these new rules... Can't say I like them.

    Kurios you may not have been a supporter of scamming for the past X amount of years. But the fact that you ALLOWED a section like this to grow to the popularity that it grew to and even had an account(s) giveaway section for the sole purpose of people unloading the 100s of accounts they got from scamming shows that you had no moral conflict with it. But now all of a sudden out of the blue you're going to enforce these new rules like you have this conscience or something. If turning a blind eye worked so well the past 2 years, I really don't get what your deal is now.

    this has nothing to do with steve this has to do with none of the staff liking scamming or scammers
    Ok I understand that. But um I really really hate child molesters. If one moved in next door to me I wouldn't allow them or me to stay there for 2 years. Either IT would move or I would move. I wouldn't stick around something I disagree so strongly with. But I guess you know as well as most of us do. The scamming section is what prompted a lot of people to donate to the site so it generated a good amount of your revenue from THIS site. Now that you have the subscriptions you feel ok with it's ok to get all righteous about it by saying you and staff NEVER liked it? *claps* Bravo sir. Bra-****ing-O. One could call you a hypocrite for allowing it to go on for 2 years. Just saying.
    Last edited by [T]orus[B]east; 11-19-2009 at 10:21 PM.

  7. #112
    andykh's Avatar Contributor
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    I agree 100% with TorusBeast, but unfortunatly I've only seen a few people share that point of view
    Last edited by andykh; 11-19-2009 at 10:35 PM.

  8. #113
    Remus's Avatar Banned

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    1) using "just saying" as an excuse to get out of the consequences isn't smart, as it is flawed.
    Yes you are just saying, obviously you view it as a free pass to say whatever you want and get out of it on a false clause.

    2) Who cares the medium and length to get the changes in... IT IS DONE; Finally, Good, and yes.. I'm glad it is done. Coulda been done sooner but atleast it IS done.

    2 a)yes repeating is fun but so is driving the point home and this is only a rebuttal against you actually saying it in the bawx.

    3) In response to the others... show a link AFTER the date of the changes;

    if there is one it was missed in the users reporting it. Go make one now and see how long it stays up when a mod is on who can do anything about it.

    4)Again be happy that the section was changed and just because you came here for Scamming only or bloodymindedness viewing the site as full of scammers. Then that is your own damn fault for not opening your eyes to every other section on these forums.

    5)There are other sections or did you not know that?

  9. #114
    [T]orus[B]east's Avatar Banned
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    Originally Posted by -Vaporized- View Post
    1) using "just saying" as an excuse to get out of the consequences isn't smart, as it is flawed.
    Yes you are just saying, obviously you view it as a free pass to say whatever you want and get out of it on a false clause.

    2) Who cares the medium and length to get the changes in... IT IS DONE; Finally, Good, and yes.. I'm glad it is done. Coulda been done sooner but atleast it IS done.

    2 a)yes repeating is fun but so is driving the point home and this is only a rebuttal against you actually saying it in the bawx.

    3) In response to the others... show a link AFTER the date of the changes;

    if there is one it was missed in the users reporting it. Go make one now and see how long it stays up when a mod is on who can do anything about it.

    4)Again be happy that the section was changed and just because you came here for Scamming only or bloodymindedness viewing the site as full of scammers. Then that is your own damn fault for not opening your eyes to every other section on these forums.

    5)There are other sections or did you not know that?
    All I have to say about your #1 is. who said I was using it as an excuse to get out of anything? Everyone else is sharing their thoughts about this, that is all I am doing. If the staff wants to punish me they will and I know that. No amount of excuses or talking will get me out of it.

    I used Just saying as a closer more then anything. Sorry if you took it as an excuse to dodge judgement of some sort. :P

    And saying I dislike hypocricy in the bawx is not directly reffering to this thread. You sure like to make connections that aren't there it seems. If you were being a hypocrite about something I would say you were pissing me off. Just cause I mentioned my dislike of hypocrites in the bawx after posting a reply to this thread does not in anyway connect the 2 other then I was thinking about hypocricy when I went to the bawx. However I did not mention this thread in there. So let's not make connections if you can't make them correctly please.
    Last edited by [T]orus[B]east; 11-19-2009 at 10:51 PM.

  10. #115
    Remus's Avatar Banned

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    yet your last post that is directly in reference to it... was this one. and to push it some more you were directing the above commentary at the admins, so your stating in the bawx you hate hypocritical people. it is called common sense dude..

    anyone at that time could tell the exact terminology in relation to the most recent post you made centered around it and you went to the bawx and stated it again.

    So yes my assumptions to your statement... led me here by reviewing your latest posts at that time. case closed. quit your bitchin.

  11. #116
    [T]orus[B]east's Avatar Banned
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    Originally Posted by -Vaporized- View Post
    yet your last post that is directly in reference to it... was this one. and to push it some more you were directing the above commentary at the admins, so your stating in the bawx you hate hypocritical people. it is called common sense dude..

    anyone at that time could tell the exact terminology in relation to the most recent post you made centered around it and you went to the bawx and stated it again.

    So yes my assumptions to your statement... led me here by reviewing your latest posts at that time. case closed. quit your bitchin.
    Wow, I read what you said. Thought about it, and came to the conclusion even if my bawx comment was about my post. I'm not sure it really matters. According to what you're saying I can't have my own thoughts about a change made by the admins or voice that said view. Instead I should sit quietly by and take it?

    Look I really don't know who you are, furthermore i'm thinking I don't give a crap either. If you want to sit there and try to claim I violated some major rule simply by expressing my feelings on a situation directly or indirectly targeted at one or multiple admins, then please report me. If you're not going to do that. Shut up. I really really can't stand your shit any longer. I'm not going to agree with your care bear anti-scamming soft hearted views so you're only wasting your time. Furthermore I will not agree with everything the admins do on this site despite the fact they are the admins. I am not obligated to kiss their ass(es).

    So now this "case" as you called it is closed. If you want to be a nit picky bleeding heart ass wad that's you're choice. Just keep it away from me.
    Last edited by [T]orus[B]east; 11-20-2009 at 02:14 AM.

  12. #117
    JD's Avatar Fedora Potato Johnson V
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    Originally Posted by torus
    Kurios you may not have been a supporter of scamming for the past X amount of years. But the fact that you ALLOWED a section like this to grow to the popularity that it grew to and even had an account(s) giveaway section for the sole purpose of people unloading the 100s of accounts they got from scamming shows that you had no moral conflict with it. But now all of a sudden out of the blue you're going to enforce these new rules like you have this conscience or something. If turning a blind eye worked so well the past 2 years, I really don't get what your deal is now.
    That's complete bullshit... Are you even listening to yourself?

    The MMOwned Scamming section has been here for ages. Yes, the admins accepted it to be there but you know as well as I do that most of them hate scamming and scammers. I've seen KuR call them all kinds of things in the past. However, the scamming section attracts people which is something the admins need to make money. This has turned it self against MMOwned now. People are looking at MMOwned like little scamming ****s. That's not something you'd want with your website is it? Now, stacking the fact that most of the staff doesn't like scamming and the fact that the site won't go forward if it stays there's only one thing you can do. Change it to work as a prevention system. Smart eh? I think so aswell. You can still scam. Just don't post it on MMOwned when you do.

  13. #118
    Henessy's Avatar Contributor
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    vaporized i think joo just got owned

  14. #119
    Remus's Avatar Banned

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    No because he really doesn't know who he was speaking to. Name changes are a miraculous feature.

    No you don't have free speech here and your complaining without looking at the direct reasoning and mr leet scammer, ever been in MSA, ESA, any variant of the leading scam group before its removal or after the dissolution of MSA and the house cleaning that ensued? Having an MSA sig pic doesn't mean shit.

    Before the markeedragon intervention, which was a nice turning point on the entire section, frankly I've never seen you at all when this area was "prosperous". Ever been to jail sonny, I have and so were a lot of the members eventually going to lead to.

    I was around before I had my threads created wiped out from this section. You haven't a damn clue because you weren't here participating and understanding the transitions this place went through. So gtfo with your "hypocrisy" and QQ scam is gone. What has been done is done and berating the Admins in a public forum is not the way to go about changes.
    And yes believe .. no it is not
    You're not obligated to kiss their asses but you are not allowed to try and cause dissonance by something that has been finalized, go qq elsewhere and complain to your friends.

    [edit in: and yes I AM saying that you are targeting admins and the decisions they made, you haven't a damn clue what was going on]

    "care bear anti-scamming soft hearted" sure thing boss..
    I swear I wasn't in that group up above, much less the leader after some time. /end sarcasm
    Last edited by Remus; 11-20-2009 at 05:06 AM.

  15. #120
    KuRIoS's Avatar Admin
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    Torus :shutit: you talk like you know it all, you clearly dont... so :shutit: or

    So please shut the **** up... I get 0!!!!! percentage of the donations so take ur pathetic accusations and shove them up where the sun doesnt shine okay?

    So yeah, I may be a hypocrite, you are a pedophile and a child molester.. that is as valid an arguement.

    If you had actually Bothered to read why we made this decission and why MATT(Matt is not KuRIoS, in case u cant understand that) created the scam section then you would at least know a bit of what you are whining about.
    I know that my tone is harsh in this post but i hate it when idiots whine and come up with false facts!

    /Thread closed - Stealing section is gone from MMOwned - nothing u can do about it. specially not when u are too dumb to use the thread to discuss it in!
    Last edited by KuRIoS; 11-20-2009 at 07:12 AM.

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